Level 20 Hero on Round 1?! Bloons TD 6 MAX Gwendolin!

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what is going on everybody my name is ryan ortudi and in today's episode you read it correctly we are going to be getting a max level hero level 20 at level one it's going to be absolutely overpowered and completely ridiculous but at the same time it's gonna be pretty awesome so i was thinking about which hero i wanted to get at max level and i feel like having gwendolyn at max level so early in the game would just be super duper crazy so that's what we're gonna go ahead and do is to get gwendolyn well at the max level guys so the first thing that we have to do is we have to play on a medium difficulty or because if you're playing hard you actually start at round three and we don't want to start at round three we need to get it at level one or the first round basically so let's go ahead and we can go ahead and play on like monkey metal i think it'd be more than fine so we're gonna play on medium and we're gonna go ahead just do standard and let's do this guys okay so we did the math my editor sam actually did and so we are going to level this person up all the way to level 20. so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to buy all seven levels which is 450 so we've leveled her up so now what we're going to do is we're going to start the round what do we have you know what we're going to need is we're going to i'm going to want a time stop actually we're going to start and we're going to use the time stop and now we're going to we're going to call in all we're gonna call in 55 cash drops guys okay we're just gonna call in every single one of them wait wait time out time out time out ah we need another we need another time stop we need another time stop so the round on so the round doesn't start on us okay and now we're gonna level her up all the way to level 20. oh no we're not level 20 yet we need more we're going to need more cash drops we need we need a couple more cash drops we're going to need just a few more cash drops that should be enough okay and okay come on those might be the last two and boom okay we got a max level ray was close it was close but we have a max level 20 hero at level one it immediately jumped over to round two but we got it just in the nick of time or maybe as round two was starting but it was close enough so now we have a max level hero at level this is ridiculous look how powerful she is she is just so redding these balloons they don't stand a chance look at this so oh my gosh that ability is so cool and we can just put that on as well like look at this these balloons don't stand a chance so what we can start doing now is we can just get villages and stuff to just make her stronger right so we'll put a village down bigger radius jungle drums radar scanner and then monkey intelligence bureau she can pop any type of balloon there because normally well she won't be able to take out plasma balloons but now that she can do that she can take out any type of balloon she's gonna be pretty powerful if i do say so myself pretty powerful indeed i love the way she looks at her max level it is so cool looking like she's insanely awesome max level that like the mask and everything that's so cool i also love this ability where she's just like that fire ability is so powerful guys i wonder how good she's gonna be against like late game stuff i guess what we can do is with the extra money that we're gonna get we can just put down a spike factory and then we can just go ahead and we can get uh deadly spikes and we can also get perma spikes too uh but purpose bikes are pretty expensive i would like faster production but just to be safe we're gonna get white hot spikes and then we'll get permiss bikes which cost thirty thousand dollars but eventually we'll we'll be able to get there and then with permaspikes we can just kind of guarantee that we don't lose but we're not gonna take away from how good gwendoline's gonna do i mean we i don't think we have anything to worry about right like at least i hope we don't have anything to worry about gwyndolin's annihilating these balloons you go girl okay we're already at round 12 but we don't care we're we are gamers out here why would you put the fire over there the balloons are coming from here that's the worst spot to put the fire you want to put the fire let's try it again that's a much that's actually a really good spot because it gets balloons coming around and that way see that's a double whammy that's a good spot see that's that's less so that's less so of a good spot going to line it's okay i forgive you because you're level 20 at level one and you're amazing okay that's all i have to say is you're amazing okay i love the googly eyes the googly eyes crack me up every time they're just so good they're so funny i need we need thirty thousand dollars that's that's what we need i wanna see her go up against like a moab right like i don't know if she's gonna be able to take out like those really difficult towers will she be able to beat round 60 by herself i think so at least i hope she'd be able to beat round 60 by herself my goodness that'd be kind of sad if she couldn't right look at her go i wish it's kind of annoying because she shoots like this way if she was right here she'd shoot all the way forward and she'd be able to pop way more balloons but that's fine i mean her range is still her range is actually surprisingly small for being i don't want to put down a boomerang monkey but she does she one shots black balloons which is really crazy but not yellow balloons i didn't know that firestorm does hugely increased damage so this is yeah this ability which is our firestorm billy we can just be like and just annihilate everything i wonder what like oliver stuff does so does it just like does extra damage and sets moab so this thing we can throw and it hits moabs and like burns mobs which is like really really good but the problem is i don't know when the best time to use it would be i guess you can use it like pretty much always but we're gonna have a moab show up in like 13 14 rounds 14 rounds is when the mow up shows up she also shoots really fast oh my gosh look at those ready boom oh see now that's a good spot look at that that that molotov is so overpowered literally like nothing can get by it just throws it down and it just melts everything all balloons just get melted we're saving up three we get perma spike we're almost halfway to perma spike how many pops you have only 4 000 pops so she doesn't really have that many pops so there hasn't been like an actual challenge yet right there hasn't been a lot of balloons showing up i hope more balloons show up soon because i want to see like her true power we get to also hold on to this because like as soon as we get overwhelmed we can just use that ability and then pretty much it's kind of like just all balloons just disappear right they're like oh okay well all balloons are now just gone you know nothing to worry about look at that oh i love it when she throws it like right up there in the front i don't know does it pop a certain number of balloons or does it pop everything until the duration runs out i'm not sure all i know is that right now it's doing a lot of damage a lot of damage there's so many random places of her to throw it i wonder if there's a way i could like have her target a specific place because i love it when she just throws the fire right there like that's the best place for it to go and especially oh five rounds and then the mob's gonna start showing up oh rainbow balloons okay so the balloons are starting they're starting to send a lot more balloons right we popped like four thousand now we're up to almost seven thousand okay here we go pink rush okay region oh see now there's they're starting to try to send some crazier stuff at us but like so far this is no problem whatsoever we're almost at the 30 000 so we can almost get permaspikes which is gonna be really nice kind of like a guaranteed we're not gonna lose just you know just to be safe i think as soon as the mohawk shows up i'll like wait a little bit to see what her like her power against a moab is gonna be because i don't know if it's gonna be like insanely opie or not is this straight up 30 000 yeah okay so now we have perma-spikes perma-spikes are amazing okay let's uh let's have this yeah let's have it go on far so it's always going to put them in the same spot okay moab showing up and next round i'm really excited to see what what's gonna happen will it just like instantly melt the moab or is it gonna take a little bit of time oh i didn't mean to put that down oh my gosh that mo i've got annihilated oh we're fine i don't think we're ever gonna have to deal with these permits but like these permanent spikes aren't gonna pop anything there is no way we're gonna need anything any more help than what we already got we have to go 20 more rounds but still like i don't think it matters i really don't i think right now we are more than fine we can kind of just sit back and chill we haven't we're more than fine all right we're at ten thousand dollars we don't even need to spend our money on anything i mean i guess we could get like call to arms if we wanted to or something to increase attack speed here what we could do is actually add the energizing totem and then we can put the energizing total next to her there we go just to make her attack even faster to make her even crazier that's what i'm talking about guys all right and by the way if you want to see more crazy videos like this where we make something super overpowered or ridiculous hit that like button if you're new to the channel please consider subscribing and turning on notification it helps me out a ton when you guys do that and knows me you want to see more of this awesome content and just makes me feel good makes me feel like a like unwanted okay we're at round 46 i want like something crazy to attack us right like i want like a giant wave of something that she just can't deal with but i don't feel like that's gonna happen right but i guess that's what i get for trying to do some crazy overpowered strategy right it's gonna be overpowered we're not even gonna be able to see the true limit of this character right because we can only get to around 60. so we got to kind of chill out let's see i guess what we can do is we can get an alchemist to buffer so we'll put an alchemist here and then we'll do stronger stimulant there we go and we'll just boost her so she's even powerful she's even crazier what are they gonna do nothing that's what there we go like those are ceramics that she's just melting through ten more rounds guys i don't think these balloons are terrified they are spooked spooked spa oh there we go look at that the moab just melts like the moab straight up just especially like those red balloon rushes these are ceramics like these ceramics are being treated like red balloons here if i oh i didn't even have time to click the button i wanted to click the button but i didn't even have time it popped the mo up too fast okay i'm excited to see at least like what's gonna happen against a bfb right no idea hopefully it just kind of destroys the bfb but oh my gosh look at those spikes there is nothing that's going to get by there okay they're starting to send some more moabs on us all right respectable respectable but it's still not good enough okay we need the look at this this moab it just it catches on fire and it just it there goes goodbye oh my gosh why did you throw it all the way over there that's like the worst place to put it oh my gosh we have fifty thousand dollars she has forty three thousand pops now now they're starting to send a whole lot more stuff at us all right it's like pause oh another ceramic rush ceramics aren't gonna do anything to us okay game come on it's too easy come on send something at us send something that is the spooky okay i don't need these moabs moabs are easy send us something difficult like uh like i don't know i want to go up against like as omg right now look at that two moabs back to back we just blew right through it's really nice because for a pierce attack right like it just goes right through all the balloons and especially the fact that it like after a balloon pops it it catches all the other balloons that are inside that balloon on fire and then they just pop as well it's really strong she's a really good hero look at that 60 000 pops that's nutty that is like super crazy all right two more rounds and we're up to see how this goes we have 70 000 i mean we can get like permanent brew here we can also let's let's recharge this alrighty i'm so ready i'm so ready to see what's gonna happen here i want to go ahead and use okay around 60 let's do this and then what happens if i just use that so it catches them on fire oh my gosh that was so overpowered guys look at this monkey star 70 026 mobs popped little cash generated so we could we generated one million cash what do we use powers used 195 powers wait that doesn't make any sense how do we use 195 powers oh no um what about abilities used 3527 that also doesn't make sense abilities we didn't use 3 000 abilities i'm i'm very confused by with the statistics on whatever that is but that's still awesome that was so crazy that went way better than expected she was so incredibly overpowered so i guess getting a hero maxed out at level one is pretty good if you guys enjoyed this video and you want to see more things like this in the future like i said hit that like button subscribe to the channel if you're new as well turning on notifications thank you so much for watching and again my name is ryan and i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome videos bye guys
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 103,498
Rating: 4.8638978 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, btd 6, bloons tower defense 6, bloons td 6 challenge, bloons td 6 no towers, no tower challenge, btd 6 challenge, Tewtiy, mobile game, iphone game google play app store, gaming, mobile, best mobile games, btd, bloons bloons td, bloons tower defense, tewtiy btd 6, btd 6 level 80, btd 6 highest level ever, Gwendolin, Harlegwen, bloons td battles, bloons td, bloons, round 1, max level, level 20, level 20 gwendolin, pay to win, bloons pay to win, bloons cash drops
Id: H_haPgUgrEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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