Lewis Black | The Rant Is Due best of Climate Change

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this is uh from nathan schwartz my parents have fully endorsed joe biden while i'm the only bernie sanders supporter i guess my parents want my future to be [ __ ] since they'll probably die off before climate change affects them um i think uh whoever is elected uh in between bernie or joe biden is going to have to deal with climate change whoever it is is going to have to deal with climate change that's just the way it is i wouldn't worry about that's the least of your problems nathan it's the least of your [ __ ] problems nancy cohen florida's new republican governor has lifted the ban on the term climate change but imposed by the previous republican governor rick scott for use in public documents the the previous governor is now a senator and voted to acquit trump is this progress uh no i think that was a softball nancy no that's unbelievable the fact that see when you as soon as they banned the word climate change you as one should have risen as a people and just gone down there and grabbed him and said we're taking you and we're going to walk you in to georgia and you just you should you should have been put on your shoulders and you walk up the state and get him out of the state [Applause] you're in you're in one of like three or four states where the climate change is so profoundly in your it's literally like somebody going well there's not an [ __ ] in my face and the [ __ ] is in your face we're not going to use the word [ __ ] we're going to call it sugar duster today uh the um i think it was today because they've all blended together and as i said i can't keep up with this [ __ ] but um the new head of the epa uh scott pruitt i think his name is and he is a uh a lawyer i think and um he doesn't believe in he's not sure about climate uh change he doesn't he doesn't think and so he's basically uh he's gonna get people together to do research to see if these gases really have an effect even though 97 of the world's scientists agree that there is climate change so we're going to spend some more money in order so that this douchebag can [ __ ] have his own private experiment so and so i just want to read something that i thought was apropos to that and the fact that uh i i think that um if i don't mind us being really stupid about things but when it comes to science wake the [ __ ] up [Applause] and those of you didn't what the [ __ ] do you do what are you still working under medieval things you've got like we'll find water today i've got a dowsing rod [Applause] a few years ago i noticed reporters saying things like scientists feel that or scientists believe rather than scientists think i thought it odd at the time but now i think it's dangerous arguing about someone's beliefs and feelings isn't science pretty much every scientist i know and i know a lot of them want their ideas tested sometimes that leads to bitter disappointment but it's worth it to understand better i've known scientists who have risked their lives time and again to get the data they need polar bears extreme weather the ski plane sinking because the ice was thinner than expected then crunching the numbers they get until they bleed meanwhile alex jones gets heartburn and starts raining about lizard people and climate conspiracy and he has more weight than those researchers he has more weight than those researchers to those in the white house i expect he does believe harder than the researchers but that's not the point good science is hard there always has to be room for doubt that doubt is how we make progress have an idea test the idea and keep testing it until it breaks and someone thinks of something better then test that good work by smart dedicated people is no guarantee of being right but it's the best of our ape with delusions of grandeur species can do and i will not willingly surrender it to the crazies it's happened before and i've always wondered how people could just decide believing is more important than thinking apparently we get the answer to that question i hope we do that's the kind of thing that is just cracker jack funny stuff that has made this show that i do but i think i'd i would be this is from david who lives in seattle washington and you know it had to come from seattle because they're just [ __ ] crazy up there they are they're [ __ ] god damn it it's almost socialist so i wouldn't listen to this [ __ ] i wouldn't trust it at all they're the ones who started starbucks those [ __ ] they've got us all hopped up so we're believing in this climate change [ __ ] that's what driven us to madness i just think it's [ __ ] important i mean i also think it's you know i've tried to say my act 100 times it has no effect so i thought if i actually read it and somebody had actually thought it out and loosened paragraphs it might sink into some of those of you out there who've been on the fence about science because he knows people that [ __ ] with polar bears and [ __ ] i would not [ __ ] that i don't care i would say i do not care what this test i don't care we're going to do a test and polar bears are involved and then we could save mankind well [ __ ] you no i am not going and getting the polar bear urine i'm not doing it this is uh this is from the new york post of all places because usually the new york post is just psychotic uh president trump's winter white house may one day be partially engulfed by the ocean climate scientists predict that his mar-a-larco property in palm beach florida will be impacted by sea levels rising more than six feet by the end of the century according to the national oceanic and atmospheric administration which i guess he'll be closing shortly why do you need to study the ocean boards there just look at it shut the [ __ ] up florida experts uh sent a letter to trump who is called climate change a hoax warning him of a threat to his estate many of florida florida's waterfront properties including yours they wrote are vulnerable to even minor increases in sea level because of erosion and storm surge this is not a distant threat climate change is making an impact today that's one of the things i won't accept when people write in if you don't think climate change is real don't try to convince me of it because you're and i hate to use this pejorative pattern are [ __ ] nuts it's real that's it i know you want to go put blind thing and i don't like the indian in the united states thing no no 99 or 98 of the world scientists agree that climate change is real so um what else do you need did you have a bad time in science did your science teacher make you cry if so when the scientists say suddenly go i mean that should it's just got to stop because we don't have time for it you know and and a big part of the problem is a big part of the problem is is that people you know what one of the things is people my age uh in congress people who are gonna be dead before the climate change thing has a real effect shouldn't be allowed to [ __ ] vote on it or talk about it just shut the [ __ ] up but if i live to be 98 i still get to say [ __ ] if we have global warming why did it snow in hawaii yesterday it is why in part they changed it to climate change you also have to realize just because it gets hotter doesn't prove that it's uh that we have climate change just because it snows in hawaii maybe god just got a little tired of vacationers there maybe god said i'm going to show you sir for something now shut the [ __ ] up when it comes to climate change i'm not i'm done there's no argument anymore it's real it's not a fake news thing it's a real thing with scientists and white lab coats figuring it the [ __ ] out that's just a [ __ ] fact and i'm sick of it and i kind of want to point out that hawaii i agree you know people go wow goddammit it was 113 today i got [ __ ] no it doesn't what proves it is is a lot of people go holy [ __ ] we're [ __ ] and they wear white lab coats and they have to be really smart because they had to pass all these tests and they're [ __ ] hard which is why he is not a scientist a lot of people don't believe in global climate change because and i found this out a while back on a visit to the weather channel many people there's a whole slew of americans who believe that the earth will be it's 10 000 years and that's will be the time that we're on earth the humans will be here it's 10 000 years from beginning to end and so the end is coming so why the [ __ ] worry about climate change that is that is the truth that it no that's the [ __ ] truth because the the woman would go to farmers and explain to them certain things about how they should deal with because the climate is changing and that's what we're talking about it's this it's the snow is it's the thing that there will be insane events that occur now some people will think those insane events is because god himself is watching and he's making things just nutty nutty nutty that's what some people think oh my god they're giant ticks everywhere holy [ __ ] god made those ticks to smoke people who knows who cares i don't even know what i'm talking about anymore but she did she would sit there with these farmers and try to get them to do certain things in terms of the the predictions of the weather and they'd say no we're only going to be around 10 000 years so we don't and they would dismiss it they would not even discuss it so it's important to continue to realize it's just it's the [ __ ] facts it's there's nothing to be argued with somebody is having that argument just put your fingers in your go why do so many people think global warming is a hoax i don't know if it's um i don't know if it's that many people but it's certainly enough that it's irritating i had people the other night i was uh we were in none i forget we were in napa or before napa and somebody in the audience couldn't get over the fact that uh you know i basically said like 98 percent of the world's scientists agree on this and everything this guy in the new york black flat fair was not true at all and they went nuts i just don't believe it's up for an argument anymore it's real climate change is real it's not not something to be discussed [Music] it's the reality okay that's the deal even even and what's amazing to me is these are the people who keep saying you know what we gotta we're you know we gotta we got 16 trillion dollars in debt and what about the children what about the children so meanwhile you're going to say you're going to basically try to get that money back and leave an environment for them it's a [ __ ] cesspool it makes no sense at all it's a chinese the chinese came up with it [ __ ] are you serious how do you even [ __ ] we live in what is called a post-truth error is what they're saying yeah that's well that's what they're [ __ ] saying unbelievable that's what they say and in essence in part we are because people read [ __ ] there's that whole group of people and it doesn't it's the thought that if you if you believe in it then that's more important than whether it's real or not that if you believe in it then it's real for you well that's really nice if you're on [ __ ] lsd we have got to get if we don't agree on what reality is anymore this ball game [ __ ] make america great again make america [ __ ] focus got to agree on what's real that's it's [ __ ] 65 miles an hour 60 on a highway 55 35 what you feel it should be it really isn't that because i've read in a goddamn [ __ ] i've written breitbart.fartlick that all of a sudden it's really 45 so i can go as fast as i want it's the same [ __ ] thing they're just certain things they're real things it's real we are we are flushing i've been [ __ ] i've been through this since i was in [ __ ] nine years old i was told it was that the [ __ ] environment was moving into the [ __ ] okay and my parents told me you think my parents are liars [Music] that's why we came up with earth day that's what earth day was all about not selling birkenstocks not other [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] or whatever the [ __ ] handicrafts or whatever you want to call it no it's about celebrating the earth and the fact that you had to basically we've got to tend to it that's what the goddamn bible says that's what it says in our part i think you're christians i think you christians didn't get enough of that in your text i'm so sick i'm sick of it that people come down that's right i mean the head of the epa the new head this guy from uh from oklahoma the attorney general there is uh has basically filed suit against the epa on numerous occasions and he doesn't believe that uh that there's climate change he doesn't believe in is it how do you pick somebody to head the epa who really doesn't believe in climate change i mean that's got to be a given you can't have somebody coming well no it's not really real and he's a businessman that's somebody i want i want a businessman in charge of epa i need a [ __ ] scientist i need somebody in a white lab coat he's done experiments couldn't you come up with a fake scientist huh come up with a scientist who doesn't agree with this [ __ ] then at least it would be somewhat tolerable as opposed to a guy who's in oklahoma son of a [ __ ] never even seen water never seen water jeff says aaron nigg the executive director of the rhode island sierra club doesn't believe we should act on climate change well that's really makes for a hell of a sierra club you're going to certainly want to send some money to them that's really right on top of that [ __ ] how is that [ __ ] possible what what the [ __ ] did does he know that you live near water anything any concept how the [ __ ] can you be the head of who the [ __ ] picked him how liquored up would you have to be to eating oh boy this guy will be great i'd like to hear about why lewis black rants because there's a guy who's the head of the sierra club who doesn't believe in climate change we just got a couple left i'll read them one one last night i was at trusses and uh i had i was watching some jams going on there there was a musical jam there and uh just then i wanted to keep drinking so it was with this i asked this i said uh you know submit something and he he did and this is from dr shank and it's 30 [ __ ] years ago a nasa climate scientist testified the god forsaken u.s senate the year 1988 the scientist james hansen don't know who he is you scientifically illiterate bastards google him it's kind of a big [ __ ] deal he was director of nasa's institute for space studies not just some joe [ __ ] shmo and this was all happening during a serious [ __ ] heat wave mother earth was holding up every possible [ __ ] mirror to our shitty ass gas-guzzling behavior droughts fires heat waves all that [ __ ] and hanson's there testifying in congress warning senators about climate change and that was 30 [ __ ] years ago if we'd had our [ __ ] together back then we might have been able to avoid some of this extreme weather [ __ ] but did we [ __ ] no we double down on our shitty ass behavior because why not [ __ ] over the only home we'll ever know you know even animals don't [ __ ] where they sleep but apparently we we didn't get the [ __ ] memo fast forward to 20 [ __ ] 18 we've got a white house that doesn't give a flying [ __ ] about science and it's doing everything in its power to get us all killed and as soon as it possibly and as soon as it possibly [ __ ] can it's like some new [ __ ] up state-sponsored terrorism [ __ ] dirty [ __ ] frack gas that can light your water on fire and contaminate the [ __ ] out of your wells [ __ ] yeah frack the [ __ ] out of it dirty [ __ ] oil that'll spill into your seas and pollute the [ __ ] out of your air [ __ ] let's draw more of it dirty [ __ ] cold that'll kill more and more americans with some black lung [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yes it'll make america great again all of us americans meanwhile get [ __ ] in the process hurricanes heat waves droughts wildfires you know bomb whatever the [ __ ] bomb [ __ ] thing that occurred again today are becoming as common as white house resignations even asheville north carolina hit its two hottest [ __ ] years on record in 2016 and 2017. congratulations you can thank president [ __ ] for that and it's only going to get worse if we don't seriously lower our emissions before the end of trump's term we're going to be seriously [ __ ] by global warming three years that's it and that's the timeline from the scientists not some made-up comedian type [ __ ] so either we dump trump and live or shut up and die those are our choices get ready to rumble [ __ ] and um disregard our discussion of global warming tonight i'm so [ __ ] fed up with the sheer stupidity that i hear daily from our climate denier friends their ignorance about the global problem of climate change is driving me further and further to having a stroke at the age of 21. they're right about one thing the climate has always changed but news flash the last time the temperatures rose at the rate they are now humanity was yet to exist and there was a [ __ ] lot of carbon in the air i personally invite anyone who thinks carbon is not harmful to give a blow job to the exhaust pipe on their ford pickup truck thank you albany take care good night
Channel: Lewis Black
Views: 190,343
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Id: -pUpVF1AlHQ
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Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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