LIE DETECTOR TEST REVEAL AGENT SECRET! Is Rebecca a Liar? True Scooby Doo Disguise Hacker Challenge!

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- Zoey, what are agent D & M doing here in the Mystery Machine? - Okay, so the Game Master brought them in here and said something about a sleep cloud and brought Diet Coke. - Diet Coke? What about the Diet Coke, why would, wait. This isn't just normal Diet Coke. This is truth serum. This is lie detector mixture. - Oh. Did you just drink that? - Why? - Guys, I got thirsty after all that running - Oh - This is lie detector mixture, the game master must want us to do a lie detector test on agent D & M to find the truth. I mean we just found out that Agent S was Frankenstein this whole time. - She's actually telling the truth guys. We gotta get to the safe house. Welcome back to the Matt and Rebecca Channel. We are just getting back to the safe house and we're gonna do a lie detector test on these two agents in the back. - You guys saw that Agent S was lying and tricking us this whole time. Agent S, aka Scooby. - You didn't know, Agent R? - I said, "Are you gonna leave me?" And he said, "No, I'm not gonna leave you." I specifically asked him if he was gonna leave me and I was betrayed by trust. And I'm broken. - And he said, "A wanna be hacker and her rat," - Baby Bear Rat - spied on us. - But these Scooby Snacks are actually really good. - Daniel, come on we have to do a lie detector test. - Yeah, come on man, what are you doing? - Okay, while you guys do that, I think need to go check on RZ Twin. We need to split up - Okay, Bill Mateu, yeah you should do that. - Or number one I don't know. I have no idea right now. - All right good luck. - Lets get upstairs guys. - Let us know how RZ twin is. - [Daniel] I will. - Okay lets get these guys up to the safe house. Okay you guys, we need a split them up for the lie detector test we'll put M in here, you put Agent D in the back. - I'll put him in the back. Come on Agent R. Come on help. - Okay, I got the truth serum. Here Zoey. - Oh yeah, got it. - Zoey, can you grab a chair? - Yeah, got it. - Oh my gosh. He's super heavy. - I forgot the chair - I'm not heavy I'm trying to lose weight. - What? - It's kind of heavy. - Okay, lets get her. - Okay I got the chair. I got the chair. - Here take this I still... - Handcuffs! Handcuffs! Okay I'm gonna hold him here. - Okay, she should be waking up soon. We need handcuffs. - I got it. - Okay. - I have one for D. - Peanut's helping out. Okay? - Okay you got this? - Yeah, I got it. - Get back. - All right he's all handcuffed up. Before he wakes up we gotta go talk to the ladies and figure out a plan right now. - Oh. - To see where this is going. - Yeah I don't know. Lets get it. - Okay. - Okay, so we have M sitting in the chair. - And she's handcuffed. - Okay. - And the same thing actually with agent D right now. He's slowly waking up though. - Okay, well we need to give them the Diet Coke. Right? Cause that has the lie detector mixture. - Yes! - And then we need to get them to wake up fast, because we need to do this within the next 24 hours. - What about in order to get them to drink we have to give them Scooby Snacks? - That's a good idea. - We have the Scooby Snacks still. - I mean I think we were just gonna give it to her while she's asleep. She won't even know she drank it. - Yeah. - Its kinda smart, just like put it in her mouth. - Okay, you guys do that. We're gonna do the Scooby Snacks. - Okay and then what questions are we asking? - Guys start off with baseline questions. - Okay. - Obviously! Guys comment down below. What kind of baseline questions should we ask? Also what other questions do you wanna know? Let us know in the comment section down below. Are you guys ready? Yeah! - Here we go. Scooby Doo. - No, no, no. Come on. - I mean my hair's really bad. I'm just gonna keep this on. - My hair's really bad too. I just exposed it No! - Shh! Wait, I think she's waking up we gotta go. - Okay, let's go, bye. - Aww! - Okay, she's starting to move a little. - Okay, then we need to get the Diet Coke in her before she wakes up. - Okay, maybe we like pull here hair back? - [Matt] Okay, you got this. - Yeah. - [Matt] You good? - Yeah, I got the truth serum. - [Matt] Yes. - I still think its a good idea to maybe slap him around a bit with a pan. - [Matt] No, there's no pan! Oh, you know what? Lets just try it. We're gonna give him the coke. - Yeah. - [Matt] Coca-cola. - I'm not thirsty. - [Matt] You're not thirsty? - No, I want video games or food. - [Both Men] Scooby Snacks! - Okay, we're good. - Woo, its in there. - Okay, I spilled a little, but I still got the lie detector mixture in her. But we need to wake her up. - Yeah. - What do we do? Oh, what if we dance? Remember I was teaching you the renegade dance? - Oh, yeah. - Here. You guys know the renegade. Is she waking up? - Woo. - Wake up. - Yeah! Wake up! - Zam fam comment below how we can wake her up. - [Matt] Is it happening? - Yeah, we gotta couple. Don't worry. I'll be very nice. Feed these to... Perfect! - Oh yeah. I could use some Diet Coke right now. I could really just use some Diet Coke! - Ah, my mouth's so dry. - Oh, I love it when I have Diet Coke with a dry mouth. - I need to wash that down. - Oh, there you go. That's it. - Ah. - How does that feel? - It feels good. - Actually you know what this is falling off. - Why you taking it off? You can't do that. What did I tell you? - Your right, you did. - Ready for some baseline questions? - Yeah. - We have to see if this is actually working or not. Guys comment down below any baseline questions or actualquestions that you think that we should ask. - There's some really good water bottles over there with no cameras in it. - BBR - Is that baby bear rat? Over there! - Baby bear rat. - Baby bear rat. - Baby bear rat. - Ah wait. - Why am I handcuffed? - Because you... - Where's BBR? - BBR is.. - Where is he? - Peanut did not eat BBR but... - Why peanut in the safe house? - Well our house kinda got taken over. So were living in the safe house now, because we have no other place to live because people like you took over our house so. - Yeah because you're evil. - I have a confession - Wait, it's working that fast? - I don't like doing my homework. - That's not really like a huge thing. Like nobody likes doing there homework. - I like to eat pizza. - [Matt] Very relatable. - Okay very relatable, true. Okay, what are your thoughts on Agent R? - Not good. - Yeah okay. Now were talking. Yeah, it's starting to kick in. - I honestly I'm starting to like him a lot. - What? - I'm really starting to like him The answers are so good. - No, that answers are terrible Matt. They're terrible. What about Matt? What do you think about Matt? - He's a nice handsome man. - No okay I don't know. - True! Okay guys comment down below. I think this is going really well. We should end it right here. - We haven't got answers. - So can I have a moment? We have to make sure the lie detector mixture is working, so we need to ask them baseline questions to make sure she is telling the truth. You guys know that this will be an indicator to see if its actually working, okay? Does your names start with M? - Yes, it does. - Name reveal. - That's a name reveal. - [Matt] I'm gonna start off with the questions. - Yes absolutely I do. - [Matt] Okay. - Do you have a crush on anyone in this safe house? - Yes. - You're the worst. - I have a really good one. Agent R if you need to just close your ears or... - I've always been strong. - I know, but you're kinda sensitive. - I'm very sensitive. - I know. I saw you crying like so many times. - Allergies! They were just allergies. - Do you have a rat? - Yes, I do. - M, did you frame Zoey with a water bottle and really put a secret hidden camera in it? - Yes, I did, but they had BBR. Who's they? - Do you work for Mr. X or do you work for Agent S? Did I just rhyme too? - Oh, wow. That did rhyme but... - No, you did not rhyme. - What? - Yes, I work for Mr. Agent S. - Oh. - If that's what you wanna call him. - So at Frankenstein's mansion when we were Scooby Doo, did you know that they took away the game master's power? - Okay, but first off, you guys are still in the costumes. It's kinda weird. - I mean you know our hair... I like it - But yes. I knew. - You knew? - She knew. - Okay, lets get some more information right now. I feel like we are missing something. Do you know that agent S has been trying to take over everything? We heard about that while we were Scooby Doo. We're still kinda dressed up like that, but we heard that at the castle. He said that. He was like, "I wanna take over everything I'm Frankenstein." - That's a pretty good impression. - Frankenstein. But we need a actually ask some really good questions to figure out more information. Cause this is like repetitive information that we already knew. - Okay 100%. - Okay, what do you think? - How did he coordinate with everyone? How is he the leader? What about Mr. X? Maybe they're working together? - [Matt] Who? - Like all of them right because Agent S knew Agent D and they all kind of coordinated to trap us there or try to trap us, but we're too good. - Definitely though I know Mr. X is not involved. We saw him run like a crazy man. Like he looked super scared when he was running away. Rebecca and I and Daniel were of the back truck and he's like haha. - He had a shock bracelet and yeah. - And yeah, I was like what is that? Did you talk to him? - Yeah, I talked to him outside. - I mean like friendly or... - Ahh. - Isn't this supposed to be a lie detector on me? You guys just keep talking about silly stuff. Oh yeah. - [Matt] He does have a good point. - He does have a point. - [Matt] Man, did you just agree? - No I. - [Matt] You did it again! - I was agreeing with you. - Whoah, okay. Comment down below what you think a good question would be. While you're down in the comment section don't forget to scroll up little bit further. Like, subscribe, turn on all the notifications. Because we're probably going to give a shout out or something to somebody that comments first. Okay. - That's right me? - No, you can't on your own video. - Oh. - What? Questions! - Okay M, did you pretend to be my best friend? - Yes, I did. - Did an agent bring you to the audition? - Yes. - Okay, Zoey I gotta talk to Matt real quick. I'll be right back, okay. - Okay. - Okay, I'm gonna go in the tent. - Okay, I'll just be here with M. - Yeah, I'll be right back. Matt! - Questions. - [Rebecca] Hey, Matt. - Rebecca? - [Rebecca] Hey Matt. Here come to the tent. - Oh, you're in the tent. - Yeah. - Oh, the dogs are in there too. - Come here. - How's it going? - Okay, it's going good. The lie detector mixture is definitely working on M. - Yes. - We need to get information about Agent S though. We need to find out-- - Yes. - If she's been working with Agent S and how long he's been planning this whole thing. - Also like what if Agent D has been working with Agent S this whole time too? - I know zam fam comment below what you think you guys saw. Agent S was Frank-N-Stein. We just need to figure out if he was in charge of the royal wedding. I mean maybe he's more powerful than Mr. X, like Chambers was saying something bigger. - Yes. - Than the GMI. - Okay, I know we're in our house right now. Is there anything while we're in this tent right now that I should ask? Peanut, no! I have to do this lie detector test right now. I don't have time for that. - Okay you know what? - Wait, Peanut. Okay, fine. - You guys are probably wondering why we're in a tent right now. Well obviously you guys know our home got taken over. So this is the only place we have. We're in the safe house, so we need to figure out a new place to live, but in the mean time this is fine. This works. - Yeah, this is perfect. - But we need to get back to the lie detector test. - Okay, Agent S. - Okay, sorry about that I had a little trouble at home. We had a discussion. - Oh. - I know its right there the tent, but okay so. M my first question. Well, my first question of many questions is do you work for the GMI? - No, it's the new GMI. - The new GMI? - The new GMI? - Wait, does that mean they don't wear suits? - Do they still live in parks? - Oh, yeah. - You ready? - Yeah. - Okay, while we were at the haunted castle playing like Scooby Doo, did you know the secret meeting was downstairs and secretly said you guys should go upstairs? You remember that? You were there. Why is that a question to you? Were you spying on us? Hold on. Lets just answer this. We'll come back to you, okay. - Yes, Agent S gave me the signal. - [Matt] Wait, what signal? - [Agent In Chair] A hand signal. - [Matt] Use your hands. Oh wait, he's handcuffed. - Nice, that was a good one. - Oh, I got it. Is Mr. X In charge of this new GMI? - Nope, not this time. - Oh M, did you know that Mr. X was at the haunted Castle? - Yes I did. In fact I was the one who put him there so. - You made Mr. X the prisoner? He had the bracelet. The bracelet that you helped us get off. - Yeah. - Gosh there's so many questions to ask. Zam fam comment down below some questions that you think we need to ask. Hopefully, the boys are getting information from agent D too. - I got a good question. - [Matt] Do you? - Yeah, tell me more about what you just said. - We knew that you were in the room. We had an escape room exit strategy. We just put you in that room as a distraction. - Well it does kinda make sense why the escape room was so bad. - It was a really bad escape room. Like seriously there was no reason that they had all that stuff. It made no sense. All of a sudden we just said Frankenstein and then a book fell. It made no sense right? It made no sense. - Made zero sense. - And they didn't even know how to spell Frankenstein. - I thought you misspelled Frankenstein. - No, I was like first I spelled friends and then I was like yes. And then I thought that's where it was. Then it was like friends tins and then like no. Like all that stuff is misspelled because you guys messed up on the post it notes and I don't even know how to conclude. - Okay, so she doesn't work for the GMI. - No. the new GMI - She knows Mr. X, but she made him the prisoner. So she doesn't work for Mr. X. So who does she work for? Agent S! - Okay, so M has Agent S been in charge of all if this? He's the one in charge of everything? - If that's what you wanna call him. - What does that mean? - Agent D the question that I saw most in the comment section was,"Why did agent S do it?" Why did he do all of this? - He wants all the power. He's starting a new GMI. He wants to take over YouTube. - [Matt] Why would it be a new GMI? Why wouldn't he just use the same one? - Probably more video game privileges. - No, I'm not gonna let him make a new GMI. I'm not gonna let him take over the GMI. - [Matt] Yeah, what are you going to do? You guys have so much things together. You guys have a Youtube channel and you also have TikTok. Are you separating? - No, well I mean maybe? I don't know. - Let me tell you guys something. - [Matt] What, okay more? - Eventually everyone's credentials run out. - What does that mean? - [Matt] Is that towards you? - I don't know. I've never had credentials. I've been fired for a long time. - But you still wear the GMI eyeglasses and stuff you know. - I do have the GMI glasses. - So like maybe... - Maybe I have some hidden credentials. - Okay, you know what? Lets go talk to Rebecca in the tent right now. And we just need to figure this out. There's a reason why all this is happening and maybe they have more information, okay? - True, and also speaking about the tent, can I like borrow that for a little bit? - Borrow for a couple hours? - Sure couple hours overnight. - That was a trick question. Of course you cannot. Why would I let you borrow our? It's our home right now. - Yeah, well maybe it can be everybody's home. - [Matt] No. - Zoey, I think we should maybe go to the bathroom really quick. - Yeah. - We'll be right back just hang out with those handcuffs. - Tent. - Come on guys. - Okay. - Get on in. - Get in. - All right, home sweet. Coming in the tent really quick. - Maybe exnay on the tentay. - Tentay? - I don't know I feel like its kinda cozy. - Get off me. - It is a two person tent. I'm sorry guys. We only got a two person Okay, what did you guys find out? - Well Zoey go ahead and tell him. - So we found out one that there's a new GMI. - Yeah and that she, M, made Mr. X the prisoner at the haunted castle. - What? - But what's even crazier is she said Agent S might be called something else. Like he might go by a different name. What did you guys find out? - I mean we found out that Mr. X's accent is real. - What? - Yeah and that Agent S is trying to takeover everything. He wants all the power. - Okay, I think we need to drill them with more questions so we can get information, okay. - Great, lets do it. - Wait guys. - Wait. - Didn't you guys put handcuffs on? - Wait, no we did. - Black Jack did you see anything? - No. - Peanut did you see anything? It makes no sense. - Okay, but you didn't move her or anything. - No. - Why would we move her? - Black jack be quiet. Man they don't like the safe house at all. - Okay, but we don't have any place else to stay. - So if M is missing, then we need to check on-- Agent D! - Run. - [Matt] Go. - [Matt] What happened guys? The window's open. - The window. - He's gone. - There's no way. - No way, how did that happen? - That's impossible there's no way Agent D jumped out of the window. - It's way to high. - Yeah what. - M was in handcuffs. There's just no way. Okay. - Agent R. - Where is Agent R? - Agent R? - Where did agent R go? - Hey! Zam fam how did it happen? - Where is everybody going? - Hold on this might be a prank Agent R. I heard the door. Door. - [Matt] Go. Where'd they go? - Guys, no ones there. They're gone.
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 4,646,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lie detector, test, reveal, secret, agent, rebecca, liar, true, disguise, hacker, challenge, scooby doo, pencilmation, sis vs bro, moved, brent rivera, surprising, billie eilish, gone wrong, sssniperwolf, viral, tiktok, life, hacks, mrbeeast, pizza, matt and rebecca, rebecca zamolo, family, labrant fam, familia diamond, troom troom, best, friend, overnight, 24 hour challenge, lie, 24 hours, undercover, castle, 123 go, funny, diy, girlfriend, craft, crafts, surprise, safe house, moving, move, new, 2020, vlog, clean
Id: 84mlqb1tF6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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