LEVELLING UP THE GODZILLA REX!!! | Jurassic World - The Game - Ep474 HD

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need to find the right emoji yes hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of jurassic world the game where we have unlocked of course tarbosaurus yes yes that's right i missed out on the the dell officer gen 2 but i didn't miss out on this one no so let's collect oh you kidding me i have everything i could have got freaking coin and i've already got full food well what a waste of time that was oh but three thousand nine hundred vip points i don't think so that's pretty good um oh god what's this brace yourselves a new phytopathy has come what phytophygy is coming well that's iguanodon from jurassic world alive right but that's that's 100 what that is yeah okay well brace yourselves guys that's apparently coming uh oh let's claim did we get anything good oh look waste of food and oh no some dna that's not so bad uh what was about 10 free ones i don't really care oh already we're oh we're doing way better than the other one and oh okay but what is this oh it's the boss it's the dear boss oh i got you okay so we have um hold on i need to we got we've got so much to get into because not only have we unlocked bloomingtarbasaurus but um we're actually for the first time ever gonna kind of progress with the story but should we try and see if we can get tarbasaur max level oh no no tomahawks oh tom what you like eh always on these boats you were attacked by pirates last time oh yeah 20 minutes off it saved me what like one book if not well here it is the main reason this is because we have done barry's bloody mission now we get to see the rest of the story do you remember what it was because i don't i don't hear anything do you [Music] oh just that hissing sound it is an unusual pattern for a raptor it's blue she's hissing the word for danger in morse code what you thought you wrapped us morse code we'll talk about this later okay oh and here we go zack who remembers these kids remember remember i remember look at these weirdly shaped wings that tore off from the cabin wait what how could i miss him they're either completely smashed to bits on the ground or hanging off jungle mines but yeah they are kind of crazy looking if dad were here you think he could probably tell us what kind of plane it was where's the destroyed plane not sure i mean for starters what kind of plane is only one visible engine look i don't know man i i i know nothing about planes go away well there we go we got some xp uh we could claim some extra food as well gotta have that um is there anything else oh yes super dna gotta get that on the go too so let's plonk in turbo friggin saurus so this was a vip only dinosaur um but don't worry if you're not a vip you didn't miss out much it's another freaking carnival where's tabo it's gonna be down here tarbone come here there you are oh it's way better than deloffo ha i'm glad i got that one wait is it vip it look okay it's a vip creature wait what do you already have a tarposaurus i already have a time as a god damn it after all this time i i mean i wasted loads of books on well i don't know how do you um how did you get another toposource is he like um is he in a solid gold pack or is he in vip only where is he oh he's in vip only so the only way to get him is to spend 35 000 on a chance to get him or a guaranteed with a 50 000. whoa well there you go we could at least get it to level 20 i suppose i was going to say that was a lot more i guess i i would have rather have gotten the dilophosaur gen 2 because that's a tournament creature but i didn't realize i had this in level 20 it looks like it's gonna be really useful so let's get level 20. so there it is 1554 health and 902 attack health isn't the best but attacker 904 at level 20. oh i'll take it also you may also hear also also also that i have switched back the microphone into the regular mixer so it should sound good for whatever reason go xlr with this kind of microphone it the microphone itself is too good it's too sensitive and go xlr is kind of like i don't know it can do loads of sound effects and stuff but like if i just want nice good audio quality this is how i do it so what i'm gonna do in future is have this kind of setup for recording videos and then if we're recording streams and stuff we'll switch to the go xlr where we can do sound effects and stuff and i think that's all right for the two seconds it saves me putting in a sound effect it's really not worth it because um i i mean i've messed around with it loads but for whatever reason it sometimes it just peaks and the audio call just doesn't sound as good especially when i spend hours and even days in some cases on um on the aisle videos and then i you know i watch through and i'm like oh god this quality could be way better it doesn't matter what i do i've tried switching all the compressors up and everything uh talk to ryan you know right he's a sound dude and he says it just sounds over compressed um and like even at zero it just sounds over compressed it's it's weird uh anyway anyway here we are we have the b dna remember guys look down the description below i didn't realize that if you click on that link not only do you get the previous rewards which is dna books and i think vip points but you also get boss dna had no idea that that was also an addition so we managed to get all of them and the last one remaining is complete 25 daily objectives so you need to do that i think you've got like three or four days to do this and you need to do them all basically if you miss out on a day um you might not be able to get it because if you get this last one not only did you unlock 150 boss dna but you also were like 180 for just generally completing them there you go look at all that dna yes and takes us to over 800 and i mean if we got all of this we'd be over a thousand dna so you know what that means we have to quickly go off to isla sorna and find omega so that's the real reason why they gave us all of this extra space was to unlock this guy so we can get to level 10. there it is at level 10 nothing particularly special particularly special at level 10 maybe we get an extra oh it's level 11 plus we get anything extra when we do level 11. no no we don't so we can get it one two three four there you go level 15 with 1 797 attack and 1415 hell but with his boss events you know i mean we've seen them and we'll do them again but it's mainly health i mean omega can pretty much kill everything in one hit it's just the health you need to watch out for so there's another hundred bucks and vip points this creature is highly combative or combative sorry and prefers to live in solitary uh well who would have guessed likes to kill everything and of course we can say that because we can we actually got more super dna for finishing in the dominated league but really we need to complete the 25 objectives uh of course do not forget to collect your t-rex must days uh luckily these do stay because i think when usually with these events if you don't collect them on the day and it clocks over you lose them but the other day i had like five oh yeah thank god so that's another 150 frame here be a book sorry all confused with all the currencies i deal with um so we got battle for survival on the tides earth shattering we've got six days left to maybe do metric at thesaurus i guess we could try it but i mean really we're here for this ultimate objection ominous engagement and ominous engagement except we can't do the last one because you need to be over level 30 plus which i may have been able to have done if i didn't realize that once i unlocked omega then i couldn't collect any more of that lovely easy dna um but once you collect omega remember you get a new set and it refreshes every every three or four days which isn't too bad but i mean i was in a unique position where i was given all the dna which meant that i could have got more but you know what i'm happy i got it that's that's what we're here for right so let's do ultimate objection so we need to defeat 19 enemies instead of 20. um let's see let's see so i guess we use omega shall we for 30 bucks let's go oh yes against a little raptor um right okay you know what should we just go for one hit right away let's go for one hit rubble you're dead son yes i just want to see his victory animation we've never won one of these events and we've increased his level by six now so we've got a way more we gotta have way more attack and uh we got a lot more help so i'm just gonna go for two hits here just in case he blocks for one which he did um the prodigals will come in next and the will have like 20 attack they're 24 but we do have 19 of these boogers to take down so it's going to get a lot harder um already we're on rares at level 33 so you know what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna i'm gonna reserve here best case scenario i can make him waste all of his goes and i get the most please go for four attack although even like a tiny hit dude i need that 24 you bugger you so here we go we'll put four and then three and that's it and now we can start going around paige see wouldn't be i was tempted to go for an attack hopefully it goes for four that's the best case scenario okay so he's got two blocks could be worse could be a lot better could be worse john but we're gonna go for one two factor in that one and then one two a three just in case in case he didn't block but he did but he did just playing it safe just playing a tape it makes you think differently and what i like about getting the boss dna it makes you think about battles differently so instead of just completing some uh you might be like oh well i can keep on redoing this battle because it's free and i get to do 50 amphibians over and over or sorry three to get to the 50. um so i'm gonna go for i'm slowly gonna get it back to four reserves um because i'm not liking the ichthyostega who's gonna get the bonus on me and if he does like four hits he's probably gonna kill me oh okay that was good little int's going for an attack there um i'm gonna go for four reserve and three block i don't know what he had and yeah i might have went for two don't think i would win for three okay so please go for five i mean i'd rather take that i'd rather take that oh nothing oh no um it's getting risky like over four blocks oh no oh no that's an eight oh it's a seven oh can hit me with three that's gonna take that's gonna take a big chunk okay hit me for one right so he's got two blocks that's okay i'll take the little hit so he's got two block uh one kills and and two and then one two three four i'm gonna go for four just in case he didn't block oh we did okay so we've survived the next round no matter what so that is four taken out oh my god look at that 300 300 how much can it do oh that's good that's good that's good he's only got one block probably so how much does magic candace always do in comparison oh it's about the same actually okay so one one and then i'm just gonna go for three here i'm just gonna go for three he did go for it that's good but we're in it weren't up we're in a bit of a bit of a perilous apparel perilous that sounds like there's no peril there's lots of peril lots of peril here we're in a very perilous situation perilous that's that is it right the situation perilous but saying something's loose is like parallel it has none of it okay well i'm not here to contemplate the complexities of the english language we're here to kill things yes so come on hit me for two hit me oh god this is level 60. oh that's good yes okay we're gonna do even more risky here they seem to always go for blocks though i'm realizing this yeah they always whatever they don't attack with they they usually go for block okay so the exo's ichthyostega level 16 coming in now um right so we can prob we can safely go for four reservation full block yeah yeah i think you might have six and i don't mind being hit by two yeah and he's probably only gonna go for five they never go all out uh oh i say this time that's a big hit that's a big hit oh that's not so good okay one one two three and one two three four are we ever gonna we need to like level 40 to do it it's so tough come on we've got up to silver before i feel like we've got up to silver i could be wrong though maybe we've got up to bronze uh oh okay okay we can't take two hits we cannot okay however oh let's just kill it so one factor in two one two three and then two please don't yes oh take the 354 attack down to a pitiful 104 i'm happy with that oh god and then comes another thing really oh 304 oh is it gonna kill me oh he didn't oh that was close uh one one two three four i have to i have to russell die okay well we got up to the silver i don't know if we can kill two more guys i really don't oh it's krypu sutures oh he's new oh nice oh god oh okay uh yeah we're pretty much dead no matter what here because if i go for two he knows that one it can kill me because tony callagharis has got 200 right so the only thing we can do is risk it that's the only thing the chances of us actually getting to go silver reward is very low so what i'm gonna do is just risk the biscuit i'm gonna go for that uh there was the one block if he goes for three or higher we've lost either way it makes no difference and we've lost okay yeah oh megan no just falls over and dies well there must be an easy one that's tough it's so tough i wonder if i should just go all out attack i don't know okay so that's that one done that one doesn't refresh so now we've got to defeat 20 opponents so what is the difference nine foes so we gotta defeat nine then 14 then 20. so this one's a little bit tougher and this one is only 12 but you do need to be over level 30 for it so that's technically easier interesting interesting um i've seen people use omega in the versus battles which is interesting um it does look it says like the boss is highlighted there maybe it's classed as a carnival let's have a look can i actually use it or is it just restricted to maybe at level 40 maybe a level 40 you unlock it into the regular battle arena yeah yeah i think that that must be the case unless it's just hacked so let's do the times 20 let's let's see if this is any easier ah yes start out with a very easy one yes uh go first okay well there's one out of i mean you're always gonna do this even if you have omega level one you can easily do this you can probably get the silver to be fair it's steep because you don't get much health each time when you level up omega you really don't and every hit you feel it every single hit uh i'm just gonna i mean there's nothing you can do right he's got two block max i may as well that 27 attack gets turned into i think it's lower oh it's 35 never mind okay it's a little bit higher did they look easy they look easy but i don't think they are uh oh he goes for one is that right okay uh so he had four right so we just go for four we definitely killed him oh perfect yes just what just go through yes trundle through the competition oh and a stegosaur so we need to quickly get through this guy to then get to the nerf stegosaur and then maybe i can take a breather uh okay here comes two okay that's this is good actually this is really good so we can go for one reserve and then three attack no matter what happens okay so he's gonna have five so there you go oh this is way easier what the other one was right here we're already into bronze oh okay never mind bronze is a load however we're still down in the lower ranks here okay here comes three hits that's gonna be like a hundred right oh it's okay that's okay i can take that two three four uh i'm gonna i'm gonna reserve here i'm gonna reserve yeah yep because i see that labyrinthus labyrinth or whatever it's called don't like it okay here comes three out of his four okay so just two hits he's got one block could be worse uh so two two and then four yep okay here we go here we go come on can we get to gold we leveled up six freaking times and it's gonna get even harder now because it's it it takes more each time you level up omega and we'll probably only get one more oh three out of us four i think that was okay okay 92 okay so one two one two one two three four yep there it is keep going i can do this keep going we got it we got it we got it yeah the last part was way harder what come on just keep attacking yes keep on doing it oh allah saw you're going down one two one two one two three four is that just how we do it yeah it seems to be the way i like it right takes down allosaurus come on two more two more i mean the attack means nothing i could have 300 attack and i'd still be in the same position okay so he's got two block now but good news parasaurs coming in next so one one two and then one block and then four reserves just in case oh yeah perfect so 62 attack gets turned into 38. that's good this is looking really good these these enemies are super easy uh okay three that's good it would have been a lot more of uh allosaurus went for us or car no sorry so that was three right so he's got one block i think he had one block he might have had two though nope there it is okay gallo mimeras comes in next that 38 attack turns into 44 so yeah a little bit tougher but there it is silver awards done i think we just did it last time we just got into silver so let's even get into gold so that was two uh one two uh how about that how about that i think he he might have six and that'll be a lot with pyro after this time oh it's a hundred i think he goes if he's got six oh if he goes all out it'll be close it'll be close if he goes all out oh he does yeah oh no he killed me damn it oh but we did we got into silver we got one battle higher than our last last effort going to menace league and we won of course would you believe it i think it's like 90 chance of getting that i want to give that another shot though oh it seems easy come on guys can we at least get into gold right we can at least get into gold come on we only got one we only got one into the gold sort of lead up but it's definitely doable it's obviously random as well if we just got a bunch of herbivores we'd be safe i saw that power after too late when i saw that pirate enough i thought to myself actually if i've only blocked for one here this isn't good oh this is okay this is okay there you have it undone i wonder what the last ones are like just in the level 10 legendaries or level one vip creatures do you think um should we just go for three attack i think yeah may as well right there's a big leap though once you get like to get that silver and then the gold so huge okay four that's it's damaging numbers if he does go all for it which he didn't so he's only got three blocks so we may as well go for four here because krita source is up next oh his cryptozoo's gonna have six it's gonna be a lot of damage though gonna be a lot of damage six two four six it's gotta be like 200 200 if you oh we went for four though that's over 200 sorry 118. she's got two block so we can go for three ah and then nozodo's up that's good oh and he went all for it that's good so 19 gets turned into a little bit higher because that's the next evolution up so 25 but for the first time i've reserved okay two attack not bad not bad not bad i'll take that um and in this in this case i'm gonna go for four reserve one block that's what i'm gonna do because yeah he's used to all up actually two okay only one hit this time a possibility of two block um and he's probably gonna go for it let's be honest he's gonna go for it right so i'm gonna do that he's gonna go for his two block he does go for it so worst case scenario hit by two from kappa sutras um which is only 150 which is actually still quite a bit for me um oh come on oh that's not good okay um oh the floppy's even harder no it's gonna be like 90 damage it's giving 90 damage if not even more i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to yep yep i'm gonna have to just go for four block here just in case i need it depends what's after flappy spinosaurus [Music] oh just go for six please go for six please oh five oh that's good that's good it's a lot of damage but i'd rather he went for it all um you know what sod it sod it i'm gonna hit if i get hit by four from spino i'm okay i think spiders too crazy in the damage department 63 yeah i can definitely tank this if he does go all out man it did dippy yes oh okay two that's not bad that's not bad okay so he's got a possibility of two block so one factor in two uh one two because i'm not gonna risk even with the only way for one okay that's fine so that 63 attack gets taken down two uh 39 okay not less than half but still a considerable chunk off now this is where it gets tough guanlong's oh no i think i need to go for three block here i need to go for three block i think i do one two three oh i can get by four if he goes to seven i'm hit by four oh okay one attack so four five six seven he's got three block one two three and i think he's gonna go for it all out oh okay he's got five oh okay okay that's fine that's fine um so he's got a possibility of seven here i'm just gonna keep on this i'm just gonna keep on this okay so he's got six he's only gonna hit me with two sixes attacking numbers for this kind of bot um okay five one block that's fine that's fine he slowly wheeled down my health a little bit it's a bit annoying but this is the best situation to find myself in um i'm gonna go for three just in case he didn't block and he did that's okay oh come on there we go back so this is where we were last time and we're in a better situation oh argentinosaurus get in oh that's safety 80 oh goes for two he's got two block um so i may as well go for three on two i'm gonna do that i'm gonna do that in case you didn't oh we did go for it okay here we go three more three more another herbivore please oh yes yes it's good 36 36 he's got five i know he's got four he's got four please go for four please oh he goes for three that's not bad that's not bad um i think this is my chance to to do to just get my reserves back i think i think um yes yes sorry oh come on go for four go for four okay that's fine that's fine do that do that i'm gonna go for three block now and four reserves and then we'll back up we just we've got two herbivores and then a mystery and if we kill these two herbivores and the mystery we just got all out as soon as the mystery comes through just try and kill it just go all out the good thing is with omega uh we can go for a last-ditch effort and it doesn't even matter it just takes one attack to go through and we've killed it so once we kill these herbivores we'll do that that's what we'll do okay so he's got four what are you gonna go for buddy please go for four and one really okay oh i don't like it i don't like it i don't think even with four he can kill me here which is good um only went for all that block that's that's okay that's okay we just gotta wait we're gonna time our moves perfectly here and that's not good um he did block for three but i've never seen them block for four um so he's got six i don't mind being hit by two if he wants to go for six i'll i'll take that trade there's not an opening there's not an opening i feel safe oh okay that's good that's good back just all fine now okay come on five you can do it go for five no don't go for two oh come on if it was three i might have been tempted oh i'm just gonna keep he hasn't hit me once though so that's good i've still got almost 700 health so five come on go for five oh stop going for two stop it is he is he stuck because sometimes they do get stuck in a loop oh no he's not no he's not i've had six now yep come on come on go for six go four six come on no stop it i've come this close i need to get into this i don't know whatever we're gonna win but ah we'll see we'll see okay it's back to four come on don't go for one don't go for two don't go for nothing that's even worse oh come on right so he's got six come on is it because i've got loads of reserves and stuff is that why he's a bit worried that's it that's it there we go one block i'll take it i'll take it just took some time to get there guys let's talk sometimes so one two and one two and i'm pretty sure yeah i'm happy with that yep okay we're only taking two hits max from diplodocus 36 attack turned into 45. oh and it's a bloody amphibian oh okay so we need to take this carefully here guys um yeah yeah yeah i could take out the prodigals easy however i it'll leave myself open it'll leave myself over from kappa such as if i'm not careful and he could easily kill me it only takes three hits if that okay so that was two right he's got two block so i'm gonna risk the biscuit and go for that i'm gonna go for that there we go so it doesn't matter what kappas you just does we've survived um yeah oh it's a stegosaur afterwards we might be able to well we've already got seven to take out i don't think we're gonna do oh three three comes through has he only got one block i think he might only have one block one two uh one two one oh oh okay there we did it we did it we did it we got through we got through guys um on to the final round two three four five six we've got six to take out here um it depends what stegosaur does here oh no it's tricky um i have to i have to go for three i have to go okay that's that's uh is that good oh i might be to come with four okay okay he's got two blocks he's got two block whoa it takes a bag to the to the head um so we've got two one two three one two three there we go we're slowly climbing back up slowly climbing back up is it doom of level 15 omega09 can we do it uh okay so now i'm gonna go for three block and four reserves it doesn't matter whether we die here now or the next battle we just need to kill six and we've gotten through so whatever happens here i'm happy so four she's got two block so we have taken a few hits from the stegosaurus just to get back up higher um but now we're safe i think one two three four unless he gets seven or eight in which case we're kind of screwed but microbusaurus is the biggest threat here at level 10 he's gonna have like 200 attack um oh is that an all-out attack i think that was okay i'm going to take that so what is microsource's attack gonna be [Music] yeah it's like 180. so one two three uh just in case just in case i'll spread that out okay there we go so we're surviving we're surviving i think this is do but i think you can win this it's just how how many hits you end up taking uh so it doesn't matter what he does here please go for four oh come on ah that would have been perfect if he went for four oh okay he's got six we're dead if he goes for it if he goes for six we're dead don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it ah yeah yeah yeah i mean it's all look but we did it we got into the uh the gold league didn't unfortunately win so still have yet to see his bloody victory animation but still 90 chance to get food or coin and assembly says coin okay ludy you want my feedback i'm spending how much books 20 books a pop do not make especially even up here at calamity league uh the prizes 88 chance of food or coin that's awful that is absolutely awful everything else higher is like less than one percent even common dinosaurs are less than one percent so 88 uh 92 95 97 so there's 97 chance of you getting resources and three percent chance of you getting dinosaurs three three percent i want to say like gun in legendary's 0.002 or something ridiculous like that oh well there you have it guys sorry i thought i was going to showcase uh tarbusaurus forgot you've kind of already seen it but there it is so oh yeah i was going to say i've already collected omega haven't i but anyway guys thanks for watching um i will of course keep on doing the daily objectives and the boss dna collecting it all on videos so you get to see the leveling up and i think that's the most satisfying bit when you see the attack rise but uh yeah if you enjoyed this video leave a like until next time i'll see your cuties later bye you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,100,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: YUeNl69jFuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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