Gen.G vs T1 - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: Pacific Stage 2

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information that's something that ji's very good at on reading those timings right now T1 just want to get a better read on the positioning out here the Ron B it out and that's a trade from IU one for one though and now it's going to be no Viper on the site of gen but of course no Omen for T1 so the smokes already dwindled on both sides yeah it's a great exchange a little bit damaging to either side but at the same time just a bit more control for T1 they're trying to wait to see if Genji wants to trade even further so slowly moving this is perfect for them right I mean it's all as intended oh they did have mid control and yes you split the numbers but you still have to hit the first shot and lacka continuing his performance right where he left off in Shanghai trying to really establish himself as the loia valerant as they say 30 seconds left I mean the Crosshair placement gen G they prepared they they're they're reading this they knew T1 is kind of slowly inching up towards it that's why every single player from gen are holding these backwards positions alongside the cross placement texture he shines in this position there's only seconds yeah dwindling down counting down it's one one good movement he's just SP time he actually wins out against texture the Left Right Movement favoring the Rookie of T1 now it's a 3v3 for the retakes bit of information already from Stacks the rest of the team from gen G starting to Rond devu alongside Kon I mean they going to have to make use of both Heaven as well as screens right I mean you have the space you have to use it but the big question is is how are you able to buy time around U here K just has to keep him tied up so the main forces can go in and it's perfect something's going on locky has to be ready for this and he can't get it this is absolute disaster for Gen all things pointing to a very very clean round here for T my goodness absolute Mind Games a double kill for a s player on the side of B while he slowly clears his back and everything else now gen the rest them alongside two specters trying to go for the retake but they got to be very careful and decisive with how they want to peek this one those specters against the rifles if you peek Out Heaven that way mm no no way yeah I do like that they're slowly clearing out ramps but at the same time yeah T1 they've just given ramps over entirely should have heard that and they're going to get the Ping with The Guiding Light as well Ry oh this this is all eyeses on this side though nobody's watching screens T1 got to get those comms ready you can't get too hungry for the kills here that's going to be two you can't challenge this guy like it the pinch comes in for munchkin he's looking to do whatever more damage he can def is already too late he cannot pick up a gun to continue the fight and T1 what looked and nowah player still just holding on to Mid and that's going to be the thorn okay mkin going to get a free clear but the perfect timing from T1 the pinch is right there and the just he denies it ISU will still finally stabilize onto the kill on texture things are getting a little messy across both sides but T1 comes out on top four to one on the remaining members meteor you have to save this rifle you're already on the other side of the map off of all the indirect information 10 seconds good hit manages to hold down the off angle first thing goes through but it's train from Stacks Kon has arrived on the scene in time but he needs to buy more time for the rest of te to arrive the flash pack what again with the flash pack it throws Karen off now the retaking a three on four munchkin trying to find any line of sight but T1 is not giving it to him T1 decisive just planting where it is safest gets the good spot from Mizu as well now sa is going to have his Crosshair stra he does get cleared out and now it's going to be all one V1 the timing favor in gen still a 2v2 stacks and ISU sta good for one and U down to a 1 V one you just have to play time sta he's been in these positions before I can't die here going against munchkin munchkin has to hold at least half he's got one shot but Stacks will clear with a 3K I mean it's it seems like a small thing but it's so much pressure against gen who wants to play off of information now they have the adaptations as they Swing Out along that trailer Rossy though taking down texture no operator for Gen really just waiting for the reactions across the map the comms have to be really good across all 10 members in the server right now has been spotted but it's too many targets as T1 just absolutely swarmed the site paranoia will get dodged by one of the members St still has his vision he Peaks out on the wide swing takes down meteor and it's just car on he's done some crazy things before but not today not a lot of defenses for geni right here you got munchkin with the pit is that going to be enough you've got the trips and it works out well for geni munchkin lands the shot through but here we go you still have ramps and heav to look out for T1 could infiltrate from behind seconds you can't go they try to go through no you can't you just can't they're going to have to save they're going to choose where to save cuz you don't want to get stuck around the pit I think they realize they just wanted to make sure they cleared their backs to make sure that they don't get all taken out from vents you know this has to be a bead and that's such a good read from ji as well keeping the weight on B oh you don't little pressure to Mid to but what a way to hold the off angle just around the edge of the smoke K firing off as well Rossy finding those tra pretty Dar good for it so far but one on one tries to flick upwards but munchkin just shuts him down call yeah in terms of the macro game I mean the decisions from gen as well it just looks incredibly good right now and they're starting to get proactive with is holding different angles swapping up the positions Karen getting that initial kill and then texture holding the angle up around a yeah so what we're seeing gen start to do is they're using a lot of these smokes to create these angles right earlier laka tries to peek under the smoke this time Kon above his own smoke o or above his opponents rather from the box and now they know that T1 likes to peek across the map so gen's been waiting for that timing Rossy spotted has to push away but lock is coming in from the side there's the shrouded step trying for the ba and switch but he will not fall for it he will hold his ground he's going to get out alive what a big swing then that has wobble T1 jji knows they have the numbers now they're looking for The Knockout blow as we end the first half it's a good snake fite being prepped for B main but Rossy he's not going to have the time for it it's a jump out the stacks gets two holds his ground now it's a pinch of Crossfire here for T1 but meteor his crosshairs are trained the classic good for three he holds it down and now back to two on two loo is a little bit low what is d1's game plan the spike has been dropped around the site they're trying to listen for any cues for them to go through waiting for the push out got to keep in mind he knows IU is right behind say holds down the angle gets the frag lakia down to 21 HP tries to swing around but SAA knows you said it will he has to get a kill if he wants to stay alive the paint shells already knock him down too much but he will get at least one dwindles the numbers just a bit as the tags come right on time forture can he get more than one no he will get shut down the trade from K over on the site two meteor brings it down to only one remaining member with the soul judge does have a rifle up top doesn't mind making the noise he wants to get whatever value he can exur it doesn't have to igel anymore see if he can focus back in on some of these frags trying to do a bit more economic damage cuz otherwise gen coming out with the Vandal and the Phantom still in hand should be able to that snowball the way his mind thinks so diligent in clearing every little corner every little bit trying to get us much as he can squeeze as much as he can out of this round but that said just hiding out on that East site has it back off but Saia trying to reposition off of the guing light usus here for the trade plays it safe gets out with his life laka took a huge hit as well down to 35 HP but the trademark it's not going to get the P anymore IU you're not safe here on Heaven a sight taken over exur where can he reposition too using the smokes to mask his position goes inside the pop flash the check is good from lakia paranoia which way is it exur you're surrounded can you get the wins the toxic screen it's absolutely denying his vision as meteor will pick it up with the classic great way to pick things off Frosty tries to get a little bit more space But ultimately denied this is going to have to be a save for T1 now as Stacks hides away over in mail room I mean gen G pushing forward onto the site they figured out where it hurts for T1 and they just keep on pressing so they get into sights for free right now texture goes all the way above but they haven't quite cleared Rossy he will get one but texture opens up the sight they've already got the crossfire he's trained onto it but the high low ISU good with the sheriff and meteor will cover the flank there is an operator on the side of T1 do they want to go for this retake see if they can maybe pick up any weapons clean shot from siia but no rifles easily recoverable still a big pick up none Jin continues to peek out I mean lakia yes you you won the duel the last round but you can't keep testing your luck like that now mkin all alone the spike still hadn't been planted just yet and gen knew they were surrounded 3v one munchkin the igl off he's been in this position so many times for Gen to pull the rabbit out of the Hat 30 seconds to do it T1 knows they don't have to do anything 30 seconds left there's absolutely no need uhoh The Guiding Light and now they know he hasn't stuck it so they will wait another 20 seconds that's the second T you know you still have more time there's the jump and there is the perfect timing it's actually stacked defenses on the sights geni trying to split them up oh texure train for it there is a showstopper not missing a single beat he does he check right under oh no there's an opportunity here for stacks and get he does get the double oh my gosh I was holding my words right there to the very end texture sure trades it out but the site not entirely open up just yet Rossy he spots the barrel he wants the he's going to keep up the move and exur is there for the support and once again it's a 3v1 this time the Rookie of gen but experience and Spades across the world as he tries to prove himself as one of the best once again here in Pacific reposition with the shrouded step trying to isolate the angles tries to get one he gets one Rossy low down to 46 HP the smoke to make sure that it's only one angle the reposition the gears are turning for Caron they're surrounding him he's waiting for it he's banking on the fact that they have to funnel in from one side towards the spike he'll clear the other angle first and he'll wait just believes that it's going to be the fake he can check the spike they're not on it just yet he knows they actually coming from the same direction and T1 flash Bamboozled paranoia sent has to just play for time and now K will not give the angle and it's going to be Kon bit given up for now but trademark still there two members up in heaven as well and here's his meteor what uh-oh the ultimate can he find him all right ISU he Rec clears it he's in a little bit of trouble but he is going to be able to buy time The Seekers coming through so jeni they have to wait waits he knows that it has to be another member already up in heaven the clear is good the guiding lights coming out on both sides Haven CED just yet going to the 3K from the Rays and munchkin finds himself in familiar territory against three members of T1 Spike down this time that's in his favor but can he get to it no Rosy will block the path can block off so much the rest of the team doing their job and getting the information Rossy might feel a bit of pressure with the PS now but he's still alive that's right tries to swing back to recorrect his aim but Karan will be able to take him down with that sheriff now it's a high low setup Stax going to have to wait for his teammates they are on sight they have his back they're able to cover the entry in from Main now the screen comes up though the paranoia Trailblazer to make sure that they trade timing for timing meteor meanwhile clears out the ASI but now it's going to be gen they have to commit to it and E goes in the spray transfer is clean standing two Taps standing and Si will answer back 5 HP for meteor no way it's so good trying to use it against him hides right under the rafter do you suspect this it's so hard to read say he gets the flick on to meteor he may not have had the read but boy does he have the reaction back trying to change the tempo but T1 they've got a crossfire here just waiting patiently pass the paranoia but gen the flood is too strong overwhelms the two members of T1 Shia player still watching with an OP over on the B side as well this retake is going to be very delayed if they even go for it at all and I'm thinking maybe they don't with the Weaponry they have just let this one pass yeah not sweating too much you know still four rounds in the lead geni trying to fight back but that this geni tiger Rush is only going to work for the one round right afterwards T1 is going to have to start to come in with some adaptations now what you got to admire though still is despite the crossfire setup from T1 ji breaks right through that's always so incredible the spike goes down now T1 going for some exit and you're absolutely right will I mean T1 sitting on those four Championship points the Mind Games from T1 the operator makes it seem like it's going to be the strong side over here and now gen they will be able to clear Heaven two members left on the site the smoke to try to give an angle for exter position gets red and Kon will answer back e he's trying to come through but he get stopped on the trip wire has Stacks trying to just throw every heroics he has ever learned throughout his career as a veteran holds on to the sight through texture as well it's all on Stacks low H he can't recover it and here comes the double blast pack with the show stoer sends it to heaven doesn't find the kill and it's going to be answered back from Stacks they do clear out excur from elbow texture hiding out in the open and he's still good for three with only so much HP now getting healed back up texture it's the same stuff that we saw in that match against her now online for the ace the flight PA the way he reads the map the way he knows where to swing where to Peak and his teammate's there just to back him up as well down to the last one s player only has an OP for this can he make it happen it's always been the best tool for Saia player but having to against three members yep three Champions coming off of a hot streak in Shanghai Zia looks to isolated it's a rough angle for him there's no way you win that one spray through the smoke does he connect with the last bullet and second one goes down just absolutely shuts down the push into the site meanwhile SI sh you're trying to make an opening but he gets H meteor turns on a snap on the mini map makes the call to his teammates they're ready for it and munchkin a little bit late on picking up his weapon but there's only 10 seconds left all meteor needs to do is take down the spike and he will wait it's just going to be Sal in the to Stacks as T1 gets shut down off of their only timeout in the very first round smoke come out so knows something is up they know that there's something waiting for them meanwhile it's a double team at the entrance of B so geni they don't really have a choice they have to go through where they still have the numbers advantag looking to push it sa player let one pass he actually gets it snaps onto him through the scope Ron de's out now only 10 seconds left sa still gets one but the sight has been cleared out pushes out is looking to stop gen now a 2v one lakia all in his own doesn't have his ult just yet wants to isolate the 1 V ones wants to get the first pick but Rossy swings around too fast to make sure they don't get taken off by a single pain shells the paranoia gets spotted butu swings out however they dwindle the numbers across the map still ahead 4v2 now as Kon stops u in his tracks once again snacks inside player on that double team two veterans L across multiple teams multiple records on their own can they make the impossible happen against four members of gen oh my God will it's just too darn difficult I I don't see it happening look at so much Vision so much information and the positions as well Karen is left undetected I'm worried about excur U has too many things to look at he needs to win the first he will not get it and now exur it all alone on the site Stacks has he been sighted perhaps not but now they know for sure he's already on the site he gets one and exq swings out tries to get extra trades T taken down xq all alone on the site trying to isolate angles waiting for them to creep in there's the noise that's just set up for munchkin as he has been wrapping around and excur has no idea waiting for texture to peek out they were trying to play it safe in case there was another rotation from gen but it just hurts them in the back a little bit of a fumble from the shots xar trying to stay alive but at the end of it gen with numbers The Pride the Tigers they continue to claw forward now all they got to do is to watch the spike texture has the showstopper it is too darn difficult will there it is he pops it off buying for time gets a kill for his troubles sa again and this might just be ji reminding T1 why they were able to pick up Pacific's First International trophy trying to make the impossible happen but time has already ticks too far and Kon knows it sa hands off the mouse and keyboard as sh puts it to an end picks up a 15-13 victory on T's choice of split they know that they can now pressure them onto that a site but the paranoia on both sides excur will calmly take down two as Rossy comes in eventually getting taken down by meteor now a 2v2 but Spike down in tree alongside excur still very careful it was a little bit chaotic for a second there but back onto it Fights Back Karen with a sudden swing out against Stacks though and that's enough damage exr still trying to maintain control over tree with a frenzy s player arriving just on time from the back ex swings out the frenzy it's good for now but the burst not enough on towards K it is a one-on-one where SA is full health though Saia here's a door he just needs to wait and there it is a single shot took a little while to get here oh there's going to be a couple half armors and IU right through his teammate's body will still pick up the first kill but Stacks not sure where to look as they know that there might have been a cross over by Rubble sa he's been spotted has to use both the reload is going to be slow the cover from rosi isn't good it's good enough for the Rond I'll tell you that and then the snake f as well from Rossi just to continue to hold them off but it's down to the three on three Locka might be a bit low but ji has the timing to get the spike down on the site can they get out of this without taking more damage t one they don't necessarily need to win the round but they love to take away all the weapons Rosy he's not giving gen a chance he knows with the lower numbers they might try to create a bit more of an opening meteor won't go any deeper though he needs to be ready to cover for his teammates go for a bit of a pinch and a trade over by the site still have paranoia too you know you want to clear tree so I wonder if that's what the game plan is s just holds down the angle and takes the shot not too bad ji still in a good spot though they might be able to play something through the smoke there's the paranoia Rosy goes in for the push not good enough though lock out reactions fast enough timer dwindling down and X cannot hold it down but the penetration that's the kills but shenji picks up the round off of the spike it's going to be that b site Stacks a little too late on that information kol was ready for it three sights geni uses every single one and now all they got to do is to hold these exits and look at the map I mean you've got Kon watching a you've got every single other player watching waterfall watching Heaven if anything's going to make it happen it's got to be the show stoer he's got to find a bit of value gets the first one but Shi trades so quickly three players gone from T1 and all that's left is s player valuable weapon in hands he's got to try to keep it in the hands of T1 oh here's a blast pack dud he knows he knows texture is on the hunt Saia waiting for it just hedging his b said it's going to to be the peak around water but now he hears the footsteps trying to stay alive with the tries to make sure he gets the better angle they'll open the door now is this a fake or is it a rotate over to B that's the big question for T1 as excur gets tagged behind the box he goes down and stacks he's all alone the trademark not going to stop enough as he goes down toward to force online though the slow will protect him the spam coming in from IU as I player knows his job is just to cut off the back of support and a 3K with the chamber ultimate to lead to a Thrifty pretty deep blast pack and team one's not expecting it they're already in the site by the time you hear the utility ging's been doing this a lot at Master Shanghai as well as now all the util duum goes through IU they'll trade paint shell for pain shell the feds both eating it in full okay now a 3v3 but sa player a little bit far from the action meteor already routing out the main forces of team one I mean that was plan a right was for exed alongside Rossi now Plan B SI might be able to pull up a bit of a flank still though the rest of the team has to stay alive long enough on the sight Rossy is doing pretty good job so far say lands a shot from behind on towards Kon but do they know where meteor is they're clearing the site and they see that he isn't here should have an inkling SAA has his sight straight down and puts meteor down to the ground that H should be good I me this would be a big round for geni they lose this round they lose momentum meteor off of the showstopper sound he instantly flicks upward it's great frag coming through now the rest of ji has a lot more space a lot more urgency with this lock down to take down the a site T1 yeah you can try to go for a couple spans but you will just overall have to give the space give it respect and meteor is digging so deep way fast you would expect oh and he's going to get caught though s there for the backup and it's going to be exur not able to hold on to the site and so quickly right as it started stats all alone gets picked off with bite T1 just can't make up their but is focused in knows his mission is to protect the seite he's going to go the poison cl to go for a double but e will be there for the trade he knows he can afford it because his teammates are right here now they're just looking for meteor has been spotted he's going to push up front now Rossy with the Odin knows that pull out animations is a little bit longer so he falls back just to reroute back to his teammate the spike is down and that is their objective yeah Rossi going for that decision and makes the correct call boy oh boy cuz if he had just walked in he knows he has to be somewhere outside of the pit but he can't quite find him and he's already all the way through tries to run in gun he's a little bit desperate to dwindle the numbers but it's not enough 3v3 Spike will get planted for ji not too shaby I love that decision making from Rossy but back to the matter at hand now it's going to be T1 with a retake where is the rest of geni going to be you have to expect that some of them might be on sight not at the same time lakia has that NF SS it through he has robbed T1 of their hearing now the rest of the ISU great heads up to as he pushes through the door takes texture down might just be able to play alongside his teammate but unfortunately goes down it's alongside as Odin now as Stacks fires on through carot has to watch his back has to watch every angle possible and it's just a little bit too much they haven't heard him leave just yet and Zia patien wait to pick up one kill now it is a 5v4 pit online for munchkin does he try use it to make sure that they still have some form of Advantage here on the site he will use it to cover the entirety of the site no way to get to the spike without entering the pit and that really puts s player at a disadvantage you need automatic weapons to work against a Viper pit like this let's see Rossy can do a little bit of damage while jeni tries to secure this spike plant down blast P just to try to throw him off buying a little bit more time but I don't know how much it's really going to do what is this he hops on over with the paranoia from maxq now Rossy firing in with the Odin they have the sight 9 seconds left ji cannot get the plant down it is 8 to3 in favor of T1 Jo stoer spots the turret he's going to use it just to clear it doesn't mind doesn't need to get a kill cuz now they have the information gen stuck at the door in tree paranoia out just to keep him locked in further oh you should run spring through with that Odin lock down being called in though but gen still trying to keep their options open but they have to watch their backs oh and it's going to be Rosy digging deep and can he get it he even gets the lock down right at the end in the last half second and now gen struggling to find an opening they will not a Flawless to wrap it up we saw an split side play of a hit Hunter trying to find an opening that's the first ru's away free Killin going yeah the fact that he stays alive that's big on the pistol round sure it's only 13 HP but the fact of the matter is gen they need to leave somebody here it's either that or they go for a full stack and now with lesser numbers they will have to wait the one way allows Saia to take a bit of breath himself the trademark there to make sure that they don't get out of the kill for free You' still got rossia around he's been very good about trading for S player on confirms presence double swing out and E he's caught with it survives with 22 HP gen they are not getting the advantages wanted munchin all the way down to 14 and now you say all right well at the very least a sight's definitely not the strong site I'll tell you that incredibly patient and yeah it's going to be a little bit tricky tough for our predictors guessing game predictors as well but right now just trying to hold the off angle Karen playing around the toxic screen so much pressure gets tagged up by Rossy Sheriff the rest of the team from T1 pushing into the site only loia has arrived is it going to be enough to deny that spike plant doesn't have the vision he's going to have to wait for the rest of this team two on four William yeah isu's pretty weak but the prowler's going to Spa him first lakia still good for the kill 2v3 it is doable it's a little difficult but doable for Gen however exur its position in the Smoke lakia he has a suspicion he's got the read but he doesn't have the shot and now only 14 HP for geni to try to bring out the pistol munchkin brings it down to two no way the spikes not in a position he would prefer the hans's going to spot him they no he's sticking the half and T1 the rest of the team will be able to sneak onto the site maybe sneak a spike plant as well and with patience they actually bound Karan and now they have the sight oh the position's very good from Stacks as well as he is able to open up just one more angle for T1 now they don't have to worry about all three angles on the retake just need to focus on quite frankly one coming in from waterfall cuz you still got sop player over by Mound as well Stacks good for one up top it is the to meet him and the trade not there it's close quarters judge reign supreme and suddenly the sight absolutely in control for J G The Outlaw will not get the pick texture's got the rifle in hand and Rossy can't find it to make it happen though and as the timer goes down to 30 that's when ji rotates back over just a check the sudden hit onto the a site now and the pressure is good Rossy ISU getting a kill of their own now pushing even further getting the timing onto meteor he was not expecting them to be there up around stairs at that time at all now it's all down to munchkin this is very much going to be now map Point William yeah revu being picked up okay clears out the poison Cloud for him meanwhile can't cover his own back and now oh no they're all getting picked off by meteor geni holding through loia true sight as he gets the head shot on to excur and just like that T1 they may have to wait for another turn however I I don't blame them right gen used to do this in the beginning of the year you get to map point and you say all right throw everything we got go for a rush we haven't done it in a while it's a curveball we still have several rounds in margin so let's just plant that mind game if we don't win the round so it's all about how does T1 recover from this if they keep greeting H that might not be good but if they wait for the opportune moment we'll have to see but for now can't really ever count snacks out sees one tries to isolate the 1 V one he's successful gets one meanwhile he should still have audio himself but as he's peeking around finds another one down to a 1 V2 STS with a triple but it gets shut down by munchkin they're waiting for a quick trade angle here munchkin he swings out gets one Messiah is quick on the trigger and numers Advantage still for T1 as they are on the doorsteps of the M win but the showstopper comes online has to send it the paranoia he's not going to find the target fast enough excur it from above all down to Kon with a bulldog and half armor he's on the site 13 seconds if he can get oh he cannot get anything as s player answers back for the slow orb to dissipate now T1 already all swarming the sight as well it's a quick flood trying to make sure that they can take control back of the sight and U just cannot get enough kills and all of a sudden Rossy finds himself left alone in the middle of the map up against four members of gen here running over while the spike gets planted really really tough for him to win his way out of this one as he looks for some of these angles and DS able to take out the camera gets down the first but that trip wire right in front of him he's got a bit of utility yeah and especially as a Geto here just getting a couple more kills could mean a big thing trying to get that thrash online early we see it come on very early on Sunset a lot of the times and now gen recognizes that they don't want to give up the free kills they say enough time has passed the wingman had just been used to scout as well so he's not going to be able to use that for the defuse until a little bit later no time left in the round and Rossi just looking for one more kill on the exit he gets one will not get the fourth but that is three points fast one trying to get past all of the early utility but there's the spam through the smoke the just can't get through the flash a little bit late but Stacks not late on the trade himself will still be able to hold on to Elbow still four members alive however the rifles were purchased just the previous round and gen have a couple upgrades themselves still three rifles against the four of team one gen G now slowing it down forcing T1 to have to fish for information here comes that utility that's going to be going on to cool down there's the MOs and then there's the After Shock he needs to get out far but he just cannot go far enough sa player really just has to get information gets an a repositions looking for the trade follow up as well lean through the box will get the second kill all the way through top M it's going to be more targets at T what barget for they have no idea yizu had no idea what was in store for him too many targets to choose from and lakia still here over on the lurk ready to pinch when the time is right he needs to get this kill and he will sight is now opened up for free CX curet going through the smoke early Saia catches sight of one but they need to go as a double team trying to get the spike excur goes in a little bit too far forward ahead of his teammates and he's all alone thinks he can maybe deny the spike plant and Saia I mean what can you do here sure you've had some great shots as the chamber but this time it's going to be none as meteor closes out and gen once again keeps the lead after that conditioning onto the a site it's going to be a fast push on to be the updraft and the dash deep in butur holds his ground in the Smoke will'll make sure he orients himself dindle the numbers thrash online for Rossy oh no that would have been a crucial kill but still the tra still numbers Advantage for T1 and now the thrash gen can they make sure that they have enough people staying alive all the oats being drawn out of T1 and gen may just have to be calling it as a satisfaction and say all right throughout all the power ultimates team is here to play alongside him but he has to stay alive metor just turns around the trip wasn't even off yet just having the awareness to check for it and now it's a three on four retake I mean how does meteor think to check once more when he still has the trip he would have been safe if he just stayed away but for now allai still on the rake as it tries to go through never mind it will get stopped as soon as it begins T1 does not even get to step into the site siia gets a consolation kill one point towards his Al but that's going to be it has to go for a save wants to make sure that he's not getting chased will just make sure he's able to punish anyone who follows through but gen now despite the smokes munchkin going to clear a little bit more get first information Stacks now finding those numbers back into the hands of T1 K finds the trade with positioning still up on top good parano from xq tries to send that go signal in but side player unfortunately gets shut down meter holding the off angle makes it that much more difficult for T1 to push through and gen they send something's different it's not the same reaction and this time it is the pinch the Dizzy set up alongside the Rolling Thunder there's a cyber ke there's the frag but it's not enough B2 there always has been but this time it's going to be three andu doesn't need three as he'll get the 3K himself dwindles down gen to two members and a fallen KO munchkin he will get raised oh but Stacks he's going to go for the trades and now down to a 2v2 but so low not even 50 HP combined between loia and munchkin SI is a little bit far away just needs to stay alive with enough time gone might be able to head over to a body and maybe pop off a res think that's what want to do Shadow yeah and J G might be looking to just gain more space they realize that this res might be happening the fragment just a little bit off but that lets T1 know minimum it's munchkin still over here and now that's all of ruse to try to set up lakia his ready for it he is cuz you don't see any further reactions and now the immediate ultimate as well I mean the read is perfect from T1 the timings absolutely ruined and now munchkin knows we spotted two of them on a site and a bit of a blunder here for T1 they let all the audio go over to gen and the spike will be planted thrash used but numbers advantage in this 4 V3 retake and this rotation you know takes a little bit of time for T1 to get over onto the B site maybe 10 seconds you don't have that much time to clear out the entire site right now surely you anticipate that they're just hiding inside of main but then it's such a tough fight lakia still has the shock darts texture incredibly sharp the smokes have been set up they're watching the angle Karen set up on top oh sharp with triple kill almost a fourth Lua not able to land the kill itself saacks taking a bit of Chip now surely you're ready for stack tries to fake it out but texture he has seen this time and time again reads right through the bluff takes out IU and that's the call for the execute but stacks on site TR on TBO that's a three for Stacks got this off angle they're trying to get pitched just in a good enough position to deny that wingman now the spikes out in the open ISU able to take a frag off though yeah meteor will have to reposition his ghost does get hurt he tried to only fire one shot to B him out he's trying to get ahead of the wall does he find the opening the Cyber cage goes up but Rossi already too fast into it the wall perfectly placed they'll still watch the small crack as well sa aware of the limitations of the sage here on the B site texture with a fast flank he gets one un Stacks that's a breach down they have to clear the flank first if they want to have any pece of Mind needs to be a double team texture buys time for his teammates trying to go and stick the defuse Karan gets one bide with a quick trade nobody on the spike just yet texture now coming back to try to open it up for metor who gets to the reload siia now he knows textures coming in from one side he can't get through the wall he's only in close and the swing God find an opportunity but he will have to back off for now the paranoia is good it opens things up for U but they don't quite have full control yet finally taking down meteor lakia and texture gets a trade each trying to hold down the crossfire secur fires back now they know they've targeted them all the way through dizzy sent out so you still have the numbers Advantage three to two wall will be used to make sure that there is no rotate Saia positioning himself aboveall locks it off a little bit too tougher retake for Gen now despite you know making it actually winable spotted out the angle though Kon just right underneath now lck on the other side pushing past the smoke once it dissipates it's all down to Rossy one on two clear angles but no Escape Route he has to land every single shot it's a good off angle with the smoke forces him to bounce out he needs to chle it and he will that's a triple for Rossi very good stuff and I got to say this is where gen G feels the most comfortable within range to strike down T1 T1 has to watch our backs they're waiting for the cool down to go off and here comes the thrash unfortunately not quite able to spray it down and that's the go butt for T1 excr presses on the pressure shot steps into the back of sight waiting for those flashes to go through he wants his teammates to peek alongside him able to purst down texture that off is far gone oh the trip wire is good but the backup even better from T1 as they're trying to back in never mind kot's backup absolutely Monumental breaks things down goes through the CRA finds a third kill as well Stacks trying to make sure that they have control of the site the spike has been planted it's a battle for time K says he's not done just yet Gap big enough to walk through it anti exur good timing on it but Karen even faster on the jiggle the round should be going T's way all things considered oh never mind we did not consider all the things as you see the spray and Kon he wants to get finally gets erased wall up and EO finds the kill onto meteor as well ready for the pop flash not ready for the what is the world that just walked right into his Barrel the muzzles going off in the face of Munchkin unfortunately second thrash now going through Kon though able to peek out takes down U Hamer for AER and that's going to be now the call to save I mean jeni obviously trying to preserve this operator for texture they have some rounds left that they can you know still play alongside this so that's why I'm a little bit worried although the spike is going to go off is still a team that you want to watch out for lakia now getting traded off by Rossy they have that Omen ultimate they're just going to full send it they realize if the opp isite mid surely the site is empty but that's a counter ultimate from Kon Stacks get one but right now exur he's all alone he cannot try to stick the spike just yet cuz then he's just going to get swarmed 10 seconds left backup needs to arrive but texture is ready for he misses the first shot Yu gets the kill and now excur starts to PL K on all alone in no man's land how in the world does T1 flip this round I don't know that was xur's calling or what but that mid- round decision was fantastic cage along with the fragment as well on the spot from munchkin K Kon and munchkin will continue to fire through good trades from Rossy and IU though IM metor still alive over in B main I don't know if they realize this at all Ross he's not ready for it stack thankfully does the trade Spike recovered now waiting gets ped texture dashes in SE and he sprays him down realizes IU sticking to it with the tracers sta tries to draw them out here's the sheriff goes for the vault line wants to get the peak on to one he wants to isolate the 1 V ones but can he do it now they grouped up it's a 2v one no matter how you cut it and J no reason to rush all you need to do is group up and then timing in favor of lakiaa and texture oh that's not a good sign Saia quickly calming everything he just saw at the thrash goes in but Kon goes ahead of it they have no idea that he has shout to Bo he wants all the information he wants the spike he wants kod holds it down for Gen only 10 seconds left they will get the spike plant but texture they have no idea where he's coming from they've never seen him in this round it's now a One V one Saia versus texer the reigning champion from Master Shanghai brings it home for Jen G
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 58,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant vods, vct, vct 2024, valorant champions tour, valorant asia, valorant pacific, geng, geng valorant, t1, t1 valorant, t1 highlights, geng vs t1, geng - t1, geng t1, t1 geng, t1 vs geng, t1 - geng, daily valorant, daily valorant highlights, dv
Id: cq-tZMMkwjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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