Liberty's Kids 116 - One Life to Lose

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independence I'd declare it on the side of life let builders out for your freedom rape and patriotic voices never give up here are some exciting seeds from today's episode of Liberty's kids yes of two months ago we are the United States of America there will be no turning back from that every kind of service necessary to the cause of freedom becomes honorable by being necessary New York City is teeming with his Majesty's troops the tension here is excruciating it has been over a year since the rebellion began and General Washington has been retreating from Manhattan as it burns behind him still this beautiful autumn evening finds me full of hope Congress has appointed a committee to meet with Admiral Papp his Majesty's Navy in their subject peace this esteemed committee is composed of mr. John Adams mr. Edward Rutledge of South Carolina and not surprisingly our own dr. Benjamin Franklin my prayers dear mother are with them gentlemen we shall be the instruments that will forge a great peace between ourselves and Britain much as a father might help to solve an argument between a mother and her adult child who has moved away from the family where are the fools Oh gentlemen I am honored by your presence I trust you will find the accommodations to your liking it is my belief that Admiral Howe has not been given the power to offer us anything it is also my belief that we must not offer him anything don't shut the window we shall be suffocated but the evening air by cold doctor the air within this chamber will soon be and indeed is now worse than that out of George come I'll convince you I believe you're not acquainted with my theory of colds I have read of your theory but I've always thought it incorrect hey my friend air that is cold when one breathes it in becomes warm in the lungs see my breath is warm yes I see it will soon be widely recognized as a truism cold air in fact is a benefit to a man suffering from the common cold and the proof is in the pudding at least one how accepts our credentials will be recognizing us as ambassadors from the United States a nation separate from Britain do you think General Washington has a chance to win back New York no idea but if I was 40 years younger I'd sign up dialed in not even 20 there's nothing exciting happening here I know hmm I do wish dr. Franklin had let us go with him don't do it son bye children I have to try you do British man-of-war like him what do you mean sir he heard of impressment that kidnapping him forcing him to join the English Navy new large will be next if you don't leave this place now how the square can probably stay I don't know do you want him I'm staying there's an important story here young uns what won't it be hard to make deadline filing your story from a British ship my friends I'm afraid I'm aside with the lady on this issue oh you must who are you wait who are you I'm a school teacher my name's Nathan Hale you that was quick thinking what's your name on the wheel affair Patriot always a pleasure to meet a fellow Patriot I am Miss Sarah Phillips I am honored miss Phillips oh brother mr. Hale it is a pleasure to meet a man of such high breeding a rare pleasure so Nathan what's a highly bred schoolteacher doing wandering around the docks in wartime one never knows where one might find a job what do you teach mr. Hale why I teach I cannot lie to a lady such as yourself miss Phillips I am in the employ of General George Washington you will of course repeat that to no one as my mission is quite secret by us by i must embrace you I'm a journalist Nathan what's your mission I won't publish till you complete it I'm sorry I've told you too much already I must go I must say I am shocked that a man of your station would take on such a vile duty as spying it is a role most unworthy of a gentleman I know many believe that miss Phillips but every kind of service necessary to the cause of freedom becomes honorable by being necessary you are I assume aware of the penalty for spying should you be caught I am it is death by hanging a shameful death surely do nevertheless for a year I have been attached to the army and have not rendered any material service this shall be my service good day and God be with you all wherever this nathan hale goes i regret gentlemen that i am unable to accept your credentials that would mean the King agrees that his colonies are independent nation John however His Majesty has generously permitted me to offer a full pardon to any and all colonists to swear allegiance to Britain Admiral Howe as of two months ago we are the United States of America there will be no turning back from that no turning back gentlemen I've come to love this land I feel for America as for a brother and if America should fall I would lament its loss like that of a brother we will do our best to save your lordship from that pain so far so good he has no idea we're watching him finally he's going to do some spying that British ship is sending men to meet him well has it has something to do with his horrid burning of New York City maybe he's pretending to be a British agent Nathan agent maybe he's a better spy than I thought hello Patriots couldn't see the warship he must have thought they're Americans Ryan Nathan run for the woods the bridges Navy catches you James you shouldn't be here what are these general ow sir we captured him at Flushing Bay we found these hidden in the cells of this one's shoes that one's in a foreign language sir I am grateful for your help saying yes sir it is in fact in Latin and contains information about the placement of His Majesty's troops useless information ten days old which does nothing to alter the fact that you sir are a spy what is your name sir I am captain Nathan Hale of the Continental Army of the United States of America what is your mission sir I was sent by General George Washington to gain whatever intelligence I could concerning the position and strength of our opponents forces in New York well captain Hayden you have failed in your mission utterly I have sir but there are better men who will succeed forgive me general but one day soon you will have to take your leave of this fine mansion on the bay and you are you a spy too no sir we found this on him general a journalist the dr. Franklin go return to our Fred excuse me gentlemen but I want to stay here to report this man's story leave now young man while you still can I think the American public ought to know how King George deals with spies you don't have anything to hide do you general we give you our permission to write your story we will now pass sentence on this spy mother what are we going to do find James who knows what they plan for him we must take the chance we have no choice captain Nathan Hale for the crime of spying against his Majesty King George the third I sentence you to be hanged this very morning captain Hale yes sir rise and follow me now to journalists don't worry laddie you'll calm down after 3 or 4 years at sea thank you leave me alone let me go let go please why should we let this little rebel go because they are going to be married yes he is my fiance what's a high-class mich like you doing with a scruffy rank like him he's actually quite gracious and cultured when you get to know him certainly and my James does plan to join His Majesty's Navy he does but he must wait until were married it's very hush-hush with all the tension in the city can you imagine what the rebels would do to him if they knew he was to marry an English girl and join the British Navy James loves our King so much he's dying to join up but he knows he must wait just a little longer dearest hold on just a little bit longer Shay telling the truth yes she's my fiancee we are very much in love please don't take my love away from me nothing now not after all we've been through please go on then far be it for me to intrude on the course of true love good luck miss you too daddy mm-hmm see it save Thank You says thank you ever so much I'm waiting for a thank-you from you they think I'm gonna be sick first please release my hand that's the easiest thing anyone's ever asked me to do so when is the big day listen I have bad news as you do they warned I fear I am of too Frank and open a temper to act successfully the part of spy I hope you can forgive me for trying and as for the method of my death take courage and be not ashamed I die proud I die free I die an American your loving brother Nathan give me that rebels you'd never know they had a man in their army who could die with so much badness are there other letters sir I request to see a clergyman please request denied sir I request a Bible please request denied in the man of quiet gods Nathan Dulcy prefer have any last words I do sir speak them now it is the duty of any good soldier to obey any order from his commander-in-chief I have obeyed an order and I am here I am ready to my foe you soldiers of Britain my brothers I say may you be as ready as I to meet your end in whatever shape it might appear to my countrymen old and young I say let us never lay down our arms until we obtain our independence if I had ten thousand lives I would lay them all down if called to it in defense of our glorious new nation in defense of freedom freedom I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country well I think of how Nathan the way he wants me to write this story he knows Nathan's hanging will lower American spirits I'm not going to play his game the general does not know Nathan does not know America they most certainly does not know you let us remember Nathan's spirit his dignity and his courage and let us tell others it the same his world Nathan's worlds will be a weapon in defense of his cause power cause freedom but only if you write them James and we will need weapons now that we know the British have no interest in making peace James you must write this story I'll make him like it I shall help you Nathan hey Oh did not die in vain surely it is our responsibility to search out the seeds of victory and defeat in failure and even in death dr. Franklin will you do me a favor what's that my boy make sure my friend General Howe gets the first copy of this that I will James that I will
Channel: Liberty's Kids - WildBrain
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Keywords: liberty kids, liberty kids full episodes, boston tea party, liberty kids boston tea party, george washington for kids, liberty kids we the people, liberty kids constitution, liberty kids paul revere's ride, liberty kids bunker hill, liberty kids shot heard round the world, liberty kids declaration of independence, liberty kids midnight ride, declaration of independence for kids, george washington, liberty kids green mountain boys, the boston tea party, Hamilton, Hamilton Musical
Id: F3FTt3rRuhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2016
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