Lies of P Vs Lords of The Fallen: Which Is The Better Souls-like?

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Li of PE and Lords of the falling were two Souls likes that were on my radar way before they released eyes of PE being more bloodborne inspired with the Pinocchio twist to it while Lords of the Fallen still takes that medieval Dark Fantasy setting that most of us are used to when it comes on to souls likes so I just wanted to go over and see which one of these games is a better Souls like and overall game and also if they good enough to go up against the actual Souls games also before I get into the video drop a like for a brother like come on man the button is literally right there there were a lot of souls likes or Souls inspired games that released this year some being decent to great and others being kind of [ __ ] not going to lie however there are two that stood out to me the most and that's lies of PE and Lords of the Fallen you see while the other Souls likes or Souls inspired games that came out recently were just a bit inspired by the souls games nothing too crazy only taking some inspiration from like the you know the combat or level design these two felt the closest to being an actual Souls game while still feeling like their own thing speaking of Their Own Thing these two games have a defining mechanic or a system that separates them from being called just another Souls born copycat for lies of PE it's the weapon modification system where you can you know apply different handles onto blades or vice versa and for LS of the Fallen is the umbrell shift mechanic where you can basically switch between the world of the living and the dead similar to that one mission in Titanfall 2 except that has to do with time travel and [ __ ] so whatever also I feel like Lords of the Fallen takes more inspiration from the traditional Dark Souls type of combat while Li of PE is a mixture of Sakira and bloodborne before I start really comparing these two games let's talk about each of them first in Lord of the falling you play as some guy who gets chosen by a lamp that can shift you between the worlds of the dead and the living now it's up to you to take down the demon god known as a deer by activating some beacons or whatever yeah I don't really know what the [ __ ] is going on uh the lore isn't really that up from now Lia P plays a puppet called Pinocchio and it's up to you to defeat a bunch of other puppets that's know on a frenzy killing people and to find out who is behind all of this while doing so you find out some PL twist or [ __ ] like that again I'm not super good with lore but yeah that's the basic permise for both of those games you know [ __ ] the Lord let's talk about the things that I liked about you know let's talk about the other the core foundations of these games which is the art style the weapons the combat level design and bosses let's start with Lords of the Fallen art style first you see while I'm kind of getting burnt out on the whole Dark Fantasy medieval setting thing I can still appreciate it I like the way you can basically see the beacons shooting up in the sky and the fact that you can go to each one by foot also the graphics are pretty good too also the umbrella world looks like scorn which even though I never really played that game it's still cool to think about now Li of art style took a more bloodborne approach well bloodborne mixed with steam some steampunk elements with with some magic on the side everything seems industrialized and this type of art style is something that I prefer however I'm not using this preference as a way of saying that it is better than Lords of the Fallen art style but still in the grand scheme of things I think some of the later levels in Lords of the Fallen stood out to me a bit more than lies of PE but both art styles are pretty good and I still lowkey prefer that type of art style that lies of P went for instead of the whole you know medieval Dark Fantasy setting but Lords of the Fallen did have some pretty dark but beautiful levels so I have to go with that again that's just my personal preference this is not being used as like you know to say oh art style this one has a better art style than that now that's just my personal preference the weapons Lia doesn't have the same amount of weapons as Lords of the Fallen but it did something that made me wish more souls games and souls likes Implement some sort of weapon customization system the fact that you can alter weapon Handles in lies of PE is a great addition because it gives you option to play with bills without having to reset your stats or start a new game it's also fun as out because you can basically put on a great sword blade on a regular sword handle which would make that weapon faster for some reason look don't question it it's just cool as [ __ ] all right now Lords of the Fallen this game has a bunch of cool weapons and I really like the fact that you can use boss weapons as well which I was disappointed in Liza P for not including that option you can also equip runes into each weapons giving it additional abilities as well now I have um a somewhat positive yet just some slight nitpicks about each of these game's weapons on one hand while I really love lies of pe's approach I realized that playing the game over again doesn't really hit the same since you only have a small amount of weapons to like mess around with and the fact that the weapons like great swords are kind of [ __ ] since they're slow as hell like really really really slow also the fact that you can't use actual boss weapons kind of suck and by actual boss weapons I'm talking about weapons that the bosses use not some weird thing you buy with their boss souls I don't know however the fact that you can mix match weapons and handles is pretty great and for Lords of the Fallen I really like how much option they give you but after a while you realize that oh this is a new great sword but with the same exact animation as the other ones and there aren't any really like unique special moves like I don't know [ __ ] fable arts or weapon Arts you can use with the weapon you know these type of weapons so yeah that kind of sucks but at the end of the day I do like both of these games approach to weapons but I'm going to give this one to like Li of PE due to its unique approach the combat the combat in Lords of the Fallen Fields weird to me it's a bit sluggish but not compared to the first Lords of the falling game where it felt like [ __ ] that whole game was [ __ ] by the way like I don't know sometimes the combat in this game feels fine until some [ __ ] happens where you meant to press a certain attack but a different variation of that attack comes out or when you lock onto an enemy and choose to Dodge in the southwest or I don't know Northeast Direction and for some reason your character will only want to dodge just strictly left or west you know it's so weird now the combat in Liza in my opinion is a bit more refined but way less forgiving the only things I didn't really like about Liza p is how small the Parry windows are and how some necessary movement options you would get from the start in other Souls like like are locked behind a stupid ass [ __ ] skill tree called the P organ which what the [ __ ] kind of name is that anyways things such as link Dodge get up roll and ability to dodge Fury attack should have been available from jump not something you have to like progress to unlock or unlock a new game plus like come on bro I feel like that's just a way of adding unwanted difficulty instead of just figuring out a better way of making the game difficult but other than that once you have those unlocked the game's feel the game feel like smooth as hell way smoother than Lords of the fallen so in terms of combat I'm going to give it to lies of PE love a design this wasn't my major problem with Lords of the Fallen while I did like the umbrella lamp mechanic of [ __ ] between shifting Between Worlds to go to new areas and to solve environmental puzzles it did feel a bit tedious at times because honestly the game seems to want you to always be in umbrell mode or umbrell realm which isn't a bad thing other than the fact that if you spend too much time in umbrell the enemies will never stop spawning and you will eventually get chased by the Scarlet Reaper which is your sign to leave to be honest making the umbrella that difficult wasn't my full issue because it's kind of cool to be on edge and knowing that oh if I stay too long here impossible unkillable enemies is going to arrive however the over Reliance on the umbrell mechanic gets tiring after a while especially for me since I'm not really a fan of the whole dark and Bland looking areas in video games but I think this is more of a subjective thing because I do know a lot of people prefer this type of Lev design compared to something more linear speaking of linear lies of P Lev design just feels just like that however not in a bad way the game is also pretty generous with stargazers which is the bonfire of this game unlike Lords of the Fallen where you have to buy vestage seed plants which is a [ __ ] St like it is so [ __ ] stupid I don't care what no one says that is a dumb way they could have just said you know what let's be generous with the the the safe point system but not they said you know what to add more difficulty or not even difficulty just to add more annoyance let's just make the players buy them buy vestage seeds or whatever to find like come on that is so dumb whatever so again this type of Lev design is completely subjective however I do prefer lies of P approach more than Lords of the Fallen however again I do think that if vestage seeds weren't a thing and they give you more save point options I would have preferred Lords of the Fallen level design a bit more so I'm not going to give a point to any because again that this is a subjective thing now finally the thing that can make any Souls like game go from okay to Great is the bosses the bosses in my opinion can make these type of games go from a 6 out of 10 to a seven or or eight at least for Souls likes let's start with Lords of the Fallen I think the bosses are kind of mid not saying that all the bosses were bad because there were some of them that really stood out to me and that's P which is technically the first actual boss of the game derla which is melenia and atorus love child and the judge but holy [ __ ] the rest of the bosses just felt so Med especially like spoilers the final boss bro this guy was so hyped throughout the whole game just for him not to even fight I don't know what his cold do they just run around you have to fight them and they don't even attack you they well they do they threw they throw fire bombs at you but most of the time you literally get damaged by just fire based attack bro this whole boss fight is so dumb the wor the worst boss fight in the souls like ending the worst final boss fight in a in a Souls like ending I feel like if the game didn't reuse most of the bosses as litter enemies I would have been fine but it really kills the uni the uniqueness of each encounter when you know that you'll see the debuff version of that boss later on in the next level also I feel like when it comes on to boss cut scenes and presentation it doesn't seem that good to me like it doesn't have that cool factor for example take these two bosses for example by the way spoilers spoilers were like two super late game bosses from Liza p and and Lords of the Fallen the first boss is from Liza p and the other is from Lords of the Fallen I want you to look at this and tell me which looks cooler oh [Music] [Music] Simon you're sword like San swears to protect this [Music] Tower I will inserate your soul with Holy Fire for this profanation lonely I don't know something about the judge second face cut scene just seemed to rush in my opinion honestly I feel like the whole late game of Lords of the Fallen felt rushed like you didn't even see her transform or anything but maybe it was just an illusion or something but other but at least her first face cut scene was kind of cool I guess but what I'm trying to say is that in terms of Boss presentations Li of P does it way better also a lot of the bosses seem to have some sort of annoying gimmick to them and Lords of fallen for example the hush Saint [ __ ] spends half the [ __ ] like boss fight just running away from you like it is not fun bro no let's talk about lives of bosses the bosses in this game are pretty great except for the stalker ones these guys are just buffed up NPCs they're not bad but as bosses they're really mid over apart from those guys the bosses in lives of P are really good and presented better than the ones in Lords of the Fallen however Lords of the Fallen does have more cooler looking bosses because of their designs or whatever cooler than Li of P at least don't get me wrong Li of P have some cool looking bosses too like Lexia Romeo nameless and scrapped Watchmen but in terms of coolness Lords of the Fallen takes the win however in terms of balance and presentation lies of P also gets the edge in my opinion I'm going go with lies of P due to how better the boss is felt presentation wise so overall I do prefer lies of PE compared to Lords of the Fallen but I also think that lies of p is the closest I've seen a Souls like come to actually feeling like a Souls game but at the end of the day while these games are for the same target audience which are people who like Souls LS and challenging RPGs there's still somewhat of a split because if you ask me which one to get I would say it depends because if you prefer exploration and getting lost in like a dark and beautiful world then go with Lords of the fallen and if you prefer just straight up action and linear like level design or whatever and really want something a bit challenging then go with lies of PE so it's up to you to find out and again both of these games are amazing in their own right if you want to hear me talk about Liza P I did make an indepth analysis on it so be sure to check that out one night also if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like And subscribe if you want more content like this
Channel: ARKADE K17
Views: 8,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soulslike, soulsborne, elden ring, lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen 2023, lords of the fallen review, lords of the fallen vs lies of p, lords of the fallen builds, lords of the fallen best builds, lies of p, lies of p bosses, lords of the fallen bosses, soulsgame, blasphemous, dark souls
Id: cNIZJzOwjJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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