The People's Choice Music - Worst Album Ever Made? Feat. Oddly Ginger

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[Music] foreign Welcome to The Worst Album ever made a show where I am on the hunt to try to find out what is the worst album ever made today everyone the powers that be have decided the wheel of Wayne has spoken it's now time for us to talk about the People's Choice music [Music] now to most people that name might not really sound very epic and grandiose but trust me it is and it has one of the coolest backstories for an album that I've ever heard so with that being said let's just get into it what is the People's Choice music before we talk about the album itself first we must talk about the two Russian artists that were born in the 1940s who had a huge part in its creation nidalee Comer and Alexander Mel element now this video is not long enough to cover all the badass things these two did together in their 36-year career as a Duo but I will give you some of the quick highlights right now some of their accolades include founding the sauce art movement that was a parody of socialist realism that mocked the Soviet Union while they were residing there they've been arrested by the Soviet Union numerous times for their art and even had KGB officers destroy their work via bulldozer they taught elephants to paint yes they did because they thought it would be better than the art that was appearing at Art Galleries at the time one thing to do and uh relevant to this video they created The People's Choice Series where the duo went to various countries and polled the citizens to see what they liked in art and what they didn't like so they could create each country's most Wanted painting and least wanted painting for example here is America's Most Wanted painting oh look at that it's pretty nice and Serene I think I see George Washington on that he was a president once and now here is the least wanted painting and look at that one looks like it was made by a schizophrenic kindergartner who's being chased by a ghost I kind of like it the idea in itself is very interesting putting a whole bunch of data and just spitting out the results in a way it's almost like human-made AI art and it's very interesting and so interesting in fact that the duo decided to move away from one art form to another and see how this would work in the realm of music not being as well traversed in the world of music as they are art the duo decided to bring in a composer by the name of Dave Soldier to take on the challenge of putting all of this data together in the year of Our Lord 1995 500 people were surveyed about what they wanted to hear and not hear in their music with questions based off four different categories uh instruments form function and singing and come to think of it 500 people is not a lot of people really when you think about the effort they're putting into this project I mean for perspective there's currently eight thousand people who follow this Channel right now imagine how different the results would be if they surveyed all of us the Most Wanted music it only has two songs in its listing which is the most Wanted song and the most unwanted song and we're going to talk about the Most Wanted song first Hey Garrett have you seen now I find that the weirdest bits of Music should always be enjoyed with a friend which is exactly why I decided to ask the talents of singer slash songwriter oddly Ginger to join me in today's episode as today's guest listener so you know music you make music correct yes I think you're a good person to determine uh at least what you like and dislike of a song so I'm going to ask you this question what are your some of your favorite aspects of a song if you wanted to hear a song just out of nowhere what would you want to see from it I like to be captured within the first five to ten seconds of a song If I don't like it within that quick of a period of time I'm skipping it but I really enjoy like uniqueness in a song I'm a sucker for a funky bass line too um I like things that are slightly manufactured but not like overly manufactured like you know not a um industry plant or something like that you know somebody who clearly doesn't make their own music yeah those those are just a couple of things that I really enjoy in in music out of uh the instruments you would want to hear in a in a song what instruments would you want to hear specifically I love like piano strings guitar um I like a little bit of like real drums but there's something about like samples that I really enjoy too I don't know I just I like uniqueness whenever people use an instrument in a way that it's not really supposed to be used I think that's always really fun so would you prefer to hear the bagpipes in a song oh God no no I think the bagpipe is like my favorite instrument yeah I would not want to hear a bagpipe anything that's like way too loud that it you know it doesn't need to be that loud but it is I can't I can't do that okay all jokes aside what's the song like well it's not that bad it's just the most mid-90s song to ever mid-90s in the history of mid 90s it is exactly what you think it is [Music] it's an R B love song featuring A Soulful woman vocal and a grisly sounding male vocal with you know hints of rock just sprinkled throughout the mix baby she Ila breakage time it heavily features saxophone guitar and drums and at the end it finishes off with a powerful synthwith to really get you get you pumped before the closer [Music] I don't really need to play you any clips of this song I mean I'm gonna I already have but I don't really need to because you probably already have a perfect Recreation already in your head it does exactly what you expect which makes sense you know why because that's what the people asked for they wanted to hear exactly what was popular at the time so they gave a recreation of what's popular at that time and when you do that uh all you're going to get is something that is generic and dated [Music] foreign [Music] however in a way it's kind of cool I mean it's almost like a time capsule of what we thought was popular in the 90s and it makes me wish we continued this trend to modern day like every 10 years or so because it makes you see exactly what people wanted in popular music in a very strange and very intimate way it's very neat just for a sec imagine if one of these came out in 2015 imagine the gundam style influence you'll have Psy Taylor Swift Harlem Shake what does the fox say Epic Rap Battles History it would suck but I want to hear it I very much want to hear it I mean honestly like there's a lot of elements that are in this song that are still pretty popular and use it today like as far as the production goes like a lot of songs nowadays in the verse is very like forward very centered and as the course comes in it widens up a lot and I don't know why that like tickles people's ears but um again it seeps into their brain it scratches some part of it that people like the whiteness it makes me think of like a Pepsi commercial I don't know yeah I don't know why I'm thinking of like the The Breakfast Club like at the very end of the song it's like the end credit song You Know uh Hey Garrett you uh have you seen the dead body in the living room moving on to the most unwanted song the most unwanted song is without a doubt the most famous of the two pieces that were made for this project is almost 22 minutes long it's about 17 minutes longer than the Most Wanted song it is an epic that it spans 23 sections and For Your Entertainment we're going to talk about each section right now the first part of the song we are uh welcomed by the sounds of harps being played as well as a little accordion jingle before it gets into one of the main motifs of this whole piece which happened to be Cowboys yeehaw foreign as you can hear it's a very slow somber Cowboy instrumental it lasts a good bit to get you settled in actually it gives you enough time to almost see the Embers flicker off the fire on a lonesome night on the trail on the dusty old Plains it lasts a while to really make this next part have a lot more umph to it the mood immediately shifts to one of the funniest combinations I have ever heard in music now imagine your Dave Soldier and you just got word the people in your survey do not like these three things cowboy music hip-hop music and opera singing the obvious solution to that problem is have a hip-hop rapping opera singer sing about being a cowboy [Music] and that is brilliant but even more brilliant is the backing track which is made of tuba bagpipes accordion and a banjo which sounds like someone replaced their pick with scissors foreign it is a glorious sound it is so immediately shocking and when you hear it for the first time like it's like magic is happening in your ears it's not a sight of straight up revulsion it is just I can't believe this is happening and number three the song just suddenly stops again it basically does a full hard reset we have the heart we have the accordion we have the somber cowboy music and it's exactly the same as it was before but now it introduces our new friend the opera singer of the opera singer by the way is Cirque du Soleil performer Dina Emerson and you better believe she's still talking about Cowboys that's not going away I hope you're ready for some cowboy action [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] also out of nowhere you get a nice little backup chorus of children I'm sure we're never going to see them again for the rest of the song then number four hits and it is glorious suddenly the song immediately shifts to the sound of a loud very loud bagpipe chorus accompanied by the sounds of children screaming it sounds like a riot [Music] it sounds like Lord of the Flies took place in Ireland and all the kids just tried to fight to the death with symbols being the only weapon and just when you think those kids were going to absolutely brutalize each other that's when you hear the sound of sleigh bells in the distance what's that everyone think it's crazy it's Christmas time again [Music] that's right everyone after that huge bagpipe Riot those kids come together to just put down their differences and sing about the joy of Christmas which so happens to be sponsored by Walmart for some reason attention everybody Christmas is over clear out the building here comes the bagpipe Piccolo triangle Trio oh yeah that's nice that's the stuff right there sounds like I'm getting a blood transfusion from Snow White's corpse I love it the review was going as normal everything was fine and then suddenly appearing from the doorway was Garrett's arch nemesis Viper the rapper he walks in and he says Garrett Garrett's this has to stop this has to stop your reign of terror needs to end now too many people have bled for this it's not worth it stop making YouTube videos please stop stop Garrett's fish clenched like that Arthur Meme and he said Viper you don't know the meaning of the word stop you don't if anyone should stop it's you Viper with tears in his eyes he said I challenge you I challenge you to a fight Garrett and he and Garrett says name the time and place so we went to the local YMCA and we started we started uh duking it out in the parking lot this were flying people were gathering around telling us to stop it's not worth it it's not worth it but we kept fighting and fighting and fighting suddenly crowds of people millions of people are showing up for the battle of the ages fist of flying Viper throws a Kamehameha blast and it barely hits my head and I take out my battle ax and he takes out his slingshot and we're just fighting like crazy in the air suddenly we start to fly and levitate in the sky and that's when the battle raged on for years in eons and eventually only one person stood tall that was Garrett's it was Garrett who did and and then I went home our home I got back in my chair and and then I continued the video well now that we got that out of our system why not let's all come together and listen to another children's holiday jingle now we could listen to another Christmas song maybe it'd be about Rudolph or silent night but that's been played out before we've already done that I got it instead of listening to a song about Jesus's birth why don't we listen to a song about his death and Resurrection it's the second coming of the holiday jingle let's sing about Easter everybody hit it [Music] and you better believe it's sponsored by Walmart Jesus loved Walmart I think he went and bought all his bread and fish there just like after the first Christmas jingle 25 seconds is now used for three specific instruments to get the spotlight uh it's going to be the bagpipes again but now we're going to add their friends tuba and banjo into the mix and with all their powers combined what they turn into is the worst talent show entrant at the world's saddest retirement home [Music] it sounds so pathetic yikes after that I think I need a palette cleanser on the double uh maybe in the form of a opera singer rapping about being a cowboy yes Dina's back everybody whoa but this time she's here to educate us educate us everyone she just feels the need to teach us all about Austrian British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein which is very funny she quotes some of the thoughts he's had some of the wonderful Ludwig wittenstein quotes that I'm sure you listening at home know lots of all the greatest hits are here like language is a game that you play with your words they're all here then after she stops rapping about Woodward Wittgenstein uh the whole song slows down a little bit and then it's mostly improvised uh Dina is just having a fun time still quoting Ludwig a little bit mostly talking about the Glockenspiel for some reason and then she keeps saying the word yahoo all all over the place um not gonna lie this is the most annoying part of the entire song for me thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but good thing it doesn't last that long because guess what it's another holiday everybody this time we're going to celebrate the holiest day of the Jewish faith Yom Kippur it's Yom Kapoor time everybody Yom Kippur [Music] foreign [Music] Walmart needs more money the associate choir is starving in fact we need more holidays on the double no more waiting around you know what we need to do right now let's just combine some holidays how about Thanksgiving and the 4th of July would that satisfy you is that what you want foreign [Music] God's gift to shopping we need more holidays Ramadan that's one Ramadan the Islamic faith will love it [Music] more Opera Cowboy robot are you sick of it are you sick of it yet I hope not because we're only halfway there halfway there where did my chair go the next part sounds like almost like a nurse with wound sucked Orange outtake um it sounds really interesting and really cool it's very atmospheric a little droning a little a little Industrial in a way and then you you got you know Dina freaking Emerson going ham in the background oh [Music] Kitty [Music] hope you like it it's not going to last long because guess what just checked my calendar and I think another year has passed it's Labor Day everybody Labor Day [Music] thank you Walmart I love you Walmart I love you Walmart Walmart [Music] I'm losing my mind in here it's been hours section 17 is just as funny as it is cruel and it's really really funny you made it this far into the song and the song decides to reward you with a beautiful accordion medley it sounds like you would be right at home on the bottom of the Eiffel Tower while you're sipping a nice Frappuccino but its purpose is not to soothe you the purpose is to let your guard down so you forget that you are currently residing in the musical equivalent of The Twilight Zone and then as soon as you get used to it it blasts you with nothing but the loudest horns and Noise this is nice [Music] oh my God oh my God but don't get too comfortable because we can't forget about the best holiday of the year it's Veterans Day everybody it's Veterans Day [Music] what's another holiday Halloween let's celebrate Halloween [Music] I want my stuff back more Opera Cowboy rap [Music] you think would be done right now you'd think we wouldn't have to listen to Road dog Dina Emerson do her best fresh prince impression you'd think that this would have been done five minutes ago but that's the kind of mindset of a Target shopper and you my friend can go to hell for Section number 21 everything resets again everything does you get the heart you get the accordion you get a full reset and then you get a little bit scared because this thing is playing like The Stanley Parable now and you know very well something is going to be different and yes we got The Lunatic Fringe Dina Emerson coming back still singing about cowboy stuff but it's so much slower and it's very funny it is very funny [Music] foreign then for Section number 22 everything dies down a little bit um instead of having anything that's really going to uh hurt your ears or anything it just plays some easy listening elevator music it it's basically prepping you for the end because the end is here it transitions almost seamlessly into the next part which again is pretty pretty dang funny it's a protest [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dave's Soldier is a very smart guy because when he was told that he needed to put political jargon in a protest in his speech he could have made it about the issues of the day but one of the things that would do is it would date it but also it would probably bum everybody out no one wants to have a good time and listen to actual like protests about abortion or Earth Day or anything like that so what he did is he just added some political slogans and ideology mixed in with the song and the whole thing is gibberish she starts talking about electoral votes she just throws out the word fascism um she says two-party system it's all nonsense [Music] [Music] like she starts screaming sugar beef bananas Lumber pork bellies pork barrels Coca-Cola it's just absolutely taking the piss and I am all here for it and then right before Nina is done she starts asking three very big issues with today who enslaved people of color who invaded the Caribbeans and also who murdered the innocent children and then she gives that answer you did you did it you killed the children no and that's when the finale finally hits and it's a sing-along it's a sing-along everybody uh all your favorites are here Dina Nina the Walmart children all of our friends are here to celebrate the ending of the most unwanted song foreign [Music] it may be you who killed the children but it may be us who killed the children now let's all sing together in In Praise of America America foreign [Music] what a song it's fantastic after I listened to this for the first time with oddly Ginger I gave this song A standing ovation I say this with not an ounce of irony full sincerity this is one of the best songs I've ever heard it does not belong on the board of shame I don't even know where that is so I think no matter what it probably wasn't going to place well well anyway I guess I'm going to leave it here I guess I'm gonna have to make a trip to my local Walmart to get all my freaking stuff back so uh yeah thank you so much for watching everyone to the very end I very much appreciate it uh if you want more stuff from me I have a patreon I also have a podcast called I'll give you an hour with my friend Trenton where we're supposed to record some stuff today but I guess I need to find a new microphone so cool cool thank you everybody and without further Ado here come the credits foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wasting time [Music] hey Gary you notice there's a dead body in your
Channel: Cactus Malpractice
Views: 12,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t2N4sIhZH4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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