I Tried A TEMU Art Set..is it a LEGO ART Knockoff??

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recently Lego Dove its way into the art world most recently creating the wave and starry night and as you know I love starry night I also really love Lego as a brand and I'll always have a soft spot for them because they actually came to my studio and filmed some content with me last year so I will leave that in the description if you want to watch it so if you would like to see me struggle and try out all of the art sets by Lego feel free to like this video and if we get to like 10 000 likes I'll try out the great way by Hawker size recently I tried out Teemu and something I didn't tell you was that I actually found a cheap set that looks strangely familiar so today I'm going to be trying out both sets to compare this 20 set I found on Teemu to this 170 Lego one just to see which one is better I think we all know which one's gonna be better this is a Lego ideas project basically anyone can submit an idea to Lego and if enough people want it to be made they make it now the slogan set is made by stacking thousands upon thousands of Lego pieces together to make those famous brush Strokes that van Gogh is famous for this is a 2 316 piece set which takes approximately six to seven hours and when you open up the box you can see why starting off we have 16 million bags which I organized we have the booklet the instruction manual it's uh quite thick there were a lot of pages 237 to be exact [Music] foreign go six pieces Down 2 310 to go oh yeah we made them a little easel too this took strangely longer than I expected it to and we've not even started the main piece yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we're currently at 47 minutes and 58 seconds into this six to seven hour project and this is what we've done so far which seems a lot but then you see this we have to make this entire wall out of 15 million pieces of Lego oh yeah did I also tell you that I'm building this backwards so that I can get it on camera everything I do I'm having to mirror image at this point because we are almost an hour in and I realized I still had a lot left to do I decided to bring in my brother the Lego expert to help unfortunately we realized quite quickly that it's almost an impossible task to help someone with because this project you can only really do one row at a time but it gets more confusing if more people help since you can only see one page at a time so it pretty much just ended up me sitting there whilst he built things and handed them to me thank you we got a lot done but we oh well never mind so he left for dinner and I continued [Music] [Music] when I tell you this is well made that is an understatement there are layers upon layers and layers for the layers to make this not just sturdy but aesthetically pleasing foreign [Music] look at all of the layers in this unbelievable that someone designed this like I've never seen a Lego that looks like this I mean I'm not exactly a Lego connoisseur here but this is so impressive so we have officially started onto bag number four we have I think nine total so yeah let's get started on bag number four bag four here we go ignore the empty bag of goldfish okay so we're pretty far in now we're on page 85 and now it wants us to turn it this way this is part of the background so it completely changes it and it looks so cool okay moment of trick we've got to attach these two pieces somehow we just connected the two pieces of the foreground and this is how it looks so freaking cool look at all the layers of this thing it's there's so much to it I'm still unbelievably impressed that this is a thing I'm about two hours in now and I still have a long way to go the scary thing is the next few pages look like this this is gonna be fun my phone decided to reset on me so now it's back to zero but last I had it it was two hours 40 so we're just gonna add this on to that title so this process actually didn't take quite as long as I was expecting it took me just over an hour to do the entire wall and I think a lot of that was just the fact there wasn't anything too fancy just all regular sized blocks pretty much it did make my eyes a little wonky after I'd been looking at it for a while but it wasn't too bad [Music] the issue I did have was it was literally a thin tall wall and it was very hard to keep upright balanced the whole time because it was just very wonky and wobbly as far as walls go this is probably the prettiest one that I've seen okay so Moment of Truth we have this piece right here and we are going to be attaching this to the back of it okay come on there we go look how cool that is oh yeah this is a piece that was missing that did not seem to be in the bag so it looks a bit weird hopefully we can cover that or something as you can see a lot of layers this is how the back looks and this is how many bags we still apparently have left for some reason this project actually took me so long I have a new hairstyle now so we are almost getting to be somewhat nearly done still not quite overall background part took me just over an hour which was better than I was expecting I was hoping it would take me more around half an hour but you know we can all dream but we've attached everything we actually have so much left because we have to make a frame now there's like six bags just for the frame that's what's gonna take a really long time now so bag number six here we go the frame was completely unexpected somehow in the amount of times I've been looking at the picture of this I did not realize there was actually a frame around it there were so many pieces that went into making it but it was very easy in the end to put together because you pretty much just use the same pieces repeatedly until they fit together foreign [Music] this piece I kept knocking off it was so annoying but look it looks so good don't ask me why but this whole thing is held up by one stick four bags woohoo and this this is the fun bag we have all of the pieces of the moon and the stars in here my dog is being very needy today my goodness I love him so much gotta kiss his little curly head he's so cute so at this point I was feeling pretty happy I was about five hours into it overall until I remembered I haven't done the swells or the tree limb Mountain thing at the front whilst impressive the swirl was actually my least favorite thing to put together because it was just a bit weird and didn't really make sense to me until it actually went onto the background it was very clever though it sort of used a clever system to make the blocks lie in that swirl shape he'd be missing a very vital piece that attaches to this one so it's kind of like a lever it goes up and down I am missing the other piece to this it's nowhere to be seen I've looked all over the table all over the floor it's just not in the kit although the one piece missing was a very vital part so I ended up just sort of placing it in there and hoping it would stay but look at this so beautiful Masterpiece Lego you have literally outdone yourself it looks so pretty I'm very happy and last but not least this tree thing and just over six hours of work later we are done I will say this thing was a little bit of a headache at times but that's just because I had to film the entire process so it wasn't like a Leisure lead activity for me [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign now here is my overall rating ease of putting together 8 out of ten quality 10 out of 10 costs 7 out of 10 kind of neutral to this because I understand why it's the price it is and you get a lot for your money but I know it is quite expensive and this is definitely a treat yourself Splurge purchase literally 100 000 out of ten okay so now it's time to try out the Teemu and see how it Compares I will say I'm a little nervous about this because I feel like it's going to be a little bit smaller than we're expecting it to be and I just hope that it's not going to be too small because I already had trouble with my nails and the Lego pieces as it was so if these pieces are much smaller I may need a little bit of help this was a lot cheaper this was like twenty dollars so I can't expect the same quality well something I didn't notice when ordering this was that it said micro particle micro this is Tony these things are awful this is the Lego set obviously this is the base for the version that I found on Teemu they have a piece remover like they do for Lego so this is the version I found on Teemo and this is the Lego size I need like a pair of tweezers or something I mean in the photo it seems way bigger than it actually is and I'm not sure what kind of light that is but that is clearly very small because this thing is Tiny look how petite a little Van Gogh is he's very cute he features Van Gogh he's Van Gogh's baby so I have no idea how many pieces there are in this set because it doesn't tell me and I gave up counting after 400 so I'm gonna go with about 1500 to 2 000 pieces there aren't quite as many bags in here as the Lego sets but there are far more pieces per bag so it's really hard to say just how long this is actually going to take now I did want to add the reason why I'm comparing these two is because not only is Van Gogh almost identical along with his canvas the overall style the style of the overall piece is more than just a basic flat Starry Night it clearly has many similar elements to the first set and it may just be fluke but I figured they were very similar and enough ways for me to compare them many of the same types of parts are used and even some of the ways the parts slot in diagonally are quite similar now the way this was designed you actually stack it starting from the back instead of the front this was different to the Lego set of course pieces don't fit overly well but they aren't exactly hard to assemble at least they do push on quite easily this little orange piece included was actually very beneficial to both pick up and put down pieces so I did use it quite a lot unfortunately though the directions were very difficult you start here and then you go here this one you then presume is this one but it's a completely different row so you have to start here and then down here even though the arrows Point downwards you have to do layer one layer two layer three layer four and same here it shows all of the previous layers in Gray and you can basically work upwards so it's incredibly easy to accidentally keep changing rows like when on this one for example I end up accidentally looking at this one and messing it all up and you don't actually realize you've messed up until you've reached the end of the row and things just aren't lining up the illustration is terrible too see that line differentiating this piece from this piece I'm gonna be flat honest with you now and tell you that this is the worst thing that I have ever done like I know this is cheap but this is the most mundane task because you just feel like you're getting nowhere it's one of the most unrewarding tasks I've ever done because it's so small that you don't get much like reward for the time you're spending on it it's nothing for it to grip to it kind of just sort of places there so it just it doesn't do anything luckily for me there were two people in my family who are Lego experts my brother and my boyfriend and since my nails were making it virtually impossible to build this thing and he just got home from work I got some help we spent two hours assembling this together and I was getting pretty stressed because it was 10 p.m these were really small my nails were getting in the way I just finished the Lego piece after six hours and he was being very sweet and supportive and took over for me turns out it wasn't just my nails making it hard he was having a difficult time as well so he spent a long time on this helping me whilst I edit this video his words this is ridiculous Lego directions are easy to follow this is not and that was terrible I'm sorry thank you we are now on to back two the other reason I know is because there's a very small two at the top and unfortunately there are four bags of twos with all of these tiny blocks they're so tiny I would think they were cute and adorable if I didn't have to use all of them [Music] foreign [Music] the reason why he is helping me so much I never normally get this kind of help with my videos firstly I think I strain something in my hand or my wrist when I was doing the Lego piece all of my fingers are so soft and more than anything it's been very stressful because we're actually in the process of moving my parents are also moving and I want to be helping them I edited all day yesterday it took me 14 hours to edit up until this point and I just don't have a lot of time right now I'll explain it all in a future video but that's why he is helping me so much and I really really appreciate it thank you [Music] none of these colors are matching up at all [Music] none of it's held together that was my issue yesterday it just was like floating so this became increasingly more difficult and more annoying to do there was one particular part with the tree branch thing I'm sorry I really don't know what it is where we jointly spent 45 minutes trying to figure out this one particular step that just did not illustratively make any sense whatsoever with the bricks we were given the more we went into this the more the pieces were missing the colors were wrong and overall there were just so many pieces missing that it made it incredibly difficult to do it you have to keep them lined up as you put them on and the second layer doesn't like hold the first layer together so you have like three layers that keep pulling apart because none of them are containing themselves in one everything they tell you to do doesn't like hold the rows together so we decided once we were nine hours into this thing that we would just stop where we were and we would just try to visually make it look as good as we possibly could because we were missing some pretty vital pieces to keep this together does it just I think it's supposed to click oh they don't wait there's some pieces back there yeah it looks like the picture doesn't it I mean it's missing a couple of pieces yeah some of these but okay so after nine hours and at some points I suppose doing it at the same time so technically if it had just been me doing it the whole time it probably would have taken at least 12 hours and we are giving up so many pieces are missing misaligned just don't make sense for the instructions on one of the steps in particular for the tree we were working on it between us for about 45 minutes because it just did not make sense and this is how it looks now this is my personal opinion this may have just been my set I can't speak for every other set out there but we're gonna give this a rating 2 out of 10 for ease of assembly this thing was not very easy to put together some parts were okay once you got going with it but other parts just didn't make any sense and I really did not enjoy any of this the quality I'm gonna give this a 5 out of ten clearly it's not going to be the same quality as the previous set because it's nowhere near the same price so I don't expect it to be however things would definitely not cut as they should have been cost I'm gonna give this one an 8 out of ten much more affordable obviously but you do to an extent get what you pay for you may really enjoy blocks that are very small like this but if you prefer regular sized Legos and that's already quite small for you most likely you would not like this officially I'll give this a 6 out of 10 because it was missing some spots and clearly it wasn't 100 completed because obviously we stopped early because we were missing so many pieces but I mean overall from a distance it looks pretty good all opinions expressed in this video are my own there is no affiliation with either of these Brands these are again just me stating my opinion and my experience of it see us that's it for now thank you so much for watching this video I really hope that you enjoyed it take care of yourselves and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Chloe Rose Art
Views: 175,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chloe rose, chloe rose art, mia maples, hope scope, cheap products, temu vs wish, art set, temu, wish, shein, temu art, lego starry night, lego art, temu vs lego, cheap vs expensive, vs
Id: 0EzzzrDQQfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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