Lil Reese On King Von/ Chief Keef/ Kai Cenat/ FYB J Mane/ Charleston White/ Migos/ Diddy/ 6ix9ine

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all right little Reese what's good broy what's good bro it's been a minute hell yeah just chilling man I ain't no [ __ ] yeah what you been up to man [ __ ] I've been cooling I ain't been no [ __ ] been cooling like out there doing some things man staying busy mm for sure all right well I thought I would start with some of the news that just happened a few days ago man kaison not was doing a live who you say Kai sonat Kai sonat who that he's a he's a real popular uh like live streamer who you say Kai oh the kai [ __ ] yeah oh I know I be seeing that [ __ ] all on the interet I don't know him though I'm sure you're familiar with the story though but he had a little RT a little nine-year-old kid yeah on his live stream and during this live stream they brought up King vau and he you know kind of disrespected vau you know right right off the gate man you know did you see that no I ain't see it hell no I ain't see it all right hold on got to do some research and [ __ ] I ain't see that [ __ ] well let me show you then what's your first reaction I know his ass a kid though bro so you he don't he probably don't mean that [ __ ] though you know he made him apologize right after man you know is it kind of crazy to see like a little kid so young like doing something like that like no no it's not though CA like where I come from I see that [ __ ] a lot so it's like it's kind of a little normal to me I seen that before damn that young man uh like I made my first track I made my first track when I was 10 years old I was in a c building I was rapping with some older [ __ ] they was like 15 and one of them was like 18 or 19 but I was 10 and we all did a track together and were you were you dissing The Dead that young or or what were you talking about on the track no I was dissing the dead and [ __ ] that young but I was just rapping about um I don't remember it was a long time ago so long ago but I know I was dissing on dead cuz we weren doing that [ __ ] back then were you rapping like gangster at the time at 10 years old or were you just like rapping normal my I ain't gonna lie my daddy and my mama them probably was mad as hell that I was doing that [ __ ] so I probably wasn't doing tooo much like but as as the years went on and [ __ ] I probably start got to getting on that type of [ __ ] yeah okay so I mean growing up you know what I'm saying kind of diss in the dead became a big thing in Chicago man how old do you guys think you guys were when that became a big thing [ __ ] I was like probably like 1920 I want that [ __ ] just start really going on that [ __ ] was going on like that like people want dis some mother disrespecting dead people like that back then like hell no where do you guys think it came from I mean I think Gucci man might have been the first person I heard do it [ __ ] I don't know that [ __ ] just start happening [ __ ] around the world I don't know gang like I don't know that [ __ ] it w it w as it was as big as it is now but you know how people used to do it back then like people say some [ __ ] like that back then they to die instantly but I don't know it just got big people everybody I don't know I guess it's that's cool that's that's a thing to do nowadays to make you sound like you on something to make you sound like you a Ganga or something like that I don't know what do you think it was H how come you didn't get in into that too much man like I noticed like you know most of your you know at least at least your more recent stuff like it's not really something you really do that that much I don't know I don't be on that type of [ __ ] though like I don't know it's a respect thing for me so I ain't G to be disrespecting the dead I don't be on that [ __ ] it depends on it depends on what's going on though like if mother talk about like my people my people I'll be like y'all people though you know but it's really a respect thing though if they keeping it cool and keeping it respectful I'll do the same thing is it tough to not get on that [ __ ] when you hear dudes like doing that I mean it's not it's kind of died out a little which I think it's really been a good thing for Chicago you know what I'm saying but back when it was kind of like a big thing what was that like during that time what it was like [ __ ] during that time um [ __ ] man I don't know that [ __ ] just start happening out the blue bro like I don't know like that [ __ ] just start happening bro like I don't know I can't even tell you bro like that [ __ ] just start happening like I don't know I'm I wasn't a big fan of all that [ __ ] though I ain't gonna lie I'm on Instagram and I'm looking down my timeline and I see little Reese is shot in downtown Chicago and I was like nah no way man there's no way little Reese got shot again man yeah I was in Texas man when I got the fake news I was I was in a whole another city man like what' you think man like that that's like I mean you know cuz you you know you already been shot two two different occasions man and then this CRA you know what I'm saying it was just like I was like man there no way man yeah it was it was nothing but a bunch of [ __ ] it w nothing but a bunch of [ __ ] how' you first get the news sh through the internet through the internet and [ __ ] I was getting tagged by the fans and [ __ ] and they was just me everything that's how I really seen that [ __ ] and I was getting phone calls from all my people yeah you know were you surprised till you seen those rumors again yeah I was a little surprised I was trying to see who put the [ __ ] out really I was basically trying to see who put the [ __ ] out like yeah that that was a trip hell yeah you know you know you could have trolled everybody no I ain't doing no trolling with no [ __ ] like that the you could have just told everybody to go silent for like a day no we Ain everybody would have been tripping out no we ain't doing no we ain't doing no crazy ass [ __ ] like that yeah hell no not not on no getting shot stuff no we don't do we don't do no [ __ ] like that man I hear that man I hear that you know did you see fulio's foot when he got shot yeah he had a big ass hole in [ __ ] I seen that [ __ ] man bro that [ __ ] was like the size of like a golf ball or bigger yeah that [ __ ] yeah that [ __ ] was big as I seen it man like seeing something like that man like you know did that make you think of like the times you got shot no hell no no I was thinking about that type of [ __ ] hell no no hell no I don't be doing no comparison for [ __ ] like that I ain't doing that hell no I I would assume he got shot with a pretty big bullet too yeah you know hell yeah I ain't doing no comparison for no crazy ass [ __ ] like that yeah it looks like it's going to take him a minute for his [ __ ] to heal man ain't no telling man bro I I [ __ ] man so also some news with you man is you had a big fight downtown no I W really even fighting I was like just stopping some females from fighting and [ __ ] and I got like like muffed in the ass muffed in the face and [ __ ] like that so you know you know how that [ __ ] go so you just got caught in the middle of everything yeah yeah I was in the middle it w no it was me fighting I a I want fighting nobody I was stopping the fight I was stopping some fights like it was my baby mama some some people was trying to fight my baby mama and stuff so I was just stopping the fight and stuff yeah is does it get wild downtown Chicago no no not really but I mean it can you never know what's it like to party in downtown Chicago [ __ ] I don't know I don't be really doing too much partying down there I don't know I don't live out here well yeah but I mean you're from Chicago though yeah hell yeah but I don't know man [ __ ] one thing I I do always notice is I very rarely hear about Chicago dudes talking about the club right why is that I don't know I I don't know though like f like the club and [ __ ] I don't know I don't be really doing too much clubing at the Chicago Clubs like they be stricted as hell anyway so it's like you ain't really even be able to get in do you think it's like dangerous in the club like you could get spotted and if somebody sees you they know where you're at for a couple hours they got plenty of time to prepare for [Music] you hell yeah is that the only reason why you don't do no clubbing no hell no I don't I don't know though it depends like what's going on if it's some [ __ ] going on that get me involved I might do it like far as like Club me and my people but far as like going to club and like popping up the clubs I ain't doing it I rather just chill and sit back somewhere and just chill with my people you never been a club dude like even when you were younger like when you were like in your early 20s and [ __ ] you just never [ __ ] with it no hell no not really nope that one my thing though I want really like with the clubs like that but like safe sence like if I'm with my people we deep as H and they want to go out I might just fall out with my fall out fall out and go wherever my people going do some [ __ ] like that before I was like okay yeah we F to be at this club we F to be at this club I don't do that [ __ ] okay for sure for sure so what's what's Reese do on an average weekend you partying you just at home chilling I'll be chilling somewhere chilling just [ __ ] catching the vibe with my people yeah if I ain't if I ain't trying to get in the studio or something or shooting a video or something then I'm somewhere trying to get some money or something I don't know trying to do something how is the music coming I mean [ __ ] I got to lock back in really I'm F to lock in in December like I really ain't I've been in the studio like this but in December I'm going to lock in so when that first quarter come I can have some music and I I could be chopping music and [ __ ] you got a project you're working on yeah hell yeah two projects but I don't know the name of it yet but it's two projects I'm going to work on you know I seen something man and I was just kind of wondering like this might I I don't know if this something you would do but you know they got like a lot of rappers Now using AI or or a lot of people are using AI for rappers voices and they're creating whole songs you know and I was like reys could probably use his old voice do Ai and you can still write your lyrics and put it in your old voice is that something you would do I never heard I don't even know what the AI is like what is that I'm not sure exactly how it works but I know they can mimic exactly how Drake or anybody sounds and they can write the lyrics and they can make the AI say the lyrics so it's like it sounds like it's Drake but it's not Drake at all he didn't write it he didn't rap it he didn't do nothing but it sounds just like him and and I've heard some of these songs have gotten millions of views damn that's crazy I gotta go do some research and check that [ __ ] out and see see what the AI is yeah would that be something you would consider doing I know once I do my research and if I like it I'mma um see what's up with it yeah I [ __ ] I mean I'll be honest man I think your your voice right now is so gritty man I think it kind of got like a distinct sound to it you know what I'm saying what you say it got like a different sound to it right now like a a distinct sound like it you know what I'm saying you sound really different than anybody else yeah for sure like you'll know as me talking if you hear type [ __ ] yeah for sure for sure I interviewed Jay man mhm a dude you you uh knew from when you guys were kids in the Kay met building man and you know uh he's been saying he's your cousin for a long ass time you know uh how do you react to that and and he wants to take a DNA test a DNA test man that [ __ ] crazy that [ __ ] said a DNA test what all he was saying what all was he uh he just said you guys are cousins and then he'd take a DNA test to prove it that [ __ ] crazy man did you guys keep do you keep denying him I'mma deny his ass again well him and uh Tay Savage link up uhuh and they uh you know they do some skits they do I think they did an interview together man and you know what do you think you know how do you feel about that I don't I don't feel no way like that's not I ain't I ain't got no say so on what another grown man doing like what can I say [ __ ] they can't say nothing that I'm doing so like you know that's what's going on how do you feel about the positivity or you know what I'm saying them saying they're pushing peace that's cool I push the piece too you know it's good everybody want to push piece nowadays would you ever link up with any of your Ops and do something like that it depends it depends who it is though I ain't linking with no anybody just for some clout and all that [ __ ] I'm not doing that that that would be interesting I I would like to see that man you know just on some positivity [ __ ] you know so do you think that their peace movement could transfer into the streets yeah it can it depends on who all getting behind it well J man you know he did kind of rule some people's feathers you know he went to oblock he went to the king vono he left his cereal there and he said it was about peace you know how did you feel about that man did you think that was disrespectful yeah everybody yeah everybody from back by that way thought it was disrespectful they don't they don't like that yep that's how they feel yeah uh you know he said it was for peace man you know um but you know I can definitely see the it looked like a joke to them well you know I don't really see too many people at the king Von Muro like I used to man it was really cracking at the beginning you know I mean cuz everybody already took pictures at it so you know everybody already took their pictures and stuff so that's that's what went on like when it was when it was new it was something to see you know what I'm saying it's like a landmark in Chicago downn near yeah since our last interview man you kind of got a little bit of backlash and uh you know I don't want to really want to even go into the whole thing man but you know you started doing a lot of good stuff for the homeless yeah so talk to me about that man you know uh that's a positive thing man over here you know KPM always doing stuff for the homeless man uh so seeing you out there doing man uh that was dope man so kind of you know talk to me about that a little bit what doing what what I was doing for the homeless I was just I just was getting with my people and putting some little [ __ ] together like like we was just passing out turkeys and [ __ ] the other day so like I don't know we be trying to do stuff like month two months like I know we going to probably have like for Christmas we going to probably do something so I don't know that's what we've been doing lately you know just trying to do some positive stuff doing all this positive stuff is this something you're going to want to continue to do in the future yeah for sure hell yeah [Music] yeah I seen a video now I don't know if it was true or not but the headline said little ree runs into his op while feeding the homeless you ran into somebody in this video and it didn't look like you were too happy to see him yeah he was H but I still get him some money and [ __ ] and some food and all type of [ __ ] I want tripping off that was that crazy to run into to run into your op out there like that yeah yeah that was crazy I ain't seen him in a long time so I guess that's what was going on with him damn and you still gave him how much did you give him I gave him probably like $30 $40 some food water all all type of little [ __ ] I kind of feel like the old little Reese would have never did [Music] that hell no he probably wouldn't I ain't gonna lie you know did you guys talk afterwards or anything or I was chopping up with yeah I was chopping up with him for a len and [ __ ] talking to him and [ __ ] asking them how he been and [ __ ] did you know him like before things got went went left with you guys yeah I knew him before things got left so you guys were kids together man uh yeah yeah yeah yeah grew up with him crazy man uhhuh yeah you you know I'm saying you guys end up being Ops and then you know you run into them homeless and you end up giving them money man that's you know what I'm saying that's that's pretty dope man for sure mhm when you first seen him did you like think this some [ __ ] might go down no hell no I was with my people I wasn't even thinking about that [ __ ] we was like really just trying to pass out the money all the money and all the food and stuff and go back by our ways and [ __ ] we w Really we w Really we weren't really thinking about no type of [ __ ] like that at the time you know out of all the interviews we've done man we've never talked about you getting jumped yeah so can you kind of take me through what happened that day oh know I mean [ __ ] I was going to court on my way to court and I guess I don't know some [ __ ] see me [ __ ] they tried to jump me [ __ ] but they a really even do too much though it was like really we was tussling and [ __ ] they was trying to get me to the ground they really couldn't get me to the ground cuz I was keeping my back on the wall little [ __ ] like that and and then it was like we was in the mud fighting in the mud all type of [ __ ] like that's why I went on that's about it though [ __ ] how many of them jumped you like six 605 so did you have to go to court after you got jumped or before you got or did that happen before yeah I still went the court after I got jump oh [ __ ] the judge in the Young Thug case is saying that they're going to use his lyrics against him and he's okay that man how do you feel about that they could do that though so I don't know I don't know how that [ __ ] gonna go yeah they're starting to actually do that man uh yeah yeah they been they've been doing that for a minute Bobby Smur them got they lyrics and [ __ ] used against them back then so that's what been going on that ain't nothing new yeah man it it's just pretty up thing man to be using dude's lyrics man it's uh you know I think booy said they played like eight hours of it or at least like one or two days worth of court about his music man all just just trying to just you you don't destroy them as much as they uh can you know it's kind of crazy I'm already know that's what they do though that's what they do they could do that [ __ ] I guess [ __ ] them people could do whatever they want to do in the court yeah yeah man it's up man I I mean I hate to see somebody you know what I'm saying getting their lyric shoes against him man cuz you know that's just going to like water things down people ain't going to really want to like come out and you know what I'm saying really be themselves on music you know yep does that make you think about like you know what I'm saying what you're writing and [ __ ] and you know what I'm saying what you're laying down hell yeah definitely do got to be careful for sure yeah what do you think about the whole Gunner situation I don't really know exactly what he did besides took a ple deal so it's like I don't know like I ain't really doing too much thinking about dude like [ __ ] I heard what everybody was saying about him and that's what that's what I guess what's going on I don't know you know yeah man I you know I seen you and MEC Mill you know you youed to uh I don't know if you guys knew each other or you know what I'm saying how how did you me me link up I me probably like 10 12 years ago well like 10 years ago I say like 10 years ago in Chicago he had a show in Chicago and [ __ ] when he came [ __ ] I just left with the [ __ ] and we was on tour for like seven eight days he took me to his careb all type of [ __ ] no [ __ ] just like [Music] that you guys never worked you guys never did no music together no I mean but we could could have but you know how that [ __ ] go my my mindset be like different bro like when I be around certain people like I don't be thinking about the music all the time I'll be really like with a person like I don't be too anxious to be like come on bro let's do some music like that's lame yeah I hear that man uh did he ever come to Chicago like and go to like any hoods or anything I mean yeah he did I know he did before hell yeah hell yeah oh okay but but not with you though yeah no me and him ain't never like go to My Hood and [ __ ] but I know he he Flo around he know people out here he know other people in Chicago I ain't the only person he know basically from the hood and [ __ ] so I know he' been other hoods you stayed at this house what you guys partied I tell you guys partied for five days you guys work or anything or we was we was cooling man like living life bro like we was doing [ __ ] bro we was basically just living life life and [ __ ] bro like we W too Focus like on okay let's go do some music like that [ __ ] going to come we weren't really doing that at the time one thing that I I seen back in the day man is that there was like some issue with the Amigos yeah bro bro them had a little incident little incident with them like you know what was all that about [ __ ] I really care it was so long ago bro I really don't need remember man like I don't know I don't know Bron was in tour with them for that for some little [ __ ] I don't know what the really what they was going to with each other about yeah I didn't really see you know when I did my research on it I only seen you tweet about it like one time I didn't really see too much cuz I I I want really I don't know I really Ain I really ain't really really have a problem with them like that though you know so it's like bro them really had a problem with them [ __ ] and [ __ ] but you know how that [ __ ] go bro them got a problem with somebody I got a problem with somebody did you guys ever run into them or or be face to face with them [ __ ] I never ran into them I think BR ran into them but I never did okay probably did run into them before before but it was [ __ ] obviously but and everything ended up getting squashed at one point yeah yeah that [ __ ] dead that [ __ ] ain't about nothing well you know why taking it back a little bit man you know I kind of wanted to get in some more of the history that I'm not sure if we covered I don't think we covered some of it yet man you know but you know how did GBE form you know what I'm saying and what was like you know the conversations and everything that you guys had you know back in the day GB form back then like this some [ __ ] like we came up with together me Fredo all us and [ __ ] like we just came up with that [ __ ] like like thinking being thinkers yeah but we we came up with that [ __ ] like by being thinkers bro like being around each other and just being creative and we and we thought that [ __ ] and we thought about that [ __ ] and we thought of that [ __ ] when you guys thought of it man you know were you guys was it like a label or was it like a group were you guys going to add a lot of people to it yeah it was like a group yeah it was a group no we Ain had we a had we ain't had a lot of people cuz at first one number me Fredo and S and then we start adding everybody else don't like what were them Studio sessions like back then it was it was a little better than had a studio s be now cuz back then it was fun it was lot it was it was fun bro it was fun as hell being in the studio back then compared to being in the studio like right now I don't know it was it was cool though man I with it you guys in the studio I mean you know what I'm saying you guys got this drill movement going m i mean at the time do you guys really know what you guys got or you guys just like like we figured it out we was figuring it out as we was going as as we was going along with it we was figuring that out I mean because you know the drill became it became its own like movement yeah you know what I mean like his own separate thing man that you know the fans just went crazy for man yeah we figuring it out as we was going along with life we was figuring it out bro do you have like a favorite time from back then that you could share um I'm think let hold on let me think right fast hold on yeah one of my favorite times was like when we was performing in front of Rihanna and stuff like that in La at like a um what the what this was like pink dolphin what's the name of that clo line pink dolphin or something like that like you know what I'm talking dolin y yeah it was like they had a show and we we was headline the show but it was like Rihanna and a few more big artists there watching us perform that's the time I remember damn that's pretty crazy Rihanna was watching you guys perform y damn that's what's up okay you you signed the Death Jam right and and how how long were you actually with Jeff Jam like three years three like three years I say like three years how did you feel about that experience you know are were you happy to be there or or you think you would have been better independent no yeah I was happy to be there I was happy to be saying cuz it was something I never did before like coming from the streets and then getting signed to a major label that's a big accomplishment yeah I I I mean definitely man you know you know being plus being on Death Jam I mean you know what I'm saying they're going to connect you with whoever you need to be connected with at the time you know so and you were only on there three years man like three to four years like three to four years man one of them so so what happened man I believe an incident happened at the Death Jam office or something like that or no hell noio I forgot man that [ __ ] some [ __ ] had happened then [ __ ] I had got with my team and my lawyer and [ __ ] and [ __ ] we had like got me out of that situation and I went in the pendent you been independent ever since yep hell yeah one thing that I I seen back in the day man is that there was like some issue with the Amigos yeah bro bro had a little incident little incident with them like you know what was all that about [ __ ] I really can't it was so long ago bro I really don't even remember man like I don't know I don't know bro was in tour with them for that for some little [ __ ] I don't know what the really what they was going toour with each other about yeah I didn't really see you know when I did my research on it I only seen you tweet about it like one time I didn't really see too much cuz I I I want really I don't know I really ain't I really ain't really really have a problem with them like that though you know so it's like bro them really had a problem with them [ __ ] and [ __ ] but you know how they said go BR got a problem with somebody I got a problem with somebody did you guys ever run into them or or be face to face with them [ __ ] I never ran into them I think BR them ran into them but I never did okay probably did run into them before but it was [ __ ] obviously but and everything ended up getting squashed at one point yeah yeah that [ __ ] did that [ __ ] ain't about nothing you know man it's it's been kind of wild in hip-hop lately man Diddy's been getting a diddy is is been getting sued man you know what do you think about all that man with Diddy I don't know man that's some [ __ ] he got a face I don't know I don't know I don't even know Daddy like so I can't even talk about it crazy to see man uh you know I mean it look like Diddy's getting cancelled they're starting to pull his clothes out of Macy's so sha John won't be sold to Macy's no more for sure you know that's that's what they do another woman just came forward today and is suing him and suing him from some [ __ ] that happens like over 30 years ago man it's crazy hell yeah well uh Charleston white and Little Tim linked up I thought that was an odd combination man man that crackhead link go anybody well you know what's crazy about it is Charleston white is very disrespectful to the Bloods and the Crips and Little Tim is supposed to be a [ __ ] so that's uh you know man it's like you think they're just just linking up you know what I'm saying cuz they both have a dislike for you guys man that crackhead [Music] man un that's a hype in the past you kind of had some issues with 69ine man yeah arrested again in the Dominic Republic for jumping a producer you say he he locked up I think he's out on Bell but I think they're holding him in the Dominic Republic he can't come back to America till that case is finished damn for real but he was in jail for a while man what do you think jail would be like for 69 if he got locked up again he gonna have to check in PC protect the C custody whatever protect the custody yeah that's what it is I'm not even sure if he do you think he'd be safe in PC if he was in Chicago no he won't even be see safe there hell no hell no well I can't one one last question before we get out of here what's up bro what's you thinking I came across a video of peso peso checking a dude's paperwork before he did a feature with him on his most recent case to make sure he didn't snitch yeah you saying I why why you see that at I ain't see that hold on I'll send it to you hell yeah so what happened the [ __ ] was a snitch no no no he wasn't a snitch oh he was just checking his paperwork oh [ __ ] let me send it to you real quick I got it right here there you go should be in your phone he wrong for that [ __ ] [ __ ] fresh out the feds why not check his paperwork do you feel like with all the snitching and paperwork being dropped on people man that's something that like a solid rapper definitely needs to be doing yeah you got to start checking checking people background in their little res and [ __ ] to see what's up with them man you'll never know what these [ __ ] be on is that something you thought about or or is that something you probably going to think of doing in the future no I'll be checking [ __ ] resume oh no [ __ ] before you do a song with them yeah hell y'all check a [ __ ] resume ask question do some research on them and [ __ ] see what's to them hell yeah have you ever like looked into somebody and been like ah nah I can't do that feature man yeah hell yeah hell yeah I did that before but I I ain't gonna say no names and [ __ ] though you know because I'm sure you know people like you know what I'm saying I'm sure you could probably like oh he's from San Anton or he's from uh Memphis or whatever you know what I'm saying you can probably like call like a dude from there you know what I'm saying and check on the [ __ ] hell yeah for sure what do you got plan for the future for as like music and all that type of [ __ ] yep I don't know just put out a couple more projects get some videos done try to put a fruit independent deals together and try to sign a my people are you going to put on any rappers yeah I got a few I got a few more rappers I'm trying to put on okay anybody you want to talk about one of my homie name Bill I with Bill bro hard yep a little [ __ ] name Bill man one of my people he hard to sell man they G I'm I just did a video with him going to drop a video with him like in a week [ __ ] hard as hell man call Post going to put it on my channel too so make sure y go subscribe check it out how' you meet the dude is he from he's from your hood up with him yeah that's my brother it's my brother all right bro it was a good interview man for sure you already know Cam man we we already on the contract man we GNA do this [ __ ] whenever you already know man for sure bro we locked in man what's up this is Cam Capone we got more content like this coming soon so hit that like button subscribe and stay locked in to cam Capone news
Channel: Cam Capone News
Views: 49,134
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Keywords: camcaponenews, interview, cam capone, cam capone news
Id: qWBGLXs8myY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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