Van Life | Day 1 | Lets Goooo...

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today's video is going to be a lot different than any other video that I've ever done on this channel and I'm going to give you guys a little hint [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Astro is all clean and I think we are now ready we're ready to hit the road [Music] [Music] [Music] so I just pulled up to the camp spot I've seen like maybe three cars it is still very early in the morning so maybe more people will show up but yeah it looks like I'm pretty I'm in a pretty secluded area which is what I wanted cuz I kind of wanted to like do this alone like for real for real but I cannot believe that we're actually here this is so exciting okay bugs H know [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is where I'm going to be sleeping tonight I have a foam uh mattress topper with just like a regular twin size um bed sheet that I got from Amazon it literally just came in yesterday so it came in just in time for this trip and I've got my water over here with a spout got my window covers up here in the front seat and and I've got some more stuff under here we've got the anchor solx Power Station I've got a fan and then there's just like some more stuff back here and this is like also kind of like where I just kind of keep all my extra stuff and keep it out the way I keep it under the bed so that way I can keep all of this area pretty much clear and this is my 48q uh cooler which I'm going to be using as my refrigerator for now and I normally keep it right up here in between these two seats so yeah this thing fits right there so if I need to like access some water while I'm driving I can easily just like open this thing up and we've got snacks and water but yeah guys that's what the is looking like right now so it feels so good out here like the weather is absolutely amazing and I'm ready to like go walk around and explore my surroundings and see what is going on so yeah let's go ahead and get started [Music] walk with me let's leave the past behind walk with me there's something else we need to find say you go [Music] don't make me wait there's no need to hit let's make fo Prince s let's make Miracles come hold my hand let's find something new me and you so another thing that I'm really looking forward to with Van life is just being able to get out and like exercise like outside in nature fresh air like this is honestly the best way and I'm like walking all over like these big huge branches and rocks and just thick terrain which is also kind of helping me with my exercise for today so this is really cool this is definitely going to be good for me because I'm like already like losing my breath so yeah this is definitely going to be a good way to build up some stamina for sure oh look guys they have a swing set oh my gosh I have not been on a swing since for a very long time oh my gosh this is so cool I am in my 30s and I am swinging on a swing set like I am a child but it's okay I hope this thing doesn't break cuz I am like a little bit more on the heavier side this is absolutely amazing it is so beautiful out here it is such a beautiful day and I'm all alone swinging on a swing set hello well that was a treat got on the swings after my little little hike and now I am going to cook some food on this here picnic table that they have here for me to cook on so yeah let's go ahead and get started with some lunch I'm not sure what I'm going to make but we're going to make something and we're going to make something good so I'm sure you guys are probably wondering relle why are you in the Astro van what are you doing what's going on what's happening to the Channel all of that good stuff well I'm going to go ahead and explain all of that right now as you guys know if you follow winter is blue um Mato just recently got an upgraded van so he is using that one and he had the brilliant idea to uh allow me to use this van specifically for Van life and this is really exciting for me because I have been wanting to do something like this for a very long time but I never thought I would be able to do it and so the fact that I'm like at a campground right now sitting in this van in nature in peace I'm hearing birds sing the fresh air is just all around me I'm so so excited about this new Journey that I'm about to embark on so as far as all the questions about like are you doing van life full-time are you doing van life part-time well as you guys know I am a mom so I do have children so I will be doing van life part-time and also as you guys know um or if you don't know um I am recently divorced so my children do go and spend time with their father and so you know I've been having a really hard time with that like on the days that they're away I just kind of sit at the house alone and with nothing to do I mean I know I can do things at the house but it's just because it's all new to me I'm not really transitioning well so I'm definitely going to be using this time that their way to kind of get out travel see some new things spend some time with myself and just allow myself to heal um I think that this is going to be a healing process for me I think this is going to be just such a a a Serene and beautiful experience to be able to instead of being at home moping around missing my children which I still miss them now of course but just kind of like being able to distract my mind and being able to go do something that I actually want to do which is to travel and see things and like spend time to myself and be closer to Nature and like all of that stuff that comes with you know living on your own and traveling around in a van or a car whatever it is I'm really really excited about this new journey and I'm excited about taking you guys along with me as I go on these trips and so that's what we're doing today like today's literally today is the very first day that I'm about to like Camp alone by myself alone so I'm kind of nervous this is like my first night and I am nervous I am but at the same time I'm very very excited because I still can't believe that I'm getting to do this and yes I know that like I could travel around in my car but this van is already kind of emptied out and it's like a clean slate and I can kind of get in here and like do my own you know build decorate whatever it might be that I'm going to do I'm not sure yet but I do have a bed I do have a bed so that's cool um but yeah today we are just going to be exploring our surroundings and having a good time and yeah I just wanted to like let you guys know what was going on and why I'm doing this and um you guys can look forward to kind of seeing me in the van more [Music] [Music] often good is there any more water [Music] [Music] B [Music] this is a black bean and Fajita and spinach chicken wrap and it's really really [Music] [Music] good so it is about 5:00 in the afternoon and there have been a few more families um pull up at the other Camp spots and so like if you hear all the kids in the background that's what's happening but hopefully you can't hear them but any who so I just ate and I'm probably going to make something to drink like I want to like make a smoothie but at the same time I don't feel like pulling a lot of stuff out right now just because I don't know I just don't feel like pulling all it stuff out right now so now I'm just going to like go and like lay down and rest for a bit cuz I am so tired like today has been a huge day like as far as like everything that I've done so far today so I am totally exhausted so that's what we're going to do I'm going to go take a nap so yeah when I tell you I'm tired like I am so tired and I just I know that it's just simply because I did a lot today and then I got here and I started exercising and walking in the Sun and I've just kind of been like up like walking around for the most part of today which is good like I'm like hey I got a workout in today so I'm definitely proud of that but I'm going to go ahead and like rest for a little bit because I feel like with this being my first night sleeping overnight alone in a van I'm probably not going to sleep that well and that's just me knowing me like whenever I'm anxious or excited um I can't sleep so and I already like didn't get much sleep last night cuz I was anxious and so excited for today so I was up a lot of the night so I'm going to get some rest um that way if I can't sleep tonight at least I would have gotten some rest so I'm going to get in this bed right here and lay down for a bit and I will pick you guys back up a little later on hopefully before I get dark cuz I at least want to like be up before it's like I don't want to wake up and it's pitch black so I'm going to set my alarm and I'll pick you guys back up later on this evening [Music] [Music] all right guys it is officially night time Darkness has fallen and I am in this van and we're here I'm not scared but I am a little anxious I am a little nervous because I have not slept in a vehicle since I was a child so you know the fact that I'm like actively purposefully about to sleep in a vehicle it's a little strange I must say but I H I will also say that like today has been amazing I went out I had a good time I walked I I cooked some good food I saw some beautiful things and I just did something that I've never done before and that's what makes today absolutely amazing that like I literally conquered you know something that I wanted to do and now I'm conquering something else that I want to do which is to like camp out overnight and just like have some alone time to myself just kind of chill relax like without any other responsibilities I'm not thinking about work I'm not thinking about anything else right now but just just like having some peace and enjoying my evening and that's what we're going to do um I do want to mention just in case like anybody is wondering I do have power um I have this anchor solx right here that is charging um I'm using it to charge my phone I'm using it to charge my laptop and I'm also using it to power this fan that I have and I will keep um that fan on overnight just in case it gets kind of warm it's pretty cool right now but if might get warm overnight and I don't want to wake up like all sweaty so I'm just going to stay on top of that and just keep that fan on so that's going as you guys saw I have my little candle going I love candles it just sets the whole mood for me so I had to like that and I'm just going to like chill out y'all like I'm just going to chill enjoy my night and just have some alone time you know I might read a book or watch a TV show I'm not quite sure I'm I'm I'm actually really tired I'm actually really tired right now so like I had like all these plans to like watch you know watch my shows all night long and like just like listen to music all night long but um I'm probably not going to do that that might not be the best idea because I still have a long day ahead of me tomorrow um there's like this really cool hiking trail that I want to go on on so I don't know I might end up doing that but for the most part we're just going to chill tonight y'all like tonight it's going to be a chill night so let the festivities begin [Music] [Music] and that is all that I can do on the ukulele for now but I am learning I will conquer this thing so I literally got this ukulele from the thrift store and I've been practicing with it and I'm going to continue to practice with it and definitely this is going to be one of my pastimes while I'm doing van life it's going to be practicing my ukulele because I do want to learn how to play this I've been wanting one of these for a very long time and I used to play the clarinet so I do know a little bit about music but I'm wanting to like get back into it and I'm saying all this just to kind of say like that's what I really want to you know start doing I want to start like picking up old passions and like old desires that I kind of just like laid down and thought that I would never be able to do it and picking up music again is something that I never thought that I would be doing but literally the other day I was at the thrift store and I saw this just like sitting there and this is like a legitimate ukulele and I got this for $3 yeah well $3.99 the price tag is still on the back but any who yeah so this is definitely one thing that I will be doing while I'm doing van life is going to be kind of like picking music back up and just like spending some time learning some things and I'm going to play a song a whole real song one day you'll see so yeah enough of enough of that for tonight so I got this disco ball for my bedroom [Music] but I don't really use it for my bedroom well I really got it for my kids when they're in my bedroom just to kind of like Let It Shine On The Ceiling but they don't really care for it for whatever reason when I was a kid I love stuff like this like I had the Stars like the glow stars on my ceiling like I I don't know I I have a thing with lights I love lighting I love different colors of I just love lights that's why Christmas is like my thing but yeah I'm just like trying to set the mood for tonight I should probably just go to sleep though to be honest with you I should probably just go to sleep this is currently what my ceiling is looking looking like this is absolutely amazing [Music] I all right so I'm currently just trying to get my laptop connected to my hotspot on my phone and I seem to not have too much service out here so I mean but it's okay cuz I literally live in the country and I'm so used to not having service but I really did want to kind of like watch something to kind of help me fall asleep so I might have to count sheep tonight um I don't know maybe I'll just like turn some music on and like try to like sleep to that but I normally can't sleep with music on so we have run into a slight dilemma so I'm like I'm trying to connect to Hulu so I can watch something um but it doesn't look like I have strong enough service out here okay now let's see if this actually works hold on let me put y'all down okay so the computer is thinking it doesn't know if it wants to work or not oh gosh but as I saying to you guys before I was distracted by Hulu tricking me making me think it was going to play um I wanted to watch something it doesn't matter what I just wanted to watch something to kind of like help take my mind off of you know what might be lurking outside of my window and that may not happen tonight but I still have music and I could play some music but music really kind of disturbs my sleep I really can't sleep with music on so that might not work either I might have to just kind of depend on my fan wait this is my email what do you guys talking about this is my email so I am still literally having no success with my internet connection tonight which like I said it's fine it's okay um this is kind of like how it all goes wait what all right guys so it looks like it's working now just to find something to watch why did my phone just why did my phone just zoom in like that that was weird oh okay it's zooming into to track his face that's weird any who guys we are in I'm going to find something to watch and I'm going to get in the bed because I am so tired like I took a little nap earlier today but it wasn't it still wasn't enough like my eyes are literally burning right now because I'm so tired they're so heavy but I do want to organize some stuff that I have under my bed because after I cooked today I didn't really like organize it I just kind of put everything in probably some weird random spot and I want to like organize all that and then I'm going to go to bed yeah so let's go ahead and organize turn on some music and then after that we're going to go to bed cuz this is just I am so so TI tired I'm so tired so the internet is not working which I mean you know I'm literally in the middle of nowhere right now and I have like one bar can't watch anything which is fine you know it's all my fault I probably should have had something downloaded or I should have remembered um to bring a book um but either way it's okay next time I will I will do better because now I know better but anyhoo so we're going to go ahead and try to organize some stuff from the messes that I made this morning or the messes that I made for lunch cuz after I cooked lunch I didn't put everything back the right way I just kind of like threw it under my bed and it's kind of messy and I want to stay on top of any mess that I make so I'm going to go ahead and take care of that I'll probably turn on some music and I'll get everything organized and then then I'm going to go to bed because at this point there's literally nothing else to do but to go to bed so yeah let's go ahead and get started on that and hopefully this part of the video will still be interesting even though I don't have anything cool to watch which I mean come on we don't I don't have to watch anything that's what van life is all about like I don't have to watch anything this is supposed to be like me time self-reflection time I'm supposed to be like connecting with my inner self right now but yeah I digress the Bluetooth device is connected successfully already I'm all right guys so I'm officially about to go to bed right now I'm so excited to go to bed cuz I'm so so tired but I just wanted to say good night and yeah reflecting on today today was absolutely amazing I had a good time and yeah today was amazing so with that note I'm going to say good night and I will see you guys bright and early in the morning and hopefully I can get good quality sleep tonight because I need my energy for tomorrow because I've got a lot of cool stuff I want to do well not really cool stuff I just want to walk again but either way any energy to do that so hopefully I can get a restful sleep and not you know wake up in in the middle of the night scared to go back to sleep but yeah good night guys I will see you first thing in the morning
Channel: She Can Do All Things
Views: 28,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starting van life, solo female van lifer, female van life, living in a van, overnight camping alone, nomadic introvert, winterisblu, single mom van life
Id: LX94qKjm0Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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