Liberty's Kids 117 - Captain Molly

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the claret on the door your freedom rate and patriotic voice its name right never give up you represent here are some exciting scenes from today's episode of Liberty's kids I believe in being what you want to be not what people tell you to the British have begun moving back to Manhattan we absolutely must evacuate Fort Washington the armaments at the fort are critical to our cause we're in a war Joe we're bound to lose men if you have the stomach for it get another job keep firing if we can't hold this position you won't have the carbons to blame look at these gems and I knock candy Moses and I will stop while you enforce those sweets are to ease the discomfort of a long voyage if you try to ship out with our peach jam you'll have to get past me first Congress won't be happy if you delay their most important statesmen they would understand I've seen you how good's this young taste you're probably right but they have asked dr. Franklin to try to enlist France and the American cause right now we Americans stand alone in the world we must acquire allies or the revolution is doomed Palmas meal bring back some French bass please I'm worried about him after his last voyage he swore he'd never crossed the Atlantic again 70 is very very old and his age and in his help who knows if he'll survive the trip thank you who's it from Sarah and James would you like to read it Honore I couldn't possibly read through the tears in my eyes tears from seeing all this food for the last time I hope it's good news if I'm to convince France to help us we have to show that we can gain a victory against the British on our own what's wrong Washington is recruiting from Manhattan dear mother please forgive the irritable nature of my letter but I'm tired and thirsty Oh from the men in these colonies suffer from a decided lack of Ganon's in addition since I'm not a man General Washington told me I couldn't stay at the frontlines he sent me to a place called fort tribe it can't be much of a fort as I'm about to join a group of cat followers women and children who live here with their soldiers I'd certainly rather be viewing the action with the general and James then be here watching people wash clothes thank you sir nice little stroll huh huh I'm Margaret Corbin my friends call me Molly who are you thank you I'm Sara Phillips it's good of course it is the dirt from the river adds flavor I've been General Washington secretary for months now and I've never seen him so discouraged all we need is a victory and I know the general will deliver it he's the most decisive commanding man I've ever met commanding is right English is not even my language this yet talk funny and I can't learn to read who says this other boys let me tell you something on re it's a credo I live by be what you want to be not what people tell you you can be well then stop telling me I can be a reader what I want to be left alone you owe it to yourself to hone your reading writing and arithmetic I'm doing just fine without it yes you've done well so far you've learned a trade at a second language and I'd like to help you keep learning why for one thing if you could improve your skills at estimation we might not be short logs for the fire and we wouldn't both be freezing our toes off at least we're not outside do you think Silva and James are all right out in the wilderness rosemarys stop wiping your nose on my dress this is ridiculous I'm out in the middle of nowhere fishing for trousers you're not the only one who didn't want to come here oh hello Molly after my husband John enlisted he was about to leave our place in Pennsylvania know what it's like to be a woman living alone in the wilderness I'm sure I don't in that wild country I wouldn't even have been able to feed myself for supper okay sure soup better than Ross squirrel or whatever it is you got stuck in your beard you leg puller probably raccoon it's amazing the way you keep your optimism in a place like this Deary when I was five my daddy was killed and my mama kidnapped I never saw her again that didn't ruin my life I'm sure not gonna let this do it oh sure Fred Moll Sarah she's English well we won't hold that against her this is John he's a mattress cleans and loads the cannons I'm mighty proud of him one reason I don't mind working so hard we can't have the man loading the cannon we're dirty drawers can we Pennsylvania six pounders right up there on the brow of that hill we protect the northern approach to Fort Washington those beauties will make things plenty tough on the lobster backs I beg your pardon for the slight Sarah never mind I quite understand ignore him John just doesn't like red sure I'm lucky he married me don't let her fool you Sarah I'm lucky she married me it's not like I had lots of choices it was either him or squirrel beard over there dr. Franklin the only thing you'll catch were the line that thick is influenza I think I've already got that actually at the other end of the line is a thermometer to measure the water temperature now save me the trouble it's cold I study the ocean currents and temperatures every time I crossed the Atlantic it was these studies that help me chart the Gulf Stream seven years ago just don't let your studies interfere with your health it's my job to get you to friends alive how are you feeling I'm not sleeping well in these rough seas and the food particularly the salt beef is tough 170 year old teeth the fresh air seems to do me some good however I'd prefer to avoid the frequent baths gentlemen I have surprising news the British have begun moving back to Manhattan I suspect they're mobilizing to attack Fort Washington our last stronghold in Manhattan it houses some of our finest troops and a large amount of our armaments and ammunition this fort and its outposts are critically important to the war for both sides Sera's at one of those outposts yes your friend who wanted to see action is about to get her wish Molly how brave you are she's the best artillery mate in the whole regiment I can't believe you're permitted to do such a thing I don't ask permission to do nothing I believe in being what you want to be not what people tell you to be I know someone else who shares your point of view I can't read the recipe this is that you what's wrong lad nothing's wrong come on son tell me when you didn't come back I tried to make dinner from the notes you left me but I couldn't measure oh you're teasing me now and there's lots of world I don't understand hey you're the one who's teasing me oh you were late on purpose you and you I wouldn't be able to make myself food my good have starved somehow I think you wouldn't have starved but reading and measuring are important things to know have you changed your mind about learning them yes even if other fellows don't think I can but not right away why not because I'm doing great first a late supper then a late lesson we absolutely must evacuate Fort Washington the armaments at the fort are critical to our cause America has no munitions factories we've no way to replace the guns and ammunition if they're captured General Washington I strongly disagree with Colonel Reed I'm confident we can hold the fort if we can hold it we should hold it sir General Greene would risk over 2,000 of our finest troops we've already lost too many to disease in desertion I don't have the stomach to lose any more we're in a war Joe we're bound to lose men if you have the stomach for it get another job I stand by my recommendation to hold the fort general Greene's right we must fight um excuse me sirs sir this hesitation to evacuate is nothing short of reckless forgive me but you must make up your mind it's only November how much colder does it get here much that's why when John's tour of duties up we're moving south that will start family oh how many children do you want I don't know eight ten oh my John's a good man he'll make a fine father probably a tired one too I miss my family terribly but being around people like you makes my stay here so much easier here now I'll make it easier still I like to press the summer flowers they always add a bit of cheer when winter comes knocking it still has its perfume General Washington sir we need a decision now do we abandon Fort Washington or do we defend it general green as you are the officer most familiar with the situation I leave it to you to give such orders as to defending Mount Washington as you judge best I appreciate your confidence in me sir so General Howe demands that I surrender this fort over to you British please repeat the following to your commander give me leave to assure his excellency that inspired by the most glorious cause that mankind ever fought in I am determined to defend this post to the last man and I would expect nothing else from a soldier of Colonel maga reputation that'll be all gentlemen I am resolved to crush the rebels into dust even a single victory could give their so-called revolution momentum on the battlefield as well as support from foreign shores especially France look at all the redcoats preparing for an attack and we won't have long to wait either see their Hessian troops to the north mercenaries I can't believe the king is paying Germans to come here and killed British colonists General Washington's not going to evacuate the fort after all is he he's worried that it may not be as strong as we think he wants to inspect it in person we have lost our opportunity to evacuate the fort with a 6 pounder we might be able to hold off the Hessians but not the Kings Navy do we see you have a chance against so many British troops no we'll have to make a run keep firing if we can't hold this position you won't have a carven to blame god help us or Tryon has fallen there's nothing we can do for those poor souls please let Sarah be alright general raising the Union Jack over Washington that's it did General Howe has prevailed this is a most unfortunate affair and has given me great mortification as we have lost not only two thousand men but a good deal of artillery and some of the best arms we had sir the men panicked I did not account for the possibility if we'd but held the perimeter no sir we should have abandoned the fort as General Lee and I urged gentlemen please I alone am to blame I've never seen him look so disappointed so help us he is in danger of becoming a parody of a general I pray Colonel Reed is wrong what happened to poor tryin to Sarah women and children will be returned to us it's maybe wargames but there are rules what's that they think it's yes it is the camp followers from Fort Tryon excuse me Sara Sara oh sorry Sara thank goodness you're safe yes I'm safe how can we continue the fight after this it's hopeless nothing's hopeless not when people like Molly fight on when all seems lost if all the colonists display her spirit America will be very difficult to defeat will your friend be all right yes you can't keep the Corbin's down I learned an important lesson today mr. Harrison as much as I respect my generals and consider them my family never again will I make a decision that goes against my own instincts a disaster like this battle must never happen again we must prevail in our fight for freedom we will prevail in our fight for freedom maybe with the spirit of George Washington and Captain Molly and Ben Franklin and so many others all isn't lost after all
Channel: Liberty's Kids - WildBrain
Views: 306,050
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Keywords: liberty kids, liberty kids full episodes, boston tea party, liberty kids boston tea party, george washington for kids, liberty kids we the people, liberty kids constitution, liberty kids paul revere's ride, liberty kids bunker hill, liberty kids shot heard round the world, liberty kids declaration of independence, liberty kids midnight ride, declaration of independence for kids, george washington, liberty kids green mountain boys, the boston tea party, Hamilton, Hamilton Musical
Id: wZ17pj4nQg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2016
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