I Tested SHEIN'S BUSTED Art Supplies..(big yikes)

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hey everybody welcome back to another episode of  me trying out sketchy art supplies that make me   want to pull my hair out the art supplies that  i'm reviewing today they're from a little tiny   not really well known small local i'm just kidding  they're not it's actually the complete opposite   of that today i'm going to be reviewing art  supplies from the absolute behemoth of fast fashion   shein.com shein is one of the biggest online  clothing retailers and they're known for being   one of the cheapest places to buy clothes on  the internet recently shein.com has recently   expanded past just selling clothes they sell  women's clothes men's clothes they sell makeup   now stuff for pets and recently they started a  section for stationery aka art supplies and it's   been about a year and a half since shein.com has  started selling stationery with art supplies and   since that time i have gotten countless countless  people asking me to review their art supplies   now i do have to say that before we get into this  video there is an absolute huge and i repeat huge   disclaimer to this video i'm just gonna say it  completely flat uh shein definitely does not have a   good reputation online at all shein unfortunately  is one of the biggest websites when it comes to   fast fashion and probably one of the biggest  culprits because their prices are so cheap and   fast fashion is basically this endless cycle where  something will go on trend the company will make   it very cheaply very quickly we buy it wear it  for like three weeks throw it away and that whole   entire cycle of just trying to keep up with the  fashion trends just never never ends until we die   and besides the environment it's just not good for  your wallet it's not good for your self-esteem but   one of the reasons this makes it so controversial  is because on the other hand there's a lot of   people who are living paycheck to paycheck and  the only clothes they can afford is really cheap   places like shein.com and maybe they live like  for example in an area where i do where there's   like hardly any thrift shops available there's  maybe one or two clothing stores and they're just   not able to afford like more high-end clothes that  are more sustainable it is a very controversial   subject and i encourage everybody who is currently  watching this after this video watch a few video   essays here on youtube just type in shein like  so many people have made videos about shein   in fact i'll even link one down below that  goes over like both sides of the spectrum   in the past before i knew about shein and how  problematic they were i definitely did used to   shop at shein but ultimately after learning about  their past controversies i decided that working   with shein and also purchasing from shein is just  not for me anymore so what you're about to see is   my personal last time shopping from shein.com  and the biggest thing when it comes to fashion   is that if you like something it makes you feel  good you spent your hard-earned money on that   that's it that's all that matters it doesn't  matter if something's outdated or if it's cheugy  or whatever as long as you like it it fits you  well and you love the way it feels that's all   that should matter your individual style that you  make up will never go out of fashion because you   made it okay and that's all period i know it only  seemed like a minute but i actually talked for 40   minutes to my camera oh my gosh so let's go ahead  and start okay let's see what we're working with okay so the first thing i want to say is right off  the bat i'm missing some items i ordered this like   scratch paper that's like a scratch pad where you  scratch onto it and it shows the color underneath   and looking through all of this stuff it's  not here and i haven't got any notifications   of a refund or anything like that so right  off the bat they charged me for something   that just isn't here all right so the first thing  that i want to try out that really caught my mind   is this 10 piece random gel eraser it's basically  like a little tool that erases gel pen i only   spent $1.50 cents and out of the 208 people that  have reviewed this it has four and a half stars   and that's a reoccurring theme that you'll  see with shein is that everything is somehow   suspiciously five stars here is my gel pen this  one is by gelly roll so let me rub on my gel pen now supposedly these sticks are supposed to erase  the gel pen here's what they look like i don't   know why they gave me 10 different pieces like  this is a package of this is a package of 10.   so let's try this out oh my  nails i forgot to paint my nails   oh my god sorry my plan is to erase a  straight line and we'll see if this works am i doing something wrong or i don't know if you guys can see that  it's kind of rubbing some of the glitter   off onto the stick but it's not erasing it at all  maybe it's like whenever it's still wet it wipes   it off so let me try let me try really quickly  if it when it's still wet okay it's still wet maybe when they said gel pen maybe they just  meant like regular ballpoint pens so let me go   get just like everyday run-of-the-mill  pen and we'll see if it erases that   and this one should work so let's see yeah no somehow i feel like this  one is even worse than the other one   i'm gonna give it one more chance with just this  regular black pen and maybe just maybe it'll work yeah okay this one's not working  at all either and i wanted these   to work so bad i thought it was such a cool  thing but it's just like not gonna work sad   now for this next item i'm not gonna lie it's  very cheap for what it is this is a six piece   pencil shaped eraser and if you've never seen  it it's literally an eraser that's in the shape   of a pencil i usually buy them from faber castell  and they usually run me about six dollars for one   so to have six of these for only a dollar a  piece that's not that's actually not bad okay   this has 69 reviews and of course it's  a perfect five stars so let's check it   out so yeah right off the bat this isn't bad so  far uh the packaging appears to be pretty okay   not beat up at all the pencils are very large  full size so far this doesn't seem bad at all the top one will be my favorite castel my more   high-end one and the bottom one  of course will be my shein one that's a plot development i was not expecting   the faber castell one is not erasing at  all as good as this like cheap shein one   dude and i spent so much money on this but the  shein one erases completely and my favorite   castel one is leaving a lot of like muddy texture  behind oh my gosh but on the other hand because   this sheen eraser is really really hard it's  basically tearing up the paper underneath it but   i'm not gonna lie i like the cheap price of these  so i'm gonna have to give these a 5 out of 10. hi so it's currently the next day i ended  up taking a lunch break and then after that   i just got too tired and fell asleep and i slept  for like 12 hours so i should be like completely   revitalized at this point now for this next item  i just want to say that it was a really good price   for this item i mean of course it was it's  shein.com this is a one-piece vintage drawing   book it has 2 300 reviews and it was  only $3 so the thing that made me pick   this sketchbook over other sketchbooks  that they offered is the fact that this   is toned paper now if you don't know toned  paper is exactly what it sounds like it's   paper that has coloring in it so that it's not a  perfect white but usually either a gray or a brown   and as a result of the toned paper you're just  able to get a beautiful range from all the way   to the darkest darks to the brightest highlights  and now that it came in i noticed that the book is completely white paper i'm looking at  the reviews and a lot of the public reviews   all of their paper isn't like a stark white  like this one is all of their paper is toned   now as far as like the actual paper itself goes  i'm not gonna lie it's incredibly thin it's   basically like the equivalent of printer  paper between like a cardboard backing   the only problem that i personally find when it  comes to really thin paper like this is watch this   i wrote my name and the second that i turn it  over it immediately bleeds through the next page oh man so it didn't bleed through  just once it went one two three four   five six pages it bled just like my handwriting  alone went through six different pages let's see   how well this bad boy picks up an eraser uh so  yeah just as i suspected it is having a hard time   picking up the eraser i'm kind of in disbelief  right now that it's not even erasing like the   lightest touch that i did so i'm gonna perform  this exact same test on a piece of printer paper   and i swear to god this one better not work better  than the shein one this literal printer paper   oh my gosh okay no that's weird i performed  the exact same test on the printer paper and   the actual cheap walmart printer paper is having  a much easier time erasing than the shein paper   on the printer paper you can't even tell the  area where i like lightly shaded it because it   was able to erase so well but that is absolutely  not the case when it comes to the shein paper   oh my god i kind of feel bad for ragging on this  paper i'm going to give it one compliment to   make sure its self-esteem stays up i really like  the cardboard flap on top i think this is really   cool because you get to basically design your own  cover and i'm sure if you were very light-handed   and maybe wanted to practice not messing up maybe  this book would be for you but for me personally   the fact that it's having a hard time erasing the  fact that it's so thin it's kind of transparent   just the fact that writing my name was able  to indent it through six different pages   i just don't think this sketchbook  is worth the three dollars honestly   if i had to rate this i would  probably say a four out of ten now i have a few things left but before i get  to the absolute disaster of the last thing   i want to end this on a second to high note  because there is one item that i think is just   going to absolutely knock it out of the park  basically what this is is an all-in-one as you   can see it has a palette it has a place to put  your brushes it has a place to clean your brushes   and of course mix your paint and i hate that i'm  about to say this but this one is expensive coming   in at $12 and when i say expensive i mean that  in the sense of shein because everything we've   done has been i think under five dollars okay  so right off the bat this thing is pretty large   for just like a normal palette i feel like this  one is pretty large already i'm pretty impressed   with it the plastic feels very very thick it's  not easy to bend this is some good asmr right here and again this is really thick just like me yeah  never mind it has 18 slots you can put your   paint you can put your water in there and here  is where you keep your water you clean off your   brushes on the inside it has ribs where you can  rub the brush it also has a really rough area for   dry acrylic paint as you can see it has multiple  brush holders and i think you could even put some   brushes on the inside in here like wet brushes  on the inside whoa talk about multifunctional it's open oh look at the princess can i can you bring  her so i could show everybody guys i got a new   puppy and she got her jacketed look how nice  wow look how nice look how nice i just got her   recently her name is chia  right now she's 12 weeks old   so yeah i just wanted to share that I got a new  puppy but anyway let's try this thing out again   so i'm going to put a little bit of green a  little bit of yellow in theory you would get   your paint like this you would put it on this  section here to mix it up then you would paint   paint paint paint and here's the real  test which is cleaning off the paint brush moment of truth oh oh she's clean oh and then  once you're done you can like dry it off with   this thing right here on the side and then oh  and i forgot to mention it has a little carrying   case on top of that i like this one a lot  i'm going to give this one a 10 out of 10.   now for this last item guys i obviously had to open the  package whenever i was like   getting all the stuff and i immediately saw this  item and how it came and i was so over it from the   start so what this is this is a one sheet blackout  wall sticker it has 2485 reviews again almost a   perfect five stars and i guess the price isn't  bad because it was only one dollar fifty cents   you know which for a giant sticker this size i i'm  pretty okay with that but because shein only ships   in bags look how this came in the mail so before i  show you this just remember it's supposed to be a   sticker you're supposed to put it on your wall  stick it on completely flat and unfortunately this is how it came it came completely  bent and it's not just in this one area   it's like an entire 360 bend so let me open  this bad boy up and see what the situation is oh let's see if it's so   oh it came with chalk i thought i was gonna have  to run to walmart or something and go pick up some   chalk okay cool that kind of makes up for it  all right so let's see how long this thing is oh i thought it was gonna be way  longer on the picture it showed   way way longer so this is how big it is  compared to the picture from what it showed oh she is wrinkly i can't stick any of  this on the walls because my landlord   will get very upset with me so i'm  just going to stick it to my desk i guess because the sticker is so thin that   once it's wrinkled it's just  always going to be wrinkled   and i have a wet paper towel here let's see if i  can erase it okay yeah it erases very very well   this paper feels very very thin if you've  ever felt true chalk paper you know that   it's much thicker than this stuff right here but  i think when it comes down to shein everything   that they make it seems that it's only meant  to be used for a very short amount of time   because everything that i bought so far even  though they do work they're just so easy to   destroy if that makes sense i can see somebody  buying this for like their kid but i feel like   if you wanted to use this on a day-by-day  basis i feel like this would probably not be   the best so if i had to rate this i would say  this is a 5 out of 10. now i know technically   all of these things aren't necessarily art  materials they're more art supplies and tools   so i'm gonna try to make a drawing with everything  included and we'll see what my final thoughts are my final thoughts for shein.com besides  the fact that they're so controversial   most of the art supplies it was just okay as far  as all of these art supplies go the quality is   and i think this applies for the entirety  of shein it's just not made to last   it's made to only be used a couple of times so  as far as like shopping exclusively at shein for   art supplies i don't recommend it i enjoyed the  eraser pencils the palette and the tortillon and by   the way i'm sorry i didn't get a chance to work  on this more i wish i would have had more time   it's just that i am going to be moving this  week to a new state so yeah i'm sorry the   videos have been so scarce lately  i've just been sick and then like   moving if you guys want to see an empty house tour  please let me know down below and yeah with that   being said i'll leave my broke artist playlist  here don't forget to like subscribe all that good   stuff and with that being said i hope you have a  good day and i will see you guys next video bye
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 2,417,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, art, superraedizzle, rae dizzle, shein, trying art supplies, haul, shein haul 2021, fall shein, painting, testing art supplies, unboxing, review
Id: NVVv8r-mhtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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