Lightroom CC and Lightroom Classic CC - Whats the DIFFERENCE

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what's up guys this is Ed Gregory from photos in color calm and today we're gonna be talking about what is the brand new Adobe Lightroom classic and Adobe Lightroom cc and what are their differences so let's talk about what Lightroom used to be and what it is right now so Lightroom used to be a number of different products you had Lightroom 4 5 & 6 these were standalone products you would purchase it once and use it forever then what Lightroom did was they introduced Lightroom cc Lightroom Creative Cloud monthly subscription about $10 a month and you could basically get all of the updates forever but it was still a program that lived on your computer now they also had Lightroom Mobile which was basically a small application that worked on phones and tablets so that's what it used to be take that idea scrap it and throw it out of the door because today everything has changed they now have Lightroom cc and Lightroom classic CC so we know what we had before and let's talk about what it is today so starting off with Lightroom classic ceasing basically you had like room 4 5 & 6 Lightroom cc and now that has become Lightroom classic CC it is the application that you use on your computer you download it you have to be part of the subscription though you can no longer purchase it as a one-off product so you'll be part of it about $10 a month I would strongly recommend this option you download it and you use it now basically it is what Lightroom cc was before like or Lightroom 6 it's just a lot faster I've tested it and it is a lot faster with a couple of extra features but outside of that there is no difference it's exactly what we were waiting for for years we've won in a new faster Lightroom and they have delivered it today with Lightroom classic CC this is what I will be using this is what I think is the best update so that is Lightroom classic CC now what is Lightroom cc well this is a brand-new product that Lightroom have just launched now basically it is like Lightroom classic but it's not an application that only runs on your desktop instead this application can run on your phone your tablet or your desktop and all of your files are not stored locally they're all stored in the cloud so let's just break it down and think about the differences now Lightroom cc is online everything is in the cloud and you can access the same files from phone tablet computer fantastic Lightroom classic CC is basically the application that you use a new computer and you access everything locally but you cannot access that same catalogue by your phone or tablet unless you use collections and that all got a little crazy with all of those things so you might be thinking well white room CC is the way to go everything's in the cloud and it's all awesome but let me just point out a few things Lightroom cc is not got all the features that exist inside classic I'm going to talk through some of the differences that I have written down on this piece of paper now basically a lot of things are the same but it looks different as an application but some things that are mission missing are photomerge side-by-side comparison a proper important export there's no printing there's no Maps there's no faces there's no history in your develop module I also believe there's no tone curve correction and things like that so a lot of things are not available yet so if you want to use any of those features you're gonna have to be with the lightening classic for now they're CC right the one that's in the cloud is gonna cost you $10 for Lightroom and then for your first terabyte of storage is another $10 so you're trying to figure out what lightroom does what try and change the names slightly they've called it Lightroom classic CC and Lightroom cc instead call it Lightroom classic and Lightroom cc meaning Lightroom classic is the classic version on your computer Lightroom cc uses the cloud that's the easiest way to understand this two different applications though they are not the same so let's just talk about a few other things while we're talking about this subject and my thoughts on this I think that Lightroom cc the cloud version where I'll get stood up here is a great idea and something that could be great in the future but right now today isn't gonna work because I run a photography company and we create anywhere from three to six terabytes a year right so if you imagine even if you're a small professional photographer that only creates two terabytes a year right $10 for your first terabyte they haven't announced how much the second terabyte is gonna be but that's probably another $10 and as you add up all of this for example right now I have 15 terabytes of storage from my company here so if I wanted to use that on Creative Cloud well that's not going to work because it's going to cost me 150 dollars every single month to rent that space from them this is what I think has happened Lightroom is wanting to get ahead of the game and say that they're gonna do one of these things online but they've launched a product before it's even ready so I wouldn't use it maybe go on and have a play with a mobile version maybe have a play with it all and see how it's gonna work on what you develop but if you're serious about photography and you're serious about using Lightroom as your editor stick with Lightroom classic it is gonna deliver exactly what you need right now using the processes that we already know but now it's faster and there's some extra features I am cc is something for the future I just don't think they should have launched it today and also I think that they're gonna really have to sort out this pricing for their storage maybe the first terabyte is $5 and after that it's a dollar a terabyte then I'm in until that point it's a waste of money so I'm also gonna be making two more videos one about Lightroom cc and one about Lightroom classic CC so be sure to watch those to really see the differences and how each of them work thank you so much for watching this was ed Gregory for photos in theme tune boom
Channel: Ed Gregory
Views: 1,204,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PIC, Photos In Color, Ed Gregory, Lightroom CC, Lightroom Classic, Lightroom Classic CC, Lightroom 2017, Lightroom updates, Adabe Lightroom CC, Lightroom Mobile, Lightroom update 2017, Adobe max, Adobe max 2017, Adobe photoshop lightroom 2017, lightroom cc 2018, Lightroom CC 2017
Id: nfe8QSMS3k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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