Liberty's Kids 106 - The Shot Heard 'Round the World

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declare it on the door your freedom rate and patriotic voices never give up you represent today these rebels need to be taught a lesson will you let them burn down the town all companies march to the bridge but hold your fire not fire on the Kings troops unless were fired upon first it's a wonder you two are still standing April 19 1775 dear mother the people of the colonies are stubbornly independent taxes did we ever say none more so than here in Massachusetts our brothers they are bent on governing themselves and now to cry the same redcoats for just 12 years ago help them win the French and Indian War cousin tom he's serving under general gage marching on Concord what must he be thinking right now cousin Tom you are the answer are you up already say what are you doing I'm going to find my cousin what he's thinking is what the people of these colonies need to know a lieutenants perspective on the soldiers role in keeping peace there won't be peace until we have the same rights every Englishman has the rights we took for granted not long ago James and these are the Kings colonies is it reasonable to expect him to just let them disobey Parliament's laws is it reasonable to send soldiers to enforce tyranny the king doesn't want trouble any more than you do but unless both sides understand each other trouble is bound to come on that we agree but Parliament has ignored our petitions it's now up to the king to make them understand he has the power if only he'd use it and that's why I'm going to see Tom so the colonists will understand their fight is with the lawmakers not with the soldiers you can't it could be dangerous I expect it will but this is a big story with two sides and you can't cover both at the same time so we'll have to work together even with the danger I'm off to find my cousin I thought we were working together dar her together is faster than mine port Z to your water supplies fall out Tom Tom Phillips Sarah where how what are you doing here I came to see you of course and who is this Tom this is my cousin Sarah Phillips Sarah allow me to present lieutenant Brian Johnson did you know where to find your cousin you're not a spy are you I'm a loyal British subject thank you I'm here to write a newspaper story and to warn you that you and your company may be in grave danger don't worry there'll be no trouble general gage himself said he doubts that the infernal rebels would take up arms against his Majesty's troops mr. Monroe I'm James Hillier a journalist for the Pennsylvania Gazette I was wondering what militia this is and who is in charge there are two companies here James minute company and alarm our leader is up ahead there at the green and he would be a veteran of the French and Indian Wars Captain John Parker major Pitcairn what do you make of all these bells they announce our presence sir fire this was to have been a secret mission I'm afraid it's no secret sir and I doubt we'll be able to seize the Colonials munitions as we planned curse it rebels we've endured a sleepless night and tremendous discomfort because of him being a soldier suits you Tom finances back home left me no other choice still everything works out for the best I've done all right for myself every man here is proud to serve with him but Brian's the real soldier these ragtag colonists will wilt I'm faced with the likes of him being truth most of the colonists remained loyal to the crown there's only a small handful of troublemakers I'm pleased to hear you say that that's exactly the sort of thing my readers need to hear Smith the scouts report a number of armed rebels just ahead major you will proceed into the township with an advance guard I shall follow with the Grenadier the rebels may be up to no good dispatch your swiftest rider to general gage have him send reinforcements the cooler heads among the rebels will carry the day if we outnumber them you'll be perfectly safe here if you're under orders not to harm anyone why should I need to hide it's just a precaution um the war will work better if you duck behind it should I be worried about you Tom not at all neither side wishes defied I'll see you shortly supporting behind walls isn't very dignified for a lady and it's useless for a journalist gentlemen please form into your respective companies what about me captain Parker you're welcome to join us laughs but you'll need a weapon I'm afraid we have none to spare here's my weapon I like to join as a journalist a writer printing the right things is worth a thousand soldiers you might want to amend that statement sir steady men stand your ground and don't fire unless fired upon a number close to 650 how many are we here the native job I should be able to see everything safely from James surgeon tomorrow for right lay down your arms and disperse and you will not be harmed stand your ground men surround and disarm them please disperse please do as the major says surround and disarm them charge bayonets light company advance surrender your arms you first where did that come from who fired it's the frosted master all over again and keep those flintlock shoulder does anyone know how many casualties there were eight dead sir a number of others wounded I couldn't count them I was afraid nothing to be ashamed of we all read who fired first I couldn't tell it doesn't matter it has brought us to war the war no.1 one ticket I'm sorry for these disagreeable circumstances comes with the mention little inclination for discipline do not deplore the actions of your men without first examining your own major we are here to cease munitions not kill colonists there had better be no such display in Concord it's Brian no his leg is badly shot up form ranks Tom please don't go I must it's my duty then I'm coming with you I don't think you should things could become very dangerous from here on out don't try to talk me out of it a war may have started here today I'm going to cover the story start to finish and you're going to help me where are we headed mr. hosmer to the Liberty pole major but Rick's giving orders he's a good man we fought side by side against the French and Indians during the last war sending rumors are true the Redcoats have shot and killed militiamen in Lexington two of my kinsmen among the men of act and await your orders major Buttrick excellent we'll need every man to help defend our liberties follow me sergeant I have a friend a fellow journalist who's with the British is there a way we can tell the men not to shoot at her they won't aim for a woman but these muskets are not accurate at a long distance they could at anybody or miss everybody I hope that anybody is not Sara look at them how brazen they're not even trying to conceal this drink from us Colonel Smith sir lieutenant Tom Phillips sir and this is my cousin Sarah Phillips she's a journalist is that so Miss Phillips yes before the Pennsylvania Gazette Ben Franklin's newspaper Sarah is a loyal British subject here to tell the British side of the story sir I believe that the majority of people here are loyal to England and supportive of the Army's presence but there are those who had paint you as monsters I wish the colonist to know that the Army is just as human as they are and dr. Franklin has allowed me to do that you do have a way with words very well allow me to offer you an excellent seat and a spyglass so that you can witness my gentle hand a discipline of the rebels thank you sir you are dismissed James James where are you you there yes you come here yes sir if you're going to report I want you to do it from a safe distance nowhere near the fighting yes sir they've given us the center of town perhaps they want no more trouble and neither do we let's not forget general gages orders that the people of Concord ought to be treated with respect there's smoke coming from the center of town sir I say we go and put a stop to it i dispatched for companies to search the Barret farm for hidden munitions and two more to guard the Northbridge excellent what happened in Lexington must not be repeated here in Concord these rebels need to be taught a lesson all companies March to the bridge but hold your fire will not fire on the Kings troops unless we're fired upon first they're coming to cross the bridge captain Laurie if they want the bridge we'll give it to them in pieces destroy the blanket it's no use captain we don't have time something is happening at the Northbridge Oh get back here young lady sir on Tom don't worry Sarah this was all just a misunderstanding we've probably put a stop to the trouble here yes yes everyone will see what has happened to not want any more bloodshed that's right everything works out for the best sir James I'm glad you're all right my cousin Tom I'm so sorry Sarah come let's get to a safer place April 19 1775 continued Oh mother Tom's death seems to be a sign of awful things to come this conflict is not at all what James thought it would be it won't be simply a contest of ideas it promises to be a contest of arms it promises to be everything I had prayed we would avoid Moses it's good to see you how's London far away both geographically and politically Hey I have news for you dr. Franklin as I have for you Moses I used to love England its beauty its culture its people I had hoped we could find a compromise under which the colonies and the crown could coexist peacefully but Moses I and our interests were met with indifference disrespect contempt and what was supposed to be a meeting about recalling the governor of Massachusetts British friends tried to humiliate me have you nothing to say for yourself the heart of a fool is in his mouth but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart the famous for England wit hats I need to remind you a root is the proper reward for treason dean in england convinced me that a fight between the colonies in the crown is now inevitable being here would have convinced you of the same thing british soldiers fired on our people at Lexington and Concord the Crown's men fired upon her own subjects unthinkable tell me everything Moses here you can read all about it the shot heard round the world by James Hillier and Sarah Phillips I'm very proud of them and now we must prepare for war
Channel: Liberty's Kids - WildBrain
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Keywords: liberty kids, liberty kids full episodes, boston tea party, liberty kids boston tea party, george washington for kids, liberty kids we the people, liberty kids constitution, liberty kids paul revere's ride, liberty kids bunker hill, liberty kids shot heard round the world, liberty kids declaration of independence, liberty kids midnight ride, declaration of independence for kids, george washington, liberty kids green mountain boys, the boston tea party, Hamilton, Hamilton Musical
Id: FfSIHXtyieE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2016
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