Life After Van Life at Age 72 | Update with Dee 2023

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don't think you can do what you're doing for the rest of your life but you can do it as best as you can for the rest of your life hey everyone welcome back to my next video today we're having a wonderful update with my great friend Dee Hi D how are you I'm good I'm so glad to have you here again uh We've this is a regular we've got a date we do I can be sure we'll see each other at least once a year yeah at least once a year and so all you ladies who are interested in me sorry my heart belongs to D that's right I'm not bothersome no and you exactly I don't have to take care of you yes good and so that that's a perfect relationship exactly but I first did an interview with you was it uh six years now pretty close pretty close to six years and your circumstances were at that and go back and watch that video it's really an amazing video and you were living in your car on 800 a month right and your background had been you know kind of some hard times right your marriage and so kind of uh why don't you just fill us in from that that first uh that first video a long time ago until where we are today okay for those who don't know of me I started out of the car I met Bob Wells at the RTR and it was interested enough to do a video of me so a lot of people have seen that since that time I moved out of the car I actually had the car still when I bought my uh cargo trailer and I lived that cargo trailer for about a year and a half I think I bought it thanks to Bob the wells video on cargo trailers same place in fact um and folks go and watch that cargo trailer video because you made it really nice on very very little money yeah it was a a great trailer I I had trouble staying warm in that big also I had a lot of health issues so during that year that I lived then the cargo trailer I had a broken back a broken wrist ice four major eye surgeries and a stroke so it was a very hard year so it was pretty much alone during that time so anyhow so later on the car wouldn't work I had to go back and forth to Tucson in Phoenix for medical so the car didn't trust it and I couldn't keep pulling that heavy trailer right so I I got the box truck of course after this box truck here and I've been living in this box truck until about three or four months ago and also about a year and a half ago now you started Living in the RV this RV Park in quartzite yeah in the park in the Box band and then about three three or four months ago I started to live in in this yes so we'll talk about that I'm sure the Mansion do you have a name for it it is Taj Mahal Taj Mahal it's just a Rockwood a really nice fifth wheel but I really haven't named the trailer itself I kind of kind of think of it it's like Taj Mahal from here yes yeah well from the car and a really nice camp in the car you had a you know an outdoor kitchen and all that from the car to the box fan to the trailer to the box fan to the to the fifth wheel that's quite a journey and what I decided to do is keep the box man sure I'm still no matter at his heart right and I can get out some I can draw long distance it speaks up because of my eyes I'm able to travel a little bit to 300 miles at a time you know so I still need that I don't want to be stuck in one spot all the time right and so I love to be able to still travel but another full-time nomadded again I debated am I still Nomad I think I am I think at heart and that's what counts yeah so you know the question I hear all the time is what are you going to do when you're getting too older or you have health issues and you can't be on the road you have solved that pretty much yeah pretty much I mean I'm very comfortable I have everything I need I had everything I needed in the truck but it became very difficult with my physical issues and age and all things and I wouldn't encourage anybody to stop Nomad life don't do it as long as you can do it do it but if it becomes a difficulty I would recommend get a space in an RV park many RV parks allow like rigs smaller like the box truck to stay I stayed here quite a while before I got the trailer so that's an ideal solution to not being able to be off grid or on the road all the time so it you know you don't have to quit doing dear what you love just change it a little bit you know don't think you can do what you're doing for the rest of your life but you can do it as best as you can for the rest of your life right absolutely that's that's good advice that's uh very very good advice one of the best things about quartzite Basic Essentials are here in town but you can get a really cheap RV Park in many different places all across town exactly at this park there's a lot of different prices it's all around all around Courtside but I will tell you you could get in our RV space for less than 300 350 anywhere here yes uh a month they do some of the parks do raise their prices during the season but this one didn't thank goodness and I paid by the year here so I also get another good discount so how did you come across uh getting this well one of my subscribers I didn't even know they were a subscriber had this in their on their property and there was it was sitting and really just deteriorating they had only used it about five times five or six times I guess and they needed room where they were storing it for a new tractor and they had seen me mention I was thinking about buying a trailer so they caught to contacted me um it was almost a full on her 100 percent donation I don't like people to give me things so I insisted I'm giving the what I had at least but not much anyhow so it's like brand new and they wanted to give it to me and they didn't want anything in return since then we've become very good friends but they asked to be remain anonymous so I won't share their names or where they're at but I I gotta tell you those people I can't believe they wanted to do this for me yeah that is pretty astonishing that's like a miracle another miracle I have received Bob you know I've had miracles in my life and this was another miracle of God this year comes off really easily when I travel so I can make a circular dog uh yard for him when I travel when I'm not traveling I hook it to the distance and makes it easier so I have a place for my dog here and I can cook outside and have it even have a barbecue on the trailer itself yeah when it's hot you'll be really glad you can cook outside the shed comes with this space but I built this little play yard for Maxi back here oh yeah gravel and all I have to do is rake up his messes he's a he's an escape artist so he likes to run I have to keep him around and I can store my e-bike here and chairs when I have visitors we can have a lot of fun out here week I do have a portable fire pit I haven't used it much but I can have that when I have guests too so it's really nice well like nearly all fifth wheels this is a very very nice one huge amount of room yep just a huge amount of room and full kitchen and just amazing okay over this is the actually the back end of the trailer and to have the windows all the way through this is not a slide out but it looks like it so I have the cabinets all the way across I have a vent overhead and have speakers overhead over here Windows this is a slide out over here and it's about I think four feet yeah when we barely had that much room left when we parked it but managing in impact the people that got this trailer to me actually brought it to me and set it up for me wow amazing you know these bar stools used to be under the kitchen counter but I moved them I did something different have a lot of lights all the way through here tons of lighting and you know the what I don't know what they call the window shades you could pull one piece up it still has a little shade and then you know I can't demonstrate its fine hair being on everything anyhow it came with look at this entertainment center really nice I came with the stereo system a TV um they even left the clocks in here and it's surround sound so I have speakers in here speakers behind me and speakers in the bedroom this is the part I love right here my bridge you know after being away on the road for six years you know you work out of smaller refrigerators ice chase you never have room in a fridge on the road and when I opened this freezer look at that room I mean that's to me the little things that I didn't realize I missed it while I was gone you know but I when minute drive moved in here I said the conveniences are amazing so yeah look at that bridge yeah that's that's wonderful so it came with a microwave three burner stove and an oven this is about the same size as the oven in my box truck this hit teal table moves so it gives me extra prep area so like in the Box Truck not a lot of counter space okay but with this it makes it perfect I added I built this dresser system because I could have more drawer Storage storage lower so I have all my um all my dehydrated Foods in the drawers and then uh very good and I built the desk here it had two rocker swivels the problem was I never said them and then unless I had company I rarely have more than one person here in visiting so I bought this here and put it together for a desk so when I really want to sit it I don't do it all the time but when I really want to just sit and work I considered my desk and do my work and having your YouTube channel right uh you do a lot of editing at a desk and what is their YouTube channel box Dan everyone go right now to box fan D And subscribe thank you thank you yeah it's the real deal well what you'll see is me real me yeah and I'm not a phony I put it out like it really is this so you're gonna get my storage is all you're gonna get everybody go subscribe box fan D on YouTube so you'd want to see the rest you bet okay here we go um a lot of cabinet space here for food tons of space yeah John just along and I have a step up this is another thing it's pretty cool it's a step look at that that's where I keep all my tripods and stuff yeah nice so this is the bedroom and all those cabinets up there I have two drawers over that side with the nightstand and a closet over here without a nightstand so this Clause is kind of messy but that's where I keep my little plastic drawers someday I might put real Sliders in there but it's good for now sure and shirts and stuff so down here is just an opening what it but what it is is a hole to the laundry chute Down Under the rig how about that this is my that's another thing imagine being able to flush a toilet after six years right yeah so there's the bathroom it has another medicine again in in there yeah nice it's a really really nice layout I still find myself living like I did in the truck I don't flush the toilet paper I mean I don't I waste water I'm very cautious because that's the way I've learned to do it over the years and this is the bathtub and shower nice huge with the with the sunlight right the sink with another medicine cabinet right here and over here this curtain moves over so it can shut off everything I rarely use it the bed lifts up I have more storage under the bed oh yes yes so so that's pretty much it Bob yeah well it's amazing it's a real real home it's awesome yes it is I'm so grateful I every day of my life I thank God for all the gifts he's given to me I do miss being out there more but I have learned to adapt and that's what we do we learn to adapt to change one thing about Nomad life it's always changing yeah so we learned to embrace what we have and what we're doing now that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to figure out how to make my YouTube channel work with my new life yeah it's hard I'm figuring it out a little bit yeah good no it's perfect really perfect uh and the air conditioning keeps keeps you cool in the oh yeah it was great this summer because I did have it at the very end of the summer Experian so it works so folks be sure that you go over to boxvan D's YouTube channel I'll go there right now and subscribe and D will be very grateful and you will be glad you did so Dee thank you for sharing another update with your life and your home it's just astonishing what you've accomplished in the last five or six years I didn't do it alone Bob well thanks again D folks be sure and go right now and subscribe to her YouTube channel box fan D and you'll be glad you did so folks if you got anything out of this video and I know you've been inspired and you've hopefully found Hope for yourself as you get older you know what you can do now D is uh D is a wonderful example for us thank you Dee yeah so folks uh subscribe to the channel hit that thumbs up button and we'll talk to you later bye now
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 331,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, camper, camp, boondock, travel, caravan, tiny, house, RTR, Bob Wells, Nomadland, CheapRVLiving, Cheap RV Living, vanlife, van life, how to live in a van, van dwelling, van tour, van conversion, living in a van, camper van, van build, diy van build, sprinter van, van living, #vanlife, van dweller, campervan, vandwelling, diy camper van, RV Life, Living in an RV, Class B, Class C, Truck Living, Living in a car, boondocking, Living in a RV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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