Bloons TD 6 | ULTRA BOOSTED Captain Churchill is The BEST HERO in BTD6!!

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan or Tunney and today we're happening in the world of balloons tower-defense 6 where we're gonna be seeing how crazy we can make captain Church news we're still on the quest trying to find the most overpowered hero right we still have some that we haven't really tried out so far we've tried Pat busty we've tried Gwendolyn and we've tried Quincey out of all three of them Quincey still seems to be the best in my opinion and a lot of people are saying either captain Churchill or Zilly is going to be the most powerful for now we're gonna chill out with Captain Churchill see how powerful he really is so you guys if you're new to this series let me kind of explain how it all works so normally we play on Cubism we play on the Hard difficulty because that's just gonna give us the best or ideal for how strong we're gonna be going up against we're gonna be playing a new game yeah that's fine we don't care about that and so we're gonna be going up and here's the rules of the game so we capped at Churchill cos so much money he cost 1945 dollars are you kidding me oh my goodness that's so pricey okay well instantly we just lose cuz we can't put him down round one without without a cash drop literally the round one we lose cuz we can't put him down okay well okay so let's put down the cash drop so we can actually just put down captain Churchill so we're gonna put down captain Churchill we're gonna put him down right right here oh my gosh she's insane yeah you are dude okay well there we go so instantly we just win yeah yeah I can see it dude you're crazy so that's captain Churchill right at the start he's kind of insane so let's get ourselves let's get ourselves some monkeys let's let's add some of these banana farmers let's add some cash crops we're also gonna want some energizing totems we're also gonna want to get a couple of monkey boots because this is what's gonna make the game so good okay so there's captain Churchill and now let's go ahead and let's put this guy we're gonna put him there and on top of that where's our monkey farmer we want the monkey farmer right we probably want the monkey farmer right there okay so and now we can just put down even more of these because he's in yeah so let's go ahead and we're gonna want to just get our banana farms up and running as quickly as possible what's this do all right so let's take a look at his abilities what's what is this ability do armor-piercing shell shots can know what is what does this do turbo damage laser bombs got it all right thanks Church show thanks for thanks for telling me how that works that's cool I guess so I guess it just makes it so he does more damage he's actually insane he does so much damage this I'm telling you this might be just the craziest guy yet like this might be this might be the craziest dude we have yet to come up against all right so we have courier we're gonna want valuable bananas and greater protection let's just keep leveling up our banana farms as quickly as possible because we wanted to be super powerful honestly let's just let's just speed up this process guys we just we're just gonna speed up this process what does thrive you again I think it makes it so everything just makes more money which is amazing okay see the point is we're just trying to get this process sped up because we just want them to get as powerful as possible as quickly as possible so we can start getting those turbo effects arm let's do that and banana plantation we're almost there almost at banana plantation so we have three banana plantations I think we get around four or five of the not the banana plantations but they're like the research facilities I think is what they're called that's when yeah is it a yeah the banana research facility is what we're looking for so far he's in sync he's actually kinda crazy and that's amazing we're gonna one eventually get a submarine actually getting a submarine as quickly as possible it's gonna be amazing so the idea behind the submarine is it's going to level up Churchill way faster that's kind of what we want right we just you'll be leveled up as quickly as possible can I put there we go I don't know there we go we can put that there and boop boop boop boop boop and just keep getting money we just need to keep getting money he shoots so fast so far he's about 1,300 I love the enthusiasm let's go I love it I actually love it no joke there we go how is he doing when does he get Oh adds a fast firing machine gun attack to the tank that's gonna be insane once he hits level 5 I feel like that's just gonna be Opie I'm all about that I'm all about that when Z level and I think next so in the night temple around to your level up and get level 5 I could just buy it but I feel like that's also not what I really want to do all right there we go so we have all these banana farms up and working so far once we get the machine gun he's gonna be crazy good right I'm ready come on oh whoa whoa whoa we can't pop these guys yet oh we need well that's unfortunate wait wait what if I what if I get this there we go now that we have the machine gun he can hit it okay we had to buy it so we got the machine gun I can't believe he's got two forms of attack that's insane so both of these are gonna be boosted once we what do you see like once we get its max attack speed I can't believe it I can't actually can't believe it that's gonna be crazy Opie alright here we go we can do this so now we have just a bunch of banana funds he can't eat camo balloons yet so that's where this guy comes in we're gonna put down we're gonna put this village egg I guess we'll put the village right here and boom and then might as well get jungle drums so he attacks even faster so now he has all three of those what is just a normal village - I'm very curious what is just I wonder what just a basic village does I actually don't know what is like a zero zero zero village does it has to do something right does it just increase the radius of everything I think so I think that's what it does all right we got to just keep saving up money that's the plan also what is this - turbo damage leisure bombs okay piercing bombs see that's this armor-piercing shells shots can pop black balloons and do extra damage oh so that's what oh so I just had to use that - that would have pierced the black alerts okay so that's that was my fault for not knowing how this guy works so that's good he's so powerful he's so powerful already it's insane how crazy could be is he's insanely crazy good old already like already zopi these guys are making us a lot of bananas I want to get the banana research facilities just up and running ASAP that's the plan like we're not I mean we're not having any trouble sleep I love every time he says it never gets old turbo damage laser bombs turbo damage laser bombs okay guys comment down below turbo turbo powered laser moms guys okay right now right now turbo damage laser bombs okay can't forget the way he says it's turbo damage laser bombs this guy's insane this guy's actually my new favorite hero I can show it's gonna close three-time port ok Expo four times and dinner he's insane this guy's so Opie alright let's get more waiting just more we just need oh you know what we can do is let's just drop a let's just drop an inviting total bottom there we go so now he's gonna attack 25% faster so he's already like even more broken um let's get up an another banana research facility thank you very cool he says it non-stop he literally says it every time you push that button that's so it's so annoying that's so annoying all right we're about to go up against them up will we be able to deal with them all a balloon that's the real question I'd really like to get the submarine up and running the submarine would be really nice to have alright let's do this let's get ourselves our well first things first you get well let's get ourselves the brewmaster getting ourselves to brewmasters gonna the brewmaster is gonna be really nice so let's go ahead and let's get ourselves the brewmaster so let's go ahead get our brewmaster down and stronger stimulants and so now he's gonna start getting there we go now he has that stronger stimulant he's gonna look at oh he melts through stuff now he melts through stuff let's um here we can recharge that that's gonna be fine and we can upgrade that so the next thing we're gonna have is the Moab all right let's see how strong let's see how powerful this Moab is let's see how powerful the bow is all right so boost it alright so there's the Moab I'm glad it and thanks for your thanks for participating I guess I see now we're making so much money now it doesn't even matter like these things we're gonna we're gonna be able to get everything that we want and more super soon now he is not like struggling at all right now literally in the slightest I don't even need I don't think I need the submarine this time I've been getting the submarines too costly like $36,000 like I'd rather just I could just invest that into him right there we go we can recharge that can we get another banana research facility okay we have maxed out but in a research facility so we're making all the money we need so now we have the brewmaster we have we can start working on getting this so now we can pop all types of balloons now really what we want is the engineer engineers what is the next goal so we know as you guys know we put the end in the end we just put them way way down here in the corner and then we didn't just upgrade them so he has the overclocked ability because the overclocked ability is so nice because then it makes them even more powerful come on there we go overclock ability he's already attacking like crazy crazy fast increased attack speed oh my gosh shells can explode five times this is not even fair guys it's not even fair and we're actually gaining so much money right now do I want the submarine I want the submarine guys I changed my mind I I'm doubling down I think the submarines important okay please tell me all right longer-range advanced Intel submerged balloon reactor energizer please tell me he's in range of the submarine please tell me he's in range of that submarine he's gotta be in range of the submarine right let's see wait do these things have effects no they don't he's definitely he's definitely in the range of the submarine right he's gotta be he's in the rishis to pull into range it's submerged okay so there we go so now he's gonna just be popping all doubloons and then we can get call to arms that has that ability okay there we go blue that boom turbo damage laser bombs everyone you got to remember turbo damage laser bombs oh my ghostess so it's so annoying listen you do that non-stop that's so tedious there we go we can only try that bad boy so we just keep firing our turbo damage laser bombs okay we need to get that next upgrade he's so powerful he's so powerful he's literally popped every I mean this guy's pop 100 balloons he's popped 35,000 churchill's insane all right we're trying to save up money guys because we need a hundred and twenty nine thousand dollars to get the overcharged ability the ultra boost ability get that ultra boosted hero guys okay ultra boosted captain Churchill you're amazing okay mow a barrage once at the bronze of shells up to ten Moab class balloons on the screen dealing massive damage each time I can't wait to see that upgrade that's gonna be so cool that's gonna be so awesome all right just keep getting the boost do we have everything I'm pretty sure he's about he's about as Bouazizi's yet he's not I don't think he's gonna get anymore booster than this until we get the ultra boost ability right I mean again he's only level 9 to he's going to get more powerful and I think he's gonna just absolutely melt the snow on Jeep alone when it's time there you go because I think as level 20 mixes makes everything just way stronger are we close we're close to the ultra boost we're very close to getting this ultra boost ability come on there we go ultra boost okay boom now we just gotta keep putting ultra boost on just keep ultra boosting up that's the plan okay he already attacked so so so fast we want the permanent brew now and we also want to get homeland defense and then once we do that we can start really working on that training captain Churchill I really want to get that update but it costs $5 and that's too expensive for me there we go just keep putting that on every chance of every second letter tops going on is another second that I could have added it on alright here we go here's our first be Fe balloon coming in alright let's do this oh he just got this new upgrade - okay turbo damage laser bombs Lightspeed ultra mega strike Oh Church show what are you doing my guy oh man this is not oh this is not looking good for us all right this guy's popped eight hundred that's the guy popped three thousand that's fine not there's nothing compared to this it's like three thousand there we go look at that that's insane that he can just pop those turbo damage all laser bombs okay what's the next upgrade that we want probably permanent through and then after permanent Brut what how many he has three of these nice hey we got a monkey knowledge point after we get to the max thing we'll sell we can actually move the submarine bike down here so it doesn't affect him turbo damage laser bombs oh my gosh she just Bam's it he doesn't care he's only at four of the upgrades now almost he's almost there since stop touching my battle armor how many strikes did we get I'm always it only all of them while they're on the screen I'm not entirely I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to be yet either way he's he's pretty upgraded he's got five ultra boost so far I mean he's popped a lot this guy's very strong I kind of want to move him he's that level 10 increased popping power per shell like these upgrades are just every time he upgrades he just gets like this brand new power spike okay here we go let's see what happens here I please okay I can't take this guy stay he's so I I'm sorry I'm sorry Churchill I have to mute you my guy it's too it's too it's too ridiculous it's too ridiculous okay homeland defense all right now everything we get can start we can invest in upgrading him all right we don't need this anymore we can sell this and now everything so we can upgrade that armor-piercing shells pop two layers of balloons and do extra damage machine gun and main gun pop two layers per shot he's getting even crazier he's getting even stronger guys he's getting even stronger I hate to see what what kind of a monster this guy's gonna become okay we actually don't need I'm gonna I'm gonna sell those because I think yeah so we can we should be able to sell all of these and then we're gonna just be fine there we go and upgrade upgrade oh we can't get the last one it costs to 27,000 Moab barrage shells and main gun do massively increased damage per hit alright 10 now he's at 10 ultra boost now so we have everything and we also have this so we can just kind of we don't need the alchemist but it helps every little bit helps all right we can recharge that and now look how crazy powerful he is and it's not even like boosting I don't know if I have to sneeze ah thank you for listening to my sneeze alright how much do we need we need $20 there we go boom alright he's maxed out now this guy's ready to go he is ready to go let's see how strong he is against but that's crazy that's crazy strong he attacks so fast like he attacks so fast lately this what do we upgrade this and then you just fold your booster and then you just do that like what do they nothing can get by he just melts everything I don't know if he's better than Quincy yeah I have to see like nothing to be fair no balloons can actually get past him right now like look at that look how powerful that is it's insane this guy is crazy strong honestly the thing is he's not just like super powerful literally we can just put a whole bunch of them down and it's just gonna be crazy cool there we go boom oh my goodness this is absolutely bananas can I do some yes let's go okay Howie how we fare it's almost around 18 when we have to go up against the zoom to how we are going to fare I do not know it's slightly terrifying guys it is slightly terrifying and I'm not entirely sure how how this is gonna go for us all right right around 70 70 out of 1877 let's do this he is fully boosted - all right we can we didn't sell this guy we don't need this outfits anymore okay we don't need we can recharge the energizing totems energizing totem is now boosted okay let's do this I'm ready wait where's this he doesn't have the the brewmaster effect on him he lost the brewmaster effect I feel did I never upgrade the brewmaster I might have never upgraded the boom master ok well now the brew master is just fully upgraded okay so the brew masters there I I just wasted a whole bunch of money on that I feel a little bit ridiculous but that's okay that's just how it goes sometimes oh my gosh so how many poppers you have 200,000 that's pretty insane that is pretty insane alright here we go we're gonna go up and I can't wait to go up against the zomg like I genuinely am very curious to see like how crazy this is gonna be the zom-- jeez about to come around the corner and then we're gonna see just how crazy this overpowered captain Churchill is gonna be I want to see him just absolutely melt our target absolutely melt the target okay come on [Music] and we oh man okay here we go here comes the zone G and we're going to do all right boost boost guys this is too easy I have to say this is just literally too easy I didn't get to use all my abilities in time I actually couldn't use my abilities all in time that was insane if you guys think that was awesome ever - smash the like button subscribe to channels well it's turning on notification thanks for watching and I'll see you guys tomorrow for the next video bye everyone Wow
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 154,741
Rating: 4.857595 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, Bloons td, btd6, bloons tower defense 6, Bloons tower defense 6, bloons td battles, bloons tower defense, mobile, mobile games, mobile video games, apple arcade games, Tewtiy, Tewiy, apple arcade, Bloons TD 6 Tewtiy, btd, iphone games, iphone video games, ios games, ios video games, andriod video games, andriod games, google play pass, bloons td 6, bloons td 6 captain churchill, captain churchill btd6
Id: pTXzu_WJv_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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