Library of Ruina: Lobotomy Corporation 2 - SCP Boogaloo

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okay okay jesus people it's a long game what do you think that i've been doing i have a real job too you know i'm a busy [ __ ] guy but but whatever fine you win i'll play library of ruina but there is no way that it will ever live up to lobotomy corporation oh holy [ __ ] welcome to library of ruina the sequel to popular scp-themed game lobotomy corporation which i also made a video about and you should probably check it out first so that you can get more of my callback jokes while lobotomy is a management simulator with a background plot a library is a story-driven turn-based card battler yeah so it's a bit different while that's certainly a huge departure from its predecessor i actually enjoy library of rohina a lot more perhaps it's simply because i like card battlers or perhaps because they made had so [ __ ] cute but the general consensus towards this game is very positive this might be a longer video because there's a lot to talk about so i should probably hurry the [ __ ] up also since this game focuses a lot on story i'll be introducing some plot lines but i'll do my best to avoid any big spoilers alright let's go this is roland essentially the main character of the story you witnessed during the library of rowena unlike in lobotomy corporation where you literally played as a site director in library you're more of a spectator to this man's story roland is a simple grade 9 fixer essentially a very low level mercenary in the city until one day he mysteriously finds himself in the library and meets angela who kindly kills him luckily the power of knowledge revives him and he begins to work for his new librarian queen where he meets and is assisted by a variety of very hot librarians wait that sounds pretty familiar also everyone is even hotter than the last game somehow it's honestly incredible the library is an anomaly itself basically a pocket dimension that can only be reached through mysterious invitations that magically arrive to people however roland's never received one and it's unclear just how he reached the library in the first place but regardless angela puts him to work receiving guests see the books in this library are special every book is a person literally when a guest dies in the library they become a book in their life story dreams fighting style even their clothing is transcribed onto the pages with enough books you can also do well whatever you want actually the most popular uses are as follows read the secrets of your friends find out how the world began make a massive cityscape that stretches to infinity copy your opponent's moves with almost perfect mimicry harness demons to make a nice cup of coffee become human to think you gain your own feelings transform people to horribly warp their body grow some wings and fly around with fire spears to impale all your enemies and slowly go insane as you realize that you're trapped here forever and you can never truly escape and that you've doubted yourself your entire life and that your life is potentially meaningless because you only get your teammates killed basically you can do anything with the books in the library because they're infinitely powerful if you have the right combination of words and holy [ __ ] this game is beautiful what an art style i love it so what is the goal of the library well angela is trying to create the perfect book basically by amassing books with more powerful words she's going to assemble a book that allows her and the librarians to leave because they're trapped here this will slowly happen over time as more people get invited to the library and are killed interestingly whenever an invitation is received the librarians get a flash of what's happening outside of the library which introduces all kinds of lovely characters from backstreet fixers and desperate thieves all the way to powerful enemies like the town of love and the insane members of the blue reverberation there are a lot of factions and storylines to keep track of in this game and watching the web unfold as connections are made is really interesting especially since there's a lot of mystery built up why are the librarians back from lobotomy corporation why exactly does angela want to leave the library what's the connection to lobotomy corporation and the other companies in this game and maybe the biggest question why does roland seem to know everything about everyone even the legendary fighters in the city if he's just a lowly grade 9 fixer the dialogue in this game is really good too it actually feels like humans talking in this [ __ ] up world that they live in and the best part unlike lobotomy corporation library has voice acting [Music] foreign it's all in korean but even if i can't understand what they're saying the voices are perfect for all the characters especially my beloved chess ed oh i love him so much [Music] they speak with really good inflection and emotion i just wish that i could understand a single word i would love to talk about the story in incredible detail but i really need to convince you to play this game so i'll stop there the story for this game is pretty [ __ ] complicated but the gameplay is even more so in fact i highly recommend that you take a break from watching this video in order to attend a high level college for four to six years in order to get a degree in medical sciences before continuing asked this point i will simply assume that you have either taken my advice and are now a genius or you're incredibly lazy both are honestly fine we don't judge here for each fight and the story you need books these books will entice the next group of people in the story to visit the library and it's how the story expands for example a group of fixers known as the molar office hear of the library after another fixer group disappears into it they take a warp train a super fast method of travel but gets stuck within forcing them to use an invitation to teleport to the library the gays office who were monitoring the train trying to steal its technology noticed this sending them into the library searching for answers meanwhile the people on the train witnessed the fixtures disappear and begin to go insane slowly forming love town which are then sent to invade the library and so on and so forth i mean that's cool and all but what happens when they enter the library well that's where your librarians come in the library has a bunch of floors each with a head librarian that specializes in a certain topic they are used to fight off these visitors you select what floor you want to use and you're thrown onto a stage are you ready for a mechanic dump because this game is absurdly complicated and we're just starting combat first things first each character has a few features their health which is self-explanatory their stagger which upon hitting zero increases all damage dealt to them and forces them to skip their next turn and their light which is basically like mana a bit regenerates every turn and more powerful cards cost more light to use at the beginning of each turn or act as it's called in the game every character will roll a certain number of speed dice for simplicity we'll say that all these characters have one each but i'll explain in a bit on how to get more the higher the number rolled on the speed die the higher you are in the turn order once speed dice are rolled you can select one combat page for each slot as well as a target for that action combat pages are composed of two main things the light cost and a series of actions these actions are split into two groups attack and defense there are three types of attacks being pierce blunt and slash which deal bonus damage depending on your target's resistances kinda like pokemon defensive dice only have two types but while all attack dice simply deal their damage defensive dice vary wildly in what they do their two types are block or evade and i'm about to explain just what the [ __ ] that actually means after pages are selected the battle phase begins and each unit will use their action on their target rolling dice equal to the values on the card but when two characters use a combat page on each other a clash begins which is the meat and potatoes of the combat system when a clash occurs dicer rolled against each other and a variety of things can happen depending on what dice clash for example if two attack dice clash they both roll and the higher number deals that much damage to the loser if two block dice or a block and an evade dice are rolled against each other the winner deals some stagger damage to the enemy or recover some stagger resistance however if an attack die is rolled against a defense die and the attacker wins the attacker deals damage equal to their role minus the defense rule if the defender wins the attacker takes stagger damage instead if an attack wins against an evade the evader takes all of that damage but if the evader wins the attack is completely negated now if you listen all that and thought to yourself holy [ __ ] this man has rampant paranoid schizophrenia i have bad news because that's just the basic gameplay loop you see the mechanics of this game can be a bit hard to handle someone who isn't familiar with turn-based games or card battlers will probably be very confused by this system when they start playing which means there probably aren't any of them still watching because they all killed themselves during the last paragraph without explaining every mechanic like intercepting attacks or all of the status effects just know that it gets a lot more complex with some of the late game boss fights taking upwards of 30 minutes because they have so many abilities and stages all that would just take too long to talk about so let's move on instead every unit in your entire library has a deck of nine combat pages these pages are obtained through opening hearthstone packs that guests you defeat turn into and contain two types of cards of varying rarities first are combat pages which in order of rarity can be paperback hardcover limited and object day art or if you hate thinking like i do you can just call them the hearthstone rarities of common rare epic and whoa legendary you can have a maximum of three copies of any one card in a unit's deck except for legendaries which you can only have one copy of per deck typically as cards get more rare they'll generally get better with legendaries being incredibly powerful similarly the other card type you can get in packs have the same rarities and these are called key pages key pages are equipped separately from your deck and provide passive bonuses like making certain types of attacks deal more damage or adding status effects to attacks while your deck is very important to think about and should be carefully crafted to synergize with other librarians on the floor key pages can often mean the difference between a fight taking 30 tries or one every enemy on the first attempt like combat pages legendary key pages are limited you can only get one of each period while you can have multiple legendary combat pages and put one copy of each in different decks if you get a legendary key page you can only use it with one of your librarians since the passives on legendary pages are so massive it's almost always beneficial to use as many of these as possible and to build specific decks for those pages speaking of pages you can actually upgrade them as you progress through the game your key pages will get more points every passive on a key page has a point value and the better it is the more that it costs key pages don't gain additional passives on their own but if your point limit is high enough you can use other key pages to add passives to them essentially letting you build your own class which is super cool also a pro tip if you want to play the game on easy mode just use passives on all of your key pages that increase stagger damage staggering enemies is by far the most broken thing in the game because as previously mentioned not only does drastically increase the damage you deal to an enemy it also makes them skip their next turn if you've ever played dnd you're a nerd also you might have heard of the action economy basically the action economy means that the more moves someone gets the stronger they are if you have a level 100 boss dragon that only does one move a turn odds are a group of five that can move twice a turn each can probably beat it pretty easily the same goes for library as having more actions than an opponent simply means that you get to whoop their ass and staggering them makes it feel like the tsar bomba is slapping their cheeks but wait there's more have you ever wanted to kick someone's ass even [ __ ] harder introducing abnormality and ego pages throughout the game you'll be presented with a series of missions to complete for each floor and each time you complete them you'll have the opportunity to enter the book of an abnormality the horrifying and powerful scp-like creatures of lobotomy corporation didn't fade into obscurity after all they're still here waiting each of these battles has a gimmick of some sort like a condition that you need to fulfill or an ability you need to keep track of and are a major shake up to the normal gameplay loop upon completion of a suppression like this you will be awarded with three abnormality pages these pages come in two types and are unique to certain floors so you should try to build decks on that floor around those pages the two types are awakening and breakdown and during the battle you'll get them slowly over time this bar up here at the top represents a motion level and depending on actions succeeded or failed each librarian will slowly move it in a certain direction if the bar is positive you'll be dealt an awakening card and if it's negative you'll have a breakdown card these are incredibly powerful effects that usually have significant drawbacks but can help change the tide of battle significantly but there's a second use to the emotion gauge that can only be used much later in the game ego cards after completing all of a floor's missions you'll be presented with a six stage boss fight where you have to defeat every abnormality on that floor if you succeed you'll be rewarded with five ego cards and you obtain one every time a floor goes up in a motion level from that point on ego pages are dealt into a separate hands that any librarian can access and are reusable as more emotion is gained throughout the battle and believe me when i say this [ __ ] is full of the most broken cards in the game you can do [ __ ] like hidden enemies six times with one card healing hp for every hit or destroy all of your opponent's dice forcing them to skip that action honestly the amount of ways that you can beat someone's ass in this game are basically infinite and it's [ __ ] awesome now i know that was a lot and believe me there's a ton more that i could talk about but that's the basic mechanics down it's a pretty difficult system to get the hang of but once you do the game really falls into a nice flow when you figure out how to use your attacks effectively the units on the stage move around almost like a dance and it's really [ __ ] cool to watch i've played a lot of card battlers in my time like slay the spire or monster train but library of ruina has by far the most in-depth and best system i've ever seen it's fun entertaining and incredibly satisfying not only that but the gameplay and story mesh incredibly well with this being one of the best written games in my experience oh and don't think this game is easy either because it's hard as [ __ ] wish me luck 100 in this game because i'm gonna need it however now that we're finished with the gameplay section you should know by now that i'm legally obligated to talk about the music of any game i play for at least 3 minutes and this one's gonna be longer fuckos music is incredibly important to video games used correctly it can drastically improve an experience allowing the player to become immersed or invested in the world of the game i made a video on my favorite game soundtracks not too long ago and i will tell you right now that if i had played library of ruina before i made that it would be on that list in an instant after playing this game i literally get goosebumps listening to every song in the soundtrack every single one is so good this is not an exaggeration this is not a lie i [ __ ] adore the soundtrack for this game i want to focus on the battle music because it's what you'll be hearing the most of first off before you fight you'll hear this theme [Music] it's composed of a lot of bass with percussion at the forefront and some intense strings in the background but if you listen close you can also hear that a gun being readied is used in the soundtrack which is [ __ ] awesome the first part is all about preparing for battle and it's not done yet there's a second part where your primary focus is on strings and it speeds up a little as you're moving through screens and getting closer to the fight the gun sound effect is much more common at this point too and if you're not paying attention you might miss that it even changed then finally on the last selection screen it changes one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] the music kicks into double time the strings play a new melody an entirely new bass comes in and the main melody that's been playing changes to be more suspenseful it is incredible this happens every time you prepare for a fight and it's absolutely perfect for building suspense once you're actually in a battle the theme will shift depending on what floor you're on every single floor of the library has three different themes that change depending on the emotion level of your librarians during the fight these songs reflect the head librarian's personality on that floor like yisad's being a cold futuristic theme [Music] now compare that to gebura's [ __ ] insane heavy metal track [Music] you might notice a lot of similarities in these as well because they all use the same melody at some point in them which is super cool as previously stated each battle has three stages that change throughout the fight so let's take a look at the first floor's battle theme the floor of general works [Music] the first part has a lot of piano and strings with the background percussion going absolutely wild the strings have a lot of long rising notes and the piano is mostly playing long chords to complement it but as the battle grows more intense we move on to phase two [Music] you can immediately hear a difference the piano adds in quick rising and falling notes everything gets a little faster and a background bass kicks in the strings move to much shorter notes as well moving around a lot more and overall the theme becomes a lot more high energy but then we get to 3 and it completely changes [Music] [Music] this is the peak of the battle and there aren't any more slow piano chords in the background that [ __ ] man is playing all over the keyboard the percussion gets cut at some points to make room for a dramatic sting from the strings and the bass is accompanied by a heavy electronic synth in the background this [ __ ] is so [ __ ] cool and it does it for every single floor the gebra theme literally sounds like someone is fighting a dark souls boss at a heavy metal concert it is so cool listen let me be real here for a second i've drowned on long enough for this video this is already way past my usual 10 minute reviews hell i have an entire page dedicated to just music in the script but library of ruino really [ __ ] deserves it project moon the company that made both lobotomy corp and library are absolutely fantastic the story that they're weaving is horrifying and beautiful and their games are some of the most fun i've had in a while i can't properly describe how these games make me feel without another hour-long section dedicated to it so just let me say this while getting near the end of this game i was legitimately sad because i knew it was going to end you don't see that much in games and the fact that i wanted to keep playing this game forever should really give you a good idea of how good it really is if you haven't played these games already i highly recommend them and if you already have then you should be looking forward to the near future project moon's next game limbus company is coming out in december of 2022 and you better believe that i'll be there to review it memes aside i am begging you to support project moon because so far everything they've made is an absolute smash out of the park creative fun and insanely creepy there's no better story to get invested in than one continued through these games overall i'd give library of ruina one of the highest scores that i can possibly give on this channel one roland not out of anything like that that's the whole score a beautiful and fantastic game you can pick it up on steam for just 30 dollars and severe emotional trauma however library of ruina i have just one question if you didn't want me to repeatedly reopen the game over and over again then why did you make such a banger of an intro i'll see you jump soon [Music] oh the book is which you are going to be [Music] is [Music] think i am done with everything now i'm ready to leave [Music] what's the color of the but you electricity and if you love me give up your everything too for me [Music] mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy
Channel: 8 Bit Hypocrite
Views: 95,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GOW2kpGbEso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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