Life is shorter than you think | Don't be sad

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[Music] do not lose hope Allah answers the prayers of the disbeliever who is in distress so how much more can the Muslim expect who doesn't associate partners with him Mahatma Gandhi perhaps second in popularity in India only to the Buddha was on the verge of slipping where it not for his dependence on the strength of prayer and how do I know this because he himself said if I didn't pray I would have gone mad a long time ago it was the effect of prayer and Gandhi was not even a Muslim unquestionably his falsehood was great but what kept Him going was that he was on a path and when they embark on a ship they invoke Allah making their faith pure for him only but when he brings them safely to land behold they give a share of their worship to others is not he better than your Gods who responds to the distressed one when he calls him and they think that they are encircled therein they invoke Allah making their faith pure for him alone saying if you Allah Deliver Us from from this we shall truly be of the Grateful despite a thorough search through the biographies of Muslim Scholars Muslim historians and Muslim writers as a group I have failed to find a single one of them who felt prey to anxiety confusion and mental illness the reason is that they live in peace and serenity and that they lived uncomplicated lives that were free from all forms of affectation but those who believe and do righteous good deeds and believe in that which is sent down to Muhammad for it is the truth from their lord he will exate from them their sins and will make good their state contemplate the following statement of ibin Haim there is only one day separating Kings and me as for yesterday their taste of it has vanished and both they and I equally fear what tomorrow will bring thus there is only today and what will today bring the prophet blessed and peace be upon him said oh Allah I ask you for goodness today in its blessings success light and guidance all you who believe take your precaution and let him be careful and let no man know of you and they said nothing but our Lord forgive us our sins and our transgressions in keeping our duties to you establish our feet firmly and give us victory over the disbelieving folk don't don't be sad life is shorter than you think Dale Carnegie related a story of a man who had an ulcer that became aggravated to a dangerous level doctors informed him that he had very little time to live they insinuated that it would be wise for him to make funeral arrangements suddenly Hani the patient made a spontaneous decision he thought to himself that if he had such little time left to live why not enjoy it to the utmost he thought how often have I wished to travel around the world before I die this is certainly the chance to realize my dreams he bought his ticket and when the doctors became aware of his plans they were shocked they said to him we most strongly demonstrate with you and warned you if you go forward on this journey you will be buried at the bottom of the ocean their arguments were in vain and he only answered no nothing of the sort will happen I have promised my relatives that I will come back to be buried in the family plot he thus began his trip of Mirth and joy he wrote to his wife saying I will eat the most delectable of dishes on the cruise ship I read poetry and I eat tasty fatty foods that I have hit her to refrain from I have enjoyed life during this period more than I have in my entire previous life Dale Carnegie claimed that the Man became cured of his sickness and that the energized path he took is one that is successful in defeating disease and pain the moral happiness cheerfulness and calmness are often more efficacious than doctor's pills as long as you have life's basic necessities don't be sad and it is not your wealth nor your children that bring you nearer to us that is pleases Allah but only he will please us who believes in the Islamic monotheism and is right rightous Deeds as for such there will be two-fold reward for what they did and they will reside in the high dwellings Paradise in peace and security Dale Carnegie said statistics have proven that Stress and Anxiety are the number one killers in America as a result of the last World War one-third of a million of our soldiers were killed in the same period heart disease was the cause of 2 million deaths and from this latter group stress anxiety and nervous tension were the source of sickness for 1 million people yes heart disease is one of the main reasons that prompted Dr Alexis Carlile to say working people who do not know how to deal with stress die prematurely though the reasoning and logic that prompted Carlile to say this are sound we must still remember and no person can ever die except by Allah's Le and at an appointed term black Americans and the Chinese rarely fall prey to diseases of the heart they are people who live life with tranquility and calmness on the one hand you will find that the number of doctors who die of heart attacks is 20 times more than the numbers of farmers who die of the same cause Doctors live a tough and stress-filled life for which they pay a heavy price [Music] h
Channel: HIRA English
Views: 5,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #sad, #despair, #happy, #islam, #muslim, #iman, #convert, #imam, #audiobook, #dontbesad, #donotbesad, #behappy, #fyp, #viral
Id: zZx8jYU39RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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