If we were stranded together.. Raft Episode 1

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good morning [Music] hi i'm making caffeine hold on i got mikka look at him he's a cootie squeeze squeeze um hello depends on what everyone wants hi ray hi hey have you seen cycuno's title what is that wait what's wrong with my title i'm checking right now it says that lord returns okay guys i've developed a new strategy for the next trust me it what's the condition it has to be symmetrical jody can back me up right jody hi everyone we love symmetry in this house we stand symmetry yes hold on when jody sees my nets you'll be happy with it we stand symmetry in this house oh are these a net sets i couldn't waste all the wood planks on yes what did you say about my height wait what did i say about your height what did you say above my heart that could nothing what'd you say above my heart say it to your face i couldn't stay say what what say what hold me back jody hold me back grab your hands why do you take your shoes off oh cause like sometimes they wear heels so they take their hands oh right right don't they do that i wouldn't know i've never i would take my earrings i've never been in a fight before shoes oh down what i also think you could take a second it takes like i agree with that statement oh hi toast are you excited for crafts i'm so excited for raff today i don't know why i'm so excited this game is growing on me a lot uh-huh i really like it apparently there's animals in this game i love animals i think we never made the antennae consider the shark that's a fish i think we should try and rush the antenna if we get the chance to oh antenna okay it's like kind of like minecraft hold it that's a shark oh wait we don't he's eating this what do we do we don't have we don't have a wait shouldn't we prioritize spears so we can eat the shark oh that's a good idea let's eat this shark screw that guy okay i'll make a purifier how do we drink from it um you have to make an enemy boil water okay i made a simple grill i will put it right next to it i'll put it right oh four plastic all right so this is my purifier i have a raw potato too this is my raw potato please something excellent this one's my raw potato that's your offspring i'm glad all right we need 20 palm leaves three scraps to make a sale so we could go to islands i have 11. i need to stay out here you can drop it all right i guess for now i can just go right here we're gonna have to build out guys i'm not gonna lie i filled this up about five times and haven't drank water a single time yet we work together right everyone is being selfish somebody ate myself this is making me realize i don't want to be stranded with you guys wait well what do you mean what do you think it's so selfish what is going on what is this gonna give one of the shark steak yeah yeah to the left a little bit yeah we're going to try to okay i'm going to paddle over to the island are you starving yeah i think i'm about to pass out your chop the watermelon i got some water you have seeds you have seeds i'm okay i found the watermelon oh my god you look you look ill psycho no you're looking ill i do what do i look like you look like you're having trouble walking i am psychotic um oh thank god we're getting out of here we're getting out of here all right crops no not you actual crops all right who's got seeds uh i have pineapple seeds pineapple okay that means we need a big crop lot anyone have potatoes because that needs a small crop plot i'm gonna put this here for now okay toast you said you have a pineapple seed yep can you plant it i got a watermelon seed oh that's good i will water them perfect let's see what else do we need we need to research the new water purifier that one's open yeah we'll save a lot of planks too peru these nets are actually collecting so much see how it's in front of the ship it's nice because we're running forward with the nets in front of the ship that's what i'm trying to do it looks wow good job and yeah great good job psychedelic look at how good the nets are they're doing great where's john good question don't worry he said he's gonna have a tail for us when he gets cannot wait oh hey look oh another shipment uh recipe so those ships have like a chest on it where you can get like a couple of like stuff from it guys i see a big island yeah big big island i see it on the right side turn the sail can i trade stuff i i saikona sakuno i have 19 wood do you have any scraps i have a scrap one scrap you won forest uh what do you want for i have i have plastic i have leaves i thought we were on the same team all of that sounds good all of it how many scraps do you have i have a scrap mechanic duck that's not what she was looking for here you can have one of each wait you gave me a duck yeah it's right here by the watermelon i got three scraps for you oh really let's go this will be useful for everyone i give you light technology did you build that corpse yeah i did what do you think you got to collect some scraps and stuff too if uh i like it i like it thanks thanks does anyone need fish anyone need food oh i i just ate a random fish i found wait where'd you find it um on the grill oh it was randomly there huh that you found well look i was about to pass out what a discovery you found oh guys an island yeah yeah let's go to the island i'll start paddling over there nothing like some fresh winds and shark guts are you enjoying i'm here john hello hello next step to the future we need to research sand for glass we need glass to make a better purifier and a better grill well not a better grill but you know wait why are there nuts no no no he's not he's a changed he's a chicken no no no i've developed new technology for the nets they work great now look there's even a sign john see this sign it says net look wait what is that yes it says it does say that okay you're right you're absolutely right [Music] i believe in them oh great look at what you did whoever did it please don't cancel me yet it wasn't um i think we got most of the trees already there was so many trees on this island is there any sand and stuff yes but it's the shark then not yet ow ram come in i'm gonna ignore it i will protect you with my life shrimp oh god we have a bed right yeah if you want to see his dead body look at it yeah you have to put him in a bed right i found hinges everyone i found hinges we can make trees now i'm fine good good good brook has dried yay oh the future is now uh research the brick and then we can make a small three let's go okay smelter time all right for a smelter we need four planks six dry bricks four scraps and six nails oh oh god that's a lot of work dry bricks are two sand two clay each which is a lot so we need more islands hey ray look at how lined up the trees are i watched a clip all right guys here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put slightly uncentered and see if ray fixes it all right see how it's slightly off center let's see if it bothers her or not all right do you have any more seeds the tree's ready should i do more palm trees or should we plant mango oh my god kudos what's wrong what's wrong look at the edges the edges what's wrong guys it's like kudos plant the tree just plant the tree no i got the water dude you made it crooked on purpose that one time but this time look at how lined up it is this is i mean this is better this is better it's still crooked what do you mean it's still crooked come here oh it is off it is what is this it's off look the tree's already in there we can't undo it we're going to lose the tree but ray's going to lose her mind i'm going to lose my mind ray you should make a second floor asap i was thinking the same thing do you make second floors of the raft yeah second floor gosh we should make it beautiful then we can focus on the first floor being all nets can we kick the cone off the raft all right yes that's a big fish right you need both hands to hold it there's a giant litter litter a litter pile glitter river yeah it's pretty lit river uh-huh right well you didn't even laugh you just you just let out a little huff shark is coming right [Music] i'm gonna die i'm alive oh my god wait oh i can't believe it right right oh dear god yes the future is now i don't think we can progress right now without getting a bunch of sand yeah we are actually stuck roger that oh i see there's a giant island on the left it's really big barrels i think we got it all out i'm starving hello i got shark meat i gotta start meat there's a cook fish here i'm coming back to the the thing wait which island are you guys at wait you guys left did you swim to the island i'm still on that there's a shark oh dear god i'm stranded wait i'm still here too i'm gonna die where's the raft guys our sail is pointed towards the island but it seems like we're at a standstill there's a storm oh no oh stuck here oh wait i see you up there you have anything oh you need food um um i'm coming guys can you eat this clam no i couldn't make that oh my god i can't even make a fishing pole it's getting dark oh god i don't know it's like kudo you have to carry me to the ship i have so much material is this the highest passing out ray do you guys see the ship let me see let's look for the ship climb to the top of this rock oh did it see you guys oh yeah i see the rafts right it's right over we're going right over here let's go get them i'm going to black out soon go ready go get to the raft before it's too late i don't think i'll make it no you can make it right you just gotta believe go for this barrel i'm going for the barrel you lose goblin get on the raft it's like no go for the carry my dog for the loot right you gotta go for the loot grab the loot before you pass out i'm coming battling i don't know where you guys are go ready go how much did we get what's the loot looking like i have so much i've got i think we have enough to make the smelter right hopefully can leave corpse you don't have to stay um get off server kick him kick him kick him i don't know how to go get some rest oh my god i'm stubborn okay bye go get you don't worry about it goodbye drink some water [Music] oh my gosh oh god jody how you doing oh my gosh she's deafened what oh jody's dead oh my god no i bet she's asking chat how to do stuff because she doesn't want to ask us wait she could ask us we're professionals let's all stare at her yeah yeah oh yeah let's let's surround her like in finding nemo when they do that thing shark shark oh well hello joey come back jody is there something you wanted to ask us why were you deafened jody somebody called me ugly i had to call him i had to talk to him wait wait wait wait you had to call him what did you call him yeah i'm back to cooking for you guys go dive in dropping anchor i appreciate it honestly i made a smeltery let's go abe you're the future can we make two of them i'm not trying to ask for a lot just i mean sometimes it takes a while it took like all of our resources to make one oh well we should get on the glass thing right yes yeah do you need an axe no abe gave me one okay thanks for checking though mm-hmm yeah ray i gave him one yeah yeah yeah did he give you a stone axe or a metal axe you don't even have metal there's just a stone wait ray you have you have a metal axe i could i'm coming back to the raft right now you have a metal axe wow listen listen listen i i could definitely have a metal axe for you oh wow thanks ray it's the thought that counts right it's the thought that counts yeah it's not the thought that counts it is not the thought that came out that's what they say that is what they say wow thanks for the thought you're welcome i want to give you a million dollars wow i don't have a million dollars i can pay my water bill off with that but it's the thought that counts right oh but now i can't pay off my water bill how am i gonna we should start working on the antenna after we get the water working oh my god we can get wi-fi what's the antenna for it helps us track down the next parts there's actually so much stuff that we haven't done yet apparently there's a there's a story line that we never got to last time because we were busy fighting over water and coconuts faster oh my oh the glass is rooted we need more sand and clay so we can make another smeltery yes i gave you everything the future is now okay metal ingot oh my god the future future oh my god you guys look at all the stuff we can learn oh my god we got a hinge we got everything oh wait what a net launcher for i think once we uh further the storyline there's like animals we can catch for aminos animals stationary anchor sheer shears [Laughter] [Applause] is now yeah the future the future are we ditching the island um it's up to you guys if we're done here i think we're done there weren't too many i'm surprised all right all right yep we're all here uh raisin sales all right raise the sales guys everyone's on the ship right here all right let's go we're going ray's holding the watermelon you want to know let me see wow this looks kind of funny i'll trade you no i have to fish for a watermelon what a deal here i'll give you i'll give you two melons thank you milady oh my god all right we're good to go i'm gonna cook it wait we're lit is abe here wait you guys we're leaving where's abe you guys actually you guys actually i thought [Applause] oh my [Music] we're in the future [Music] i feel better already thanks okay good good goodness um all right all right it's gotta dry now oh my god i did the same thing earlier are you guys trying to blow up around it look guys we got to put some fire you got a torch or i'm blacking out oh i'm getting light-headed yeah i can't do this anymore all right guys let's see the island we're heading towards it oh no oh toast is gonna oh no what happened spectrum getting sued oh he just connected again okay this is looking good this is looking good i think i need a carpet [Music] kawaii look at this cute wait did we uh sakura did you get the ingot cop ringgit the copper ingots oh there's a bunch of copper in here that we have to cook so we just uh we can just research one then we can finish the antenna okay i think we need three antennas and like a battery and oh here's seaweed okay we definitely need more storage and we'll work on that oh it's perfect that's perfect all right after the sand's done we're gonna have water forever yep pretty much all right so how this works is you just put salt water in there fill it with water yeah and we don't need planks anymore yeah we should just throw away the old water stuff cool all right ray where do you want the grill yeah yeah yeah let's uh i mean we can get rid of these small girls right oh because they use up wood yeah you saw what so it's more efficient to use the big wheels okay put it but we should put it by the purifier right okay so should i just should i just break that with my axe no no uh hold x terminal okay here you know why don't you put it down if it's not that big of a deal it's not that big of a deal it's fine how okay um who's swimming oh guys i might die oh jesus help i'm right off the raft i'm right off the rest oh my god don't let me go i'm gonna lose everything oh my god i see him what's this oh god oh someone's laughing someone's got me who said god oh god ray you're a hero i'm dying oh god right they almost can't really see what's happening oh okay here put him to rest yeah can i have it oh god dave it's my chest it's my chest it's my chest it's mine ray why are you yelling wait i didn't even test all right i got this i got this i got this oh don't make another water oh my gosh they gave me a bolt abe oh here we go i think we almost have stuff for the antenna pretty much just a matter of time because i gotta keep cooking stuff in the smell tree yeah you guys don't mind i want to see the animals yeah i'm really close to making a net launcher to catch the animals oh my gosh maybe we find chickens don't lay eggs i want to find bears bears bear queens wait questions you're missing again we left i'm at the island we left like five minutes ago we don't know where you are at all oh my wait are you just dead now like what happens um no we're still at the island aren't we tycoon what's wrong you know you're a real homie what's wrong with you is this the wrong one let's leave you at this island what i don't understand i'm confused we almost got him we almost got himself scared he almost got him oh you guys are trying to trick him are we we're ready to leave this island right yeah i think we need yeah we're good to go i think we just need a little more vine goo and then the antennas will be ready if we have enough planks look i'm the captain now what happened as we have technology we have technology up here guys get up here come up here i got the antennas and stuff oh wait wait wait wait wait we got antennas oh it's not working it says it's working it's working too close to other antennas okay i got to split up the antennas but it's working can we make our second floor bigger yeah yeah yeah we should probably make it bigger because i can make it [ __ ] you thought yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] come on little sharky fish you thought we got your back don't worry thanks guys this way guys i'm getting the ship so much literally the [ __ ] there's so much oh oh this what should we name it this is a shark oh this is oh my gosh this is looking good i think wait wait there's a huge ship over there you guys whoa whoa [ __ ] hold the sails ready drop it drop what is this place [Music] what
Channel: Valkyrae
Views: 5,286,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valkyrae, valky, rae, val, 100thieves, 100t, youtube streamer, youtube, youtube gaming, valkyrae highlights, valkyrae tiktok, valkyrae instagram, valkyrae twitter, corpse, corpse husband, corpse raft, rae raft, sykkuno, sykkuno raft, amigops, toast, disguised toast, toast raft, quarterjade, quarterjade raft, masayoshi, masayoshi raft, baboabe, baboabe raft, valkyrae raft, amigops raft, raft gameplay, raft strategies, nekonathann, raft highlights
Id: JtT5lRLuOg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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