Life After Life | Easter Sunday with Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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you're singing so good this morning just clap your hands to the worthy one oh we praise you jesus we praise you jesus we praise you jesus thank you lord thank you lord you are deserving of our praise you are deserving of our glory and honor today jesus bless your wonderful name amen and amen are you glad to be in church this easter i mean do you remember where we were this time last easter can we give god a praise let me hear the monitor please give him a great hand praise the lord [Applause] god bless you turn to someone smile at them welcome them to church today would you do it tell them you look better than the last time i saw you so good to have all of you here today welcome to free chapel let's give a warm welcome to all of our campuses that are joining us right now thank god for each and every one of you at every campus we just love you and appreciate you so much and of course our online campus and online congregation and members we just appreciate you all over the world if you have your bibles i'd like for you to open them with me to the book of first corinthians the 15th chapter first corinthians chapter 15. and i want to say hello to the people who are outside right now they're all out there in the amphitheater and we've already had one amazing service this morning and there they are and uh it's a beautiful crowd outside and inside see um it's warmer in here and that's because we let the tithers come in here and the dawn tithers sit out there now that'll be a new rumor all over town sure have to pay for an indoor seat at that church no come come first come serve amen or something like that open your bible open your bible to first corinthians 15. if you don't know it first corinthians 15 is the resurrection chapter it you should read it today before the sun goes down if you're on a great devotional today read first corinthians 15 and i'm going to begin reading in verse 35 but someone will say how are we how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come paul says foolish one what you sow is not do what you sow is not made alive unless it dies and then he starts in verse 37 talking about a grain then he talks about all through here let's let's just for the sake of summing it up look at verse 51 behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in the moment the twinkling of an eye the last trump the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised incorruptible and we will be changed the corruptable must put on cr in corruption the mortal will put on immortality for with corruption is sown in corruption but it's raised in incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory everybody read verse 55 oh death where is your sting oh hell grace where is your victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god who gives the victory through our lord jesus christ i want to talk to you today about this amazing question that was asked when he said how can someone be raised from there he said there would be those who would question how can the body be raised from the dead i want to first start off telling you today something that you already know but you don't want to think about it we don't like to think about it we put it off but people die sometimes people die in strange ways i read about a woman by the name of amelia link and she was standing on the street corner in new york city on her telephone talking to someone and she as she was standing there a flower pot fell from eight stories up from an apartment building and hit her in the head and killed her they said the thing that knocked it off of the windowpane that was eight stories up was a lightning bolt hit it and knocked it off and it killed her and then there was this guy by the name of carlos bumbus true story he was fishing in the philippines and he opened his mouth to yawn and i hope this happens to you this morning if you do that while i'm preaching but but but but he opened his mouth to yawn and a small fish jumped from the water into his mouth got stuck in his throat and this is sad i don't know why you're laughing and he choked to death before they could get that fish out of it can you believe that you see with every tick of the clock someone dies somewhere around the world one of those ticks has my name on it one of those ticks has your name on it if you're a teenager and you're on tick-tock all the time it's got your name on it too we never know when our tick will come we never know when it's our last day on earth but i have great news for you when death does come it cannot keep you it cannot hold you it cannot kill you jesus has become the death of death when jesus died and rose again from the dead three days later it was the day death died and when i think about what the text said that in the moment in the twinkling of an eye the dead will be raised first thessalonians said the trumpet will sound and the dead in christ will be raised first and those of us who are alive we will all have resurrection bodies god will transform us in the moment in the twinkling of an eye our bodies if we're alive there will be a group that will be alive a generation that will be alive and all of those who have died all of our fathers our mothers our brothers our sons our daughters people that we buried if they died in christ when the trumpet sounds there will be something that will happen and our bodies instantly will be glorified if you're alive you'll get a new body if you're dead god will take the that which has been decayed and restored and the graves will burst open and we together will meet the lord in the clouds when that trumpet sounds you say now how in the world how in the world how are those people going to come out of the grave and how are we going up because the bible put it like this it said if if the same if the spirit that was in christ jesus that same spirit is in you and it dwells in your mortal body for the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwells in you and and raised up christ from the dead it will listen to this also quicken your mortal body it will quicken if you've got jesus holy spirit when you get saved the holy spirit you get a deposit of god inside of you and when the trumpet sounds it will quicken your mortal body and it's just like the fact that when you have a magnet there is something in it let's say you have a you have a mechanic shop and that mechanic goes in there and he works all day and he makes a mess and if he's a good mechanic at the end of the day he wants to clean up the mess and he sweeps it up and he gets all kinds of things in the dustpan he gets all trash and sawdust and paper and scraps and but there's also some some some some washers and some bolts and some screws and some different metal that's very valuable that he can use that just happened to drop it but if he's smart a good mechanic won't go through it and have to go through glass and hurt his he'll get him a magnet because he knows that there's something in there that when he does that suddenly all the bad stuff drops and that which is like that magnet goes up that's exactly what's going to happen you have the spirit dwelling in you and when the trumpet sounds jesus presence appearing in the clouds will become so magnetic that the graves will explode with resurrection power and we shall be changed in the moment in the twinkling of an hour what a day what a day that is going to be we have a promise of a glorified resurrected body the resurrection is not just about jesus resurrection but it's just as much about you and i being resurrected in the rapture or from the dead you know i i heard about a little girl who was told by her mother where we are you know we've got some bad news darling great granny has passed away she's gone to heaven and so as they were driving over they walked in to the funeral home and the little girl walked over and she saw her grandmother her great-grandmother there and she looked around she looked around and she said so this is heaven no this is not heaven this is the funeral home i heard about a man by the name of solomon peace true story he lived in london england and he wanted to have some fun when he died so he had this put on his tombstone beneath this sod and beneath these trees lies the body of solomon peas but this ain't the peas it's just the pod peas shelled out and went to god this body is just the pod and our spirit goes to be with god the bible said to be to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord our spirit instantly goes to be with the lord and our body the pod is left behind this body one day will be resurrected when this when jesus comes back he's going to bring the spirits of those who have died and they will reconnect with their bodies and god will raise the body up from the dead paul said to king agrippa in acts 26 and 8 why should it be thought incredible that god can raise the dead i'm telling you that's a that's a profound thought in genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 it said in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth all you got to do is get past the first sentence the first thing in the bible and if you can believe that god can create the heavens and the earth why would you have a problem if he can do that out of nothing he can do that out of our body when it is something to work with whatever's left behind he can resurrect it the first thing that paul says in first corinthians 15 and i pointed it out to you he said it's like a grain your resurrected body will be like a grain and he said except a grain or seed of a grain go into the earth it dies it rots it decays and then it comes back to life because there's an element of life that germinates inside of that grain and even though the it dies and it decays it's still got that thing germinating in it that says i'm dead right now it looks like but there's life in me and one day there's going to come something up that looks just like me grain's going to come up that looks just like me well that's exactly what happens our body disintegrates and let me just give you an illustration let's say let's say that a man is born in florida and he lives there all of his life and let's say he heard you know that the country was in a war in vietnam or somewhere and he goes to vietnam and while he's over there he he has his leg blown off with a with a land mine and then he comes back home and later he gets a job let's say in georgia and he cuts off a finger at that new job at the lumber meal and he's missing a leg he's got get that in vietnam he's got a finger in georgia and then he moves to africa and i'm making it up so i can do whatever i want to do with this story and he moves to he moves to africa and while he's there in africa he becomes a preacher and wins a lot of people and then he dies and they bury him under apple tree and in africa and while his body is underground the roots of that apple tree begins to draw the nutrients and all that's left there and it feeds and actually comes through those roots and produces apples and the apples drop off and here comes a pig and the pig eats the apples and leaves droppings all over the place in africa how pastor can the dead be raised he's got a leg in vietnam he's got a finger in georgia he's got the rest of him all over the place well the body you have right now is not the body that you had 10 years ago you're the same person you were when you were a baby you're the same person you were when you're a baby but you don't have the same body look at somebody and say i was a beautiful baby tell them that and tell them look at me now i was a beautiful baby but look at me now i'm preaching but you know you don't have the same body you had when you were a little baby do you know that you have 25 trillion blood cells that died the last 120 days and were reproduced and every cell in your body has will die every 120 days you are a walking resurrection and and all you are is is your particles of your body they're not the same as they were 10 years ago you're adding and leaving particles cons constantly when i was uh young younger much younger my brother richie and i used to travel and evangelize and i'll never forget the first time that we went to mississippi and went down in that area preaching and i saw the mighty mississippi river it was an amazing thing i remember reading hook finn and all that stuff and i thought that's the same river that's that river that's that one i've seen in the cowboy and indian movies i tell you that's the mighty mississippi river that was over 35 years ago that i first saw that river but if i went back today it's still the mississippi river but not one drop of water that was there 35 years ago when i first saw it is still there not one drop and now it's still the mighty mississippi but nothing five years ago and just like that we are constantly changing and here's what i want you to understand we know that the that the molecule structure of the body the dna the stem cells is what produces our arms our hands our legs our all all that we have we know now we didn't know this this is a technology that's been developed and understood since in our lifetime but listen to psalms 139 in verse 16. he said lord your eyes did see my substance when i was yet unformed in your book are all my body parts recorded and written there where where there was none of them you you you somehow had me reduce down to something to where you had every detail of my body in your books and he's got a book in heaven there was the dna written in that book what makes your body what it is is the stem cell and the dna and when the resurrection comes god will look in that book he'll pull it out he'll pull your dna out and i don't care if your leg's in vietnam and i don't care if your finger's in georgia and i don't care where the rest of your body is and i don't care if you decayed god says i'll punch in your card of your dna and out will come jensen hallelujah not somebody who look it will be me only i'll have a resurrected glorified body just like the grain decays and dies and life comes out of it so will you then he says something else powerful in this chapter about our resurrected body he says it will be individualized and unique to who you are god makes copies god god does not make copies i should say he makes originals and when we get our resurrected bodies we're not going to all be the same he even draws a comparison in first corinthians 15 and he says as one star differs from another one shines brighter than the other he says no two stars are alike no two bodies are alike no two fingerprints are like no two snowflakes are like god is a god of variety and when we come out and go up to be with the lord he's not gonna make us a bunch of robots that all look the same act the same we're gonna be who we are i will be me in the resurrection you will be you in the resurrection no two human beings have the same fingerprint i heard about a little boy who got a fingerprint kit for christmas and he was playing with it and his dad said how do you like it son he said i like it it's all right but the man lied that wrote the instructions and he said why is that son he said well he said that you know nobody has more than one fingerprint but he said i know for a fact that dad you and santa claus and somebody who keeps breaking into my piggy bank has the same fingerprint [Applause] your resurrected body will be uniquely you hallelujah i'm glad god didn't make us all the same of every kindred and of every tongue and of every nation god god's gonna have every nationality every race in heaven we're gonna stand before the throne of god we're gonna work we're gonna travel we're gonna go all over the world and all over the we'll come back and rule and reign and it's going to be glorious we're not going to float around on clouds with fat angels strumming harps we're going to have the time of our life eyes have not seen and ears have not heard and we're gonna have it going on with beautiful resurrected glorified bodies somebody shout amen notice what paul says next he says not only that not only will you be in individualized with uniqueness but he says i'm going to infuse your resurrected body with perfection first corinthians 15 said that this body will be sown in corruption which means decay but raised in incorruption that it will be sown in dishonor but raised in glory it will be sown meaning put in the ground in the natural body paul calls it but raised as a spiritual body god says your resurrected body will be infused with perfection i love that because right now nobody in here has a perfected body i'm glad you've been working out i'm glad you got a trainer i'm glad that you're doing push-ups and sit-ups i'm speaking by faith i'm glad that you that you but but i'm telling you you don't have a perfected body you don't have a perfected body do you know that uh our iq is is is something that the brain has gray matter the brain of your bo up here it's gray matter and then there's a difference between the brain and the mind the mind uses the brain to think your mind is to your brain what a pianist is to a piano and you know some people have a baby grand and some people have an accordion but but but it's but it's really up to who these jokes are good today i'm telling you but but but it's really up it's really up to do do you know we we use just a tiny portion of our brain our whole life in the resurrection your mind will be fully activated in the resurrection all decay of the body will go away from dishonor to glory the bible said god calls the state of our bodies even the most fit person hearing me who's doing px90 and working out every day and you're chiseled the bible said compared to what adam looked like when god made him before the fall you are your body is in dishonor god wants us to have a glorious body he said from dishonor to glory god is going to give us a glorious body it'll never ache it'll never hurt it'll never have dark spots i look in the mirror and i find another spot every day it will never have any arthritis it will never have any limitations hallelujah what would you say today some somebody said well i have a glorious body no you don't and if you do we'll just give it a little time and the four bees will attack you baldness bifocals budges and bud budges and bunions let me put it to you like this ladies how many of you ladies have a diamond on your finger let me see your hand if you're married or engaged hold it up hold it up now let me ask you a question what's the difference between a diamond and a a lump of coal and i know what you're thinking size both are made of carbon the coal is carbon in humiliation the diamond is carbon in glory what about a caterpillar an old ugly caterpillar you see it it's the same body and then it comes out of that cocoon and it's a beautiful gorgeous butterfly the caterpillar is the creature in humiliation the butterfly is the creature in all of its glory in the same way you and i right now we are sown into the ground and we are walking around like a caterpillar we're walking around like a like a lump of coal action takes place suddenly you will see perfection it will be infused into our bodies and we you say well i don't know if i want the same body you'll want the one that god has for you i mean if we could get if we could put in god's computer adam and cause him to spit out of the assembly line and walk across this stage in the amazing body he had and eve had before sin ever entered the picture you women would faint and you men would need prayer because you have never seen i'm talking i'm i'm not up here playing games i'm telling you one of these days in the twinkling of an eye we're gonna get a brand new body and it'll be the body that we will have and i don't know what all that means the bible said while we're here we have a we have the image of adam and our body is of the earth earthy did you catch that in first corinthians 15 he said your body is of the earth earthy but when we get our new body it will be heavenly and first john puts it like this it does not yet appear what we shall be but when we shall see him boom we shall be like him oh hallelujah if you got too much back here and not enough up here all of that's gonna get fixed real quick glory to god and i'm gonna look at you and you're gonna know me and i'm gonna know you jackie but i am gonna notice some differences and you're gonna notice some differences i feel like running hallelujah what about you outside what about you and all the campuses can we shout we have resurrection power coming into this body one of these days morning noon or night we shall be changed i'm telling you when you understand that the most brilliant person uses only two-fifths of one percent of their brain capacity but imagine when we get that mind activated absolute perfection if you had never seen a train a railroad train and there was a train wreck and i took you down and showed you the train wreck and you saw all that steel mangled together and you saw those cars stacked up on one another and you had never seen a train before and i said that's a train now would i be telling you the truth i technically it is a train but really it's a train wreck i see dwayne standing back there now he's a man raise your hand dwayne now is that a man not really that's a wreck but when we get our new glorified bodies oh you don't hear me you don't hear me you don't hear me [Applause] from weakness to power from dishonor to glory from corruptable and decay to incorruption we can walk through doors we'll have glorified bodies we'll be able to do and and achieve things we can't even imagine the body will be powerful i'm almost done but let me finish in luke chapter 24 jesus rose from the dead and he said behold my hands and my feet it is i myself a spirit has not flesh and bone and he he said touch me handle me he fellowship with them he ate with them he ate meals with them he cooked meals for them and they ate meals together for 40 days he showed himself alive and walked the earth and had meals and talked with people he was showing us what our resurrected body will be able to do i close with this but i want to read it right out of the scripture because it so blessed me this week i want to read it one more time behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep that sleep is reference to the dead but we shall all be changed in the moment in the twinkling of an eye the last trump the trumpet was sound verse 52 and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed and then i want you to see the last part for he says for then death will be swallowed up in victory verse 55 oh death where is your sting oh grave where is your victory look there's two courses there's two anthems in those in those verses just leave them up a moment oh death where's your sting you know who's gonna sing that that that verse those who are alive when jesus comes again because they're saying the stinger never got me death where's your sting i never felt it just like elijah got caught up in a fiery chariot and he never died but then there's a second group o grave where is your victory that's the cr that's the song of the dead that we're in the grave they'll say grave you had me but look my casket is empty and my gravesite is torn open and my tombstone is toppled over and the living will say death where's your sting we'll say this together and the dead will say grave where is your victory it's been swallowed up in victory i heard about a little boy and little girl who were in the garden with her mother and there was a bumblebee you know those bumblebees and and and it landed on the little boy and it stung him and he screamed and then that same bumblebee began to circle the little girl the little sister and she absolutely as a little child would do just went berserk in in fear because it was buzzing and she knew how how that brother had screamed when that bumblebee stung her and so the mother came over and she grabbed the little girl the little boy was was there and she grabbed the little girl and tried to calm her down said it's okay baby said come here let me show you something said the stinger of that bumblebee can't sting you because your brother has the stinger see it and she took the stinger out of his flesh and she said that bumblebee doesn't have a stinger anymore all he can do is buzz do you understand that's what jesus did for us our elder brother jesus christ took the stinger out of death for me and he says to you and i i took the stinger and oh death it has a buzz it can frighten you it can scare you when you get a report and we've gone through a season of covet and watched loved ones die and people have lost family members and mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and we've wept and we've cried but really all that has happened is we've seen the buzz if they died in christ jesus took the stinger and one day resurrection power to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord they're presently with the lord but one day the trumpet is going to sound and they're coming up with resurrection power and so are you if you have faith in jesus christ put your hands together and give the lord praise [Music] i want you to know today that calvary was satan's biggest mistake because on the third day when the fog lifted and the stone was rolled away he came out and he said because i live you're gonna get a resurrected body just like mine and you will live also eternal life is yours through jesus christ he destroyed death what a savior what a miracle what a joy to live for jesus what a relief from the fear of dying i feel this morning when i comprehend first corinthians 15. death where's your stinger grave where's your victory jesus has risen from the dead hallelujah somebody shout like you believe it somebody somebody get happy over the fact you're gonna have a new body let's get up on our feet wherever you are at every campus in the overflow outside just stand to your feet and clap your hands and for 15 seconds give his majesty the risen one the greatest praise and shout of victory that you can hallelujah oh jesus is alive jesus is alive jesus is alive running tell him mary running tell him simon peter jesus is alive [Applause] [Music] every head bowed every eye closed wherever you are i can't have an easter service especially after what we've been through and not give you a chance to receive jesus christ as your savior and when you do he promises you eternal life he promises you a resurrected body he promises you victory over death hell and the grave do you want it do you know that you have it are you sure you're saved if the rapture takes place today will you be left behind do you have enough of jesus inside of you that can connect with the magnetic presence of the lord jesus christ because if you don't have him in you you're not going up when he comes again but today he said i stand at the door and i knock let me in let me in do you hear me young man do you hear me young lady one of these days it is appointed unto man wants to die and then comes the judgment where will you stand i only will stand complete if my faith and trust is in jesus christ i want to embarrass you i won't humiliate you but if you want that peace if you want to know that you know that you know that when they put me in the grave ain't no grave gonna hold my body down pastor would you pray for me i don't know that and i really want to know maybe you're backslid maybe you're far from god maybe you came today and you don't even know why but something's missing in your life this is your moment one of those tick tock tick tock has your name on it be ready be ready for in an hour you think not the son of man coming and it could be the rapture it could be death but you better be ready has to pray for me i want to get right with god today if that's you boldly wherever you're standing raise your hand high and say i want to get right with god today let me see your hand raise it high and unashamed raise it high and unashamed yes yes yes raise it high raise it high there are others raise them high at every campus raise them high bless you bless you bless you anyone else anyone else anyone else raise them high raise them high everybody pray this prayer out loud at every campus let's go lord jesus i believe the bible i believe that you died on the cross and hell thought it had won the victory but on the third day you rose in a glorified body and because you live i have eternal life wash me in your blood fill me with your spirit and put in me what i need to be ready when you come or call say this jesus save me and now i am saved can you put your hands together and shout if you believe it you know what we're gonna do you know what we're gonna do key of b flat we're going to end with an o great hymn of the church because he lives come on pick it up i can face tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] see it just one more time you sound good be jesus is alive yes he is [Music] my life is [Music] hallelujah next sunday we're going to have an illustrated sermon of everything i just preached water baptism is you go into the grave the old you and you come out of the grave the water the new you and right here on this stage will be a big old tank and anybody who wants to get baptized we can only do so many but they're going to get baptized i'm going to baptize people right here every campus is going to have tanks we're going to baptize people and we're going to have baptism tanks outside and if you have never been baptized and you want to be baptized or you feel like you need to do it again we're going to have the pool outside we're going to have everything going and we're going to baptize hundreds of people at all of our campuses this will be our first baptism service in over a year because of covet we're going to come back and give the devil a good black eye say amen somebody god bless you and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace tell somebody i see you in the future and you look a lot better than you do right now you're gonna have that glorified body one of these days god bless you be blessed everybody worship god in your giving online give we've got an amazing gift that has been given i've talked about it i won't take time to do it today i'll do it next week though but give like never before because we have a matching fun miracle that's what i'm calling in i think about it every day and rejoice and i'm telling you you're rising to the occasion we're seeing help us carry the gospel all over the world thank you so much be blessed everybody [Music] amen amen wasn't that such a powerful message from pastor jensen on this amazing easter sunday morning again we just want to thank you so much for joining us today you could be anywhere else but you chose to tune in live today so thank you we love you and if you receive jesus today go ahead and text amen to 313131 we want to get you plugged in want to get you connected want to pray with you want to just be there for you so we are all in this together as one big family you have our support you have the support of free chapel backing you up behind you so go ahead and text amen to 313131 this morning if you receive jesus christ today yes be sure you text we want to reach out to you personally but also what a powerful word that was from pastor something we just want to add to that is today is such a powerful day because since jesus died and resurrected we can know our stories never end in death though we may face death in certain situations in certain circumstances or maybe you're just going through things in life i seem to be a little hopeless you can know it doesn't end there because jesus resurrected we can know he resurrects dreams he resurrects promises he's so good so you can have hope you can have joy and you can know that if it looks like death has taken place honestly you should be a little encouraged because that means resurrection's right on the other side of it right so we just want to encourage you with that today this is such a special sunday where we see jesus rise in glory and we get to live in the fullness of that so we just want to encourage you have hope have joy no matter what life throws your way no it does not end in death peace patience and all those good things know that you can have them too yeah so if this message touched you today if you whether you already know about jesus or if you just found out about jesus today we have something very special at free chapel and that's our experience israel trip you can go to the holy land you can go to the promised land with our group you can register online you can visit and learn all about the experience israel trip that's taking place this year at the end of this year in december so december 1st through the 10th we're going to israel together you want to make sure that you're registered for this trip all of the information will be available online for you and you get to walk firsthand where jesus was every place that he went to we have a great schedule lined up for you and you get to just be there and know that jesus walked in those steps too it's going to be incredible so you do not want to miss out that's our experience israel trip december 1st through the 10th yes that's so awesome like you're saying like not to only hear about where jesus was but to literally physically be there will be so awesome so be sure you check that out but also we just want to thank you for tuning in we want to thank you for generously giving to this ministry it's your support that allows us to keep going and doing what we're doing and reaching all those souls so just again thank you from the bottom of our hearts thank you for tuning in thank you for your time if you're a volunteer whatever it looks like we just want to thank you you are so appreciated by this house by pastor and we just want you to know for sure that you are so so loved valued and appreciated by us here we're all one big family and we love you and we see you and yeah we just love you guys so much i could say that so much but we want you guys to know that's to be true yeah we're so so thankful for you like skyler said i mean seriously by you sewing in you're doing so much for the kingdom and i know that you guys are going to be blessed as well we have so many amazing things taking place here at free chapel but not even not only just here at this location but all over you know we have all sorts of organizations and outreaches that we're partnering with and so know that it's going for so many amazing things and two great causes again like she said we love you guys we're so thankful that you joined us today it is easter sunday the lord has risen and like you said we can walk out in freedom and power and joy and life so we are so thankful for you guys i pray that you guys have an amazing day i'll go ahead and just close this out in prayer yeah and then you guys can enjoy your sunday whether that's lunch dinner brunch whatever traditions you have going on hope that you can enjoy them so god we thank you so much for today we thank you for everybody who is joining us online no matter where they are they come from all over across the globe god we just thank you we lift them up to you father we thank you and pray that you touch them and touch their hearts and touch their lives and we pray for miracles in their homes and wherever they're watching from god and we just pray for breakthrough we pray for resurrection power in whatever their situations may be we thank you that you can experience freedom today in jesus and so we love you we praise you we give you all the glory today god we thank you for the life that you sacrificed so that we could live our lives and so we just pray that you get all the glory today in jesus name amen amen see you guys next week we love you guys [Music] bye
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 43,695
Rating: 4.9197464 out of 5
Keywords: Easter, Easter at Free Chapel, Jentezen Franklin, Faith, Spiritual Growth, Jesus, Free Chapel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.