Limbus Company: 12 Idiots and a Bus Driver Fight the Entire SCP Foundation

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I think that we can all agree that mobile games were better in the past Jetpack Joyrides the original Angry Birds and plants vs zombies or the good old-fashioned Brave Frontier although I might be the only one that knows about that game rest in peace my love it feels like everything recent has terrible necessary micro transactions or is a completely unfinished cash grab but all hope is not lost for our savior project moon has graced us with the third installment of the lobotomy Corporation series limbus company keep in mind it's not only a mobile game you can grab it on Steam as well just remember to press Alt Enter to make it full screen before you start recording like I did welcome back to the city where the streets are full of scps and cannibals and everyone acts like that's totally fine if you don't know anything about the story of this series just imagine what Britain is like you play as Dante in abnormality which is basically this you universe's version of an SCP with a clock for a head who can't remember their past you're recruited as the new executive manager of limbus company a new Corporation dedicated to picking through the remnants of the now destroyed lobotomy corporation which previously contained these SCP Abominations listen if you want to know the full story of the series go watch wordsmithvids he's in the progress of making a fantastic series about the story of project Moon's games right now and he should really get some more support by forming a pact with the 12 employees you're managing you're able to rewind time for them healing injuries and even bringing them back to life so let's get a quick rundown of the morons that you're going to be in charge of Gregor my beloved in ex-military with a bug arm biogenic upgrade who loves to crack jokes lays around and generally lighten the mood rhodian a mommy obsessed with money who seems aloof but really cares for the others in the group Emil Sinclair a timid and weak young man who has no confidence in himself but becomes a brutally efficient killing machine when on the battlefield Yi sang an edgy goth guy who speaks exclusively in riddles who decided to cosplay Aki from chainsaw man Ishmael a former Seafarer who cares a little too much for rules and organization Heathcliff a monster of a man with an IQ lower than room temperature who prefers to let his Bat do the talking Don Quixote a young woman obsessed with becoming a hero who speaks like she's a medieval Knight and will never hesitate to help those in Need No matter how much trouble he gets the group into Hong Liu a rich boy with no idea how the world actually works but the only one in the whole group who seems to understand people ryoshu a chain-smoking swords woman who believes violence and bloodshed are an art form and loves to come up with crazy acronyms for everything Marshall a very quiet man like really quiet like he won't talk unless someone asks some too Audis the most military of the military she gives and follows orders to a t yet becomes a Yes Man whenever someone ranked above her speaks and finally Faust a distant Super Genius who's probably more qualified for this than you are but no one ever listens to her these are known as the Sinners and they're the only ones you directly control however two more characters are along for the ride to help our dysfunctional family on our mission okay Karen the bus driver who can't read a map and virgilius the red gaze for those that don't know the story of these games that title might not mean much to you so let me explain in the city there are groups called fixers think of them like mercenaries or police forces taking jobs from higher-ups and enforcing the piece around an area fixers are assigned a grade or a rank nine through one the smaller that number is the less likely you are to walk away from them alive in terms of power levels you could assume a grade 1 fixture could kill a basically infinite amount of Grade 9 fixers this grade is determined by either their sheer skill or by what technology they have at their disposal but there's also a rank higher than one these are the colors when a fixer is assigned a color no other fixer is able to take that color as a title while the other lives and they're basically considered legendary in terms of power if a grade 1 could kill infinite grade nines a color could kill infinite Gray trade ones colored fixers have either reached the Pinnacle of skill have impossibly powerful technology or hold an anomalous power of their own making them practically unbeatable in combat for those who are familiar with the lore you'll know that in previous games we've already met another red colored fixer but she's a bit busy at the moment so virgilius took her place and is basically our boss now and oh boy you really don't want to piss him off the goal of limbus company is to collect golden bows not like the weapon like the tree branch see a previous event in the city caused some cool light to shine down and now some of it is sealed inside these bows we don't really know what they do but they output a ton of power and everyone seems to want them the most frequent place these are found are in the ruins of lobotomy Corporation buildings which are all sealed underground in order to contain the scps inside not only will you need to fight off these Abominations once you're inside the golden bow also creates a distortion that affects ego again this is all gonna sound crazy if you've never played this series before ego is a manifestation of a person's willpower kind of like a JoJo stand when nearby the golden bows the Distortion latches onto one of your Sinners and their memories and beliefs shape the area around them for example in the first storyline you not only need to fight off some deadly scps Gregor's ego manifests in the form of the war he was in forcing the whole group to fight off his previous allies basically nothing is ever easy in terms of gameplay your team will consist of a certain number of Sinners usually five each sinner can equip an identity which you get from summoning yeah this is a gasha game we'll talk more on that later each identity your Sinner's equip has its own skills up to a total of three each skill is affiliated with a different sin though those being wrath lust sloth gluttony Gloom pride and envy but those are too hard to remember so I'll call them by their colors instead when you're in a battle two of these skills will be dealt randomly to that character's column each turn you get to select what skill each character uses and the more matching colors you have the stronger skills of that color become however the game isn't as shallow as simply matching colors every skill also has an attack type being slash Pierce or blunt every enemy is weak to one of these so make sure to use them appropriately when an attack is used into an attacking enemy a clash begins and each character flips a certain number of coins related to that skill that determines how much damage that skill does if you win more flips than your opponent you win The Clash and deal your damage if you lose your attack is negated and they hit you instead dealing damage is of course always a good thing but once a certain Health threshold is hit that unit will stagger skipping their next turn and taking a ton of extra damage if you hit multiple stagger thresholds in one turn that unit will take even more damage staggering enemies is vital to keeping your units alive as skipping turns is incredibly detrimental if your units get staggered you can basically guarantee they're going to die enemies also prioritize hitting staggered targets so it's gonna hurt badly usually you don't get to decide where your attacks are going but during fights against abnormalities you do this feels a lot closer to the battle system in the library of ruina and while I prefer this method the regular fights aren't too bad it's still really fun to watch these attacks play out each character also has a defensive option that reduces or prevents damage that you can use at any time as well as their own ego as you use skills you get sin resources over here on the right side of the screen ego is an insanely strong attack basically guaranteed to win you a clash or deal a ton of damage if it's unopposed but can only be used if you have enough sins when you activate it ego consumes a number of these sins and a cool little cutscene plays where your character activates their ability the gameplay is relatively shallow overall but learning when you should attack and when you should block or use ego is vital to actually succeeding because you'll find out real quick that the difficulty spike is actually a difficulty wall each character levels up individually but only when you win a battle meaning that if you fail you don't get Jack and it's going to become very clear at the end of Act 2 that you're not a high enough level the good news is that identities don't really affect this you can get just as far with regular old basic grager as you can with his most powerful identity so if you don't summon exactly what you want it's not going to affect gameplay what is going to affect it is what level and tier your identities are not only is it important to level up your characters each identity has three different tiers the first tier is your basic two abilities and no passives the second makes your skills stronger and grants that identity one of their passives and tier 3 unlocks their third skill as well as granting them their second passive it's really important to get the identities you want to use in your team up to tier 3 not only because their third skill is always insanely good but also because it makes their portrait animated and that's a necessity I swear you level up identities with thread which is a resource that you get from summoning repeat identities or through selling fragments that you get from Mirror World Dungeons and speaking of mirror worlds let's talk about them since I just talked about how important it is to level up for so long you may be worried that this game is a grind Fest but luckily it's not that's what mirror worlds are for once per day you can enter one for free or spend a lot of your energy to enter one again because of course this game has energy it's a mobile gasha game that's that's like a requirement luckily it's only a medium energy cost this allows you to enter a mirror World which is a procedurally generated dungeon that you can advance through encountering battles events and obtaining ego gifts that give unique passives for each run it's basically the Olympus company roguelike experience at the end you get tickets that level up your characters super fast as well as fragments that can be turned into thread for you to tear up identities these are super worth it and once you understand how to progress through them only takes about 10 minutes to do this prevents the game from turning into a grinding slog and they're honestly pretty fun now on the other hand let's talk about the gaseous system while I did say earlier that it's not necessary to have good identities to progress it definitely helps higher Rarity identities are strictly better and will certainly make things easier however I do respect project moon for not making it necessary to progress it costs a premium resource called lunacy to summon 130 for a single summon and 1300 for 10. early in the game they load you up with a ton of lunacy so you're pretty likely to get a few good identities after about 40 summons it starts to slow down considerably but there's daily weekly and seasonal missions that progress a battle pass with some really good rewards these seasons are scheduled to reset roughly every three months and I'm excited to see the future identities and egos that are added as with all gasha games it's very likely that power creep will eventually become an issue as it helps people stay interested when there's more powerful units however I think there's a lot of ways to add identities without making new ones broken as you can switch up which status effects and sin type identities use while keeping their power level the same so people have more options to use in their teams I hope project moon is able to keep everything balanced because on release it feels very fair I don't feel pressured to spend money and I'm still progressing rather well through the game one problem is that for regular summoning there isn't a Pity system meaning that you're not guaranteed to rare at any point but again since it's not necessary I think that's okay while I certainly would have preferred the library of ruinous system of obtaining identities where you get them from defeated enemies I'll survive with the gasha but one thing I couldn't have survived without is the art style and music holy it's all perfect the art style remained basically the same between games and I absolutely adore this digital oil painting style they use you can see each of the paintbrush strokes and the contrast in dark and light colors is beautiful making these washed out depressing backgrounds with the characters popping out in the foreground it's absolutely incredible and in battles it looks great as well again fantastic backgrounds but now characters are reduced to smaller less detailed versions of themselves each identity has a unique model with their own animations for attacks with their third most powerful attack having a custom flashy animation meanwhile each character's ego attacks cause a short cutscene and are always the same no matter what identity you're using all in all everything looks fantastic especially the attacks they have satisfying impacts on watching the camera move to catch the action is really cool the sound design is also on point with weighty bloody sound effects slashes and smashes have very cool sounds and clashes result in a weighty tinging sound like swords colliding you'll also hear a lot of coin flipping since that's how damage is decided luckily this is a really good effect as well so it's not going old anytime soon but while the sound effects are good the best parts of the game are those with voice acting limbus company is fully voice acted and while I can't understand it since it's all in Korean the actors are absolutely fantastic from Gregor's lighthearted attempts to deceive someone Eva is to you Sang's quiet riddles all the way to Don Quixote's energetic shouts [Laughter] foreign okay the voice actors not only have wonderful voices that suit the characters their inflection and emotions really come across they suit the story perfectly and the game wouldn't be the same without them not only that every identity a character equips has unique voice lines and the inflection of their voice can change with those as well while it doesn't change any of the story voices it's cool to hear the lines in battle I also can't seem to escape complimenting project moon on this every single game but the soundtrack is amazing it keeps with that incredible style that both lobotomy Corporation and especially a library of ruin a had where they use a combination of classical instruments and electrical synths there's nothing like hearing a violin start a Melody only to have a drum beat an electric guitar kick into the background it's all done by a studio named Millie and they're doing incredible stuff just like library of ruined the soundtrack changes with the intensity of the battle meaning every battle track has two or three variations with Rising energy seriously go watch the promotional video for this game that song goes hard and not everything is a fast-paced Bop there's quite a few songs and more tender parts of the game that only involve choir singing slowly or a sad violin it's all incredible and I guarantee you're gonna get punched in the feels at the end of Every Act every section of the game is focused on a single sinner Gregor in act 1 rhodian and act 2 and Sinclair in act three we only have those three so far but when you clear the final mission you get a cutaway of the aftermath for that chapter and while the credits for a roll and the art slowly zooms out a song plays that's sung by the character for that act it's really cool and hearing the sinner sing about what just happened and how they can move on is a fantastic send-off for each section of the game I could gush for hours on the soundtrack so we should probably as much as I love this game it's not all perfect limbus company has some glaring issues that I hope are fixed in the future so let's go over some real quick first is of course the low gameplay depth while I don't think it's as bad as a lot of people say I will definitely agree that it's nowhere near library of ruina which is honestly a little disappointing but I truly believe that the story is worth it however that's not perfect either since each chapter focuses on a specific sinner some chapters are going to just be more interesting if you like that character for example I loved Gregor's chapter but I was honestly pretty disinterested in rhodians and then chapter 3 came along and I honestly don't know if Sinclair's story can be topped it's absolutely incredible again this story is great I just worry that a lot of people will skip one character that they don't like and miss out on a huge chunk of it also this game is wordy like really wordy in library of Runa you could more or less decide when you talk to characters allowing you to decide when you wanted to hear the story and when you wanted to play in limbis company entire sections of the chapter are locked behind dialogue and some of it lasts upwards of five minutes while I don't mind this is a really complex story after all I do think that there should be more frequent gameplay sections if the dialogue goes on that long I was close to skipping some of the dialogue in the longer sections just because it had been a while since I actually played the game another glaring issue is readability remember earlier when I talked about how important it was to tear up your identities and how you could check what types of sin their skills were I didn't figure out how to do that until I was more than halfway through the game there isn't a tutorial anywhere telling you how to navigate these menus you're just expected to understand in order to tear up identities or even view their skills you need to go to the center Tab and hold down on their portrait just clicking it will simply allow you to change their identity again you're not told this anywhere I just got resources saying I could tear up an identity and since I didn't know what that meant I spent 10 minutes looking for how to do it until I finally just gave up and Googled it and again you're not even told you can tear up identities what I expressed as the most important system in the game isn't even told to you and that's really annoying another really really annoying thing is that this game doesn't tell you identities have alternate art once they hit tier 3. I really like this and I think it's super cool but why can't I view the art just to see what it looked like before the identity hits tier 3. for example I was trying to summon this feature Gregor identity for like 70 summons only to realize later that I had gotten it on my second try and I didn't realize because the identity art didn't match the one featured on the summon screen that's really really frustrating and that definitely needs to be changed in some way the good news is that that's it those are the only real problems I have with the game and now that you know about them they shouldn't be problems for you overall I think the game is incredibly well made and even though the story only has three chapters right now it's already about 14 hours long which is crazy I'm really excited to see where it goes next finally I just wanted to talk about the care put into this game while some people might be upset that this isn't a full 60 PC experience it's definitely not just a cash grab it's incredibly clear how much work and love went into lembis company and I think that's great whoever designed these characters deserves a raise my Discord profile has already been overtaken by Don Quixote propaganda project moon really cares about this series and this is obvious just from how many little Easter eggs are in this game while some of them are incredibly obvious like the Sinners all being themed after a specific story there's a ton here that only fans of the series will under stand like how I explained the red gaze earlier if you haven't played the previous games that title doesn't mean anything but for long time fans that's insane or how Don Quixote has a charm on her coat that represents the purple tear again that's a crazy callback to Library of Ruiner and probably the biggest most insane reference is that we've actually seen both virgilius and Karen before but you wouldn't know that if you just played the games because the only time we've seen these characters before is in a webcomic leviathan released by project moon in 2021 the sheer scale of this connected universe is absolutely insane and it's very clear that project Moon cares incredibly deeply about it which is why I don't think this game can be called a cash grab there's so much work and love put into this from the art music and story that I'm on the edge of my seat for what comes next all in all limbus company is a fantastic game well a bit follow in the gameplay Department the story and characters are absolutely worth your time especially if you're familiar with the project Moon Universe the gasha system is in a balanced state right now where I don't feel the need to spend money which is fantastic and the art and music are Next Level I highly recommend it and I would try to give it a shot on PC if you can simply because I think the story is better experienced that way it's absolutely free on Steam just don't spend too much cash if you decide to summon a bunch I might revisit this game later once more chapters have been added but for now all I can say is that I'm excited to see where it goes project Moon hasn't let us down yet and I hope that if you haven't experienced the full story that this video makes you want to play the previous games as well because they're incredible thank you everyone so much for watching and as always I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: 8 Bit Hypocrite
Views: 135,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aBgrEiFbVAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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