Unfriendly, Rural HAWAII: I Was Shocked At What I Saw

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as I make my way up the coastline here I'm basically driving along a Coastal Highway and I got to admit I'm shocked at how much homeless I'm seeing a lot of it little encampments there's one right there all along the road and a lot of trash yeah there's another tent there somebody lives there on the right here along the beach and there's just [Applause] um you know trash scattered everywhere I uh I'm a little shocked at how bad it is here at least along um this road this part of the uh Island yeah here's the parking lot where I parked my rental just right there [Music] you see what I'm talking about here uh this is one of the Town [Applause] beaches it's just overrun with homeless same over there wow now just a few blocks Inland from All That Homeless this is what you see very different town here uh there's about 12,000 people here a little over and uh median ages 30 that's pretty young compared to the US of 39 let's check out some of these houses shall we gender breakdown is 54% female 46% male uh 39% Pacific Islander here 14% Hispanic 10% Asian 8% white 4% black last 26% mixed race uh here's a really interesting number though median household income $5,695 a year that's a lot of money and you can see it right here um that's $2,031 a week cost of living though pretty high here's the index 168 woo median home value here is $610,000 that's a lot here look at that chart real quick 75% of the homes here you see that are in the 500k to 1 million range wow expensive houses here but uh you're seeing it it's quite beautiful here well I'm a couple blocks away from that other neighborhood these houses aren't quite as big and fancy are they how I was checking out the crime again it's a bit High 31 incidents per 1,000 people us is 23 um so yeah still bit of a crime problem it persists it seems interesting homes though aren't they what do you guys make of them well okay uh I'm going to head to the next town now let's keep this video moving well I am in wanai here in Hawaii here's a map real [Music] quick you guys see these chickens a rooster and three hens it looks like right proper family now this looks like a Tropical Paradise doesn't it I'm getting some looks though i' actually read that people who live in this area aren't particularly crazy about tourist coming here white people only make about 7% of the population so I'm standing out like a sore thumb I guess it's about 13,700 people here by the way in y and I median age is 35 Jer break down 50/50 that's pretty normal beautiful isn't it though here's the full ethnic breakdown 39% Pacific Islander 19% Hispanic 9% Asian 7% white 1% black last 25% mixed race or other that's a beautiful beach isn't it let's head into some residential check it out there all right let's check out some uh houses shall we and I'll give you some more numbers starting with median household income $ 77,4 35 a year that is $489 a week it's pretty decent money uh but cost of living here it is 140 so 40% higher than the rest of the US so what's a house going to cost 476,000 that's median home value and look at that graph 43% of the homes are between half million to a million I mean wow that's some pretty high dollar houses the thing you notice I noticed that in Honolulu as well there's no yards everybody's just cramp packed on these small Lots I guess being from Texas you know we have got pretty big yards at least the neighborhood I lived in just uh I don't know I don't care for it crime it's pretty high last year 40 incidents per 1,000 people r a 23 for the US almost twice higher than the us as a whole hole so crime is pretty high here and boy you see a lot of bars and fences don't you reflective of that I [Music] guess oh look at that backdrop though that is something all right well there's one more town I want to show you guys so uh let's make our way to that one see what we can find there well guys I am in the town of Makaha about 10,000 people here median age is 37 51% male 49% female very different town here uh it's 32% Pacific Islander 18% white 16% Hispanic 9% Asian 4% black last 20% mixed race uh incomes here much lower by far the lowest town 57,200 a week for a lot of places that's not bad money here in Hawaii uh that's not very not very much poverty is pretty high 24% here children 17 and under 30% 65 and older it is 20% cost of living here it is 46% higher housing 86% higher median home value here is $42,500 [Music] well you're looking at the houses crime here 32 incidents per 1,000 people par a 23 for the US so um yeah crime here here is a little high like the other towns I'm just kind of giving you a look you wonder how much these houses would go for I haven't seen any for sale otherwise I would have you know got the info so you guys could look it up if I find one I will but I haven't seen anything yet but man $422,000 this is what I'm seeing all over town huh you see some uh evidence of struggle here for sure wow I had read about a really large homeless community that is here in the area I believe this is it my understanding is that they banded together and actually bought this property and uh you know they have a community [Music] here still I don't think the residents are really crazy about it this is probably as good a look as I'm going to get you guys can see in there they got a live [Music] music that's pretty cool yeah this is a pretty big homeless community of about 250 people from what I've read uh including children but they've got quite the community going in [Music] there yeah this is the other side of that Homeless encampment uh it is quite [Music] big let's see hopefully you can see in there something of a little trash dump right there I guess uh this is the boundary like I said they bought the property from what I understand that's what I read it's a crazy thing isn't it and check it out it's beachfront beachfront property in Hawaii you can imagine how expensive that would be in well here even andan what are we who are we kidding Hawai is expensive and this is what's right here at the edge of it okay that's going to be the end of this one up next we are heading back to the mainland and uh a long trip East going to start in Arkansas go all the way to Delaware so hope you all come along for the ride and we will see you then f
Channel: Joe & Nic's Road Trip
Views: 25,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: roSEZ9ef6SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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