Alsalam Alaykum I hope everyone is doing
well I'm Hana Fouad I created videos about building designs and tutorial if you're new here
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below today's video is going to be about the led lights of the ceiling and this is a rendering
photoshop I have made it from the previous drawing and I will design similar to this one
so let's go to 3d to show you how it looks like this is what I have rendered it's going to look
like this and I will try to design over here in the empty place which is there is not any
ceilings so I'm gonna go to the ground floor and then I will go to the slab tool but before drawing the slab or like trying to
make it in the same line I will click on the wall and ctrl shift plus d I will go down
and then I'll go to the slab to draw over a here small area I'll prefer this one to make its box
and then I will do uh offset around 300 and then I will go to the line tools which
document over here and draw up this one and then I already have the offset of this uh
which is called the slab so I will return it back to this area and then I will make the slab over
here I have this one here so I will go to the minus and click on the middle and open so I have
an open area let me show you how it looks like I close this one so I will remove it I don't
need it so it is here but this slab I will try to decrease it a little bit down which is going
to be over here here I'll make a zero but this one so here I just want to make it a little down 100
okay it's look good yes so now I'm left with the interior area so, I will draw another slop
also, I'll click on this one and then okay so this is out this line I don't need it anymore
so I'll click on this and offset around 300 okay and then I will bring
the line to draw over here okay in case if you need it or you don't need
it but in case it's giving me a line over around the slab because this slab
is gonna be cut between every line so I'm gonna go to the line tool and draw
randomly lines click on this one randomly lines okay and in any shape you want it you click. I'm gonna keep doing
like this the shape you wanted okay and then here we go so between the shapes
i want to make open spaces between everyone so you know it's going to take
a little bit of time so I will make ctrl shift plus d over here
I'm gonna go with one or two okay and here showing me another one ctrl shift plus d and two so between them they
have 40 oh this is the different but it's gonna again this would not be a little bit visible so
we'll try to make it more bigger so I will go with 10 ctrl plus shift plus d 10 okay and
here also ctrl plus shift plus d 10. and now it's a good similar thing for each one
like here also yeah it doesn't show me how I'll go with the lines it's gonna
be much better uh 10 and here also 10 for each line so I will delete the
inside so here also the same thing okay okay okay we are here almost finished with one
line lifted over there which just this one okay we almost finished 10 and here
also, I'm gonna go a little bit down okay then the second step is I have drawn
a line right so I will try to make a minus which is subtracting the
open areas I will try to do this but it will not be visible over here so if
I made it like that it would not be visible like I see it's just uh subtract all of it so it's
gonna be useless so I can't do that so I will try to uh delete it and then draw by myself one by one
for each open area so over here I have here one the lines I've tried to go with the points of the line. okay so here one I also have to check the dimensions
so that it's gonna be more easier for me from the beginning okay now I'll select
again I'll fix the height and then here 100 okay and I will try to
finish all this the open areas okay keep doing for each one I'll bring this one over here move it over here so
I have here one-two, I'm left with four another one so I will draw again slab, dimensions are similar okay here again okay good I'm left with this one and it's done let's check on 3d how it looks like so now it's look good yeah the way we want it so the next step is going to be like, where the first step we finished the ceiling which is designed as it is
a slab over all the next step is creating a light if you want you can remove the lines if you
don't need them so I'll remove the lines uh under here with the lines over here you can see how it's look like also here and the last one over here we are done so the next step is creating a light
so I'm gonna go to the option element attribute surface I'll create a new
and then I'm okay with this one um duplicate or I can do like um a new or duplicate or rename it
in another way this one duplicate as a copy so I will just write a light two because I have the light one. so, I will click with light two and then I will say okay and then change the color here
to yellow we want it like a little bit of brightness not that much yellow and then it will be here up
here in the custom okay after that, you can play with the reflection, if you want how it's gonna
look like I'm okay with this one and the diffusion okay that's good so the rest of the things I don't need to change
I don't need to add texture also so I'll go to the rendering surface I'll
go to the match setting and update from basic so it is updated for me the color
but I have to check also again because the colors are invisible and
then I will change here to this one yeah there's a problem which is I have to click on
the luminance and change the color to this one here we go I have to again fix this color because it's
more brightness I'll make it a little bit darker so now here I can see a little bit of yellow
color, over here the color is not that much so I will click on this one and then I go
to the basic check the color over here okay I'm okay with this and everything okay I'll click okay so I'll go to 3d at the top
we're going to go to the surface and we have this one we'll click on the light two okay here over
this one and the inside of them I will click I will select them over here
which is this one and the rest this one I'll click on the surface I'll check
first, it's not matched, and then in the middle there is showing me in this side click on the light
two so here we go this is how it looks like so for the lights, I'm going to go to the lamp tool
over here and go into the interior lamps so here there's different kind of the interior lamp you can use
I'm going to go to the ceiling lamp and here there is different shape from the previous one, I have selected this one.
Check the model which is all good okay. I will click on it over here draw it so it's all good. Let me check the 3d so ctrl shift plus d
I'll put it a little bit up over here so check the heights here also five no it's not five it's going to be 500 okay so then after that I will
decrease the size of it until like 100 like I'm okay and then I'll put a little bit
here ctrl shift plus d to make another copy and shift also to make another one, another area okay and then here oh I need
another one also, in the middle to make around the whole
ceiling so this one and this put this one we'll make it in
the middle of this one okay and then we are left with another middle
one which is over there the center I don't need this one, so I'm okay
so, let's check the 3d this is how it looks like simple and easy
if you don't want it too light you can't change the lights over here like
for example, I'm going to go to the option and element attribute surface
so I have the light two so the light is too much brightness so like
make it a little bit custom over here yellow and customs okay click on that okay
I'm gonna go to the same thing for the basic engine click this one and click it okay so it looks
similar yes and simple just go to the rendering and let's check how it's look like so it is
simple then after that we're gonna go to the document rendering it creative imaging photoshop
project before doing the photoshop rendering we're gonna go to the photo rendering setting to check
the lights over there so here we have the quality and the lights in the rendering setting so the
lights I'm gonna make it 120 the previous one as I made it here the lights showing
is the first one is brightness the second one it is the lamp so I'm okay with the 40 and after
that this one and illuminating surface intensity is showing us for the rendering the luminance which
is giving us the reflection for the led lights so it is helpful to be like off but you're going
to make it around like 110 or like 110 as you like it and make here over there rendering to show
you how it looks like so it is look good if i want to make it like a little bit dark let
me show you like in different more darkness doesn't show any reflection so I prefer to go
more higher number to show me more reflection and how it's looked around if you want the light
to be more you can make it 50 or 60 or I'll with go 60 this is how it looks like
so I will go to the rendering photoshop this is how it looks like after
rendering for the led lights of a ceiling and if you haven't if you have
any questions just comment below and don't forget to subscribe like
and share; thank you for watching