Lights in Archicad Tutorial

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[Music] hello everyone sp architects here today i'm going to show you lightings or lightning accessories in archicad from the left side of the window we have more options here and you will notice that we have a lamp object by clicking that will activate it and in the settings we will see more options as you can realize we are under the general light sources they are used to rendering elements in native arc gate render i mean cinerender in addition to that they are used to under escape rendering engine it doesn't have its own lighting sources they are using these general light sources in arc kits for instance i slice parallel spotlights sun objects and window lights actually we are not using pindo lights in inscape for this reason these are outdated but we have interior lamps here and also street lamps when we are grading landscapes or roads something tied it we can use that and by clicking it we will see more options right here we have main intensity which we are not going to use because i assume that we are not going to use our kit render engine we are going to steal module or something else these are rendering parameters and if we go next now we can see our surface options and here the important thing is we have 3d detail we have resolution here for instance it's done let's click ok and place here go to 3d window and this is what we get and if we just zoom in we will see some triangles but in detailing renders you don't want to see them in the options we can change this resolution for instance i prefer using this multiplies 2 means 32 just click ok and we will see smoother curve here and it will looks nicer in our renders of course we have more options here but for now we are not going to use them in addition to that some objects have their separate objects what does it mean in the interior lamps wow we have lots of interior lamps here but these are you see are not totals of the objects for instance if we click ceiling clamps we will see more options design choices and of course if we select one of them we can change their settings as before my favorite is this recessed spot by the way i use this very much and as for the world lamps we have more options too but they're still the same this place one of them for instance these types 8 we have blue purple points 2. by dragging and drop as you can see we can change the model with any shape we want let's duplicate once more and try something else yeah it's the same as you can see it's very easy and you can realize that curve has not enough resolution so we can increase the resolution to 64 there we go we have inspected archicad on stamps but in addition to this i'm going to show you how to create hidden knives what does it mean for instance we have a blank room here this creates a simple room something like this click the sheets and create a basic rectangular room now i'm going to create a floor for that like this and control plus c let's go to first floor paste here and in the 3d window we have something like this i'm going to change the material to white okay paint close white and floor will be wood let's click ok there we go i want to create a window here also seal to ball base and again yeah maybe we can change its to storefront this one and i want to change some dimensions yeah bottom rail widths will be 50 millimeters yeah okay let's change the width to three meters there we go once we have this i'm going to create here ceiling island design island seating design what does it mean it's going to be hole here and i'm going to give inner lights inside this island and there will be height differences okay let's create it i click the ceiling and hit copy and duplicate to its downside by the way i want to change the working system working quiz to centimeter okay now select on floor plan now i'm going to click the corner and click this substract from polygon press it space but before that in the control box i'm going to change the the controlling option to offset and hit the space click and as you can see we can create an offset inside the ceiling let's make something to hundreds and hit ok yeah there you go we will see something like this and i'm going to change the parameters materials to write also [Music] maybe it's going to be a good decide to increase the window width according to the sailing for the interior design purpose and i can change the thickness of the ceiling like this and now we have a empty space between the seating and the suspense setting okay now in render i want to give lights to this direction but with an rectangular shape but in the rendering for instance team motion is a bit hard to cope with that's but we have a rectangular shape maybe it can be easy using lighting elements in deep motion we would have a curved shape for the ceiling for instance let's change this edge to a curve let's click that h and curl h and let's make something like this yeah this way but i want this to with the opposing direction i want to see the middle points half but i'm going to use between notes yeah there we go okay since it was a curved shape we cannot give a true lighting in order to solve this problem we are going to use profile from the profile manager we are going to create a new profile type click the new and we have canvas screen here i am going to create a circle onto that for the radius for instance we can use 2 centimeters i don't know let's try and we are going to fill this one hit the space and create our profile and now we are going to change this material to our surface i'm gonna use glass lamp or we can create ours we are going to use with beam and click the save now we are going to go to the first story click the beam tool select our new profile hit the space and click here again click the profile and make some offsets by clicking any edge or corner a little insights okay in the 3d window but we have we have nothing because it's on ceiling maybe we can use subsection let's just right click and open with current view settings selection is off and place here there you go by the way if you don't want to see the directly the shape we can change the thickness of the ceiling to five centimeters maybe or more and move down sides i don't know maybe five centimeters five more okay now i'm going to create a wall for this so we go to first story click the wall and wall thickness will be three or two the thickness will be 10 centimeters so ohm story will stay at the same and we click not links and it's going to be 10. and material will be the same with the ceiling which is paint titanium white and click ok hit the space and click inside okay let's go to the section and this is what we get group selection is off move and align them now we won't see the lightning element it's really hidden and it's under the construction standards there we go all right i have copied a parametric molding profile which we have created in the previous tutorials i'm going to create a link for the video to see how to create something like this yeah this one this is a parametric profile and you can change the this edge type and you can create different shapes shapes and for this i'm going to use for the our seeding design let's click space and place in the section where is this yeah here let's give this two meters and in the section we can fix its position under the suspense sailing or maybe we can use this also for the islands now i'm going to change the direction of the wall let's hit the key and click the blue edge offset and match with the r molding by the way the material is titanium white titanium white now we have another piece here i'm going to put a little bit ceiling too let's duplicate from these points to towards to this point and offset again is offset once more yeah it's okay now we have full design ceiling now and we have our hidden lights and we can read off the unnecessary parts and make some render all right i have imported our model to team motion and as you can see we are in the native render but if we switch to paid tracing we will see something like this noise screen and it's a bit slower and i want to increase the motion so i'm going to switch the plane speed in order to delete i'm i hit the tree now we are going to give some materials by the way i have predate some seeding lights for those as you can see we are waiting but we can't switch back and from the material under the materials we have neons here and i'm gonna drag and drop a new material for our spots also i'm gonna give another neo material for our hidden lights yeah i mean we cannot see anything but if we switch to paid tracing we will see this maybe it will be a good idea change the globe 1 maybe for the spawn also all right this is how you can create lights in arc kit and how to render in 3motion it's very basic and simple i hope you have learned something new and enjoy the tutorial thank you for watching please subscribe and support the channel i'm going to create similar tutorials for you do not miss them out thank you for watching have a nice day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 26,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, archicad tutorial, design, parametric, Architecture, BIM, Building Information Modeling. Building, Archicad Turorials, Archicad Graphisoft, Archicad Favorites, AutoCAD, How to model in Archicad, learn Archicad, Archicad Beginner tutorial, Archicad tutorial for Beginner, multible, story, level, stairs, stair, gutter, downspout, soffit, facias, section, 3d model, D5, D5 RENDER, RENDER, cornish, roman, temple, pillar, archicad 25, archicad 25 tutorial, twinmotion 2022
Id: w7ixyTFetqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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