Leveling a Loaded Container in the Field with a Bottle Jack

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hi YouTube Eric here today I'm going to do some field leveling of my container when I put my container down it ended up settling and this door these two doors have gotten hard to open simply because this container is leaning over about one inch every six feet and so I'm going to jack up this corner and I'm going to stick something underneath this corner and then the container will be level so let me show you the tools that were used first I've got a magnetic level and this is just so I can get quick and dirty into the right range and then I've got a six-foot door level which is what I'm really going to use for for making sure I'm true and then the gadget I'm going to be using to Jack the thing out up is this rascal in it this uses a bottle jack and the Bible Jack sits on the ground and this cam goes into the cam lock of the container and the bottles exits underneath but for 20 ton bottle jack this container is filled with household items and so this will allow me to jack up the corner of the container [Applause] [Applause] he's all pretty heavy so hit this right you got to get the bottle Jack straight of course I'm putting the sod dirt so it wants to kind of waddle around a little bit the container moving on upward except this a 20-ton bottle directly the container weighs ten and a half thousand pounds empty it's a double door it's a 40-foot high cube and there's probably thirty five thousand dollars or thirty five thousand pounds of household goods in here where are we at on the bubble getting there I think I'm at the top of the stroke again well wow that was cool I'm glad my hands were nowhere near any of this well let's try a redo obviously we're going to have to get something a little bit more secure underneath here like mr. brick whole darn thing just move original holes off [Applause] get away from maybe I've just decided this is appears to be pretty critical meaning the bottle Jack lined up for the camlock although this thing seems to be resting on this hinge supporting itself and that seems too good so this contraption here is not centered the bottle back isn't the bottle jack centered on where it wants to pivot and this time if anything I'm angling slightly the other way okay we have seen a pattern now place I think I better get a brick already okay I've got two bricks that's ready to try to wing in here underneath here again you should have brought a little Spade you know that well we go again I can hear my cheap china Jack already leaking off-camera I'm taking my big level all right now or off Oh hardly anything I was killing a whole time you happy that what these two I think as far up as the China Jack will go a little bit more safe and then I got one break in there I have to move my camera is broken in half yet thought that might happen [Applause] no way am i letting my fingers get near this thing I'll check up a for and after level hopefully that looks like it's just spot on right there I know it's going to sink a little bit well let's jacket okay okay we're off by 3/8 of an inch maybe on six feet that's better in at what way better we're still spot-on this way cool beans if you have a crane you can accurately drop down the container right on a set of footings we didn't have a crane so this got dropped off on a truck and when he pulled off we didn't I didn't know to chain it but it moved forward about four feet and I had leveled the pad up to about where its footprint was supposed to be and it started to fall off in an angle so let's I like that on unsettled in the first place so there you have it YouTube if you've got a packrat in your family and you have to have containers to hold stuff well and you need to level the container in the field I tell you what this is one way you can do it there are other ways of course if you have a 20-ton crane you might be able to do it too I don't have one of those what I have is 20-ton final check so hopefully this will be helpful to you and I guess I'll see it next time bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MinnesotaEric
Views: 91,290
Rating: 4.0801392 out of 5
Keywords: Container, level, leveling, leveler, grading, hc, high cube, 20', 40', 20, 40, 45, 45', standard, bottle jack, MinnesotaEric, Minnesota Eric
Id: v-8fa_wvaKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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