Trapped In Moving Truck For 24 Hours Challenge (Found Clues of Secret Date with Viral Life Hacks)

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- We need to get everything packed so we can move as fast as possible. - While you're doing that, I'm gonna hack into the network and make sure nobody else hacks into the game master network. And traps us. - Yeah, this whole house is connected to the game master network. - I don't wanna be trapped here for 24 hours. And you guys know we need to rescue RZ Twin. - Yeah, Agent S, why did you leave us? Can you just get off your phone and help out? - Maybe I'm helping by being on my phone and RZ Twin was scary so I ran away, okay? - Yeah, she was saying these weird numbers. It was creepy. - Wait, what numbers? Are those my silk pajamas? - Okay guys, I need to go pick up the moving van and also I need to call Daniel. He needs to know about RZ Twin. - Yes, Daniel definitely needs to know that RZ Twin is in trouble so he can help us save her. - Wait, Matt, I'll go with you, we both can go with you to get the van. - Oh you know what, I'll stay back, I'll help pack boxes. I'm really good at. - Yeah I mean we're moving in less than 24 hours. - Welcome back to the Matt and Rebecca Channel, we just left a secret meeting where Agent D was gonna connect RZ Twin to two rings and a chalice to steal the power back. - I think they might be trying to redo what they attempted to do at the Royal wedding with the game master and Mr. X. - And all this happening on the 29th. - Which is this Saturday. - Yeah, really don't like Mr. X. It's definitely him, he's the one doing it. - It has to be him. - Well thanks to you guys in the Zamfam and Zoe we found over 50 hidden cameras in our house which is why we have to move out because we don't feel safe. - We are definitely moving. - Okay, Matt, go get the van, we have a lot of boxes we have to put in it. - Okay, I need to call Daniel, first, okay? - But yeah, I'm going with you, right Matt? - See ya! - Okay, Uber is on it's way, perfect it's almost here. Oh, you know what? I need to call Daniel. Here we go. Daniel, hey! I need to let you know that RZ Twin is in trouble. We found out that somebody put cameras all over our house. - Yeah, like 50. - And we need to make sure that the game master network is safe because the whole house is wired to it! Can you help us? - I'm on it. We have to save RZ Twin. Also, I want everyone to understand. It appears that if we don't stop this transfer of power by the leap year, the game master will be over. He can't last long without his power. - Daniel, the Uber's coming, okay? Thank you so much. Call me if you need anything okay? - Zamfam, this is so crazy, I cannot believe we are moving. Do you guys think it's a good idea for us to move? Make sure to give the thumbs up if you guys think we should move. I mean if we are gonna have a family, I want to feel safe right? Oh hey. - You know, you should take better care of these. They're not called cherry blossom silk of nye PJs for nothing, you know? - Why do you have my silk pajamas anyway? - I don't know I just saw 'em but anyways more importantly. - Oh my gosh. - By the way, this Uber's on me. I found $20 bucks in the park. - How is the park by the way? - It's great. I mean days that it rains it's always a little swampy on the floor. - Yeah. - Other than that it's pretty good. - We haven't really solidified this, do you live in the park or is it? - Oh wait, what was the stuff Daniel was saying, you getting on the phone, something about that power right? - Oh yeah, if we don't get the GMs power back by the leap year, the game master's gonna be over. That can't happen. - Yeah, that can't happen. - How do you know if you should trust people, like say maybe they might betray you maybe not, but you don't really know? And then you get conflicted feelings and you're like ah ooo? - I will say that I have someone that I think may be bad right now. But I know she's actually good. Sometimes people do bad things but they have no choice. - I feel like everybody has a choice, right? - Maybe it's out of their hands, you know? I mean literally RZ Twin at the wedding is she's the reason that I'm okay. She saved me so if something happened to her, obviously I'm still gonna have her back. - Obviously. And sometimes you'll like have a picnic in a park together. I think we're all on the same exact level. - Yeah, I mean RZ Twin and I never really had a picnic but I just think sometimes you have like a connection you know it's like family. - Sure. - You can't turn on family. - It's exactly like family, yeah, that makes sense unless they're like really are turning bad or something right? - Honestly, even if RZ Twin did bad things, I know she's still good and I'm just gonna try to help her. - To get the money and power I get it, yeah. - No, to be good again. We're gonna get this fixed by the 29th. - Okay, yeah. Okay. - Maybe we'll split this Uber? - You're gonna split it? - Well you know what, I got this. I can take care of the Uber. - Are you sure? - Yes, absolutely. - 'Cause I mean, I could keep that $20 bucks, I'm okay keeping that $20 bucks. - I honestly think you should keep the $20. - Okay, $20 bucks is mine. - Someone is in the game master network right now? This could be a bad hacker. Let me see what I could do to get them out. I need to keep this place safe and on lockdown. - Someone's in the game master network. Who is this hacker? I'm gonna put up a firewall. - All right, we are at U-Haul right now, I hope that this all works out, we need to move out of the apartment ASAP. Think we're living at the safe house. I think that's exactly where we're gonna go so comment down below if you think this is a good idea that we should be moving. I just think it's gotten to that point, we need to get out of here. Let me go see what Agent. Oh hey. - Hey. - Just finalizing I think the truck. I think we're gonna get a big one over here. - Oh cool, cool. Yup. - Did you hear that? Feels like somebody's like watching us. - No, I think you're just being a little paranoid. - Okay, let's get back home to the ladies here. And I guess Agent R. - Thank you so much for that advice, you know family comes first. - I definitely think that for sure. - And by the way, you are looking fit in this. - That's my wedding photo. - Wait, that's Matt? - Yeah, with no glasses. - I feel like kissing maybe, but like I don't know if he's doing it right, you know like. - Are you trying to, oh his lips aren't out enough? - Yeah, maybe. - You know what, we should probably get the rest of the boxes before they come 'cause we've gotta take all of these and put them in the moving truck. - I think it's because he wasn't using tongue in the photo. - Why don't you help me get the rest of the boxes in the back. - Okay. - Yup, put the photo down, photo down. - We got the keys! - Y'all check the car I'll do a walk through make sure it's good for us and we don't get charged for any like dents or anything. - Perfect, I'mma use the restroom real quick. - Okay, cool. - Zamfam, don't you think Agent R is asking some really weird questions? I mean it makes no sense. Obviously we all know RZ Twin has power that's good and bad and she can't control it but I feel like he's talking about something else. Do you guys know anything? Comment it below. Wait, where is Agent R? - Zoe, what's up? Are you into like recreational art 'cause um I got a picture we could recreate. - Huh, what? - Look over here, right here, right here, right here. - I'm busy! - Agent R, leave her alone! - Ah! We were having a great banter. - Oh my gosh, how's it going Zoe? - Don't mean to freak out, someone might be trying to hack in to our system right now. - Into the game master network? - Into the game master network but one I am going to figure out who it is, and two I'm just making sure that there's no other cameras or listening devices in this house. - In the house, okay? - Do you need help? Do you need like a back rub or something? - I think she's good and you're still holding my wedding photo. - Shouldn't you be like packing stuff? - Okay, I'll get packing. I'll get packing right now. - I have a lot more stuff, c'mon, we have to hurry. They're gonna be back any minute. - All right, we are all set now. Used the restroom but wait, what? What is he doing underneath the truck? Agent S, what are you doing? - Oh, I'm just checking, making sure everything's good you know. - You're not licking the tire again are you? - No, no I'm not licking the tire. - We need to get back to the apartment really quick okay? - Okay. - Let's get in, let's get in. - This hacker is relentless. I'm gonna have to do something drastic. Hold on, I have to shut down the entire system and give it a reboot. That should get them outta there. This will avoid them from seeing anything on their computers or wireless devices but I gotta do this. I gotta protect Matt and Rebecca. - All right guys, moving van's here. Grab a box, we gotta go c'mon, pack up, let's go. - Uh, let the moving begin. Be right back you guys. Just gonna drop off some boxes, we have a lot more boxes. - Yeah, they're coming, it's okay. Yeah, I'm coming. - I'm great with moving so everyone on the truck. We're gonna do an assembly line. You're gonna get in, all right here you go. Okay, this one's really heavy. - Get it, get my computer, get my computer. - We put this here, grab that. - [Matt] All right, let's get all the boxes stacked up in there, I think it's pretty good. - We have a lot more boxes. - [Matt] Open it up, open it up, open it up. - Maybe someone's outside, who did this? - Okay, wait, wait, wait, the system just completely went black, it's down. - [Matt] Guys, look around, see if you can find anything. Oh wait, I found a light. - Did someone do this, or did the door just shut? - No, it's locked. - [Matt] What if we all try? Let's all try to get it up guys, c'mon. - All right. - Ready, three, two, one. - Okay, here we go. I'm about to reboot the system, here we go. Great. Maybe I should warn Matt and Rebecca. Wait, I can't I'm rebooting the system. - Didn't work. - Hold on. My phone. - [Matt] Call for help. - I have no service, that's so weird, I had service. - I don't have service either. I always have service. - Matt, do you have service, do you have your phone? - Let me check. I don't have any service at all. - I don't have service either, so weird. - I know, I left my phone upstairs with the wedding picture. I left my phone with the wedding picture. - Agh! How did that happen? The door must have slid. - Maybe it's like the latch when it fell down, the latch. - Oh, it just latched it. - But how did it fall down guys, comment down below if you saw it fall down. I have no idea how that happened. Wait, wait, wait. - Zoe, what is that? - Uh, I don't know I've never seen that before. - Zoe, I thought you said you didn't have service? - I don't have service, I don't know where that's coming from. - Someone's hacking in. - Hi, it's me. Yep me the game master. - The game master, that's impossible. The game master is under cerebral analysis. - I'm the one that tricked you and trapped you in this truck. Yep, you're gonna have to play some games if you wanna get out. - Why's he wearing all black? - Maybe he's working with someone or someone's controlling him right. - Well why did he trap us? - This is like the 24 hours in a van. Maybe he's testing us. - Round one, two truths and a lie. - Okay, this seems really weird if the game master wants us to do it. I just want to know who's working with him right now. Who got him to do this. - Mr. X. - Usually like it kinda makes sense. Like every time he does, there's like a reason now it kinda, it doesn't make sense. - Let's get out of here, it's hot. - I have never lost a game of hide and seek. I'm a hacker. And I have a secret crush. - Did you say you have a secret crush? - Zoe, I know we haven't known each other that long but I would definitely have to say that the lie is the crush. You don't have a crush. - Yeah, you're right! - [Matt] Rebecca next, go. - Okay, I'll go next. Zamfam, you guys play along. Comment which one you think I am lying about. So my first one is that I love dogs, my second one is that I don't have a major organ. And number three I can't do a back flip. - Well we know you love dogs. - Okay, yup, yup, Matt do you know the answer? - [Matt] Maybe. - All right so we have either back flip or missing an organ. - Like missing like you're heartless is that what you're saying? - I just said an organ. - Whoa. - I'm just saying, I'm just saying. - He was the one with my wedding photo upstairs. - I think I know what it is. It's obvious okay. She can't do a standing back flip. She can't, right? - Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it. - Okay, you're right I can't do a standing back flip anymore. - [Matt] Wait, wait, wait the door is trying to come open. Look at, look at, grab it. Ah! - Nothing. - I am sweating, this is so hot in here. - I'll go next, I'll go next. So, one I don't remember most of my childhood. Two, I love both my dogs the same. Three, I love playing the piano. - I think I know this one. - I'm really hoping that the lie isn't the lie I'm thinking of. - Wait, how long have you played piano? Do you serenade people? Just asking for a friend. - What was the first one again? - I don't remember a lot about my childhood. - I think your lie is the second one because you only like peanut. - We're on the same team on that one! - I love both the dogs the same. - No you don't. - Was I wrong? - You were wrong. - So what was the lie? - You don't love playing the piano? - You don't like piano? - I love playing the piano. - He doesn't remember his childhood. - Yes he does. I know what the lie is. - They're all a lie. - Okay let's just, come on guy, move on, move on. Guys, comment down below what you think the lie is. - I'll go next. I don't have a roof. I love recycling. And I don't sweat. - I know that one. - Clearly, based on like what the Zamfam have sent me messages about, I feel like you might not have a roof? But you're sweating pretty bad right now. - What, no I'm not. - I mean. - Actually not a lot of sweat. - Honestly the easiest thing to figure out. - Okay, well these suits are hot sometimes okay, especially when you're trapped in a truck. - [Matt] Okay, did everybody go? - No, no, I need to go. So my crush moved away. - Okay, yeah, a lot of crushes. - I have a secret brother. And I love blackjack. - [Matt] Wait what was the second one? - Huh? - [Matt] What was the second one? - Uh. - Guys comment down below if you heard that, I don't know but I know he definitely does not like blackjack. He does not like blackjack. - I will definitely have to go with you don't love blackjack. - I hate blackjack. Am I right or what Matt? - [Matt] No, you're not right. - I hid Diet Coke in the truck. Whoever can drink the Diet Coke the fastest will get an advantage in the final round. - He's dancing all the time. - Did he just do the same thing that my mom did, the pew, pew, pew. - Oh, pew, pew yeah. - Wait, game master working with your mom? She did send the decoder rings. - What? And she's been pranking me. - And she's been pranking. - Oh my gosh, it might be my mom. - Do you think it's Trina? Maybe she was sent to help the game master? - Trina, is this a prank? - It's gonna be a great prank. Your mom could be pranking us right now. - My mom's pranking me again. I can't believe she'd do that. - She get us back. - Okay, okay, uh, everybody just look for Diet Coke. We gotta get outta here, okay? Oh yeah, it's in there, it's in there. - Matt, there's no way to get open, this thing is locked. - Guys, comment down below if you know where the Diet Coke is. - Is this a prank, it's another prank. - Guys, I don't know. I don't even like Diet Coke. - Wait, what's that blanket? - I don't know, I'm hot, I don't need a blanket. - Gimme that, I'll look at it. Actually what if there's something else under here? - [Agent S] I think it might be Baby Bear Rat. - Why would Baby Bear Rat be back here? - [Rebecca] Baby Bear Rat should be in a cave. - Maybe it's a new mask. - Maybe somewhere to go to the bathroom because I really have to pee. - What, okay, okay. Here we go. I'll go fast, I'll go fast. Three, two, one, ugh! Diet Coke, Diet Coke, Diet Coke. What did the weird game master say to do with this? - He says whoever drinks it the quickest gets an advantage in the final round. - Diet Cokes for everybody guys, come on. Does everybody wanna play this game? - The fake sugar really messes with my uber precise concentration. - I'm not really a fan of Diet Coke. I mean I drink the occasional Coke but I don't really like Diet Coke either. - Fine, it's the guys. I can count on the guys sometimes. Have you guys ever done this before? - Nope. Sounds dangerous. - [Rebecca] Don't you guys like Diet Coke? - Yeah, I love Diet Coke. - Three, two, one. - [Rebecca] Oh he's kneeling! - There's no dairy in Diet Coke is there? - [Zoe] Smells like burp in here. - [Rebecca] Better than if-- - Oh! - I think I won! - You get an advantage in the final round. - I've always wanted a game master advantage. And now I got one. - You guys, I don't even know if this is the real game master. This is just someone working with the game master. I don't know why. We need to get back into the house. - All right well let's just hurry up and see what's next because we have to finish this to get out. - The person who drank the Diet Coke the fastest. - I got an advantage, yes. - Prank! - Prank! - This is a video recording. I wouldn't know who drank the coke the fastest. - That means there's no hidden cameras in here. That's a good thing, right Zamfam? - But this last round is an escape room challenge. Everything you need to escape is in the truck. - Are the videos playing? We hack into this. - I don't know. That makes no sense you guys comment below how you think this video even got on your laptop, Zoe. - It could be Daniel, Daniel's a really good hacker. - Wait, wait, wait, who's Daniel? Who's a better hacker than me? - Escape room! Everybody just look for a clue. - Wait, you know what we also need to talk about is the numbers. Agent R you said that RZ Twin said numbers. - What numbers? - Yeah, remember the numbers? - Yeah, she was like. - What was it, like five, eight, 21, 15, 39 and three, something like that. - We need to figure out what the numbers are. Maybe a clue from RZ Twin, we need the decoder ring! It might have something to do with that. - Okay, first off, we don't have the decoder ring. And B, we have to escape. - Maybe you should try to remember the numbers right now real quick, just to have them. - It's a lot of numbers, it was a lot of them. - Also, you would know the numbers if you didn't run away before all the rest of us. - I thought we all were like running away. RZ Twin came in and was like blagh! I'm RZ Twin and I was like ah! So I went to go and I thought we were all like oh. - [Matt] Wait, what was that? What were you like? - I was like we all need to go. - I kinda remember it was like ah! Let's go! - That's yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - I did see Agent S in the hallway when I came out of the secret meeting, he seemed a little bit scared. I think we just need to figure out what those numbers are. Zamfam, if you guys remember what those are, comment them below and if any of you guys have the decoder ring maybe you can help us figure out what that code is. - [Matt] Escape room, guys, escape room. I have an idea, I have an idea. What we need to do, we take this tape right here. We pop it on right here. Then go all the way across over here. Then we make a little sign. So we put a cross here. - Guys, it's so hot. - We're gonna use the centrifugal force of the van to concave itself. We escape that way, okay? - Wait, hold on, how are we gonna get the van to start moving? - Okay, so as soon as we get enough duct tape on here we're gonna put all of our weight on top of the duct tape, it'll collapse everything in, escape! - That's actually a terrible idea. Probably the worst idea because then the ceiling would cave in on us and we would be trapped. Zoe, this is crazy, there's no way this is gonna work and the only things in here besides that blanket are the pink boxes. - Yeah, that we brought in. - Three, two, one, all the way. Oh, we need more tape. - I don't know physics but I know hacking. See if we can get this network back up. - Here we go guys. Okay. Okay. One, two, three. Oh, yes, yes, yes, okay. The network's back up. The network is coming back up. I got service! - Whoa! The duct tape, I knew it! - No, it definitely was not the duct tape. But the network did just come up by itself and I didn't really do anything. - You guys, I don't know how we got out of this. I mean, it was an escape room but we didn't solve anything but you guys, let's get out of here. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Daniel's calling. - Who's Daniel? - Hey, Daniel. - Hey, Matt, I was able to fix the game master network and I also remotely unlocked the moving truck. - You did that? - Wait. - How did you do that? - I have news. There was somebody inside your house. You need to get back there now. - Someone's in our house? - The dogs, the dogs, let's go guys come on. - Wait, we want to run to the house where someone's at? - Our dogs are up there, come on! Somebody completely trashed our place! - Who did this?
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 2,790,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trapped, moving, truck, 24 hours, challenge, found, clues, secret, date, tricks, hacks, viral, life hacks, tik tok, hacker, 123 go, trick, sisters, sssniperwolf, lucky, food, unspeakable, last, ground, dude perfect, airsoft, battle royale, lucas and marcus, ben azelart, gamemaster, game, master, overnight, matt and rebecca, rebecca zamolo, matt, rebecca, zamolo, music, music video, hide and seek, funny, game master, 24 hour challenge, challenges, mystery, morgz, vlog, comedy, diy, 2020, best friend
Id: 6JghobOfT34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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