DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN ARTIST - realistic version. A peaceful and productive self-care day.

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[Music] i was in a nightmare searching in the dark but i couldn't find you there were footsteps coming down the hallway but when i turned around it wasn't you i was looking at myself i couldn't see my face but deep down i knew it was true shadows handed me a question if i ever lost you what would i do what would i do [Music] woke up from my premonition i couldn't feel your warmth i couldn't find you so i flipped all i ran into the kitchen i found a little note saying i'll be back soon [Music] your clothes were all packed and the dog was gone too so what do i do [Music] it was only a dream within a dream it gave me sight [Music] the last memory [Music] me what do i do [Music] the bed still i couldn't find you [Music] so [Music] so so uh good morning everyone welcome back to my studio i've been waking up so early yesterday i woke up at 4 14 i think today i'm just going to film some really laid-back studio things i'm not quite sure what i'm going to get up to today i've got some admin to do so i started doing that this morning and also check my emails and things like that just having my coffee i'm only allowed two cups of coffee in the morning and that's it and sometimes i sneak a third cup which is really really naughty but i've not been sleeping very well and my sleep pattern is really disturbed so i'm not sure what that's about but yesterday i woke up at 4 14 and i had to go for an afternoon nap which then affected my sleep last night so hmm so i'm not completely with it today i've got some more admin type jobs to do like emails and things like that communications not very exciting [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] so this one sold last night and i'm going to be parceling her up and posting her off to germany so thank you if you were the person that bought this painting and also i've just got to add another layer of varnish to this one and then she can go in the shop as well she's really sparkly got lots of stars and things on her my video goes up today in my patreon so if you're in my patreon thank you very much that will be up 11 o'clock this morning and art wise i'm going to get my sketchbooks out and do some warm-up drawing activities i've got a few things that i do when i don't want to sit down and do a formal drawing and it just keeps my practice up so but i have realized in all honesty i don't think i'm a draw everyday person i need natural breaks from it i need to have some time off from drawing quite often and i think i tend to make myself feel guilty about having a day off drawing i'm not sure why but i do put a bit of pressure on myself so that's just silly so i've got to stop doing that so today i'm just going to do some warm-up activities no pressure no judgment in my in the cheapest notebook that i've got which is i think i got a pack of three of these from paperchase they're just little paper chase ones the paper's nice because it's cream paper and it's nice and smooth but it's not an expensive notepad so i tend to sketch in this book rather than pick up my moleskin which is much more for my mixed media and painting kind of things sometimes it's kind of like drawings like that where i'm just drawing from my imagination and sometimes it's just testing out pencils it's basically just getting my wrist going sometimes i use colored pencils and the other day i just did not even sure what that is but it was just kind of a doodle playing around with my pencils and then after that i did a more formal drawing where i just sat down for an hour or two and and did a more observational drawing i'm gonna take it easy today because my sleep pattern's been really disturbed but yeah i think i'm gonna have a tea break now [Music] walk to the singing room [Music] the lines of [Music] someday [Music] singing [Music] wherever it [Music] take goes home around the world so i can hear [Music] oh the faces [Music] someday [Music] road feels like home wherever it goes take me home around the world so i can [Music] hear [Music] and art wise today are the plan is to do some drawing exercises it's really helpful when i want to settle into a more formal drawing as well afterwards and if i don't feel like it i i won't i'm not going to pressure myself to sit down and do a formal drawing session i find it really difficult to sit down and draw for long periods of time because the concentration level that i require is quite high so i find it really tiring so if i want to do a formal drawing i really have to be in the mood but i still want to keep my hand in a drawing so even if i'm not in the mood to do a formal drawing i often really enjoy these warm-up activities that i do i really enjoy keeping my hand in and keeping my practice up every day if possible so i need to do some filing on my computer to organize my film clips a little bit better it's it's really amazing how quickly the video footage and raw footage and finished videos have added up in this lockdown period i haven't been making videos very long but already i am finding that my filing system on my laptop is not conducive to a healthy mind nor a healthy laptop so my partner james has organized me a little bit on my computer and it's much better now so i've been exporting exporting it's not the right word uploading exporting i've been exporting the finished movies where before i was only just putting them on youtube i've actually saved those now onto a particular drive and i've got loads of raw footage that i either need to get rid of and delete or save and tag with particular categories if you like so if i need to dip into that footage again i can i can find it really easily and that will save me a lot of time in the long run plus it'll keep my laptop running smoothly which is needed when you're doing um film editing and also makes my head feel a little bit more organized so i'm going to do a little bit more of that i have to say as well i am finding making videos really really creative it's a layering process if you like for me that's the way i think about it and i am really enjoying the editing process and putting the little movies together yeah slowly learning how to make films and how to record properly with lighting and all that stuff that goes with it which is really really complicated and i have to admit to finding sound really difficult um so hopefully this week's video is better than last week's regarding the sound because i've got a nice microphone now so i'm going to compare those later and see so yeah it's a really creative process and it reminds me so much of how i make my paintings as well which is really interesting so it's like another unexpected aspect of what i do where i never would have imagined i would have enjoyed making the films quite as much as i do i thought it might feel like a bit of a chore but in actual fact it doesn't at all i really love it so that's a really positive thing that's come out of this lockdown because i never would have spent the time to actually learn all the skills it took to do it and i really appreciate the feedback i've had already from people watching which will input into my improvements for for future videos my partner's really good at giving me feedback so that's really helpful so leave me a comment if you've got any suggestions or feedback for me on my video making because it's really helpful to hear and it'll help me move forwards into the improvements i'd really like to make you know i've got a long way to go with regarding this learning curve of making films so i've had my tea break i'm just going to get on with a bit more admin now and see if i can get some jobs ticked off on my list [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i was in a nightmare searching in the dark but i couldn't find you there were footsteps coming on the hallway but when i turned around it wasn't you i was looking at myself i couldn't see my face but deep down i knew it was true shadows handed me a question if i ever lost you what would i do what would i do what would i do [Music] [Music] your clothes are all packed and the dog was gone too so what do i do [Music] the last memory of our last night [Music] you is [Music] [Music] i couldn't find you you
Channel: The Unexpected Gypsy
Views: 15,556
Rating: 4.9613991 out of 5
Keywords: mixed media art, mixed media art journal tutorials, mixedmediapainting, artstudio, artiststudio, new youtubers, new youtubers channels, new youtuber tag, newyoutuber, brandnewchannel, artist, art, arttherapy, lockdownart, lockdowntimes, new youtubers 2020, studiovlog, artistvlog, art journaling, journal with me, art journal, how to make art journal pages, moleskine sketchbook, bullet journaling, studio vlog, first ever vlog, lockdown vlog, day in the life, studio day, new vlogger
Id: AN7Pa7GMu3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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