Lil Dicky: Making DAVE, Return to Music & Working with Brad Pitt | Apple Music

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it should come as no surprise that a superstar somebody you know who is is is awarded and revered and creative as Dave would just walk on in the room like that and just just like what's up everybody just casually just casually like it's nothing I I didn't get to go in and do my usual kind of more elaborate greeting in the dressing room and oh that's okay I like it he hates when I do that he's like no no it plays anything but that I like the way it's worked out congratulations on the whole damn thing this is a vision man that you've had I don't even know for how long you tell us but you sort through yeah yeah yeah it's I don't know how yeah you know my whole life I always wanted to dreamt of being a comedian for sure so that the TV show uh in itself was always a dream come true and of course along the way I really became you know fully in love with music and being a rapper and when you make the show it takes up so much of your time that it's hard to even create music music in between so I'm happy you know but obviously the show is about a rapper so there needs to be music on the show and then I'm always like in between the show making music in every single moment of it's kind of risky and I'll tell you why I think it's kind of risky is because we knew you as a music as a as a musician and an artist and we also knew that you love to be to put the visuals around that and it really help because you're very good at it but then bringing it into a TV show environment and making your music such an essential part of that plot what if you didn't get past season one you know it's like it could have backfired in multiple ways yeah yeah you're not wrong I uh I guess I've always kind of just bet on myself and I try not to think about the worst case scenario I really try to imagine the best case what's that like are you a worst case scenario kind of guy I kind of have been my whole life I'm trying to get there how do you know when you've been renewed I've never asked that to anybody cuz I can imagine you do season one and you're like I did my job but there's so much that kind of goes into making sure that people see it right it's like when you release a song you can be so happy with the result when you leave the studio but then if no one listens to it it's not often the artist's responsibility right so how do you how do you know when it's like hey good good news we're going around again and we're going around again we're going around again you know you're in constant dialogue with the network and in my situation the show like right from the jump like really succeeded immediately I got really uh I think I was one of the few people who honestly like benefited from the pandemic in the sense that right when the pandemic hit my show came out and it was like nobody could go anywhere and the only thing to watch on TV that was new was my show so like it was like wow like what a you know and then so immediately it kind of took off in this huge way and I've been fortunate in that regard there's an element of Truth to that but but I I don't think you're giving the show and and well yes I agree it's the show's great I love the show and I I think I think in any in any environment it would have took off but you know it I it was it's like kind of similar to my music career in a way that I hadn't put anything out and people thought I was crazy for even like be trying to become a rapper and then the first day I put it out it really went super viral day one and like I feel like every kind of un fortunately for me every time I've like had the moment where it's like the morning of like releasing this big thing that I've worked whether it's like like my first music Freaky Friday or the show it just took off right away in a way that like is a huge relief to your soul when you're like what's going to happen I want to talk about that relief bit because I think that there's so much confidence attached to the lack of confidence in Dave the character it's this beautiful combination of the two but I wonder when you're about to release music for the first time when you've made that that move from infrastructure from the idea of working in the creative Industries whether it's advertising or whatever and like I'm going to bet on myself I got to put this music out now I'm going to find out once and for all with a anyone likes this do people like it because it's funny do people like it because it's funny and they think I'm talented there's so many questions going around were you feeling that anxiety not really I honestly at at that phase I'm so desperate like you know what I mean where it's like when it's so unproven I'm just like I don't even consider the downside of people not connecting with it I'm just so like intensely desperate on it working that really that's all I'm thinking about is like imagining it working but are you a guy that cares what people think about what you do when on the day you finish it you know I wish I wasn't I I I totally wish that I could like and and and to an extent like if I make something that I'm super proud of like and it's not necessarily receive the same way uh I can live with it but I do care what people think I wish I didn't but to be quite honest yeah of you know I feel like my whole career has kind of started you know even trying to the concept of a comedian I think most comedians probably begin as like people that love making people laugh because they just want to be liked and it's like a way to connect with human beings so so how do you find suc changes you and do you like what it changes you into like say when the when the show becomes a success and people start to really talk about you in in that regard like they talk about you in the same breath as like what Larry David has achieved or be at an early stage in your career and you're working with the same people who work on him you know I I've seen success change people and I've seen them come through the other side of that and go I don't want to take too much of that sort of gas with me yeah I don't think success has changed me at all I really feel like I haven't even changed since I've been like 12 years old who you kidding this guy you kidding me this guy he's just kidding me this guy's kidding me look he's so much he smells great you see what he drove into it's amazing man it guy's got a May back out there got dropped off at an Uber and they didn't even turn into the parking lot I had to get I had to walk my foot penith is the name of the album it is a combination of the of you know a majority of the music that you've used throughout the entire series but in full because a lot of the times we didn't hear these songs in full exactly it's like you know the the the overlying theme of this album is every song that exists on it has been in the show in some way shape or form and you know sometimes when it's on the show like it could like one of my favorite songs and you only hear it for like 10 seconds but the crazy thing about that if we can get in the order of that is people think that pieces of music are made for the show and not made and then used on the show especially when they're made for a certain scene so in my mind even though I know that you you write music and make albums I'm watching that scene thinking oh he just did that 36 bars that scene I don't didn't realize you've been making entire songs as you've been going I make the songs kind of independent of the show there are times where like you know a scene needs a very particular need um but most of the time I really am just like in between Seasons like I get like a little bit of time and I'm just like making music not even just like just to make music because I like love making music and then it's time to make the show again and I'm like what do I have in my pile that can work um which is you know at least at least at least when I'm working hard in the offseason the fruit of my labor can then be used in the show what's really cool about this show um aside from the creative side of it it's funny it's really well written the acting's great the cameos are great um is that actually as the show evolved the The Narrative that you were on presented itself and I feel like it was never a guarantee I feel like Drake was never guaranteed to show up at the end even though he was a through line in your in your life story yeah no am I wrong or was that something you were kind of wishfully thinking about as you were writing it oh such wishful thinking like especially with this season finale that we just did like we wrote an entire episode like based on Brad Pit showing up and being the main character of the episode but you didn't have Brad Pit I had never met Brad Pit I didn't know all I heard have you seen that episode it's one of the big of Television got to watch it got open to aut it's super dark the Brad Pit autotune scene is like my dream come true and like truly like we're in the writer room and I'm like you know thinking about the finale and all of my writers are looking at me like but you don't even know Brad Pit I know I just have like I heard through the gra fine that he was a fan of the show so who do you hear that through the gra fine from I heard it from my friend Ben who I think took a meeting at his production company Plan B and they were at Brad's production company and like I think in the meeting someone who he was talking to was like oh yeah cuz Ben directs some episodes on my show and he was like Brad loves Dave and then then hit me he was like Brad and that was like years ago and who knows how true or not true that is but it's a little something a little at least with Drake I like was you know at a bar one night and like I turned around and Drake was right there and he was like you're exactly who I can't wait to talked to and he like praised me and like told me how much he loved the show at least I had evidence in front of me that being said even Drake I was like who knows what his schedule will be and like I even wrote like the whole season ended and he's good at a very Charming no Drake says no in a way that makes you feel like he still might take you out for a steak dinner one night all I know is that I couldn't have it was so risky and like it's kind of like I said I kind of bet on myself and I was rewarded I when when I I didn't believe even when Brad Pit and his agents and everything was booked I was like I literally couldn't believe it until I saw him in like HD right in front of me so can we just really super nerd out on the Brad Pit episode because I can't remember the last time if ever I've spoken to anyone who's worked closely with Brad Pit on anything let alone in something that is a real out of character experience for one of the great character actors so can we talk a little bit about like what that was like when he showed up on sit what the initial conversation was like so first off unfortunately the first time he came to set I was filming this scene where you know the episode was built around me and a stalker and like I was filming the scene where she was like making a cast mold of my like lower body so like which sucks to cuz basically when I when Brad they're like Brad's here and I'm literally naked covered in like slud why he's here though and then I had to like be like okay and then like I have to like I'm like I have to walk out like truly like naked with like clay covering my body and be like hey Brad like oh my God and he said he looked at you you're exactly who I've been waiting to talk to it was it was honestly a nice Icebreaker you know what I mean at least there was like immediate talking points and then he was the talk about I have never seen first off the guy is an absolute dream like the coolest guy I've ever met in my life no question and you know on set we have such a great crew and cast and every day we definitely like work as hard as we can to make the best possible product there is such a marked difference like when Brad Pit is there like everyone's posture is like fully upright and like you can just tell that like everyone goes into work on the days where he's there being like we're at the top of our game like that guy treats like every single person the exact same he such a he was like big uping like the light people like you know he's like so good at like making and he doesn't do it in a way that feels like he's just doing this just to do it no he really is that like sweet and and nice and cool and so how do you keep a composure when you're in a scene with Brad Pit because I know you can act but you're acting opposite somebody who's now one of the iconic actors of his in any other generation and he gets to play a role that's very out of character for him that's why he wants to do it he gets to be Brad Pit out of being Brad Pit but you still have to be Dave very surreal like there like you know it's I and I'm sitting there and I'm giving him notes and like you know and he's like responding to them really well and like respecting what I'm saying and like you know he's worked with the people I aspire to be like one day like he's worked with every one of the best directors of all time and like I think he really like looked at me and respected me as a filmmaker and I I think it has to be the most validating moment of my life so far because this guy really is like the movie star of not just like my generation but like I feel like the past like 40 years he's been like the guy and to work with him and to like there are moments where I'm like making him laugh so hard that he has to like compose himself and then they be like okay okay okay like like and just to like be in what was your favorite moment of the day One Singular thing that happened on or off camera during that moment during that that that that when I go I just like there was a moment where I like I we do a lot of like rewriting and writing right there in the spot on the day and there was just a a thing that required some jokes from Brad and I just went into where he was sitting in his like green room and I just sat down on the floor Indian style and I was going just pitched him jokes on like what and then it ended up just turning into a conversation about like his career and my career and just like having that one-on-one time of just like sitting and talking with him and him being like so interested in me of course I'm interested in him but it's just incredible wow man what a ride and then the autotune the autotune was outrageous let that that that was the coolest part cuz like first off like he was like I don't think he like he's obviously never heard himself sing an autotune and then he was like so what are we doing and then I made like I tried to make like a little demo like so he could like see it and then I was like just trust me like cuz he's like I can't sing and I'm like Brad like you don't need to be that's the point that's like I'm telling you you go like and it will sound perfect and then he went in there and he really like the joy that he felt experiencing autotune for the first time was palpable and then I even had I was in his ear and able to be like you know I was like singing like a bar a bar ahead and I was like don't do this and then he would be like don't do this and it was like so it was like the voice of God being like in it it was so cool if you haven't seen this episode and you're listening to this live right now it is along with the whole series but it is one of the you know every series needs a couple of standout episodes you you just do I mean it could be a great ride the whole way through and there'll be a couple that people like Ross and lither Pence you know what I mean like that's funny and this was one of the great episodes I think of the whole the whole ride oh my God it's like a first off it's like an hour it's like a long episode and shouts to the stalker too who I mean held her own today she's unbelievable she honestly she stole the show she really stole the show and Brad Pit was in the show and like me too and she like killed it like I think there's no one else in the world that could have played that part but her like she's so you have to be so unbelievably funny and then so unbelievably like emotionally dark too to be able to like pull that off and she like killed it in every capacity yeah I was my emotions were flipping between laughing and literally covering my eyes like I was like this is almost a horror episode yeah yeah yeah yeah it was like a psychological Thriller comedy yeah that's the power of you know somebody who has a great Charisma and you know what they call Star appeal but also incredible actor like incredible the ability to be able to lean into that role and know that it's going to have an effect on people and be unafraid to do that she is another person that I grew up idolizing who like being able to work with and it's total dream come true and she is also just as wonderful as you'd ever dream of like she's a just a great person well you can tell because you know we were talking about that run in in the sort of beginning of Rachel from Mean Girls all the way through Regina George man but then you know you got in a notebook and then you go like wedding crashes and all these star turns that she did where she just owned the movie True Detective going to bring it up I no but but there's a space there's a space between those things in the first one point know you felt like she could just keep this rocket ship going yeah and just going and going and going and she did that thing where she was like let me take some from what I could tell let pull back take some control yeah no working with her total dream come true it's like surreal again to be like you know you're a boy and you're like this is like you know everyone grows up with like the idea of like a celebrity crush she was always that and it's like to be able to then be able to like recreate all that type of thing in a show when she's like one of the more iconic movie stars of my time again coming to do television which he just doesn't do it really speaks to and and all these people are doing it not cuz I didn't know her none of them know me is a similar situation to Brad you heard that she liked the show yeah and and it's just it's you know season one I'm like telling YG like trust me like this show is going to be good and like you know people haven't seen it and you never know by season 3 like all the biggest movie stars and musicians are like it's my favorite show and I'm just like amazing like let's make it who else did that that wasn't on the show let's Flex for a bit I have DMS with LeBron where we're just talking about how much he loves the show and it's like I literally just met LeBron on the shop and I can't believe it I'm like looking at LeBron James and he's talking to me like in reality about like my art and being like it's so funny and great and I it's like you know I I I obviously like love making art for all the fans out there to connect with of course but there's something about your Idols Like Loving what you're doing that really is like the ultimate validation now I I know that we shouldn't live life for validation and I'm trying to get out of that where it's like everything is all about validation bit validation is fine man yeah a little it's from LeBron and Brad Pit and then it's okay what is the point in in admiring people letting them inspire you to want to be a part of this whole experience if you can't get close to them and appreciate it when they give it back totally I just would you know like what if LeBron and Brad Pit never happened and then like would I be like sitting at home being like like when will LeBron acknowledge me that's like not the right way to live life so like even though the coin has flipped right in this particular instance for me it's a dangerous like game to play uh moving forward that being said of course I believe in the product I'm going to make and I I imagine people will like it but you know I'm just trying to I just know the dangers of like living your life based like tying your identity to your art and how your art is received by like the biggest stars in the world it's not the right way to live life so when did you play Rachel McAdams Mr McAdams and and and were you there when she heard it what was her reaction she cracking up cracking up she's amazing and and that's one of the cool things that came across all the people that are on the show from her to to Brad to all the cameos Drake you know they all have a history of laughing at themselves they all have the ability I know people say about Drake right now he's not doing that but he's not laughing at a certain type of dialogue or narrative he's not into that narrative he doesn't like passive aggressive that goes on around him but if you get him in a situation where you get him face to face and you and you give him the material he will laugh at himself for I got to say Drake like that scene that we shot had to be like short cuz it was like the end of the you know the season and I couldn't but like the footage I have of me and him talking like it could have been like like he is so funny like I I told him like of course he's like the best rapper of of my life you know what I mean but like what I didn't like know was that he's like truly a top five comedic actor and like I don't like I have so much footage of me and Drake where I like can't even like he's making me hysterically laugh he's so funny like one of the funniest like onscreen talents like in the world yeah well he's got a comedian's face and that he can keep it very straight and carry a line and he can also keep go super goofy it it is hard to break him like I break a lot of people like where I'm you know being funny like he is stone-faced and he can really like do it but he still understands what I'm doing it's not like above his head like he gets what I'm do he really was blew me away as an actor I told him I was like editing the scene and it was like I was like it sucks that this can't even be 10 minutes like I wish we could make like a 15minute scene of just we been saying that ever since we've seen him doing skits or things whether it's on isnel or doing other little bits and Bobs or stuff on YouTube the stuff he did with will frell I mean all is so brilliant and we you know we've all been saying behind the scenes in the same way we'd all kind of say very quietly behind the scenes about God wouldn't it be great if Taylor went into the middle of no and made a songwriter record and she made two of the best of all time but even all fans have me kind of willing Drake in the same breath like hey you know when you're not out there breaking records as the world's greatest rapper alive why don't you uh you know get back into comedy you know yeah he's I me he he can do whatever he wants in the future you know and it's I don't blame him for riding the spaceship that is like the most iconic musical career like borderline ever so it's tough to find time you know a cameo that got me too cuz we're talking about people that have traditionally laughed at themselves and someone who took them themselves takes themselves very serious and they should how did you get Kem Abdul Jabar to roll with that man cuz that's not like his first all he was in the airplane so he does comedy but that was kind of it that's all he had to do he was so iconic writing articles very s serious I agree so and that was the premise of you know of the episode was like he is a very serious and and then so I have no communication with Kareem leading up to it it's like you know agents like like reach out so I don't even know anything about like what his opinion on me is or anything he comes to set and Kareem is the type of guy that I think takes a little while to warm up and like so right away like I'm immediately thrust into the scene where like I'm kind of being like the most absurd comedy like version of myself and his role in the scene is to like play it really straight and like act like he doesn't like what I'm saying and that's happening and I can't tell if he finds this like truly the first scene I was like this guy's going to walk off the set and like quit cuz like he's offended but no and then by the end of it we got so close that he came to my house after we wed Weeks Later brought me a gift came over hang out sat on the couch like hung out with me all afternoon just talking about life and I was like another surreal moment kareim Abdul Jabar sitting on my couch like coming to Venice and like just like sitting and hanging and like he brought me gifts he brought me like goggles that he used to wear like what yeah you had the goggles yeah I have them in my house yeah and so and he warmed up by the end and he he's so funny especially because your character is actually for the most part until the final season I'm really only sort of halfway through the final season like the worst yeah like like the worst like I don't know who I'm rooting for sometimes like kind of as as Dave the character I kind of want you to win but at the same time I'm like oh my God this guy that's the you know it's a hard line to thread where it's like you know I have to in the show be more of an than I am in real life like for the sake of plot and for conflict and whatnot but and it's like but I always say like I don't want to become like an unlikable character like you at the end of the day the show is called D you want did you walk the line I Walk the Line but you still kind of I hope root for my character to win which is like that's the right way to do it in my opinion like or I'm just going to be like well it comes back to the season finales you talked about which want to talk about which is that you know just when think like I really can't watch any more of this guy be rude to Gator and treat his fans like he's so lost and he just doesn't know what he has in his relationships oh my God this guy's a car crash and then in the last season last episodes I feel like you're like oh wait come back cuz there might be a change absolutely I feel like you know one thing I really really pride myself in is the season finales of every season like I really think like we have like the best season finales of any show ever like I really feel that way every season like they're so good that they could like end the series you know what I mean and like to get that level of catharsis is the word uh I think you just have to like plot it outright and it's like it's not going to mean as much when I'm bringing gate on stage at the VMAs if I'm not going through like turmoil leading up to it and like abandoning all my friends along the way and it's like it's all kind of mapped out intentionally and I'm happy that everyone you know gives me the benefit of the doubt my character at least to stick with it and I mean it's the genius of the show and the writing man and the and the performances is that you and and The Ensemble and we're going to come back and talk about the the other characters in the show who played an essential role in carrying de it's a byproduct of the fact that you assembled the right people and told the right stor that we did come back cuz if you'd got it just a little bit left or a little bit right it would have been all wrong you know what I mean yeah you've always just been authentically yourself and I think that's what what draws everybody to you as you're trying to figure out your place in all of this yeah you don't ever Divorce Yourself from who you really are to get there which you know ever since I've come into especially hip-hop it's like who is this comedy guy like is he like making fun of everything is he like culture vulturing you know but I think like the did anyone really honest question did anyone actually call you out and say look dude I'm not really a fan of what you're trying to achieve and you had a dialogue with him trying and figure it out is anyone ever kind of questioned it to you oh Ebro did it on the radio and he was just like I'm going to be honest it's because you're white and you're making jokes about it and you know and then I said to him I said I you know totally hear you but like let me ask does it ever feel like I'm not being myself and he said no it does not so I to me like the ultimate thing you can do as an artist is like be like so pure in yourself with your intentions and if you're doing like to me like how I like Would Imagine a culture vulture would be is like trying to act like something they're not and like totally like stealing a whole swag and style like but it's not even them but I feel like everything I do as a rapper really does come it's so unique no one else does anything like what I do and I think that and people respect it I think because I'm just being myself that's a perfect perfect interaction between two people who care very deeply about what they do I would expect Ebro to ask that question and and I would expect you to give that answer it's kind of the perfect to and fro yeah you know my theory is with it I think you took some of the principles you had by being good at basketball into this world because that as someone that grew up playing basketball that's what happens like all of us be sitting there the white dude comes up like all right but if you're genuinely yourself it's like oh okay cool you can hoop let's go we good I I I agree I do feel like the way I carry myself as a rapper is very similar to the way I carry myself on the court and you and let's be very clear for anybody listening around the world right now who's unsure Dave carries himself in the court very well yo yeah just Google Little Dicky basketball you'll see the footage it's I I'm not up here blowing smoke it's I really am an Elite basketball player what was the best basketball game you ever played and who was on the court well uh I used to play pickup a lot with Kanye like back in 2017 you g them buckets yeah I was the first time I ever met Kanye I it was on the court and it was a three Onre full-court game that's too much where where I was on Kanye so literally the first time I'm meeting him is me guarding him and then I thought to myself like how do I play this like I think Kanye like from what I gather from all his music would want me to go as hard as I possibly can so that's what I did and you know Kanye's actually he's got such an interesting game I love the way he plays so good at like finishing around the rim and like this weird way there was one moment where I you know the ball was going out of bounds and I saved it and threw it off him you know what I mean disrespect and and then everyone like was like like what what's how's Kanye going to react to this and then he was like good save he was like what it's a rapper thing like he said something like it's a rapper thing and I remember thinking like oh my God like he sees me as a rapper like kind like I just what a moment of my life does he trash talk not well a little bit a little bit yeah do you not to Kanye I I like you know I let my game speak for itself yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly I mean if you really can play that's always the best that's always the best way forward amongst the other people who have shown up and it's important we talk about this because in a couple of weeks time he's going to take to the biggest and most important stage probably in athletics and entertainment combined which is user yeah and that episode with Rick Ross and with user you know that Atlanta episode that's a very powerful and pretty funny also intense episode for sure yeah I mean first off just know this Usher was the first concert I ever went to as a human being wow yeah so I'm seeing Usher for the first time I'm like a 13-year-old boy and like this man is putting on such a show all the women are like crying cuz they're like oh and I just thought like wow and like what a I thought every concert would be that way no like cuz not everybody's going to the Super Bowl and that's why I'm like so happy that he's getting this opportunity cuz like that man is the ultimate showman and like just to be with him on my side of my show and like to tell him these things in reality even in the show I say this to him and it's like another like I really I said this to you in between like this season season 3 was like every one of my like childhood dreams came true yeah you know who's a really great straight face comedian is Rick Ross I've always felt that he's so funny Rick Ross is unbelievable and like that man was so nice I had never met him and like I came in and like I had to go in again like I don't know how familiar everyone is with like what we're going to be doing like I don't know how like if he got the script and like knows the and so I go in like at lunch before he's about to get called just to like you know prep him a little bit and he I just go in there and he's sitting in there shirtless SM smoking and it was like out of a movie and he's like just look so iconic everything I said to him about like what we were going to be doing he just looked at me and he just kept going too easy that was his response to everything too easy and then like the the the the episode was centered around his chain and like we got like a fake chain made and I was just like so worried that like he wouldn't want to wear it or it wasn't going to look right like you know I mean and then he was like No just use my chain and then I was like thank you but a million dollars around your neck I was like thank you but like we're going to have to use the chain in scenes that you're not even here for and he was like no you can just hold it so I literally he would like leave and I would be holding this like hundreds of thousands of dollar chain and like using it in scenes and then like I'd give it to him the next day it was like what trust this man had for me I want to you know just to sort of finish that pot of that what's real what's not is there any part of you that's trying to protect people in your life while you're trying to tell stories definitely like there are times where like if I have first off like you know one time I made a mistake of like using someone's real name just their first name and like my my friend was like dude like my mom just hit me up like you know it's like a story that like was a funny story but maybe he wouldn't want publicly to be and that was like a real Learning lesson for me and then even like when I change the name sometimes I like think to myself well I know X Y or Z is going to watch this and be like he's talking about me and then I like it's weird cuz I make a lot of like potentially insensitive material but I really am as a person very sensitive and like don't like I hate the thought of disappointing people and like hurting their feelings so so how do you get over that hump uh if if I if I I I think if I did something that if I imagined someone watching it and it would crush them I wouldn't do it I I would like deviate even if it's incredibly funny to you and those in the room I would just deviate enough to where I'd have the excuse to be like that's not necessarily about you right right right which is denial really it kind of is denial but I would Dev I would try yeah you know if it's the best thing ever it's tough like that's the story you know I feel entitled to like draw from real Inspirations and well here's the thing artists feel that and because you're both well actually more than both you there three or four of the Arts that you rolled into what you do in terms of writing directing acting making music but but just you know from a comparative point of view from being a writer and an actor and a musican musicians lean into the truth all the time the idea being I know this may hurt you but I need to say it and we'll heal together if you can just if you just let it let it go and be right I feel like comedy gets to do that with a much harder Edge because it's like but it's funny yeah you even say that some of the lyrics on your album you're like that's a joke hahaa that's a joke hahaa I'm just kidding that's a joke yeah I think often times the trouble is less about when I do anything funny the trouble is like if I like really like like try to have a serious moment that like is based on something that seriously happened to me often times I try to use memories where like I am the victim or the brunt of the joke but that being said there are certain people who probably were the uh quote unquote I guess oppressors or the the and I even though they did wrong by me I still feel bad like cuz you're not doing it for Revenge no I'm doing it for story not for revenge and then I also know people grow like there are things that I probably did where I picked on somebody I'm sure when I was like a young person I'd look back on it and be like oh my God what horrible Behavior like I've definitely bullied kids too and I've but I've been bullied by it in so many circumstances that's the cycle so where's the line for comedy for you and I ask you from from your point of view on Comedy because every comedian has a slightly different line here in terms of how far you're willing to go for the sake of a laugh I really believe in the art of the joke like I believe that comedy is like a like a holy art form and I think a lot of Comedy the best comedy comes from the stuff that is straddling that line of like should should he have said that or and like that's the that if you hit that sweet spot uncomfortability that is like the prime time comedy so like I really like do you know I would never I again I try to be a sensitive person and think like who is going to be offended by this and like is there Merit to the to them being offended and is like is this too far is this group of people that will be offended by this like is it worth doing like is am I being in and I think along the way I have matured and grown as a human being to where I am more sensitive than I would be back in the day when I was initially you understand people a bit better the older you get but the the further you go through this life you understand what really resonates with people both positive and you know hurtful and I think I happen to be like you know putting comedy and content out like at this like intersection of like social media accountability that like you know 10 years ago 15 years ago you could make a joke no one cared now you make a joke that's a little uncomfortable people are going to call you out about it and you like you really can like see people's opinions more so I just think that has heightened awareness of people to like even think about what they're saying I think before comedians might not even think about they're just it it's funny now I think everyone's thinking like well how is this going to like you know be perceived and I think that ultimately can be a damning thing but I think it's also a good thing and it's like there's also growth in that isn't grow in that it's like you know at a certain point like if there are like marginalized groups in this world like sometimes it's better not to make a joke about them in this moment you know what I mean like there's just like ways to go about things and I think the more Society is enlightened the better we be that being said you know there are like there's we have to let people be people too and like make mistakes and like let people it's a Frontline out form I mean look you can say that about anybody who puts themselves out into the world in order to try to entertain people but I feel like comedy if you want to put it in a in a hierarchy of who's really at the front lines of this forward in terms of the entertainment business comedy is like over the trenches man not to do a bad analogy but it's true it's like you are going in and getting bloodied and bruised as you're trying to entertain people because it is that thing that walks the line at all times and it pushes you forward as a as a writer as a as a comedian you know what I mean like to not work blue immediately to not just be like derogatory right out of the gate I mean I think it challenges you as as an artist to be like what can you do to be a little smarter to be smarter right but you look at somebody like Nate brigatti right he's selling out arenas stadiums doing like material about his water heater at home and his sneakers you know what I mean like you don't necessarily need and there is a time and a place for to go blue and go be offensive but then you can get away with anything as long as it's funny well I think I think the people who um the comedians who who really um have this unavoidable Collision Course with their community and their fans and the public are the ones that don't get fulfilled talking about their water heater yeah it's it's like no disrespect to that cuz we need that it's the ones who wake come like the only way that I resonate with myself in the same way musicians can only tell their truth to be authentic is if I walk this line I don't have any other way it's like they're built to do that I I hear that and there is something you know thrilling about walking that line and uh yeah I think a lot of we have such a like the whole history of Comedy I feel like is made of like the best people that walk the line the best are going to be the most successful and like it's almost always been like those are the best comedians like are people that make kind of relatively controver stat people talk about Bill Hicks like he's one of the greatest alltime icons and heroes but at the time that guy went through a lot I mean he was you know way ahead of the curve way ahead of the curve people didn't really even understand what he was talking about because sometimes it didn't even feel like comedy no it wasn't he was he was like he was freestyling basically you know Bill hick was defined largely by basically giving a college lecture about like how we all are yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey um shouts to G oh my God shouts to G I mean talk about one of the most well-loved Sidekicks in comedy history I think I agree yeah for sure like and I knew that was going to be the case like because I was on tour with this man for like years how did you meet him uh I so I was like just about to begin rapping doing shows I should say like by the way like I had like a whole like fan base and community of people that like wanted to see me live but I had never even wrapped in front of anybody in my life before like it was like the digital era where I'm able to like put all this stuff on YouTube and then like like I'm too scared to do karaoke so I'm about to start doing concerts and like back then especially I would like try to like prove how like Dynamic of a rapper I am by like jamming all these words and and like making these long ass verses and I was like rehearsing and I was like man I need breaths like I and like I don't want to play my like just song like I don't like when rappers just play their song and rap over the song like I wanted to open up the verse and really rap and I was like I need a hype man and my manager at the time he managed tigga and back in the day and he was like well this guy G was Tiger's hype man like maybe you'll meet him and you'll like him so literally Gada came to this office that I was recording at he he he it's the ultimate G thing that he did he literally came with like three other people of videographer like an intern none of which he like even knew like he barely knew these people he just brought he brought them with him to look like more like cooler and like more professional and like it worked we hit it off immediately and then all of a sudden I'm on tour with him and it was just like I remember being like on the road all the time and being like my life is like a movie right now this is like the stuff that's happening with me and Gada is so funny and I would just religiously write everything down and then you know it just NeverEnding material and then I knew when we made the show now I always knew he would be like an incredible comedic personality what I didn't know is like you could put him in the like most important emotional moments and he was able to like turn on like be hon he was he was the first emotionally resonant character in the show he was the one who showed where the show actually Where The Heart of the show was I agree before that I felt like okay this is an extension of little dickies jokes then it was like wait there's some real dips going on now yeah yeah yeah no for sure all credit to Gada and he was you know a lot of the stuff that we put out in the show like the more emotional things for his character or things that he's experienced in real life so simply like I give all credit to him to like be that vulnerable to like tell his and I I've seen it like firstand I've been out with him and people be like man like that bipolar episode like like it change like it like changed the way me and my family talk about like my bipolar dis I mean I'm actually getting a little bit emotional just going back to that that that that episode because his it was such a tough scene for him to carry yes and he did it in such an incredibly human way yeah like No And another like Risk in the sense that like I was like we wrote that scene hoping it would be very emotionally but like I knew Gat was able to be like make all the funny little slick comments and like at but like I didn't know how he would be in that situation and then I saw and like literally he was like crying and then they say cut and then he turns and looks at the camera and he's like that's what the you call acting like it's like so cool and he just killed it yeah he killed it and also just at the beginning the way he introduced himself as a character with all of the bravado and all the confidence of someone who did not have their together at all that's so human everybody at some point in their life does that man puts on that identity in the sense that like oh yeah I got you I can figure this out but on the inside they're panicking no like this show I think is so strong because like the two main characters like wear their vulnerabilities on their sleeves I do it in my way and the way he does it is even more vulnerable and like he really kills it how important was YG showing up to give the show the the the Boost it needed well it's like like first off I mean it's very important to have like the entire pilot centered around a plot line about a particular rapper and they show up and they show up I have I have there's been I'm not going to name names there have been episodes on the show that are written for rappers and they don't show up were they supposed to show up yeah YG not only showed up came early stayed late like the ultimate like dream guest and like yes it was very a legitim like the pilot is like really season one is about a guy trying to get legitimacy so it's like the pilot I want to be like a little bit of a total encapsulation of that premise what better way to do it than to have it be like the quest to get a feature verse from a rapper and you know Y is like ultimate Legend like I love y and I think he really killed it and yes getting him like you never know even today I'm like you never know this season was the first season I was like they're going to they're going to show up yeah but like season one and two I was like oh my God like the night before I mean when you did that scene yeah they would have been hearing it for the first time right yeah yeah so it was nerve-wracking in that I'm like oh my God I have to like live like perform like an A aill in front of YG now and but you know your back is so I like don't even love doing things like that unless my back is to the wall and it's like survival mode that's the only way like I even want to rap like there are times where like people are like just rap like and I'm like no I mean there was a time in the '90s when it became so common for rappers to be asked to rap like comedians asked tell jokes the rappers started to incorporate it into their verses they start to be like don't ask me to Freestyle for you free it ain't free yeah it ain't free there's so much um about this series we could keep talking about and and I'm so happy that we have the music now to coincide with the series because you know it's great hearing the songs it's great hearing them in full it's great getting each narrative broken down it's kind of kind of it's quite a reflective experience actually it makes me want to go back and watch the whole thing again so I hope that was the plan yeah that was the plan it's like I I I I kind of and and I designed it to be a thing that was like yeah really satisfying to a viewer of the show but I also tried to like create like a total track list in sequencing order that like if you had never seen this show and you're just like who is this little Dicky guy like I I wanted it to be like a kind of like a a real album experience it's very clever because you know for instance where Harrison Z sits in relation to everything is in relation to the timeline of the show but it works when you listen to it it's almost it's almost like a rap Opera mate yeah and there's like a proper intro a proper outro it's like it really is designed that way so I'm happy that I'm able to like make this thing that's like serving multiple purposes at once um the mmore show was hilarious um he was brilliant the way he came out and kind of even mocked his own sort of sense of enthusiasm and exuberance which I thought was great um but there's one thing that I think that was a nice way for us to put a ribbon on this our latest conversation which is to talk about how this show has kind of affected your your perception of relationships and how people relate to you da inability that strugle with your own idty and it makes you very difficult to be loved and to love yeah I mean first off my favorite part of the show is the writer room and that process because it's really like me sitting down and like like opening up in such a way to like 10 incredibly funny smart people who are like able to like dissect what I'm saying and be like well you know maybe you feel that way cuz and like there are time like I didn't like there's an episode uh there's an episode I think I think in Season Two Season one sorry where like I like you know I have these positive memories of overnight camp and and I I thought everyone just like thought I was the funny guy and then I like realized in the episode that I was being bullied and I truly that exact experience happened in the writer's room where I was like well I no they I was just being funny and they were like I don't know man and like and and I love my Camp friends and like I don't like I I it was more Nuance than that but like there is like I'm just able to discover and what we do we can with the material we have even friends so if you are not sure about your role in all of this and you end up putting yourself out in front with a joke or two and I find you funny am I laughing with you or at you I'm just reacting to what you're doing yeah and back then it didn't matter it was like I just wanted laugh I didn't know I'm bullying you I'm just laughing at you exactly totally and and you're right there's that side of it too but yes what we try to do is like find like little kernels of like massive truths that are like you know like I am inherently a selfish person am I catastrophically selfish the way I am in the show no but it's like we take the truth of like what why I am selfish like well maybe you have your whole like I'm on this like you know very self-fulfilling prophecy where like nothing matters in life but like reaching the certain Stepping Stones of my career and you know as a result that that is a dangerous way to live have I alienated my friends in real life the way I do in my show no but like could I have like if I didn't have the exact right head on my shoulders maybe and you know it's it's it's it is cathartic and I just feel like I it's almost like journaling you know what I mean the show for me and I do learn a lot about and there are lessons I my character has learned in the show that I know are the lessons that I need to learn in real life it's in like it's in there Dave bird because I think this is this is an important moment for wherever you decide to go next which is like okay I don't know if you're in a relationship right now oh yeah I'm fully in love found the one where live together we're getting married amazing congratulations that's incredible I love I met the best girl in the world what's her name Kristen congratulations thank you that's beautiful you got to meet her could you have got there if you hadn't got to the show with the same success I would hope but I think you know maybe today let's qualify that today people always said like you know love isn't about like being swept off your my parents when I say people like my mom would be like love is not like you have this whole false Narrative of what love is where you're going to meet a girl and she's going to blow you away right away and you're going to it's going to be a fairy tale she's like it's not that it's it's the right person at the right time of your life and I kind of always blew her off but there is truth to that like I did meet Kristen right when like my show started like I like my dream my whole life was to make this show and and I felt like I couldn't let anything get in the way of like you know self-actualizing and doing that and then I met her right after I like turned that corner and then I met her right before covid and then we like got to like spend the whole year together and like really like before then I'm not sure I was giving relationships a fair sh shot like it was like I go on a lot of dates but I don't think I would give people but like for it came at such the right time and she really is the absolute perfect soulmate for me that I kind of my mom might have been right about like timing is everything it's beautiful man yeah it's good to see you it's great to see you I love all you guys I love that we landed here and then we can pick up what we have so many questions I want to know I mean I suppose I suppose I could ask you quickly you going to direct a film now like what's oh yeah I'm totally like I'm currently writing uh my first feature film that I want to write star and direct and to yeah you know as much as I I I love the show Dave and I always will and I love making music but it's really like I I'm 10 years into it and I feel like I'm just at the beginning of like all the things I'm capable of doing so I'm really excited about the future yeah you are Dave bird everybody thank you guys [Music] he [Music] he
Channel: Apple Music
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Keywords: apple, music, apple music, apple music youtube, youtube apple music, apple music 1, lil dicky, dave, lil dicky interview, interview, david burd, lil, dicky, penith, lil dicky penith reaction, penith lil dicky, lil dicky zane lowe, zane lowe, zane lowe lil dicky, lowe, zane lowe interview, lil dicky new album, lil dickey music, lil dicky, lil dicky freestyle, lil dicky hahaha, lil dicky earth, lil dicky reaction, lil dicky freaky friday, lil dicky sway, lil dicky save that money
Id: bs6sQ0unlPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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