How To Use Complex Profile For Ceiling With Led Lights | ArchiCad

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hi everyone today's video is about how to use a  complex profile for ceiling include the led lights but before this tutorial my channel is  about 3d design building and tutorial, please   don't forget to subscribe like and share so let's get start now, this is how it's look like on 3d and I'm going to work on this area   the first part we're going to use is we remove the ceiling to work on this area so I'm going to go out like this and just go to the top part   and then remove it control plus d over here  just the same way and then here we have the  place to work on it so the first thing  we're gonna go to the ground floor   and then we'll draw over here   select the slab going from design to the slab and   then uh it depends on the depths you wanted like my they're gonna be 200 and then here the color will be changed so we have like I have already uploaded a texture  so it kind of depends on the color you want to use it for the ceiling so I'm going to have hair ceiling um overall it's gonna be ceiling  select it all and then I will draw over here okay and it's gonna be like this from   500 and then okay and let's go to the ground floor and see where is it it is located over here   so we'll move it up control plus d  and move it to the up part over here   okay and then we'll make a copy for  another one which is here control plus d   copy and it will not be closed because of that curtain so we'll move it a little bit away let's check the thickness yeah it is good like this and  then for other sides we're gonna select this one ctrl plus shift plus d copy and then we'll  move it over here and control plus e to rotate it and it's going to be rotated like this  and then we kind of do mirror if you want to   like it's going to be more easier to  do mirror and then work on the distance   which is the length and I put it over here hold on like this here okay and this one also over here it's a little  bit out we just move it a little bit also   here okay and then ctrl shift plus d to  make another one copy and put over here   so we are done with this one to the edges parts  I will make another one copy over here again ctrl shift plus d copy and put it at the top okay  but I will change the ceiling texture so I'm gonna go over here and remove this one  match and then here we have at the side   we select this one and I have uploaded a light texture you can if you want to know how to upload   a texture you can see over there I have uploaded a video even also how to work on the led lights so I'm going to select this one and again  do copy ctrl shift plus d and put it over here   and then if you want not to do another one you can select this one ctrl shift d and put it over here  and then work on textures so like this one at the inter we'll set up   we gonna select the light one and then we're  gonna go over here sorry and then ctrl c plus t   and then put it over here so we have at edged parts this one and after that, we're gonna go to uh ground floor okay and then we're gonna go option, element, attribute and or we can see it here a complex profile or we're gonna go to the element attribute and you're gonna see here profile manager or you're gonna  select this one and then profile manager   and then I will select new and then I will write here ceiling ceiling two because I have already one already done and select this  one and then here I will draw   I'll go to document and select the line which is line okay  and then I will draw over here around 200   because my dips is 200 okay and then over here  I will have 150 and then I'll go here around 15 and then I will go inside around 10 okay and  then here around 20 and then again inside 15   and then i go down here around 15 and then I'll go inside 10 okay the same  procedure for the lower part   here we're gonna go with 15 and then inside we're going to go  with 10 and then again here we're going to have 20   and then here gonna go inside 15 and then  again here we're gonna have around uh 10 and then inside 15. and then select over here okay and then  select the line this one and then here we have   arc shape which is cover length just  yeah and then you're gonna go to the fill tool and select the color you wanted  I'm gonna go with the red one   and then click on the keyboard space and then that's it  you're gonna see this work ever overall  so here this is how it's look like and then we're  going to select this one to work on the color   select on the fill tool and here override surface  just select the color we wanted we have a ceiling   and then overall it's good i will just do  save and it will be visible over here and then   just click exit and other thing we're  gonna go here design and select the   wall and then we have here the previous  one ceiling and we have here ceiling two   i'm gonna design over here okay and then  we'll see how it's look like on the ground   let's go to the ground here is a visible so i  need to mirror it and then i will mirror over here and then i will move it over here inside  a little bit and then just check over here   how it's look like and then i will move it  up to the this part which is the lower one   you see and then we're going to  move it a little bit here this one   work with the edges part just this one and put it over here let's go inside look how it's look like it's so good and  simple and then we're gonna do another one copy   over here ctrl shift plus d i'll move it to  the edge part this one and then i'll mirror it   over here oh sorry we'll mirror  it over here hold on mirror it is just doing like this okay i'll move it  inside and then i will do another one copy   to rotate it control plus e and just remove it like this and move it over  here and then we're gonna just work with them   the length okay and then ctrl shift  plus d i will move it over here and then mirror sorry it's gonna be like this so let's  go down and see how this looks like   look how simple and easy is it we just make  an open area for the carton and we work on the   ceiling and this area will be the light and  this one to give it like a good shape which   which we use it the complex profile  and then we're going to move this one and then we'll put it over  here and let's go inside look how it's look like elegant and good so  if you have any questions you can comment   below please don't forget to subscribe, like and share and thank you for watching
Channel: Hana Fouad
Views: 9,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Ceiling, ComplexProfile, ArchiCad
Id: vXwYHq3cqTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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