Life since Dance Moms…

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what have I been up to the past 10 years since I left a dance moms that's crazy it was 2014 when I left and now we're almost into 2024 whenever I left the show in 2014 that was actually the last day I ever danced that Purple Rain solo was the final moment you know the day of the fight that everyone knows about once we finally left the show was a normal high school girl went to public school basically just played catchup on typical teenager things going to school dances I was going to school football games I was hanging out with my friends and keeping up with my school workor it was kind of too late for me to join a new sport and I knew I didn't want to dance that had been ruined for me I graduated high school in 2016 and then I went to college I went to Ohio University oh you oh yeah I was there for 3 years I actually ended up graduating a year early but while I was there I double majored in marketing and management information systems I was a part of a few clubs and things but basically just focused on my academics and of course my social life I am Kelly's daughter I traveled around Europe for a month once I graduated and when I got home I knew it was time to do the big girl things so I started applying for corporate jobs and I ended up Landing one in influencer marketing was in the e-commerce fashion field worked on their paid Partnerships I was so excited I had to move to LA for the job so I did that and I was there for 2 and 1/2 years geographically loved La I loved being close to the beach in the mountains and I met so many good people there and I learned so much when my job went remote I ended up moving to Austin Texas with a few of my college friends and we had so much fun loved Austin I only ended up lasting there for like a year and a half and I knew I wanted to end up in Pittsburgh in the long run I'm so close with my family so I knew I wanted to be near them I moved back to Pittsburgh and quickly after I ended up getting laid off from my job I took that as a sign that I should try being a full-time content creator had always thought about it just because it was really hard balancing both I was working my 9 to5 and I would get home and I would have a 5 to9 and so on wasn't only creating my content I was also managing myself just because I have the degree in the field and I was getting other people paid Partnerships I felt like I was qualified to negotiate on my behalf I'm the one that's pitching myself and the one that's responding to all the emails that come in it's working for now I like structure in my life and influencing doing this is extremely seasonal and I hate the fact that this could literally be wiped away from me at any moment there's really no security in it thankful that I do have a degree and some experience to fall back on if that ever were the case but I'm grateful to have this now things I've been loving outside of work I love a good like hot Pilates yoga hit workout classes I have a dog he is a mini golden and Aussie d mix he's about to be two he's my pride and joy but I love hanging out with him my boyfriend and my friends love to travel I feel like I'm hardly ever home I'm actually right now hosting trips where my followers can come and join me I just did one in Bali I did one in Costa Rica and my next stop is Croatia this summer and I'm so excited I traveled for a month with a group of people that I had never met before until we landed in Spain it was one of the highlights of my life I had so much fun I made friendships that are going to last a lifetime we meet up in random different cities I've been to some other weddings it was an experience of a lifetime and I wanted to do it again since the day I left so I was like I'm going to do it so now I'm hosting these trips myself me and my boyfriend actually just moved into a new apartment our last one was fully furnished so right now my head has been getting us settled in this place a lot of decorating a lot of organizing a lot of shopping my sister and I are also in talks of starting our own little brand um it hasn't launched yet so I'm not going to spill too much tea but we do have our Instagram page which is Highland sis if you want to follow along that's me I am no longer brooding Brooke no longer the little girl on the show well I am still little I'm now officially the shortest of all the girls even though I am the oldest I'm about to be 26 I'm about to be kicked off my parents health insurance I'm living with a boy it's scary how quickly time flies wow I think what you saw of me on Dance Moms I was brooding Brooke I'm not brooding Brooke and if you follow along with me on my social media you would know that I feel like that is people's biggest thing it's like you had zero personality and you were always miserable and I'm like yeah cuz I didn't that I wasn't really happy with with being there now I'm happy with my life but yeah that's me that's where I'm at now and that's me I am super grateful and happy to be where I am I
Views: 83,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nrAVhR62EB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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