Light up your Life before you lose it | Sadhguru

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people have lived like that around me we being embodied or disembodied made no difference because they were anywhere on fire so much on fire even being alive and breathing and being crated would make a difference so much on fire when we drop a bomb we want maximum number of damages to happen especially damage means generally human beings this Hall looks like a very prime location anyway you going lit unlit just as lit no I mean gas lit changing that for the for the camera something that stands up like this this is our idea of strength if you don't change this there is no such thing as spiritual process for you so I feel Tower draws the highest number of people on the planet as a single tourist entity I thought oh not even Mount Everest I feel Tower this is incredible this shows where people are all right if uh human romance gets extended that far and sun and moon got married and both of them went to bed suppose North po North Pole wants to go on a vacation to South Pole disaster on the planet isn't it and it's happening North Pole is melting you must understand that uh you may be thinking you're doing well because you're wearing high heels and lipstick and walking around but I want you to understand an extermination of the feminine is happening across the world but uh the important thing is to when we say Shiva we are talking about half man half woman this doesn't mean that he was belonging to a certain community [Music] so to do whatever we've been doing most of it that I do is not what you see in the videos or most of that I do is not something that's anywhere reported for making those things happen many incredible people have been around me giving their lives [Applause] not just their time and uh resources and stuff literally willing to give their lives but uh when these things were happening there are many people who were just willing to go with it so uh the sheer intensity of life where the border between the border between what is being alive and what is being dead is obliterated people have live like that around me we being embodied or disembodied made no difference because they were anywhere on fire so much on fire even being alive and breathing and being crated wouldn't make a difference so much on fire well it's incredible but not easy fantastic but not fun I hope you understand the difference because everywhere people keep saying I want to have fun I want to have fun so I see you're still children hello little children want to have fun if you grown up you want your life to be fantastic fun anybody can have you can light a firecracker and run around or you can eat or drink or laugh with your friends and have fun nothing wrong nothing wrong with anything with life it's just that it's bloody brief if you don't light it up it's gone either it got lit up and left or It Anyway left this is all the choice if there was was a choice if I don't light up I can perpetuate I wouldn't argue with you but whether you light up or you're a dud anywhere you're going hello today that that sasi from the manik karnik asham which is there he's inviting me I said what are you booking me up for tonight said no no no said Guru no no no but you must come that's okay but is this my day I don't think [Laughter] [Applause] so so uh whether you don't light up or you just light up on one side and little be you know you know those glow worms fireflies only their asses glowing you can be like that just one hand is glowing or you can light up on all sides whichever way in terms of time and mortality anywhere you're going lit unlit just aslet no I mean gaset changing that for the for the camera because the future Generations may want to edit aslet and make it gaset gaset gaset gaset but whether you light up you don't light up anyway going away so it's not really a choice but people think it's a choice the tragedy of life is in that that people think it's a choice but tell me is there really a choice is there a choice there's no choice but everybody thinks there is a choice because they have this thought process out a psychological framework which tells them to not live is safe of course it is but you live you don't live you die anyway hello anyway you die well along the way outside situations May grab you something will happen outside situations May grab you and Maul you sometimes you may be little digested by the world yes I can see that you know I'm sure if I had seen you when you were 6 seven years of age it was like now slightly digest it's okay I understand there are acids and alkalines in the world which can digest you hello people around you who could eat you partially hello there are I'm Not Innocent of that I know it's there but for most people their faces and body become like this not because of somebody else it's their own doing their own acid eating them up all the time I was just uh you know I was just talking to the tourism ministers from across the country all the 28 States they had assembled recently in one place I was in a conference with them and uh before that I was just looking up okay what are the big tourist attractions in the world would you believe this that the highest number of tourists on the planet go to iffi tower Tower of Steel and every time I have looked at it I thought this is a engineering monstrosity you could build that with half the steel but somebody built it that way it's like the studio Baker you know what stud Baker you know the cars hello you not seen a St Baker ster you have it Inus you don't have in Hyderabad people must know they're still using it for their weddings they cut off the tops of course but uh it has wings and everything you could have made it into your battleship there is enough metal to make a ship out of it but they made a car out of it you don't call that engineering you don't call the technology okay because anybody can build that the whole thing about engineering is with minimum you did the maximum then it's engineering hello so I feel Tower draws the highest number of people on the planet as a single tourist entity I thought oh not even Mount Everest I feel Tower this incredible this shows where people are all right I think they're going to iffi Tower in the morning and waiting for the evening because something else is drawing them so uh maybe it's a misrepresentation of stats but the statistics say iel Tower draws the highest number of people on the planet per year when I saw that I thought we should change it and now we are here in Kashi a tower of light should draw more people than a tower of Steel because towers are built various kinds of towers always Kings and you know when they conquer land or when they commemorate their uh glorious Reign usually glorious Reign for them is always a horrendous life for the rest normally anywhere in the world I'm not trying to comment about anyone country anywhere in the world whenever a king or an emperor says he had a glorious Reign it means a horrendous life for the rest of the people so uh this is because we have been taught to celebrate and appreciate dominance something that stands up like this this is our idea of strength if you don't change this there is no such thing as spiritual process for you if you always understand this is strength then you will not know what it is because you are not using the physical as a platform to stand upon you carrying it on your head you will never know anything very very important we understand strength and power in a completely different way uh I want to ask you see uh when somebody drops a bomb whether it is uh packed in my body or it drops from the sky when we drop a bomb we want maximum damage hello because we spend money on it please understand the economics of it when we drop a bomb we want maximum number of damages to happen especially damage means generally human beings this Hall looks like a very prime location really Maximum Impact so this is one kind of power boom and right now all you all of you breathing I'm checking I'm just checking because they inviting to manik Kika you breathing all of you yes so this air you can't see it you can't feel it but you're breathing this another kind of power it's powering our lives right now is it powering our lives or not it's powering our life right now which do you think is more powerful powerful there are the bomb Oh that's Improvement because always it's been understood this is power so in this context there are many aspects we are just coming close to navaratri you know what's navaratri those of you who are not from Indian background please do you know what's navaratri Indians narat means n days and nights dedicated to the divine feminine different forms of the divine feminine dedicated to that still among various cultures almost every culture on the planet at one time had divine feminine as their orientation of worship and looking up to but the only culture which is left on the planet which still looks up to Divine feminine is here in India nowhere else Barat is the only place hey what's happening wom [Applause] wo you must understand that uh you may be thinking you're doing well because you're wearing high heels and lipstick and walking around but I want you to understand an extermination of the feminine is happening across the world true extermination not the female the feminine when the feminine is obliterated the female will suffer without knowing what she's suffering yes it is like women will become like ghosts without the spirit of being feminine unfortunately we drive having the world in that direction so navaratri is uh very very important to bring that back everywhere in the world not necessarily in the same form uh it is a very culturally Rich celebrations and things which is very you know Indian that's a different matter but every culture needs to create that in their own way as it suitable for them because the masculine n the Mas masculinization of the world like colonization masculinization is also kind of colonization where a woman feels ashamed of being feminine she wants to be a man that's happening women are showing their muscles I'm not saying they shouldn't have muscles but that is not their strength hello hello yes that is not your strength strength that is not the quality you need muscles you can grow some muscle that's fine so why am I talking about Davi in the bo of Shiva because he is half man half woman the ideal man one half of him is woman another half of him is man immediately Western scholar say who is androgenous that's not we're talking about I'm saying it's important these two qualities which are two polarities of the physical world masculine and feminine you can call it whatever positive negative yin yang this that whatever essentially you're talking about the two polarities of physical nature if these two polarities when we say polarities or poles they must stick to their positions hello suppose North po North Pole wants to go on a vacation to South Pole disaster on the planet isn't it and it's happening North Pole is melting where will it go it'll go to the equator and then go to South Pole one day this is a disaster unfolding because poles or polarities means they must hold their position only if they hold their position there is a balance this goes for the planet this goes for human beings this for goes for every creature this goes for the whole Cosmos that physical world is created with a little tension between the two polarities without that there is no physicality physicality will die but uh we are going in many different ways that's okay but uh the important thing is to when we say Shiva we are talking about half man half woman this doesn't mean that he was belonging to a certain Community it means that the only way life can be complete is by carrying the two polarities equally within oneself around oneself in every possible way only then there is life physical life is only possible between two polarities otherwise it's not really possible you can in intellectually mentally you can make up many things but physically there has to be polarities otherwise there's no existence whether it's a planet or the cosmos or our lives whichever way we look at it otherwise uh we will be confused about everything in so many ways this happened can I because ladies are getting all boosted I thought I'll joke about them a little bit so uh this happened in New Zealand New Zealand anybody uh I chose a far away place so that I could joke [Laughter] there was a young lady who had blonde hair all anybody blonde blonde blonde no I'm not joking about the blondes I'm just she had blonde hair one day she decided that she will dye her hair jet black and she did just just that and she was driving on the countryside and then a Shepherd was having his whole flock cross the street or the road and she stopped and she looked at the all the Sheep you know when they all together you seen that one when they're all together they going and she looked at that and she was very fascinated and she called The Shepherd he came and he said see if I guess how many sheep you have in your flock can I have one he laughed and said by all means how can you guess she 1,300 32 said how did you guess this that's a number I have laa it doesn't matter you have to give me one can I choose you can choose he said so she went and picked up one and put it in the car then the shepherd said if I can guess what is the original color of your hair if I can guess what is the original color of color of your hair can I have my dog [Applause] back life you know I'm just trying to balance the polarities so bringing this balance within our system very important because without balance there is no clarity you're like this there is no Clarity when you're balanced there is Clarity when there is Clarity when you see everything just the way it is life is a play whatever in terms of situations life can throw whatever it wants nobody can decide hello can you decide what life will throw at you it can throw anything it can throw a party for you it can throw a disaster at you it can throw you know most fantastic relationships it can throw divorce at you it can throw death at you it can throw disease at you hello it could throw anything at you but how you hit it depends on how balanced you are and how clearly you see it hello this is something uh most people generally they're not aware of not always but these days the sports this what do you call this Sport Science is it what do you call that they're approaching every sport scientifically what is that sports science is it huh SP science something like that I think there's another term for that whatever it is so now they're looking at everything but most of the sport is determined by the how quickly you can see if I can see something a millisecond faster than you then I will be better at that sport than you are it's not just the skill it's not the practice it's not how much you know about the game you saw it a couple of milliseconds fast faster quicker earlier than somebody else it's a world of difference in most of the games you saw it little later well it's gone by you so uh this is true with life also that how quickly you see it depends on how clearly you're seeing things we are not talking about just physical Vision in support its physical Vision but with life it's not just physical Vision seeing means you see situations a little ahead of somebody and suddenly everything is easy isn't it if you see it after it hits you then it's hard and most people see it only after it hits them most people don't even see it after it hits them they think something happen if it hits them they think God is angry with me people come and ask me this sguru continuously these things are happening in my life sguru you think God is angry with me I thought generally he's happy with idiots because uh you know no no I don't want to go there we are always busy giving reasons and explanations for everything rather than understanding the more clearly we see life the better we live better or a wonderful or a beautiful life means what better life means people think you got a lottery and you found the man who just listens to you better life he must listen to you he must do exactly what you want Oh our life is so wonderful we have everything that we want people talk about this and my husband is so loving and nice and sweet he doesn't even forget my birth today this is the idea of a wonderful life so the moment you make this your wonderful life you will not even light the basic fuse of your life you will go unlit because Comfort physical psychological emotional Comfort if you think that is the wonderful life you won't light up because now you think life lighting up means fire who wants to catch fire but if you don't catch fire you don't light up if you don't light up you don't see do you see fire and light are very connected hello the reason why you can see during the day is something up there that you call a sun is burning hello burning seriously burning isn't it if it doesn't burn suppose it was comfortable because there are stories in India about how Sun and Moon got married and they lived well Ever After in case such a thing happens if uh human romance gets extended that far and sun and moon got married and both of them went to bed end of it isn't it so uh I want you to carefully Define your life at this stage in your life for whatever reason you got trapped with me at this stage in your life you must redefine what is a wonderful life I will not do that for you that would be very cruel pleas do [Laughter] it because you'll go home and tell your husband and wife and children and parents and they will all come after me murderers because a life that is lit and burning bright is a wonderful life for me but if you're burning that hot and that Lit you can see through everything around you if you see through everybody around you you cannot be in many things that you are in right now hello certain certain sweet nothings are needed hello which don't mean a damn thing but it's sweet needed isn't it hello because still life is being dominated by Body thought emotion when your life is still being dominated by physicality psychological nature and the emotion or the juicy part of psychology then certain lies or needed otherwise how can you live come on tell me be be honest about it hello if everything is CH chuk chuk you can't live there isn't it you need little I'm not saying it's wrong it's just it's fine but it's limited how long do you do limited things in your life whether you want want to do it till the moment you reach your death bed or you want to do it till you're 30 or you want to do it till your 40 or 50 or 60 or 160 is a choice that you should make it's not for me to tell you when but somewhere you should make a choice that well because right now body is strong we have to make up certain things because right now our thoughts are running away in a certain way we have to make up certain things because right now our emotions are made like this if somebody is not always to us we will feel lost hello see when you were a 2-year-old child when you're beginning to understand language and feeling it if your mother told you this is it this is the untruth this is the truth come on come on that would be cruel hello oh said okay M don't worry Bo I'll get you the moon tomorrow morning hello she had to say those things isn't it you think it's wrong no no she's just looking at the need of the child and Catering to that thing in India mothers will give one mouthful to the Moon one m to the child it is it is absolutely wonderful that a child believes that the Moon is eating with me and both of them eating and he's happy and he eats and when he's looking up at the Moon she'll keep on mixing more and more and [Applause] more so I'm not trying to obliterate all the simple beauty of life it's needed but how long do you want to be fed like this that you must decide depending on what is your lifespan okay Suppose there are some of you who have 10,000 years 100,000 years I don't know how old are you yeah yeah don't say that because when you wear antique jewelry I'm thinking you may be 360 years old probably at that that time it was in O and you're still wearing the same thing and so how long do I do a certain thing in my life is your decision you must every one of you must because it's a limited amount of time whatever is your limit I don't know I know my limits very well your limits you must fathom and see what is the time limit you have and when should you shift your definition of what is a wonderful life you can't be holding the same definition that you made up when you were 16 years of age hello hello yes cuz at 16 your intelligence was hijacked by your hormones and you were suddenly everything was looking different you couldn't make out what is what hello yes or no see you are 101 you looked at everybody everybody looked the same suddenly you're 14 15 suddenly every bump on the body is looking like a cosmos by itself hello yes or no so how long do you take to come out of that and look at life the way it is how long and then after that part starts feeding a little bit then other things in the world of you wanting to look bigger than somebody else richer than somebody else you want your car longer than somebody else you want your house bigger than somebody else when will you grow out of those things and look at life for what it is because whatever you gather including your body can only facilitate certain things socially in terms of survival it will never ever enhance your life life will not get you know Enhanced Life will not get enhanced with any kind of accumulation your accumulations and the life process are two different things you can enhance your social status you are thing on the whatever like uh I think that I I almost uttered a name so let me stop so uh who is the am I the richest man in the world am I the biggest man in the world are my muscles bigger than yours my house is bigger than yours my thing is bigger than yours this that whatever nonsense how long will these things matter to you when will you become absolutely life oriented not being something other than others this is an inflection point you must determine if you're not ready right now you must at least say maybe in the next 2 years I'll be there 3 years I'll be there or 130 years later I will be there whatever is your span I don't even want to decide your lifespan who knows who knows who knows what kind of a freak you are you may live more than a human being I will not even take a call on that but you must decide where is the inflection point for me from being lost in my physicality in my psychological structures in my my emotions and my social stuff when will I really become life oriented this is something you must take a call when am I ready for that generally there is a there is a kind of a culture that you turn spiritual when you can't do anything else properly when you get so old when you can't stand up or sit down or walk straight then you you must become spiritual because the body is giving up well if you cannot even sit or stand properly that means you have become in many ways disabled all right tell me when you're disabled is it the best time to climb the peaks of your Consciousness or when you're still enabled you should do it because even if you're willing what around you may not cooperate because when you disabled you may badly need something a walking stick or a helper or something something somebody needs to take care of you at that time where is see once body is giving you trouble it will become the sole focus of your life yes or no why being healthy is important is so that you can keep the body aside not to glorify the body but you can keep it aside not be bothered about it it because it's well everything is working what they to do about it if it's the moment it's ill your whole Focus will be about it I can do this to you right now suppose we just take a small pin and put it into you all right now we will talk about the glories of Shiva just a small pen hello these days you're used to taking a lot of needle stuff all right to the pandemic you taken many pokes so what is a big deal no life doesn't work like that one small pen everything will be right there isn't it yes or no you can't focus on anything else so the idea of health and well-being is if I sit here no sense of body that's a thing health and fitness is not about going on showing like this fitness and health means your body is not an issue you can throw it around no problem that's idea it'll allow you to live it works as a platform otherwise it will become the main focus of your life so uh this happened a newly married man anybody no because when I said New Zealand somebody stood up so I thought there may be a newly married man newly married man one day came home a little early in the afternoon the young wife she came out in her sexiest possible nighty and she said tie me up do whatever you want he looked at her he immediately tied her up picked up his golf kit and went golfing [Laughter] see uh anytime it'll change you know the focus will shift so before everybody around you shifts you better shift hello either we learn to celebrate something or to abuse something it's not needed the important thing is to look at everything for what it is what it can do what it cannot do some people are glorifying physicality some people are saying put it down and bury it somewhere well both have not worked work both will turn ugly isn't it so this is why it is important to bring a balance between masculine and feminine not between male and female between masculine and feminine so that we understand these are just two parts of life which needs to function in a certain way without friction right now we are looking at male and female or masculine and feminine and as if they're two separate species and always they're at conflict we have to do conflict resolution we must do counseling why well it is naturally there is a certain level of attraction so people are coming together after that what is the mess after that the mess is you have unrealistic expectations of the other all the time don't nod your head M from both sides I'm saying ah sadguru understands my husband yes from both [Laughter] ends from both ends people who claim they love each other are doing terrible things to each other all the time hello I'll take back all the time a whole lot of time not all the time it was all the time it would be over so this is happening because there is no clarity about what I am what the other person is what it is it is not only in male female relationship among human beings as individual people as communities as societies as Nations as race as religion or whatever nonsense in whichever way you have broken human Humanity into a million different pieces nobody seems to have the necessary Clarity to see what is what is the other group or other person simply going on with our own stuff and uh this is not the question of see it's not about whether there is violence in the world yes it is it's a deep concern because our ability to cause violence has been so empowered multiplied many fold over so in that sense it's a concern or even if you are using a stick or a stone or a sword it's still a concern because it hurt somebody but more important than that is how much life is gone how much human potential and life potential is just wasted and squandered thinking about how I can do this or that to somebody else whether it's love or War both it's about doing something to somebody this is just taking away human potential and possibilities well at different stages in life different requirements are there we are not against it it's perfectly fine but we are perpetuating certain things because we have not found anything else better I L okay can say something you won't get all the women of the world against me so I've seen in the airports especially maybe because they're traveling alone I don't know there are women carrying this sized teddy bears they don't have a child with them when I see this I think maybe they got a child no it's their own teddy bear that they just probably bought in the airport or somewhere else and uh it's like see this was is okay when you four or 5 years of age we allow you that you're 35 and you're carrying a teddy bear it's a little yesterday I was talking to a member of the parliament who comes from Norway he said uh he invited me he said this he showed me a picture of some remote part of Norway where they have set up some seed bank because this was about safe soil discussion and they came to meet us about this for Norway and they have set up a seed bank they said this is like the like the Noah Arc all the seeds we are accumulating in this place just in case if there's a nuclear Holocaust or an asteroid hit us or whatever happened and uh species got destroyed we will have this seed that we can put it back and then he went on to say here uh what was the number he said something there are some some 1500 and odd people in that whole region and there are some 6,000 or something polar bears then I looked at him and asked which one are you so if if life is about see for all other creatures you I'm I'm trying to inform you because how many of you are still having doubts about whether Evolution happened on this planet or not American people I'm asking you hello Lindy your creation or Evolution Evolution still evolving or now most of you may not understand this still there is a debate in America whether the world was created in 7 days I'm sorry 6 days or it happened over millions of years there is a still a serious debate going on still certain schools are still teaching that it all happened in 6 days okay so that's why I checked in case there are any creation Theory people so I'm saying all of you have been through that phase where your life was just about eating and breeding and you know getting old and dying one day sleeping when you were a polar bear you were sleeping 6 months a year it was okay hello when you were a polar bear it was all right you slept for four to 6 months it was okay all you did was eat well and breed it was okay now I'm just reminding you you have evolved it's it's been a long time it's time to look and explore at the human possibilities hello we still have a little bit of animal in us nothing wrong because that is the nature of life that's how we've happened because it didn't happen in 6 days it happened slowly so still some parts of animal is there in us but we have been given enough brain and enough Consciousness enough awareness to sit here and think through whatever we have hello yes or no if you're willing if you're willing you can actually it's not like somebody has more brain than you yes for certain things it's true but for enhancing the life quality all of us have the intelligence to do it it's just that because we already have a defined a definition of what is a Wonderful Life which was formed when you were 14 and flush with hello you were simply flushing for nothing these definitions were formed at that time and they are still being carried instead of redefining many of you have life has forced you to redefine that's not the way you must sit down and redefine according to your intelligence and capability hello yes or no yes you must sit down according to your present level of intelligence wisdom that you have you must redefine what is a wonderful life if you do not change the definition well we will fall into the same thing two days we will do this this and that when we get excited we come to Kashi and then fall back into the same thing if you do not know this in this country people came to Kashi towards the end of their life and they never went back you know this you said tomorrow I'm flying back it's okay but I'm saying in some way it doesn't matter you can go back to wherever you're going you shouldn't go away from a tower of light isn't it hello you can go away from the city that's okay but you shouldn't move away from light because moving away from light means moving away from Clarity moving away from being able to see that's what it means so you don't move away from Kashi because Kashi is not a town Kashi is not a temple Kashi is an aspiration either it is found conscious aspiration or unconsciously or aspiring but every human being is aspiring in some way to become a tower of light isn't it knowingly or unknowingly everybody is aspiring to become a [Music] Kashi
Channel: SadhguruGrace
Views: 75,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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