How we build a Workspace & Kitchen inside a Shipping Container #projectkamp

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welcome to a new project camp video [Applause] so in this video we're going to show you how to set up a base camp for your piece of land especially in the beginning days there's nothing there so it's good to have some basic utilities and we're going to set them up in two shipping containers one we call our town center which has a kitchen shower boiler washing machine and the other shipping container will have the workspace with all our tools and materials so yeah the first thing you need is two shipping containers so we have our containers [Applause] the kitchen and the workspace and there are many different shapes and sizes to choose from and i would say just look at your own land and what you want to do to decide on what makes sense for you but either way i would highly recommend to have a look at a container that has a door on the long side because it's much easier to get in and out into excess stuff however the downside is they can be more expensive and also just difficult to find they're very scarce so if you find one you're lucky and i would say got it if not you can always find the normal containers which just have a door opening on the short side and the upside is it's a container so it's just a metal box you can modify it and it can be quite heavy to work on this it's all big bulky metal so i would highly recommend to not do it on your own so for this project we have jason helping out yeah all right so now we have our containers it's time to do the rough work especially in this case we need to put some more work into the town center because the container is in pretty rough state so we first need to clean it up we fix all the holes that are in there and we're going to cut out two big openings to make sure we have some light coming in and it becomes a nice space so these containers are second hand and they've been used for many years so throughout time there are a lot of holes in the ceiling and in the wall of people mounting stuff on there drilling a hole or put a screw in but you don't want this because then the water leaks in when it rains and one good trick to actually find these holes to make sure you can close them is to just close the door of your container and when it gets dark inside you can easily see and find all the holes to make sure you can weld them closer they're waterproof so there are quite some holes to fix [Music] [Music] so we're gonna cut out a hole in this side of the container so we have some more light coming in so it's gonna be right here i'm gonna use some grinding [Music] [Music] so one tip when you have to cut a big surface from the container is to leave a few gaps like here uncut it so it doesn't fall yet so you just cut it for 95 percent and in the end you just cut a few areas and then it pops out it really changes a lot having holes in your container it suddenly feels like a nice space to be in with some light so i would highly recommend [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the container is pretty old and it also has a few dance which is usually not a problem but there's also a big one here so the water is actually staying in which might cause some rust in the future and we don't want that so we have a beam here and a car jack and we're gonna apply pressure so the bend goes out so we made quite a few changes to the town center and it looks pretty rough now so we're going to give it a paint job to make sure it really looks properly finished inside so the container is now fully cleaned up and it's kind of cool that this is a completely closed space so i was thinking of this mr beanshot where he has this room he wants to paint and he just puts a bucket in the middle with an explosion and then everything is painted i'm not going to try that one although it sounds fun but i kind of sort of using the same principle but a compressor so you can just paint everything it doesn't matter because it's all inside this closed [Music] container if i'm gonna die five years earlier it's probably because of this [Music] so the container is purely white it looks new actually all right so now the town center is cleaned up and both containers are in good state to start working on the interior we're going to do the workspace later but we're going to start with the town center and in order to build the interior we first need to put in a floor [Music] all right so this floor is made from recycled plastic and we we work a lot with recycled plastic and looking for applications so we figured let's try out for a floor and the pattern is actually quite nice it has this flaky black pattern and the upside of recycled plastic is that can withstand water so for a kitchen we can easily clean the floor really wet but to be honest i don't really know if a floor of recycled plastic makes sense but that's also why we're trying it out so we know so we provide a floor plan which you can use to build your own container but i would say really use this just as a reference because we happen to have this big workspace so we have a lot of stuff like storage washing machine a big fridge a big metal lathe and but i can imagine it's not the same for you so i would say just use the blueprints as a reference and see what you already have in your house kitchen workspace whatever you need on your land to make sure you arrange it to your own needs so yeah we didn't have to start from scratch we already had a kitchen appliances and tools including this big kitchen counter it has a super solid wood surface and we like it however like this it won't fit in the container so we chopped it in half which got quite spooky so i hope you learned your lesson always make sure you have sharp tools otherwise you get this so this one part will go in the container and the other parts we'll use later for other things and while we're at it we also cleaned up the surface now we also got a sink but we had to install a water top and the frame was a bit worn out so we made a new one and we got this oven last year it was thrown out as crap but to be honest we don't really need an oven that big in the beginning but we like it since it's super good quality so we'll take it but it didn't have a proper frame so we custom-made one we're using some kitchen wood so here's an overview of our inventory we have an oven sink big fridge oiler washing machine and a counter for chopping the vegetables but we also had to make a few custom things like this pretty basic small shelving system we used to store our build food and from this pile of leftover wood we made a cabinetry in the back this will be used to store our office supplies i will serve as a work table and charging station for our electronics so most of the things are ready and we can put them in the container [Music] [Applause] everything is now in except the most complex thing we still need to make this the shower the shower was sort of our filler it would take the leftover space we still had available so once we knew our size we found an old metal drinking box for cattle on the scrapyard we cleaned it up and made it fit the container and gave it a paint job and for the walls we wanted to try something new so the walls are made from recycled plastic bricks no idea if this makes sense so this is another tryout we estimate a 50 success rate here not very high and the wood on the bottom is the leftover wood from the other side of the kitchen counter so once this was installed we could make the last thing in there to finish it up the floor in the office area so this ball is going to be demolished but it's actually super nice boot so we're going to use it for the floor all right so now the interior of the town center is ready so we can go to the next one the workspace and this one was slightly easier because the container was in good condition but also everything inside there like the tools the material the machines we kind of already had them so we could start straight away by putting it all inside most of these things we could move on our own but sometimes it required a few extra hands like our heavy drill press and some stuff was just too heavy so we asked some guys on the street to help out but the biggest challenge for the workspace was the sorting so sorting all of this mess into nice organized crates you can only fit so much in a container so you need to be selective and we like these crates and a few years ago i made the shelving system to store them but this doesn't fit in a container so we had to chop it up into two small ones and we will turn one in a sturdy workbench what are you making a tabletop for the workbench in the workspace from an old boarding table yes and finally when we installed everything we filled them up with our best tools a lot of times while building inside the containers we found ourselves bolting things to the wall like the shelf or the toolboard one of the tools that made this really quick and easy for us to do was this it's called a step drove and it allows you to drill hose really quickly through sheet metal all right so both containers are now filled up interior is ready the last thing we need to do is to finish them up which means electronics plumbing and giving in the final paint job electronics for these containers are quite complex we want to make the electronics plug and play so you arrive at the place plug it in a socket and everything works and this sounds easy but especially the workspace had quite a lot of machines cables and fuses running so jason spent a few midnights wiring it all up to make it work now we're also sharing our schematics but yours will probably look different but you can download ours as a reference same for the watering system we're not gonna go in depth in this video you can find all the information in the academy all right so at this point everything works and runs input the output and the outside of the container is still pretty rough and very in its original condition uh so for instance the holes we cut out we painted a bit to make sure it doesn't rust because yeah it's just raw metal we still have all the holes from welding in here they slowly start to rust and also the container itself is pretty old so slowly all the paint starts to chip off so we're going to give the outside of a container a paint job to make sure it's going to last a solid few years [Music] [Music] all right so that's it both containers are now ready everything is installed but before we ship them out there's one thing we need to do a tour all right so we finished building the containers now we're going to do a tour to show you guys all the features i would take on this one and jason would show you the workspace so it's a bit small and tight in the container so it's probably better to use a fish eye to make sure we see everything properly so we start here in the kitchen area we have a big oven to make big meals on this side we do more cooking on the pots and pans here we have a window we can open and close it up it's made from old cd cases so from plastic and it's also good to serve your meals outside lunchtime on here we have a big counter with drawers where we store all our things like cups mugs cutlery here we chop our vegetables on this side is more the cleaning area so yeah i guess you know how this works we have our towels and cloths here we have our bulk storage of sponges to make sure we stay clean for a long time over here we have more our spices and herbs some knives kitchen appliances here we have cold food or fresh food in a big fridge and here bulk foods so it's all containers full of dried bulk foods i really like this because it helps you to reduce the amount of packaging you use by buying in bulk and we also use the standardized container so we can easily expand if we become more people to grow our food storage so this is sort of the kitchen area over here is the washing machine and the boiler for hot water and some brooms but we mostly cover this up with a curtain and then in here we have a place to work so with your laptop do some work here you have all your charging from usb to normal sockets you can charge your laptop phones cameras we store some blankets here if it gets cold in the evening you want to sit outside also some storage for camera gears electronics office supplies it's all in these boxes nicely stored we have a bookshelf for some books to eat we don't really have many yet but we do have a first eight box and for the rest we have a shower it's actually kind of a weird shower it's made from recycled bricks from plastic and yeah inside here we can take showers i guess you also know how that works and on this side we have a t-shelf where we store all our fine tees gathered from people around the world because we have a piece of land that we need to communicate together we use walkie-talkie so we don't use the mobile or the data on our internet we can get more local network setup so we can ask jason in the container to see if he can uh okay give us a tour jason in the workspace yeah man let's do it all right we're coming so this space is also a little bit tight we're going to use a fisheye to make it easier to see everything so in the middle of the workspace we have this big sturdy working table it's made from our old storage shelf we put crates underneath so that we can categorise and organize everything easily we use a color coding system to help us find everything so we have like electronics in yellow plumbing equipment in blue safety equipment in red power tools engraved electronics cables in black and consumable storage and brown on the outside of the container we have uh the safety equipment we put it on the outside so that it's easy to grab if you need to get something quickly on this side of the container we have the rough matte to work area this is for doing all the dusty messy loud work like grinding like welding and on the back wall we have all our metal specific tools so we have like the grinding discs files set square for welding metal saws underneath we also have storage so there's our welding accessories we have a vacuum cleaner and we have an air compressor so behind me is the tool this is to store all the tools that we want to be able to grab easily and quickly so we have our wrenches we have our hammers we have our charging station screwdrivers pliers measuring equipment and drawing equipment we have the nuts and bolt storage so these drawers we use to store all of our nuts and bolts and consumables and fixtures we've organized it in rows like m4 m5 m8 m10 and then increasing in length this way in this area we have all our machines so we have the drill press we have the metal job so and we have the lathe again we've put a storage area above above here in this area we're using it to store the paint the chemicals and oils and of course the first aid kit next i'll show you the woodwork area which is outside so we decided to split the woodwork in the mata and plastic work on the inside and the outside like you want to be able to collect all the dust from the metal and the plastic so it doesn't go into the environment but the wood is okay because it's biodegradable so it's okay to do on the outside so in the woodwork area we have the chop saw [Applause] we have a belt sander [Music] we have a storage shelf underneath for keeping our circles off and we also have some storage for the clamps also on this station we have a point for connecting power outside so we're probably going to do a lot of work outside and for this we need to run some cables out to do that so that was the tour of the workspace all right so now both containers are ready to be shipped off to our new piece of land in portugal feels very sad to be leaving the netherlands this beautiful weather but the trucks are coming to be picked up do you think they're in balance oh perfect balance [Music] there's the late heavy corner [Music] [Music] see you in portugal all right so that's it now if you want to see the next step where we install this container on our piece of land or wonder why we make a base camp in the first place make sure to watch this video if you like this process and continue how we move forward make sure to subscribe and if you want to support us and make sure we can continue development make sure to visit thanks for watching and see you in the next project com video
Channel: One Army
Views: 321,397
Rating: 4.9539161 out of 5
Keywords: Dave hakkens, storyhopper, sustainability, community, green, solutions, eco, warrior, fight, army, hakkens, dave, Precious Plastic, ONE AMRY, precious, plastic, recycle, sustainable
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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