Libertarian Presidential Candidate Chase Oliver on Rising: Voters SICK of Two-Party ‘WAR MACHINE’

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[Music] [Applause] good morning and welcome to Rising we've got a really excellent show for you today good morning Briana good morning Robbie so we've got a number of great guests and then also this fouchy hearing is happening on Capitol Hill today uh we're going to talk about that later on the show and if there are interesting exchanges happening I'm sure we'll see them on social media and probably talk about them as well but right at the top of our show we're going to get to our first guest and that's very exciting now we're 6 months out from the presidential election most polls showing Trump with a slight Edge over Biden still one in four Americans have an unfavorable view of both Biden and Trump according to Pew research now one candidate hoping to give Americans another option in November is Chase Oliver who won the libertarian libertarian party presidential nomination last weekend and is here on Rising welcome to the program thanks for having me on I'm look forward to speaking to your viewers and uh thanks for the opportunity to speak a message outside of the two- party system on media fantastic well our viewers of course know that I am a Libertarian and I I follow close attention to the libertarian party uh process you emerged as the Victor um after uh many ballots um why don't you start by you know laying it out for us simply why are you running to be president of the United States well I'm running because voters are sick and tired of a two-party system that is quite frankly broken they are seeing dissatisfaction with Democrats and Republicans and they want something else and much of their dissatisfaction comes from the fact that the same generation for the last 25 years has been the generation that's in power we need younger Messengers we need people who are ready to speak to the next generation of Voters uh speak to their values and uh you know I've lived the experience of someone who's uh grown up in the war on terror years and who's had to get the you know started in the economy right as it fell out during the 2008 collapse and uh my family you know Generations uh or rather my gener is Raising families across this country uh from both the Trump and Biden white houses and it's time for something different and I want to be that option there was a lot of news about how Donald Trump was received at the libertarian convention um I think some were surprised by the push back that he got frankly that he doesn't get in very many uh circumstances that he's willing to enter into can you speak to whether not you were surprised by the libertarian party's reaction to Donald Trump and also about uh whether surprised that you were able to be successful over even folks like RFK Jr for whom there was a lot more interest it seems from within the party libertarian reception he deserved for his policies that he had in place when he was president the policies he ran on in both 2020 and it's currently running on in 2024 it's full of all kinds of authoritarianism things that would expand the size and the scope of the state both at home and abroad and uh frankly Libertarians reject that kind of messaging and you know we emerged Victorious because we have been a you know DieHard libertarian uh campaign for 2 years now we've been running for the nomination RFK is to run you know uh his campaign he's going to run whether he wins or loses he'll be gone after November if he doesn't win uh we're running to build a foundational change for our party to build our party up so we can tear the state down so I'm hoping voters can see that it's better to invest in something that can be built up over the long term uh than just a oneandone candidate uh one of the reasons that I think RFK Jr has found has found some reception among uh Libertarians I appreciate uh some of the opposition he's had to uh covid related mandates even though I I disagree with him on some on many other issues and even some aspects of covid but he was you know very strong against um against mandates there's been a perception even even among some in the libertarian party that previous iterations of the party uh did not denounce forcefully um enough the kind of tyranny that uh accompanied the covid uh regime um what is your view on that and you know do you have a message that is sufficiently you know sufficiently radical for people who are are are so fearful of what uh of of the amount of government uh Power that was expressed at every level by the federal level during the pandemic you know I think uh you know I don't want to rewrite you know go back and relive history but yeah I can say that uh probably in 2020 the national party was more focused on the personal responsibility aspect weren't quick enough on the take on how quickly this was turning into a very totalitarian thing uh I understand those uh uh those criticisms and I'm somebody who's always spoken against government mandates government lockdowns I support your right to do what you want to do with body uh and that you know involves completely separating your healthare decisions from that of the State uh and that that is a freedom message and I think that can be radically different than certainly what you're hearing from Donald Trump who uh was the person who locked down this country he supported everything Anthony fouchy was doing uh in 2020 and so much so that he you know touted Anthony fouchy and his presidential ads in 2020 go right into Joe Biden who continued these policies uh and to the detriment of small businesses Across America there are millions of small businesses that went away that will never be coming back there are millions of people whose lives were adversely affected by these lockdowns up to the point of not even being able to say goodbye to loved ones as they passed away that is a huge huge uh problem with where our government is being completely totalitarian and frankly it needs to be investigated I'm glad to see that there's some investigation going on enough if I were president I would uh uh bring a special counsil to Bear to see what wrongdoing was done and to prosecute wrongdoing via the Department of Justice Chase you've also been critical of uh authoritarianism as you describe it within the local police forces you've been a Critic of cop City going uh to cop City about a year ago uh to uh speak at a Atlanta City council meeting uh opposing cop City I wonder if you could speak to the roots of your opposition to um those kinds of uh Municipal Investments and also to the relationship between the growing uh proar protest movements and some of the authoritarian crackdowns that we've seen in places like New York City yeah so uh cop city is a particularly special issue you know I'm not I'm not saying I oppose all police training but cop city is to clearcut one of the largest green spaces in Atlanta it's going to cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars that we really could use to uh you know in a much more wise way to RIT the current facilities that already exist it's going to put a shooting range with an earshot of uh children going to school it's creating an entire mock City Block to learn us how to lock us down door by door uh and frankly you know the Atlanta City police uh really need to do more than just uh deciding you know hey we need to invest in better ways to crack down our populations we need to figure out better ways to address uh crime in our communities than to with the bullet and the badge getting to the root cause of poverty or crime rather which much of is poverty or War on Drugs the overcriminalization of our society and cop is an amalgamation of so many of these issues including the fact that you know people who were organizing bail funds were rested on domestic terrorism charges which just speaks to the huge amount of abuse that can happen from the Homeland Security State uh just because you're a political opponent of the Atlanta City government should be marking you as a domestic terrorist uh and so you know I stand for those who want police accountability ending qualified immunity liability for law enforcement uh you know changing the ways we uh address police having mandatory body cams these are things that most Americans can support and you know cop city is just indicative of the police listening to the will of the people we had 13 and a half hours of public comment nearly everyone opposed this facility yet the government still supported it anyways we got 105,000 referendum signatures to take it off the ballot and the city is still playing games and I tell you that is a bad because it's going to lead to uh many of these city council people and hopefully the mayor getting voted out in 25 can you speak to um an issue we talk about a lot on Rising these days of dissatisfaction from all corners from some Libertarians from a lot of people on the left with u Joe Biden's uh foreign policy what's going on in Israel I believe you've called it um a genocide you know what do you say to disen uh people who feel disenfranchised with the Democratic party and how foreign policy has been conducted the tremendous continuity in interventions foreign policy between the two parties is often something Libertarians um speak and and other third party candidates the green party Etc uh C can you speak to your foreign policy Vision yeah well if you're a young person who's frustrated with the American foreign policy and the American war machine uh I was right there with you when I was a teenager I was opposing the Iraq War opposing the machine of George W bush and the violence it was causing around the world and I've never stopped being a peace activist and so if you're someone who's frustrated with what's going on in Gaza seeing tens of thousands of innocent people killed in Gaza through the actions of the Israeli government at United States uh I'm somebody that you can get in the camp of I welcome you into the tent for Liberty because that's exactly what drove me out of the democratic party and right into the hands of the libertarian party the true anti-war National Party in this country uh and you know I urge you if you're a student who's sick and tired of the Joe Biden War Machine if you're sick and tired of excuses being made for innocent people being killed in h Gaza then you need to check out party you need to check out vote Chase join our campaign join our movement and really speak out against this and hold your leadership accountable war and War and Peace is about the most important uh uh policy decision a president can make and when we have a president who is uh the peace and sanctity of tens of thousands of Gins through bombs being backed uh you know backing the Netanyahu government I think it's time for us to speak up loud and clear and uh to speak out and protest and one way you can make such a protest is to say I refuse to vote for the Democratic party anymore I'm now voting libertarian join us chase I think a lot of what you're saying is going to sound really compelling to a lot of people who identify more as leftists and who are Green Party voters and I do want to say I appreciate your willingness to debate um people on the left uh from the um PSL party and from the green party and the like but I'm curious about your political Evolution when you decided to you know stop being an Obama supporter and do kind of the pivot that so many of us did when they felt that he betrayed the promises that he made on the The Campaign Trail I'm curious about your choice to go to the libertarian party as opposed to the Green Party or some other kind of left oriented party what in your view are the primary motivations for you to be a Libertarian as opposed to a green what do you object to about the green party's platform or what do you what appeals to you about uh being a Libertarian well really it's a matter of a philosophical Evolution you know um I'm a peace voter an anti-war voter because I ultimately believe in non-aggression which is the central PR party which is to not aggress against other people and that includes taking what is theirs using it through Central planning to disperse amongst other people namely the welfare state uh namely any kind of central planning from government so uh government is ultimately violence it's backed by the bullet it's backed by the badge and so as possible this is where I differ from leftists who want to seek to grow the government seek to say hey we just don't have the right government programs in place we don't have the right people in government my uh philosophy is that government is ultimately violence and we need to reduce it as much as possible to have more peace in our lives if you're living your life in peace without Force fraud coercion theft or violence your life's your life your your business is your business and your property is your property it's only when you're violating the liberty of other people that the force of government should ever if at all step in the way uh and so that is just a philosophical difference I have with many of those who are on the hard left uh even when I was a Democrat I was economically you know what I would consider a moderate de on the economic spectrum and that's because I've always believed in free markets the power of voluntary exchange and all of these fall right in line with the libertarian party you know uh and if you look at the philosophy it's quite sound uh for anybody who wants to seek peace in my life but also for the lives of my neighbors and in my community uh who were willing to live in peace with and just to be clear you referenced earlier that you think that much of crime is rooted in poverty uh as you were making your critique that I very much agree with with respect to cop City but if you you know have identified poverty as the root I might to understand that to resolve the poverty you don't believe in any anti-poverty programs that require any government spending um you know public housing um any anything along those lines I don't think the state is the best way to facilitate help for people in need uh frankly and much of the problem we have is we don't really have a truly free market we have a controlled Market uh and they use the power that they have over our lawmakers to basically give themselves sweetheart deals car bouts deductions all these things that the average entrepreneur who's just starting out can't and this hampers the growth of the marketplace it hampers the ability excuse me of new entrepreneurs to start their businesses to actually grow and survive and thrive in the marketplace rich and powerful and so instead of trying to say hey let's find better programs and better ways to you know move our money through Central planning and bureaucracies where you know they'll tax you a dollar and give you a dime I say just reduce the size of the state the overall and trust that through the power of voluntary exchange and mutual and direct can find the best way to help those in need in their communities just uh reduce R the size of the state overall give us our wealth back and let us be able to help our neighbor out I think it's going to be better facilitated through charity and nonprofit than it is through the bureaucracy of the state and we see this uh all the time in the marketplace how much more efficient the market can be and that includes in uh helping people in need Chase Oliver we so appreciate you joining us today thanks so much thank you [Music]
Channel: The Hill
Views: 11,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rising, Progressive, Progressive Politics, Democrats, Democratic Party, Republicans, GOP, Republican Party, INTV/ Chase Oliver, Independent, RFK Jr, Trump, Biden, Election2024, Libertarian President, US Voters
Id: aGsUGkDGVe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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