Giant Inside Out Movie in Real Life to Save Missing Memories! Rebecca Zamolo

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rebecca in order to make the game master good you'll be tested on what is right and what is wrong but you'll need to trust me i can't hold it much longer rebecca help us get this helmet off i can't figure out how to disconnect it just yank it off ruby rock i'm fine looks like they went away bobby rob are you okay it said that it wiped his emotions we need to test to see if his emotions are intact no i feel like we don't have time for this okay uh there's no fear we're gonna go to pizza hut okay all pizza's fine i guess what there's no way he does not like pizza he works for domino okay this has to work robby rob do you want a first kiss i feel like this is not the place oh i like this robbie rob i like him that means that his emotions were wiped you guys robbie rob has zero emotion step one of erasing his emotions is already complete if we don't reverse this by sundown then we won't be able to save the game master let's get him out of here back to the house so that we can figure this out and stop it okay damn so we have only until sundown tonight to get robbie rob's memories back or the game master will stay bad forever well at least we don't have to worry about the red hood spies at all [Music] came through a trapdoor this doesn't look good the process has already started we've already taken his emotions and once we take his memory you will never be able to turn the gay master good it's not over yet he may have lost his emotions but he hasn't lost his memory rebecca my brother and i will be evil forever and as long as i have this it'll be like nothing ever happened you will never win or maybe they will are they twins get out of here and take robbie rob daniel you know what to do guys we gotta get out of here get him to the couch and everybody make sure that this place is locked down do you stay here why is everyone so frantic the house's tunnel system is locked down okay fam so everything in the house is locked down okay that'll temporarily hold them off but they might be able to still get in how do you know that daniel are you working with the rhs no i'm not working with him this is a plan i've been working on with rztwin yeah daniel how do we know that we can even trust you is daniel even your real name daniel what are you hiding from us rc twins said you know what to do what are we doing here ourselves and i have been working together on a plan to make the game master good again wait daniel why didn't you tell us well somebody might not have let robin rob get taken what grab me a lamp okay so what do we do first thing take off that lampshade maddie put the device on robbie rob's head hey lampshade is off and helmet is on well the plan's changed since they wiped out his emotions and in order to get the block memories you have to activate his emotions first these block memories hold the key to turning the game master good again how do we get back his emotions uh it looks like we're gonna have to do inside out in real life oh inside out that's his favorite movie okay we created a program that'll look familiar to him and hopefully he can navigate and find his emotions we daniel just somebody daniel i just needed that person's help is it your best friend is it your crush no it's not my crush who is it daniel it's zoey zoey wait you asked zoe for help hacking okay we needed to use some of her oz program so that i could help build this out zamfam i don't know what to think comment below what you think i can't believe zoey and daniel actually worked together yeah i wasn't looking forward to it too but cheated it's a hacker date so i'm gonna calibrate the system to this light right here so anytime that we activate an emotion there'll be a color represented by that emotion so say we get joy which is what you're gonna be okay then the light will turn yellow yellow okay got it i just need to bring back the joy when i go inside his memory the happiness right okay and maddie you're gonna be discussed and i've assigned that green green ew why that color exactly all right matt you're obviously going to be red which is joy again anger anger's red anger what prove my point okay and then i'm gonna be fear which is represented by purple those are all the emotions that we need to activate in order to get his blocked memory are we forgetting one i thought there was another one okay let's okay here we go everything calibrated okay here we go ready these are ear pods i've calibrated them so you'll be using these when you go under and when you go into robbie rob's head these aren't gonna hypnotize us right it shouldn't okay rebecca you're up first get him in and sit down right next to me all right so i just put these hold on wait robbie robbie in the system first okay okay bobby rob are you ready for a nice sleep asleep it doesn't matter okay three two one there we go cool it works he's better already so hopefully i can bring back joy as soon as possible okay three two one enjoy here we are oh my gosh we turned our kitchen into a giant dominoes it's working she's in there she is robbie rob loves pizza we're trusting you daniel yeah so be fine why did you say it like that i mean zoey too zoey had her hand in it don't blame everything on me you love dominoes it makes you happy it brings you joy okay maybe we should have some pizza we have cheese pizza pepperoni makes you happy it makes you smile every time you have pepperoni pizza you have joy okay so maybe we'll try the pizza here just have a bite thanks enjoy it tastes good it tastes good it makes you happy happy oh shake it off let's go are you okay yeah bring you some choice we have some cinnamon sticks oh wait this is the cheesy bread but you love cheesy bread it doesn't really sit well take it that's okay if you don't want cheesy bread right now you've got pizza wait a second he's eating the pizza and he didn't take a lactate pill it's inside his mind though he doesn't have gas inside his mind oh did you just fart robbie rob i did oh he does oh oh it smells so good gary gives me gas i can smell it from here i feel like you passing on all those cheesy things if it's gonna make you happy i wanna bring you joy because i'm joy thank you i think i saw a smile look the meter is moving a little bit and look the light is starting to turn yellow great okay it's working come on rebecca come on rebecca what was that is that the red hood spice was that the tunnel did you lock the tunnel i didn't want the tunnel i don't want the tunnel either that reminds me i know something that can make you happy well i'm gonna need to stand up on here because i'm about to perform the happiest musical for you okay i have to stay here and monitor rebecca we're gonna go check it out oh it's something what is it i don't see anything wait what what's up what is that sorry getting up on the table pizza is the best oh no no no rebecca she's singing makes you so happy i wrote this song for you robbie rob so you can be happy the meter's going down rebecca he doesn't like it oh no happy not safe happy not really okay happy that's it let me just get down from here i got this hold on zamfam when we turned our kitchen into the domino what made robbie rob the most happy comment below whatever it is i need to do that they can't get it it's locked you go to the other side it's is it locked is the lock hey did you lock that yeah yeah it's locked okay you're trying to break it how do you get here let's do cynics ooh the icing well the last time i had that icing that dosed me with true serum so this time there's no true serum just a little bit of happiness in your mouth yep okay kind of like it right yeah i just love how sweets bring me so much joy and happiness wouldn't you agree you made that appearance yeah all right well this was fun i'm gonna go no no no no sticks what is that what's what that what it's the uh this where's robbie rob going that's something that maddie made for you it was a dessert pizza in the shape of a heart i have it actually robbie rubbed that was your favorite pizza out of all of the ones i did a rainbow pizza but i did a pesto pizza but you love that pizza let me try it okay damn do you think this is gonna work do you think this pizza will bring back happiness peanut don't let them in they want robbie rob they keep me for robbie rob we can't let them take robbie rob okay peanut hold them off okay let's go tell daniel yeah go go dana the redhead spicer in the backyard okay rebecca is so close the doors are still locked but they might be able to get in on your backyard okay they put my heart cheap pizza patty keep focused here okay how do you feel this is so good do you feel happy i'm so happy are you curious it worked i brought the first emotion joy and happiness back to him yes look the joy the joy we can pull her back out this is amazing i've literally never felt this happy before this is so up yeah it worked i can't believe it what three pull her out daniel i'm back i brought back happiness i brought back joy this is gonna be so easy oh we kind of have another problem yeah huge problem what rhs is in the backyard are you serious yes they're all here matt do you have those disguises of robbie rob that we used when we were copying him for 24 hours yeah of course okay go grab those yeah no you have a lock with the key right for the back tunnel yeah yeah okay get that matt you're confident that you can activate disgust from robbie rob yeah i can okay meet back in one minute okay i got the lock i got the robbie rob disguises i got my air pog okay so if you want to get all of robbie rob's emotions and his memories back by sundown so we can make the game master good we're gonna have to work together and you know the best way for us to work together yeah if we're pretending to be robbie rob that means we have to show no emotion and i don't think we can do it for that long so i think the best thing to do is just take turns and switch places okay so matt you are dressed up as robbie rob you need to convince the red hood that you're robbie robin have them trap you in the tiny house okay easy but remember he has no emotion so you need to be blank show no emotion at all oh and don't forget to get information about the memory ball we need to figure out what exactly that does no motion memory you have the earbuds right yeah okay go inside and you need to bring out disgust and robbie rob as fast as possible because we are in a time crunch now got it okay and me daniel you need to go into the tunnel system through the decoy barbecue and lock the outside tunnel so mr x and any more red hood can't get in and they can't get out okay oh wait wait wait i need you to show me how to hack so i can keep track of maddie oh right that makes sense okay let's go so i'm not really an expert at hacking what do i have to do is it really complicated we've made it super simple for you as soon as she goes in and that turns green just hit the spacebar you'll pull it right back out that's it okay but don't press anything else because if you do you could ruin the entire program and everything will be four okay three two one oh hey robbie rob okay zamfam it looks like maddie is in and she's on on the first date you guys remember the first date that matt actually ruined hopefully though she'll be able to get disgust out of robbie roby it looks like matt is distracting him all right i gotta get to the back tunnel i'm gonna lock it up whoa whoa whoa whoa what about the pool okay all locked down i get back that's still got him to pull the pool the pool though okay hey maddie i know this memory this is from our first date yeah remember how things went horrible i mean it was so disgusting well i mean we had a lot of fun though okay look at this pink satin blanket like who sits on that who chooses this one the pink satin blanket first of all looks great and also super smooth is this cheetos what kind of first date food is that what okay you love the little crunch of the chia i love the little crunch of the cheetos i think that was a great option it looks like he's only remembering joy that's his only emotion right now come on maddie you got this just bring out disgust what do we do let's hold him in the tiny house until mr x gets here let's go step one actually works okay how about cheetos in dirt add a little character to it yeah okay let's see how that actually tastes because it's gonna be so gross your opinion but i like it okay same fam dirty cheetos this has to work it is so disgusting ew you know what i've never tried that but i mean okay bottoms up right five second rule what robbie rob ate it is that a face of disgust no light's not turning on come on maddie you can do this you can bring out disgust no i don't know how i feel about that maybe disgusted i don't know but i'm happy to be here can you excuse me for a second i have to go to the bathroom tom right back what a great day maddie's leaving what is she doing uh what do you guys think she's doing do you guys remember the first date what is something that is disgusting that maddie could do i can't believe that dirt on cheeto didn't work i mean he's only happy and i need to get him disgusted so i'm gonna pull a prank on him toilet paper in my pants like what happened on my first date toilet paper and i'm gonna do the nutella prank he's gonna think it's poop on my hand and this has to work he has to get discussed back now robbie rob might think that's actually poo this is gonna be the thing that brings back disgust sorry about that that really took a while you have a little something trailing oh no that must have been stuck because i was going poop you know it was like explosive okay i don't know what i ate for breakfast but it did not agree with me it's starting to light up that's good oh no but maddie's gonna have to do something really really big for the disgust to actually work come on maddie i think i kind of forgot to wash my hands you'd wash your hands better next time right whoops i think it's working it doesn't really smell bad at all is it edible ew that is amazing this is wow that wasn't disgusting this tastes amazing it's really good we want some no okay he leaves me no choice i have to do something extreme i hate onions but if this will help bring out the disgust emotion and feel disgust i'm gonna do it maybe she should do a first kiss do you think that they're gonna have a first kiss in robbie rob's memory so robbie rob do you like red vine i love red vines i saw this cool little trick where we each take the end of the red vine you know and we bite till we get closer lady and the style and then first kiss that tunnel's locked we should be okay for now okay uh maddie's doing good i mean it's starting to show color but she needs to do something big we need anger we need map back so what are we gonna do why don't you finish this up i can go switch places with him i can be robbie rock i'll keep watching okay okay so you're telling me you gave me a sugary magic poo and now are getting a first kiss this is amazing i mean if you want to put it that way sure give me a second real fast wait wait okay i'm ready [Music] it's getting so close so close [Music] oh onions oh man okay zam fam so i'm in disguise as robbie rob so i can switch places with matt because he needs to go in as anger hopefully maddie finishes disgust soon i just hope this works bye sundown if we don't do this all of robbie rob's memories will be erased permanently and we will never be able to make the game master good oh we need to grab my heart spray rub you smell i know like really bad i'm gonna need a distraction to get matt out so i can switch places because i have fart spray i'm gonna spray it in and then hopefully it'll make them leave and i can switch oh that is disgusting maddie your breath smells like onions or something you know what i don't even know but it's like that's a little bit well if you know what i mean it's like it smells like a garbage can was trying to kiss me except like the fumes are just in my face they're lingering it's lingering kind of smells disgusting he's doing a good job looking like he has no emotion part spray three two one oh it's gonna be so bad i have to pretend to have no emotion but i'm gonna have to smell them oh yes hey you got to get inside you got to get anger from robbie rabbit i got this mr x is coming what's your name you put it on my hand why would you do that great job maddie three two one that's arms and it's like and then you gave like me a cheetah with some dirt i did it i got disgust out of it apparently mr x is coming and you know who is gonna become a red hood after this they want him in the rhs yes if mr x is on his way i lock the tunnel there's no way he's gonna be able to get in matt you have your earbuds yes calibrating for you for anger and again when we see this light go red that means that you have activated anger and i'll pull you back out of the system it's going to be so easy you have to make him angry but he's punching right now no no no in in his mind okay matt your scenario is that you're going to put him through a fake audition for the fake audition to become agent oh daddy's grudge x crush crush this should make him pretty angry i'm angry already three two one i must be at an audition oh hey all right what role am i auditioning for get to that okay cool no no no no no hold on to that you all take it it's going pretty good so far it's not a great headshot okay what's the part we'll get to that first i need to know that you have the emotions for this rule so let's go with happiness you know what you're not gonna run into a happier person than myself i'm very joyful disgusting ugh whatever you're doing the spiky hair this it doesn't really one talks about my hair okay so it looks like matt's making him do different emotions anger oh that is um i'm very angry at you in this whole situation that's your hair style i guess that's not really anger he looks more disgusted right yeah definitely okay fear oh i'm super scared right now i am terrified is that supposed to be fear that just looks like happiness i mean i guess that makes sense right he only has those two emotions right now oh good point oh i'm still in the room come on sorry about that you said mr x is coming right yeah he's bringing that memory ball of course how do you hook up the memory ball you don't put that up you hold it in the device activities so you just hold it with your hands while wearing the device and then it unblocks memories yes why is this memory ball so important it's the only you're giving me so much information especially if you're going to be using it on me you won't remember this anyway it was my first time thank you for auditioning today go ahead and have a seat here while i discuss your role with the others okay that sounds good hey we're gonna have to bring out my specialty anger today oh hold on sit back down okay robbie robbie rob that's my name you're moving a little bit too close to me please step back okay i'm back a little bit further so we're moving on to the next round the audition and what role will i be booking you haven't booked anything yet but the role that you're auditioning for is agent r okay this has to make robbie rob angry i mean he hates agent r i'm not sure it's similar to disgust i don't really like it though that's what the audition calls for great okay then i need you to put on this suit okay and then here are the broken gmi shades go ahead and get it on that doesn't make him angry i don't know what will but if it comes to this i have one final thing that will actually take him over the edge and make him angry get the emotion back and we can move on okay i can't watch this anymore i'm gonna go switch places with rebecca so we can find out she got any info from the rhs you're right you're right okay good luck okay thanks same fam i don't get it all of these things would make me super upset if somebody compared me to agent r somebody ripped up my photo i have to wear a suit now are you kidding me why isn't this working this has to make him angry right hey this doesn't look great it's okay i can pull off anything but this is what about those glasses of broken huh oh yeah they are doesn't that upset you make you angry they're not my glasses i don't care in the suit how does it make you feel it's not a great look you know it's like you look disgusted i'm a little disgusted it didn't work okay you know what i didn't want to do this but i have to do this okay we're going outside yeah go outside okay no this way that way okay he's bringing him outside out to the pool damn what is he gonna do with him out there you love domino's pizza right i love dominoes okay this is for you yeah that's right pizza hut for life oh he's giving him pizza hut logos zamfam i need maddie to get here so i can switch places i don't want to mess it up especially i'm wearing a ring they're gonna know i'm not mad wait no switch with me what oh oh so i think maddie's gonna come and switch with me there's a domino's pizza i just hope they fall for it and they actually go and get the pizza coming back oh clear down a little bit all right oh must have been that domino's i don't know i have no emotion i'm kind of getting hungry though oh look what's over there we can't we have to stay here fine you stay here i mean it's right there i'm not going anywhere i have no emotion you can have pizza hut for life it's the best pizza it's not the best pizza it's not oh it's tearing them up thank you for trying yeah i i appreciate that that was pretty good you're welcome you know and i made you another one because you're gonna get pizza hut for life i said no pizza he really doesn't like pizza hut it doesn't say right with anyone because it's like you could have the best pizza in yourself oh yeah okay i did it now that is robbie ross matt still hasn't pulled it off he's getting close though oh no wait is he at the pool wait is he gonna well you know what oh no pizza hut's the best [Music] oh he's pushing me out why would you push me in why would you do you know i don't like pizza this has to work wait i thought you pushed me a little that was what i don't like that at all that makes me very bad wait are you angry pizza is terrible you don't want domino's for life i don't really like what you're doing right now he's angry it's working it's working okay two one anger is alive oh did you learn anything outside yes you know the memory ball yeah i found out all you have to do is hold it with your hands while you're wearing the device and it'll work is mr x here yet no i haven't seen him yet but you're the last one you have to go in it's up to me you got to put some fear in him right i did this kind of with maddie so i can do it again remember fear is the last emotion that we need to get for robbie rock it wasn't there never mind yeah yeah you're right my scenario is i'm gonna just try and scare him and i guess the best room would be up in matthew's room maddie's working count me down okay wait it looks like zoey might have put something in there you'll find out when you get there three two one he's in maddie's room with all the robbie rob posters wait why are those still up long story oh hey daniel how are you doing you're doing good okay so it's up to me i gotta bring some fear into robbie rob right yeah okay that's really cool of you i thought it'd be easier than that but what's her name zoe she was supposed to leave some items in here for me to help bring fear into robbie rob and see if she didn't mess this one up probably not out here maybe in the bathroom okay so daniel's in i wonder what zoey put inside the room oh she didn't mess it up okay great so we have a bear costume you guys remember that agent r was really afraid of bears so agent r and robbie rob are kind of the same person with the switch up i don't know a bear costume but that's agent r i don't think robbie rob's scared of bears also rebecca is really afraid of clowns a clown costume oh my gosh this has worked in the past i think maybe he could be afraid of clowns dude i mean look at that that's scary that is my biggest fear i do not like it and then no spiders zoey you know i'm afraid of spiders why would you put spiders in here daniel's so scared of spiders that is definitely daniel's biggest fear he hates spiders it could work worked on me obviously but let's go with the bear first i think if robbie robb is anything like agent r bears are gonna get him oh no he's choosing the bear it's the agent our approach there's no way that he's gonna get fear from this he's not afraid of bears that's a good costume okay well maybe robbie rob doesn't like clowns that's my biggest fear wait is this for asian r are you kidding me boy why why would you even do that like i'm not scared of bears obviously i don't think that's good why would you even think that's a good idea obviously has anger okay well thank you for recognizing okay we're running out of time here tell that what were we talking about again the murder door the memory ball by until sundown come on it uses pure energy from the sun everyone knows that i didn't know that i want to go check to see if mr x is here are you gonna eat that is oh what were you thinking going like 70s flowers my nose is pretty good okay okay there we go he's lagoon he cracks me up all the time oh this must be the key see if it was mr x should be here any minute i really thought that that was gonna work now we gotta go to my fear spiders i don't know if it's gonna work yes i don't like spiders but look they obviously are plastic just gonna work comment down below do you think that these spiders are going to scare robbie rob i hope so it's gotta work give me a thumbs up mr x isn't here but i found the key you found a key to the tunnel so mr x can get here you just said that you'll be on a second no it's not nice try maddie's [Music] here go inside and stop them i'll deal with this one let's go no no no no no no you're coming with me maddie now tell me where the real robbie robbie is maddie i'm i'm not telling you that i won't tell you where robbie rob is we'll see about that what is robbie rob really afraid of i mean she's got to think red red red red i hope zoey put it in here i hope she did it in the laundry room so he got it right she put it in here you hear that it's coming from the movie theater yeah i'm gonna go check that out check it out i'll keep an eye on daniel and that daniel is so crazy right now i don't know what's going on in his head but you know it is what it is he did it he has fear the red hood worked his name what do you think this is better not be anybody in the town daniel locked it down three two one i have to do everything myself come on man oh look the world was shaking what happened it takes so long oh daniel we had a little problem some red hood spies came in through the movie theater and it turned into a battle royale i think they got him through the decoy barbecue no no that doesn't make sense we're still on lockdown oh no we have maddie you gotta get out there if you want your cousin back you will give me robbie wrong let me go let me go that's enough for me mr x there's no way we're giving you robbie you're right yeah we will give you robbie rob seriously come on come on come on we'll be right back daddy don't give him ravi wrong trust me come on you're ready to take this off this isn't a good idea if we do this and we give him to mr x we can't make the game master good just trust me okay and hook him down hey look it looks normal to come outside with us it's a long story yeah what's happening just come with us yeah oh no no no no no no no i know those two i don't know i don't like this i know let's do this do what mr x even if you get robbie rub you're wasting your time we already got back all his emotions oh that's where you're wrong you're still missing one emotion stephen what emotion are we missing missing i don't know is he lying is he telling the truth well we're not gonna give you robbie rob yes we are what if you're not gonna give me robbie rob take her fine let's do it this way he's a reactivator no he can't reactivate maddie no no wait wait i'll do it i'll do it what i don't really have any other choice i like her so much new fools robbie roberts are only to turn game master good again now i'll erase all his memories and he'll be bad forever thanks to this what is this looking for this mr x twin she took the memory ball all part of the plan and they did get all the emotions sadness daniel take this and get the blocked memories [Music] i'll take care of them go go go go go go go go go are they twist the battery [Music] oh the memory ball will be painful as he tries to get into his blocked memories but i must warn you by doing this there is a chance that all his memories will be erased what does that mean he may not remember who any of you are no robbie rob's our friend we can't do that to him we have to it's our only chance to make the game master good yeah we have to do it maddie rebecca it's up to you you make the call no don't do it we have to use our only chance tomorrow rebecca i don't know trust me only chance come on we'll do it we have to do it sorry man i'm sorry robin hurry hurry we're running out of time everyone get your earpods ready i have to go find the game master okay since someone's gonna be here running the computer i'm gonna set this program to shoot us out in one minute but we only have a minute to find these memories that are blocked damn damn smash the thumbs up button because we need to get robbie rob's blog's memories but we want him to come back we don't want him to not know who we are activating robbie rob in three two one okay ready three two one we're back inside robbie rob's memories but we need to move fast you guys ours can't hold off mr x and the red hood spies for long but where are the blocked memories where's sadness ew why is there water all over the floor do you hear that sounds like it's coming around the corner is someone crying careful [Applause] what is that noise i'm so angry robbie rob what's wrong yeah what's your problem oh i'm just sad well what are you sad about i don't want to go into my blocked memories where are your blocked memories oh come on we can do this stand up it might be hard but we can do this all together is it locked or something no it wasn't it was unlocked and i don't know why the memory ball oh we don't have much time we need to get into those block memories right now but they might be scary yeah you're probably gonna be super upset with what you find out it's probably something we don't want to see just be positive you guys we've got this we just all need to go in together just kidding we gotta save the game master you guys there's a push button right here it says push i know it's scary but we're running out of time just gotta push it okay three two one the box is in his pizza bag you guys are really sorry but there's more you need to see rob is working with the red hood spy sorry i didn't know how to say it with mr x and the game master [Music] that was the necklace from one of his visions that's the yin and yang symbol that's the lightness that they locked away that's why the game master is bad you may have gotten all his memories but you'll never be able to make game master good again without me what do we do now get them you
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 11,490,716
Rating: 4.7944946 out of 5
Keywords: giant, inside, out, movie, in real life, missing, memories, rebecca, zamolo, 24 hours, saving, rescue, hidden, secret, house, game master, network, app, last to, zoe, daniel, maddie, matt, rebecca zamolo, pizza, emotion, emotional, recreating, joy, disgust, facing, biggest fear, royalty family, new, intro, unspeakable, win, most, tickets, 123 go, geometric, shapes, challenge, spying, hacker, water parks, crafty panda, sneak, learn, sssniperwolf, lies, food, gm, games, reality, vlog, clean, 2020, familia diamond, brent rivera
Id: sc_YGL4gLOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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