LIFE REVIEW - Lockdown & life, 7 years since van life, moved into a van and travelled Europe.

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[Music] you are never alone oh you're not lonely again [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] da da [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] together we [Music] i'll be smiling so it's about eight o'clock in the morning i've been up since half past five take my hand and hold it tight look at the paintings i'll be your guide don't stop looking in my eyes are you cold do you [Music] don't stop looking at me now i know you don't care as much as i do but i'm just content with me next to you let's go to an art museum i'll explain it at the coffee shop i know you don't get it but there's no need to fret it it's [Music] so good morning welcome to another video [Music] it's about eight o'clock in the morning and i'm just having my morning coffee i've done my yoga and i'm just plotting out what i want to get done today um i need to do a photo shoot of the feathers for the earrings um to put those in the shot but to be honest the light has been so bad this week but i just haven't bothered doing a photo shoot so it's quite nice today i might do that first actually procrastinate tidying the studio till a little bit later hmm i've been big on procrastination this week i have to admit but that's okay i'm feeling a little bit more productive yesterday and today i've managed to get some good walks in i posted my orders on tuesday got to the post office and i've been doing some painting i'm trying to finish a painting which i find really difficult it takes a lot of concentration and energy for me to finish a painting and make those final decisions about it take my hand and hold it tight look at the paintings i'll be your guide yeah so i've been doing that this week i've got quite a few little paintings to finish actually and next week i've got two commissions to start so i would kind of like to get a few things finished um today and this weekend i might do a little bit of painting this weekend as well and i think i'll pop in the studio this weekend as well just to check everything's okay in there um yeah this week has definitely felt a little bit like climbing a mountain so just doing little things has felt like a really big job it's really weird um so i've kind of been fighting my way through mud that's how it's felt this week and i've just had no energy as well so i think my anemia is back yeah i might go for a little nap this afternoon and i need to upload my video i did i recorded my painting process this week so i need to get that up today that goes up on a thursday um it's so lovely in the morning we get all the morning light in this flat and it's got massive windows and then even though it's a flat it's got an upstairs so i think technically that's a masonette isn't it but we've got like roof lights upstairs um so the light's beautiful and it keeps the flat warm as well so in the winter the sunshine warms up the flat in the morning so you don't have to have the heating on so much i absolutely love morning light perfect for a photo shoot so i need to get on with that the other thing this week that i've really noticed is the temperature has dropped the season has changed so last week i had a little coffee date with my friend which was really nice and it was we sat outside in a cafe in town and it was so windy and from that day we noticed that the season has definitely changed the summer has shifted down to its late summer cool days and that that that heat's gone out of the sun and i'm really missing it i have to say even though it's cooler and more comfortable i am really missing that heat of the summer but it will be back again next year maybe we'll have a few late summer hot days i don't think so though i think the heat's gone we were supposed to go away to spain we were going to granada for my birthday um and we couldn't go obviously because of the lockdowns and things like that so yeah it's been a little bit weird i've been a little bit in reviewing mode this week actually um so reviewing the fact that it had been seven years since we left our house and jobs and everything we knew and thinking about you know were there any regrets um that's the question i get asked most do i have any regrets about leaving my house mortgage job career um steady income familiarity of where i lived friends i mean friends you can take them with you anyway we've got the internet so um and i'd already left my job so just doing a little review of the seven years later how are we feeling now what are we doing now what do we want to do what do we want to change what do we want to keep the same and i've also been reviewing this lock down time so since late march for us in the uk when our lockdown started and there's been different phases of the lockdown if you like for me so initially i had my daughter and son-in-law needed a place to stay they'd been abroad for years and they didn't have anywhere to live so they moved in for a couple of months so that was like the first stage of the lockdown and because they've been living abroad i've not seen them i did go out to china a year ago almost last september i did go out to see them but i hadn't seen them since then so it was really exciting it was lovely it was really really really special time um and that was the first phase for us so there was the four of us and we got into a cozy little routine with movies and food and coffee and just trying to get our heads around everything um trying to get our head around all the challenges um particularly for them and then the second part of the lockdown when they left i kind of felt like i had an empty nest we just felt lost without them um so we started another little routine where we'd um i think by this point you could actually sort of sit out on a park bench or um sit out on the grass in a park um and where we live there's a big cathedral and there's like a big cathedral green so we do a little bike ride tour james was trying to build my confidence up and he got me this really nice bike about a year ago so we were going out on a little route every day and then we'd sit on the cathedral green and just chill out for a little while and that was kind of like the second phase of the lockdown if you like so the third part of the lockdown was when james's office opened again and i was home alone for the first time in months and that felt really weird and i was really lonely and lost for a little while i love having that time you know it's real luxury for me to have all that time for me and i really need a lot of quiet time when i'm by myself i like to write down all my thoughts journal make art i've been making plans to get all my my work online i was teaching in person classes which obviously had to stop and i'm not going to be opening those up anytime soon so taking it all online just seemed the sensible thing to do so i've been working really really hard on all that and really enjoying it as well one of the main things i learnt from running away from house mortgage job etc was actually just to remember to do what you love and sometimes the exchange of that is you get more time to do what you want to do and maybe less income so it's working out a level that obviously you can keep yourself afloat income wise and still get enough time to breathe and do what you choose to do with your time rather than work for someone else where you don't enjoy that and before lockdown i was kind of doing half and half where i was working a little bit and working a little bit for myself and when the lockdown kicked in the main thing that changed for me was i wasn't able to go and do any work out there so yes taking my business online was definitely the sensible and next step to do i was very uncertain about how to make videos and how i was going to do it because i hadn't done it before and i was really nervous that the skills needed were just going to be too difficult for me to learn in a short space of time but of course during the lockdown the one thing we did have was time so yeah if you weren't a key worker and needing to go to work all the time you know a lot of people were out of work and so and i was one of them so i had all this time on my hands to learn all these new skills so that's been really good and i feel really lucky to have had that and my studio opens again next week so i think from monday i'm able to go in obviously there's been this flood so i'm not quite sure whether i'm gonna be working in there yet but that's gonna change my routine quite a lot i'm really curious to see how often i'm using the studio the out there studio now i've got the home studio um so we'll see um and if i'm not using it much then maybe i give it up i don't know so we'll see yeah this will be sort of for me stage four of the lockdown me coming out if you like and i'm not entirely sure how i feel about that to be honest because i really enjoy being at home i really enjoy my own company and having all this time and space to myself i'm much more productive on my own than with the outside distractions of things that go on when you're out there um yes it'll be really nice to see people and be a little bit social again definitely there are positives as well so we'll see we'll see what it brings but it definitely feels like the next phase of this weird times it's felt like a slow step-by-step change has taken place during this lockdown for me and mentally and emotionally has definitely been a roller coaster um and for a lot of people that i talk to as well who have also felt that they've been on a roller coaster of emotions where your highs are higher and your lows are lower and i've not been able to predict how that's gone at all it's just been i've just had to go with it um like you do on a roller coaster but it has actually felt more like a runaway train anyway i'm going to stop waffling now and go and do some jobs off my list so i think the first thing i'm going to do is make a list and then i'm going to start ticking things off photo shoot first tidying the studio and then we'll see where we get from there [Music] are floating like your red hair in the breeze spring awakening new love takes me into light like dreams lay beside me whisper softly your sweet empathy crisp reflections on the heart of you close to me [Applause] [Music] now you are someone i rely on you make me feel [Music] then so i'm doing quite well with my list which is really good pat on the back and i've done my video upload i haven't tidied my studio yet and the other thing i wanted to do was sort out my art trolley so i've got this like secondhand tea trolley from a charity shop which i absolutely love and i'm really pleased that i brought it home now because of the flood i think it would have got damaged so that was safe that was all at home but what i wanted to do was like organize it with all my art supplies and things like that because that's quite fun but i haven't got around to that yet i've done a photo shoot of most of the jewelry and bits and bobs for the shop and i've uploaded those and done all the descriptions and things like that um so that took me ages what else is on my list oh yeah and i've got to edit this video as well so i think i might get on with that next i haven't been for a walk today because it's been pouring with rain i basically took advantage of the fact that light was good early on and i didn't go out for a walk and now it's absolutely pouring with rain so i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to get out today maybe later when james comes home because james is home today he's been working away so maybe we'll go out for a little walk later when he comes home hopefully it'll stop raining so i'm gonna go now and edit this video [Music] butterflies are floating like your red hair in the breeze spring awakening news
Channel: The Unexpected Gypsy
Views: 15,722
Rating: 4.9811988 out of 5
Keywords: mixed media art, mixedmediapainting, artstudio, artiststudio, new youtubers, new youtubers channels, new youtuber tag, newyoutuber, brandnewchannel, artist, arttherapy, lockdownart, lockdowntimes, new youtubers 2020, studiovlog, artistvlog, how to make art journal pages, studio vlog, lockdown vlog, day in the life, new vlogger, lockdown review uk, lockdown review, van life review, life after van life, ex vanlifers, review of lockdown uk, emotions from lockdown, lockdown uk update
Id: yjxg0dK8xBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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