Do This When You Are Sad

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foreign [Music] weeks and days pass with me wishing it it'll be the last and yet there's no end at night time I cry faintly into my pillow with tears dreaming down my cheeks I whimper and hurt attempting to suppress the sounds that leave my room I don't want my family to hear I whisper oh Allah when will this end so I complain to Allah of the pain and sadness I cannot explain I keep asking most times not knowing what to say just hoping and praying and wishing for salvation from this sorrow [Music] foreign knows best for his creation he can feel our sorrows pain and can see our tears he has the best command on the human psyche when we put our matters on Allah the pain definitely subsides he is the only one who give relief to broken hearts and shattered Souls Allah says in the Quran if Allah helps you none can overcome you and if he forsakes you who is there after him that can help you and in Allah alone let the Believers put their trust certainly we shall test you with fear hunger loss of wealth lives and fruits but give Glad Tidings to the patient those who when Afflicted with Calamity say truly to Allah we belong and truly to him shall we return it is those who will be awarded blessings and mercy from their lord and it is those who are the guided ones Allah has decreed that in this life hardships and disasters strike both Believers and non-believers for a non-believer their inconveniences that hinder him from proceeding with his normal involvement in the worldly life for a Believer on the other hand there are instances of tests and Remembrance tests that promise great rewards and indications of atonement and expiation of sins regardless of how little is the harm that strikes a Believer it carries with it good news of forgiveness an elevated rank in Paradise sadness is needed in life it is something that was felt by the best of those who came before us felt sad when he lost his son Yusuf alaihissalam to the extent he lost his eyesight because of the grief and sorrow Fatima felt sad when she lost her father the prophet Muhammad to the extent that she did not recover until she departed from this world when the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam lost his uncle and his wife he too felt extremely sad in fact historians named this year the Year of sadness Allah knows what is best for us he is wise and all-knowing sometimes we hate the grief situations but it can be good and beneficial for us because he knows and we don't know Allah says and it may be that you dislike a thing that is good for you and that you like a thing that is bad for you Allah knows but you do not know even the prophets of Allah went through some of the most severe grief and sorrow they turned their hearts to Allah and asked for Relief when Prophet suffered through the grief of his son Yusuf he turned to Allah he said I only complain my grief and sorrow to Allah and I know from Allah that which you do not when Prophet Ayub lost his family he turned to Allah with patience verily distress has seized me and you are the most merciful of all those who show mercy so we answered his call and we removed the distress that was on him and we restored his family to him that he lost and the like thereof along with him as a mercy from ourselves and a reminder for all who worship us a woman who perfected her faith even said before she was about to give birth I wish I had died before this and was long forgotten when we experience sadness and stress Allah warned us that we would be tested but he also told us Allah does not burden a soul more that it can bear so know that you are strong and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling us that we can overcome whatever challenges come our way oftentimes we underestimate our abilities but Allah knows how strong and resilient he created us Allahu Akbar turn to Allah and Quran even secular scientific studies show that prayer helps reduce feelings of depression and anxiety when the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam was feeling sadness are going through difficulty he would rush to prayer wasallam what was the saddest time in your life said it was the time he went to life to give Dao it was just after Hadith passed away and his uncle passed away and the people at five ridiculed him and they actually stoned him right after this difficult time Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gifted the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he gifted us all the ultimate remedy for anxiety and sadness depression and negative thoughts and feelings our five daily prayers right after five Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala invited the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to the Israel and gifted the prophet Muhammad the five daily prayers it's so effective in treating sadness is also a very powerful tool reflect on this beautiful verse and your lord said call upon me and I will respond to you right now hears you and the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam told us that Allah is shy and generous he is shy that if we ask him for something that he wouldn't give it to us and he's generous because he gives us more than we ask for so make a Dua now to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and have certainty that Allah is hearing you and that Allah will respond to you every morning and evening the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam May the Dua to protect him from depression and anxiety and he asked us to do the same once he saw a man who was sad and anxious and he told him shall I not teach you something that if you say it that Allah will remove your worry and relieve your debt and the man said of course yes so say this every morning and evening o Allah I seek refuge in you from grief and sadness from weakness from laziness from miserliness and from cowardice from being overcome by debt and overpowered by men the man who was taught this Dua said I did this recommendation of the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam and I swear that Allah relieved my anxieties and my burden of death make time for the Quran take time out to recite and reflect on the Quran Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala calls the Quran a healing and he said it is a Healer of the heart read the Quran daily even if it's just a verse a day look for the good and when you do I promise it will grow each and every one of us is blessed in so many different ways and The shaytan Whispers and gets us to pay attention to what is going wrong with our lives and completely forget everything that is going right so pay attention to the good and actually look for it think of blessings in your life and be grateful for them there are countless studies that practicing gratitude does wonders for our emotional well-being and health it helps with depression and anxiety as being grateful increases serotonin and dopamine in the brain which causes us to be happier the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said no fatigue nor distress nor sorrow nor sadness nor hurt nor distress befalls a Muslim even if it were a prick he receives from a thorn but Allah expiates some of his sins for that so if you're going through a hard time and can't think of anything good in your life be grateful that while you're going through this hard time your sins are being erased and remember Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala proclaims if you are grateful I will give you more spend time with your loved ones Family Support is so beneficial when the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam was anxious and afraid he went to Khadija and found that support in her Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created us as social creatures if you're feeling sad reach out to someone studies shown that physical touch from someone you care about such as your spouse can be as effective than taking antidepressant seek help through a subtle knowing that Allah is in control of all things and he's the one who created the circumstances for us to be in some bad situation and he will be the one to take us out from it so as Muslims being patient and trust that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will help us overcome each and every problem with ease Allah says in the Holy Quran seek help through Sabor and Salah don't ever forget that Allah will never burden you with something that is Beyond Your Capacity to deal with even on days when you feel as if you cannot take it anymore know that you can survive it for Allah knows us better than we know ourselves and whatever trial you're facing in your life know that he also gives you that strength to handle that trial Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala promises his believer that for indeed with hardship will be ease trust his word even if the suffering feels endless and you feel yourself getting exhausted from the weight of it all do not lose hope for there is ease and something better waiting for you right around the corner nothing remains forever not even hardships and those believers who hold on to the rope in faith in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and adoptions amidst their difficult times are then rewarded in ways human beings cannot even imagine so remember this too shall pass remind yourself that human responsibility is restricted within certain boundaries all Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala asks of us is that we fulfill our duties and do the best we can in our circumstances and leave the outcomes to Allah we can only control our actions and duties not the outcomes [Music] did not have control over their outcomes a Believer is rewarded based on the effort not the result do not dwell in what is beyond your control don't live there and embrace Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's magnificence do not make yourself anxious over the unknown outcomes play a role the best you can and leave the rest to him combating depression and anxiety is not an easy ordeal it's not but Islam gives us hope for healing ourselves and dictates a path leading to its cure everything is possible for the almighty including the healing of his creation he helps those who ask it of him put your trust in him and his plans and you will feel a certain sense of contentment and comfort knowing that the best planner is in control of your life and your circumstances
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 48,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2J3li6IhZSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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