Lies of P COMPLETE Story Explained

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honesty certainly has its merits but how many times have you lied to protect yourself or even someone you love today we'll explore the power of deception as I provide a concise explanation of the incredibly convoluted story of lies of p and by the end of the video you'll discover exactly what makes us human in a world where Alchemy and automated puppets usher in a new age of Technology the secrets that lie beneath the surface have the power to change reality as you know it this is the story of Geppetto's puppet this is the story of lies of P but before we journey to the ruins of KRON it's time to give credit where it's due kudos to hookah Alves 172 yet again for locating the Easter egg hidden in the last thumbnail if you look closely you will notice that Pinocchio is hidden in the bottom left-hand side of the Border if you're new to the channel I've started playing a game with viewers where I hide an Easter egg in the thumbnail of each of my videos the first person State what and where it is in the comments gets a shout out in the following video now back to the matter at hand before the discovery of Ergo the city of Kraut was simply a poor Coastal Village it wasn't until a group of Alchemists excavated a nearby cave called The Relic of Tres magestus that the people were propelled into a golden age where technological advancements and prosperity elevated the senator living to brand new heights Ergo was an incredibly efficient source of energy that outmatched any type of fuel before it even electricity held in comparison to this inexplicable mineral The Alchemist influence in the land was undeniable yet they always remained at a safe distance observing and pulling the strings from the Shadows eventually genius inventor Geppetto created puppets that were powered by Ergo and daily tasks such as cooking cleaning and even police work became a fully automated process the city of crop was ready to share their inventions with the world and they scheduled the grand exhibition an event that would showcase the power of Ergo to the world however the people of krat would never have this opportunity a disaster known as the puppet frenzy made sure of that despite their programming the once loyal and harmless puppets became an army of murderous automatons thousands of people died and those that survived were stuck behind locked doors and barred windows to make matters worse prolonged exposure to highly concentrated air go and inhalation of its spores caused a terrible sickness known as the petrification disease which resulted in the hardening of one's skin blindness and eventually organ failure the great city of Kraut was no more and the few survivors that remained battled against a deadly plague it was into this world that Geppetto's puppet was born and where his story would begin amidst the chaos a mystical blue butterfly would give life to a puppet who had the power of free will a soft boy stirred him awake and requested his Aid she introduced herself as Sophia and invited him to the hotel so she could explain what was going on after locating his guy Gemini and arming himself with a weapon Geppetto's puppet took his first steps into the dangerous streets of crot after navigating his way through Croc Central Station he found himself at the Heart of the City the hotel was nearby but he would have to face off with a gigantic puppet designed for festivities before he could reach his goal after a grueling battle Geppetto's puppet emerged Victorious and was contacted by Sophia she informed him that the hotel security restricted access to puppets and he would have to lie in order to gain entry Geppetto's puppet passed the test as he lied the gears within him began to shudder with change Sophia greeted him at the door and gifted him the moon phase pocket watch this watch had the power to turn back time to when the boy was in Peak condition keep this in mind for later Sophia reassured him that Geppetto would be able to answer the many questions he certainly had and he had to be located first she pointed him in the direction of Elysian Boulevard and off he went as the inventor of the puppets Geppetto was the target of many angry survivors who questioned the reasons behind the puppet frenzy the Mad donkey was no exception this marked the first time Geppetto's puppet would shed human blood but it would not be the last Geppetto was rescued and returned to the hotel after dealing with a threat at City Hall Geppetto's puppet who I will now refer to as the boy met with the patrons of the hotel including Antonia its owner eugeniere and polandina the concierge the boy went upstairs to speak with Geppetto but instead of answers he received orders to go and save lorenzini venini a genius inventor who had gone to shut down his Factory since the puppets were using it as a main base to create more of their kind once the boy arrived he rescued vinini and his puppet Pulcinella before destroying Fuoco a powerful puppet who was hell-bent on storming the saint frangelical Cathedral after some investigation it was revealed that he had been following the orders of the puppet King who was stationed at Rosa Isabel Street but there was a more urgent matter at hand the cathedral held many refugees who fled there during the puppet frenzy so the boy went to investigate when he arrived a stalker known as the atoned warned him that the cathedral was no longer a safe haven in fact all the people who had gone there for Sanctuary never returned it seemed puppets weren't the only threat to the people of crot the carcasses of victims of the petrification disease were running amok and murdering everyone in sight fortunately there were several survivors giangio a self-proclaimed pharmacist was in search of gold coin fruit so he could cure his illness this intriguing young man had a wealth of knowledge about alchemy medicine and the power of wishes keep this in mind for later sister Cecile was inside the cathedral walls and sadly she was the only one who hadn't succumbed to the disease or the monster that stalked the Shadows she was concerned about the Archbishop and feared the worst lastly alidoro the treasure hunter was allegedly in search of a safe house and presumably a place to set up shop after much exploration the boy finally found Archbishop Andreas his dealings with The Alchemist along with his greed had resulted in his downfall in monstrous transformation this particular encounter has tons of lower implications that we'll discuss in a dedicated video but suffice it to say that his death was part of a much bigger plan someone had been pulling the strings from the shadows and siphoned the Ergo from all the boys previous battles the stage was set and events beyond our understanding were about to take place the boy returned to the hotel and shared the news of the carcass creatures due to its proximity to the cathedral the mallam district was likely in disarray and Sophia asked the boy to confirm her suspicions before he left venini gave him an ergo wavelength decoder that would collect information from any puppets he destroyed and possibly give him more insight on the root cause of the puppet Frenzy the mallam district was home to the black rabbit Brotherhood a group of Infamous stalkers who were loyal only to themselves the inevitable encounter between the boy and the black rabbit Brotherhood ensued and the eldest brother was killed in the conflict it was revealed that they had been working closely with the Alchemists in order to provide them with a steady supply of gold coin fruit for their experiments interestingly enough the golden tree that bore this highly sought after fruit was located in a hidden chamber of the hotel somehow giagio caught wind of this and located the tree excited to share his Discovery with the boy however he was unable to pick the fruit in fact it burned his skin when he touched it so he asked the boy to give him the fruit in exchange for wishes and other Rewards the boy was also able to retrieve Geppetto's most prized painting a portrait of a young boy now it was time to confront the puppet King the next stop was a Stella opera house located at the end of Rosa Isabelle Street the boy had much to overcome and the Very fact that he was a puppet made him a Target in the eyes of the white lady who was actually Adelina corday's sister Adelina was a famous opera singer whose Fame was unmatched initially the Two Sisters shared the stage and sang side by side but Adelina secretly sabotaged her sister's voice forcing her to take the path of the stalkers unaware of this the white lady sought to kill every puppet since she believed they had taken her sister from her little did she know that Adelina was safely tucked away at the Opera House the two would eventually be reunited in the sweet Embrace of death the boy made it to the main stage and watched the play unfold before him it showed Geppetto removing the heart of a person looked identical to the boy and placing it inside of a puppet after bowing out the play ended was this how Geppetto's puppet had been created the puppet King entered the scene and reached out in a gesture of Peace but was rejected unable to clearly communicate he resorted to violence to articulate his message the boy was unable to understand the puppet language despite its familiarity only bits and pieces could be interpreted but in this foreign world the boy was neither puppet nor human however one thing was certain the king of Puppets was not his true enemy the king tried to reveal the identity of the one responsible for the puppet frenzy but his pleas fell on death ears the boy pressed on and the puppet King's shell was broken inside a puppet named Romeo was set free in his desperation Romeo had no other choice but to kill the boy so that he could Liberate the puppets sadly Romeo was outmatched and ultimately died to the hands of the boy in his dying breath he said the following in the language of the puppets maybe this is what real freedom feels like thanks Carlo but who or what was he trying to free the puppets from and who was Carlo after the boy left the stage he was surprised to see Geppetto in the alley apparently he was so concerned for the boy that he came to the Opera House in the event his Aid was needed after congratulating the boy for dethroning the puppet King he tasked him to go to the Grand exhibition in search of the rumored cure The Alchemist had recently announced to combat the petrification disease Antonio's condition was worsening and it was the only hope for the people afflicted by the illness while she gazed at her portrait she asked if she still had any semblance of the beauty she once had and the boy lied once again to preserve the old woman's dignity she saw through it but appreciated the gesture nonetheless as he uttered that lie the air go inside him began to whisper the boy was changing but he wasn't the only one experiencing these feelings polandina Antonio's Butler puppet had recently awakened and expressed his feelings of affection towards Antonia he embraced his Newfound ego and decided to continue serving her in peace upstairs in Geppetto's study the portrait began to change as the boy experienced Humanity the portrait's nose grew in proportion the boy journeyed to the Grand exhibition where he learned the true nature of this so-called cure Champion Victor was a hero amongst the people of crot his Feats of Strength and skill were unmatched in the wrestling Arena however even Victor was no match for the incurable illness he suffered from eventually he died proving that he was only Human After All but this wasn't the end of his Legend with the help of their new cure The Alchemist did The Impossible and brought Victor back from the dead the people of Kraut were amazed due to his status as a legendary wrestler the Hercules of Kraut was scheduled to face off with a puppet in the grand exhibition to Showcase his might ironically enough he would do battle with a puppet but the result of the match would only be witnessed by one person Simon Manus the leader of the Alchemists congratulated the boy on his victory over the old champ after all it was he who had resurrected him and given him his superhuman strength and abilities Victor had been subjected to experimentation with purified ergo through the process of forced Evolution he was able to not only survive the petrification disease but transcend human limitations it seemed The Alchemist cure was simply a madman's attempt at achieving godhood this was made possible only through the use of Ergo which was revealed to be the human soul in Crystal form each fragment of Ergo contained the memories lifespan and essence of the person it once inhabited it was because of the nature of Ergo that puppet seemed so lifelike the perversion of something so Divine resulted in a sort of necromancy that trapped The Souls of the dead and puppets Bound by the grand Covenant which forced them to peacefully serve obey and refrain from using free will naturally this was a recipe for disaster and ultimately resulted in the puppet frenzy the petrification disease and the carcass monsters Ergo was the key to it all the boy returned to the hotel and spoke with polandina who was eager to find a cure for Antonia gianjo offered to make a cure but in the end the boy instructed polandina to Grant Antonia a natural death and avoid the possible side effects of the tonic it was a difficult decision but one that further bolstered the ever-growing humanity within the boy the next stop was the Isle of the Alchemists but there were two major obstacles preventing passage one nobody knew the exact location of the island and two the only way to get there was by submarine a rare golden Ergo enhanced by electricity was the only known device capable of powering a vessel that large and the baron swamp was the most likely place to find one unfortunately it was also the home of a legendary monster that made a nest from the endless piles of puppet parts and bodies that were dumped very legally over the years but the boy was determined he defeated the green swamp monster and located a golden Ergo shard on the way back to the hotel the boy received a distress signal from Sophia sitting at the hotel was being attacked the stargazers lost connection and were unable to transport him so he raced across the city to reach his friends when he arrived the hotel was in shambles the Alchemists had hired the black rabbit Brotherhood to abduct Geppetto for reasons unknown it seemed that Simon Manis was behind it all and only he could provide the answers the boy needed Antonio revealed that there was a secret passage to a dock below the hotel where The Alchemist would transport the golden fruit coins back and forth from their aisle the entrance was hidden behind Antonio's portrait and by playing a series of special chords the pathway would be revealed on his way to the portrait Sophia stopped a boy and revealed the true reason why she awakened him she had escaped from there in search of a hero who could save the people of crot and free her true physical form from their prison it was locked in the Sofia the boy had been interacting with all along was nothing more than a projection as a listener Sophia had a special connection with Ergo and as such she was able to tap into its Limitless power keep this in mind for later the boy journeyed through the passageway until he reached the relic of Tres magestis which was the cavern that housed the Ergo crystals the path of the dock was guarded by the remaining black rabbit Brotherhood who ambushed the boy however he was able to defeat the remaining brothers and face off with the newly evolved eldest brother in their anguish the brothers sought out the aid of the Alchemists in return for their services they sacrificed everything so their big brother could be brought back from the dead after battling the boy in the mallam district several days earlier little did they know their brother would never be the same after clearing the way the boy finally reached the dock and saw the pistress submarine which is Greek for a sea monster or whale alluding to the legendary Moby Dick he took the submarine to the aisle and found Sophia waiting on the shore she revealed to him that she was the daughter of valentinus the original leader of the Alchemists after his death Simon assumed leadership and release the petrification disease and crott aware of Sophia's abilities he transformed her into a tool to further his plans once Sophia discovered that the petrification disease was quite literally freezing time and memories within the infected person she realized that she could manipulate time itself through ergo she used her power to wind back time so that Geppetto's puppet could confront Simon and prevent his new world order from ever becoming a reality if you recall the moon face pocket watch from the beginning of the boy's Journey was simply an extension of her power that allowed him to avoid any fatal injuries by rewinding time in the event of his imminent death or destruction this was how she protected the boy and ensured his success the fact that he was a puppet granted him the strength to defend himself and in immunity to the petrification disease not to mention his ability to exercise Free Will making him the perfect candidate for her cause Sophia admitted that she had deceived him and was initially not concerned with crot but her own Freedom over time that changed and although she still awaited her peace and death she had grown and vested in the mission to save crot the boy walked across the sands of time and stormed the Abbey when he got to the bridge laxatia the complete guarded the way to the Tower she was the first and most perfect of Simon's Creations she was the Pinnacle of forced Evolution and alongside her master would Usher in the age of Ascension however Carlo had other plans and stopped her dead in her tracks despite her immense power it couldn't hold a candle against the human trait of determination he made his way inside and witnessed Sophia's suffering firsthand he made the difficult decision to give her peace and absorb her aerial into his body this filled him with a warmth that only a human could experience Geppetto's puppet was no more Carlo had found his new identity and as such he would be the author of his own story it's interesting to note that the author who wrote the original novel The Adventures of Pinocchio was named Carlo collodi back at the hotel the Nini was hard at work deciphing the Ergo wavelengths Carlo had recorded there was a message from Romeo the puppet King in this message a secret law of the grand Covenant was revealed the first law stated that all puppets must obey their creators commands and the unknown law zero identified the Creator as none other than Geppetto he was the one responsible for the puppet frenzy but why only time would tell Carlo listened to a special recording left for his ears only Roman reminded him that they had grown up together in the monad charity house and that they were best friends as the puppet King he was making a stand against the petrification disease and The Alchemist and he had sent numerous puppets to relay the message which explained why each of the bosses spoke in the puppet language during the battles Carlo had destroyed them all unaware that they were simply trying to communicate to him in an attempt to join forces against the true threat looming over crowd it was time to slay a false god Simon Manus patiently waited at the top of the tower in his newly evolved form most of his body was hidden under a large cloth hinting towards something sinister the inevitable battle began and true to form Simon had been holding back he unveiled the arm of God and transformed into an ergo infused monstrosity but in the end the false god was no match for Carlo in his dying breath Simon left Carlo an ominous warning about Geppetto as Carlo descended the tower he was met with an eerily cheerful Geppetto he showered Carla with praise and thanked him for executing every one of his commands Geppetto explained how he'd created the puppet for this very purpose he needed a strong vessel to carry his son's heart and collect a massive amount of Ergo in order to resurrect his real son however Carlo's heart was the final piece of the puzzle color refused to hand it over and lose his Humanity for such a vain Pursuit Geppetto was Furious and decided to take the Heart by force he removed the glove from his left hand mirroring the relic of the arm of God and animated his original son's corpse to retrieve the heart an epic battle ensued and the nameless puppet and Carlo held nothing back the shell that was once Carlos human body went for a killing blow aimed directly for his enemy's heart but in a panic Geppetto leapt in the way shielding the heart he coved it above all else kylo rammed his fist the nameless puppet's chest destroying it in the process as he went to comfort Geppetto in his final moments he shed a tear causing the man he called a father to apologize for his sins Carlo walked towards the balcony where a puppet shaped like Sophia sat lifeless he knelt down and offered his very own Ergo to Grant her the gift of a new life sacrificing himself in the process when she came to she embraced him in her arms grateful for the puppet who had become a real boy leaving us with a mirror image of the same tests of Mercy the after credit scene revealed that giangio was the true puppet master all along in fact he had been pulling the strings behind the incident he referred to as the crot experiment he was no pharmacist he was the legendary Alchemist known as philippus parcelsis he made mention of a new brother being born retrieving the arm and most notably a key by the name of Dorothy who just so happened to have a pair of ruby red slippers we are left in shock as the connection between The Adventures of Pinocchio and The Wizard of Oz seemed to meld together in this world where time and space overlapping ways we never could have imagined and that's all for this video If you enjoyed it be sure to like And subscribe it helps me know you want more content just like this click on these videos on screen to continue your journey and I'll be there to guide you when you arrive consider becoming a member for exclusive perks like emojis members only videos and more or check out my code for your patreon page if you want some behind the scenes content or if you just want to support me in a more personal way until next time it's the inhuman one signing out join the inhuman Community today
Channel: The Inhuman One
Views: 181,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Inhuman One, Inhuman One, Lore, Story Explained, Theory, Lies of P, pinocchio, lies of p wizard of oz, lies of p story explained, lies of p ending explained, lies of p lore, lies of p theory, lies of p theories, lies of p complete story explained, lies of p story, lies of p explained, lies of p pinocchio, lies of p wizard of oz theory, lies of p dlc
Id: xVQDQsDF4yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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