Letting an AI Rewrite Ash Ketchum's Kanto Journey

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i've been wanting to make this video for a long time getting an ai to rewrite ash ketchum's story is an idea i had before this youtube channel even existed when tom scott released this excellent video earlier in the year it moved back to the forefront of my mind the ai that he used in that video open ai's gpt-3 sadly wasn't something i could easily access so again i put it on the back burner then a few weeks ago dogdog posted this hilarious video using an ai called infer kit and after a bit of messing around with it i realized my idea could finally become a reality so for a very brief explanation on how inferior kit works well it tells you right there you type some text in and a neural network will generate more for example if i type ash misty and brock all tripped and began tumbling down the hill it can follow that up with well whatever this happens to be then if you're not happy with that you can delete its response and try again to get something like this you can generate responses from anything between 100 characters to 1 000 characters and now that you know that let's get into the new canon version of ash ketchum's journey oh i should also say this is my pitch for the plot of that new netflix live action pokemon series that was announced okay let's get going we're just going to give it a nice simple prompt to start ash ketchum wakes up on the day of his 10th birthday after arriving late to professor oak's lab there was only one pokemon left to choose with his right hand he draws a pokeball yes give me the pokemon professor oak hands the blue and gold pokeball over ash looks over the card and reads out the name evie the pokeball rattles and red light turns white the pokemon releases a small purple creature with five spikes on its back the pokemon opens its mouth wide in response to ash letting out a shrill sound what does evie sound like evie ash picks up the little thing and holds it in his arms his father come wait okay ash's dad is in this story his father comes over and gives the boy a hug congratulations on your 10th birthday son i'm happy that you picked evie okay so i guess in this particular universe evie has a shiny form that's purple the spikes i'm just going to assume they're like tufts of fur so a shiny eevee actually starting with a shiny eevee i believe is what they're trying to tell me ash bids his parents farewell and then heads off down route 1 with evie and tow hoping to catch a new pokemon ash stops at a vendor on the highway where he overhears one young boy asking another if his parents had ever brought home a pikachu ash asks to buy the kid a poke which ash does then watches him run off into the distance with his new accessory ash gets on a carriage with a maiden and her ugly horse only to get off when the carriage driver makes a comment about evie ash leaves with a new sense of purpose as he drives off into the night is that's driving a car right now ash passes the playground that he had used as a young boy and thinks back to his days playing at the playground before the days of his mother's death oh my god so much is happening with ash's parents he remembers how he had wanted to call her a witch and explain his strange behavior he remembers how she would tell him not to be rude until we have to press on with this and to keep his mind on the other kids he remembers his father telling him that the worst thing his mother ever did was going to bed with another man when she was young this is completely wild this is not this is not what we were trying i was trying to get a pokemon ash remembers the days of his mother's funeral when a woman offered to help her bury her as the woman walked off ash was surprised to hear the woman screaming for her husband only to be cut off by the woman's scream for him ash quickly shoved his hand into his pocket to return his father's bloody boat catch to him only to have the pokecatch be buried as well ash turned his back to the woman as the woman screamed for her husband and for her life knowing that ash didn't have heart to listen i think we have to stop this section here we didn't really get very far we just learned that ash's mom is she's dead delia passed away in this universe and ash grew up with his father it's quite traumatic quite different we didn't really progress the story well that is backstory it's building the back story up so you you're more invested in the characters as we push the story forward okay we really want to get the ai back on course here so let's let's try to move on from the backstory enough about his parents though as ash neared viridian city a wild pokemon caught his eye ash sent evie out to battle the hopefully we're gonna get some story with actual pokemon now the wild lapras but found himself quite surprised by its swift moves ash quickly rushed to his partner's side but realized that she couldn't fight back not only that but ash couldn't help but compare the wild lapras to ash's pokemon alright evie it's up to you the train will let his friend take her position on the field taking a deep breath evie used bite evie closed in on lapras hoping to close in on it in one blow but lapras grabbed onto evie's tail knocking her out in the process ash couldn't help but laugh though at the same time he found himself worrying about evie good could her tail possibly have a weakness okay this is good though we've got a pokemon let's let's try and push this forward although lapras had knocked out evie in a single blow ash decided to throw a pokeball at the wild water type and hope for the best the ball shook once then stopped lapras's tongue appeared licking his lips with one swift moment he bit down on the pokeball crushing him instantly with his jaw open wide lapras roared into the night my my humongous plan i knew ash tossed his head around trying to find lapras the thunder god was nowhere in sight did you see him lapras i said desperately tell me where he is the water god roared one more time and disappeared so um i i don't think he caught the lapras but that's okay that's okay you know he tried and that's the main thing there's usually not much to do in viridian so i'm just giving it a free pretty open prompt in viridian city ash and evie and we'll see what it thinks they do stopped at the pokemart to pick up supplies as they strolled the aisles each smiling evie was tickled to hear ash reciting the infamous catchphrase he often used while battling pidgeotto though now he seemed to be battling too be you evie be you how do you keep finding such good moves to keep such a great thing don't you think it's a little vain to call yourself a great great great great whatever ash tilted his head what's your point evie smiled and wrapped her tail around his ankle isn't it amazing how a legend changes so much like meowth this evie can talk as could the lapras talking pokemon a lot more common in this particular universe i mean pikachu talked that one time maybe that's more of it it's more like the trainer forms a bond and can hear the pokemon uh stuff to say but that didn't tell us much we really need to lead the ai in the direction of ash getting a new pokemon before the gym so on his way to pewter city ash encounters a wild pokemon while exploring viridian forest after a fierce battle with his evie ash succeeds in catching a pidgeotto and naming it jesse ash arrives at pewter city to check on his pokedex report finding out that jesse is a flying type ash thinks of naming jesse as a flying flying fly type pokemon while naming jesse the next thing he sees in his pokedex ash then heads off to pewter city for the next step in his journey on his way to pewter city ash stops at nimbasa city that is a long there's a real detour where he chats with tracy and meets caitlyn while buying a tm ash reveals that he caught jesse from pewter city and discovers that jesse is a flying pokemon taking the tm in his pokedex ending his comment about was his comment about which led him finished content jesse being a flying pokemon okay so he now has a pidgeotto named jesse he briefly went to univer you know as you do and he bought a tm possibly to teach to evie but i mean this is progress we we have a new pokemon if the ai writes something then you know we're committing to it so asash enters pewter city he decides to teach eevee a new move with the help of jesse the pidgeotto ash uses the tm for shadow sneak on eevee but a sparrow flies by and hurls the stone into ash's leg calling him to lose his balance and fall okay pretty confusing paragraph but evie learned shadow sneak and that's the main thing we need to take from this we need to be happy that the ai came up with an actual move that is something i feel like we're ready for the gym now you know evie's learned a new move we've got two pokemon it it feels like we're in a good spot so ash arrives at the pewter gym with his two pokemon evie and pidgeotto the gym leader will they recast the gym leader in pewter we don't know the gym leader whitney welcomes him in a hostile manner her fear is evident no one arrives with bad intentions ash wonders what she could be afraid of he knows whitney a champion trainer has had her fair share of tough battles ashe hopes to find a way to ease whitney's fears and find a way to impress her the gym is a large castle-like structure it is used to train wild pokemon ash along with his two pokemon enter the gym the room is covered in pokemon badges trophies and gold medals within the chamber ash sees a different image of himself though in the image he sees ash is handsome that's a bit of a depressing look at ash um and how he feels about himself you know he's not feeling great about himself right now but that's okay we have recast pewter gym leader whitney is it the same whitney from goldenrod can't be sure probably brock is no longer here so let's see how ash can do against whitney i guess okay i feel like we need to be a bit more specific for gym battles i can't just let the ai lose its mind and start talking about nothing i'm bottoming it out it can only generate a hundred characters it's still going to be making all the big choices i just don't want it to try and ride a whole battle by itself because i've tried it and it doesn't work it gets very confused about what pokemon exists who's got what pokemon it's just a mess so we're starting off we're just trying to find out what pokemon whitney is using to start off his first gym battle ash sends out evie as whitney calls on her umbreon evie picks up her speed as he goes to battle for the first time in this battle so he was already starting to lose the plot but the important thing is whitney started off with umbreon okay you know let's try and let's try and get this going ashes evie and whitney's umbreon both showed great strength but there was only ever going to be one winner i'm honestly just trying to get the ai to tell me who wins this battle the eevee went flying to the sidelines and managed to scoot back on its tail while ash shook his head at the loss okay that that makes sense you know umbreon is evie's evolved form it fits that it would defeat evie this is a two-on-two battle so we're okay jesse the pidgeotto can still claw this back pidgiota replaces evie as whitney recalls umbreon and sends out her second pokemon oddish okay that's really good news for pidgeotto ash's pidgeotto and whitney's oddish take the field and attack one another at the same time the oddish fires off a dart as pichioto lands on the ground but the dart misses its target as whitney throws an oddish in the air to attack however ash's bird dodges the attack with ease and throws a mud bomb at the oddish to try and finish it off when the dust clears ash realizes that oddish has survived the attack the oddish fights back against pidgeotto with tailwind although ash's bird counters with tackle the oddish resists the attack and picks up speed meanwhile pidgeotto decides to finish off the oddish with head slash and after dodging its first attack the oddish gets hurt and tries to flee into the trees stop trying to run away the bird then tries to reach the oddish by leaping but arjus takes the opportunity to duck and avoid the attack pigeot's follow-up attack misses and ash's oddish ash does not have an oddish continues to get closer to escaping however the bird hops back onto the field and lashes out at oddish with head smash damaging it and knocking it out the main thing here is the pidgeotto one so it's all level umbreon knocked out eevee pidgeotto knocked out oddish it's all coming down to umbreon versus pidgeotto let's see how it goes both down to their final pokemon ash and whitney share a look and then call for attacks ash instructs pigiota to use head smash as whitney calls for umbreon to use faint attack umbreon uses flash oh that's disobedient both pokemon transform instantly to the pokemon from their dreams umbreon is a shadow type dark pokemon with red eyes head smash hits umbreon but only inflicts minor damage umbreon survives the hit but ends up missing the attack umbreon starts to glow and flickers but can't get close to the shadow pokemon as the two dark pokemon swap positions umbreon is defeated by head smash umbreon faint shortly afterwards whitney and ash seem extremely disappointed that they haven't been able to defeat both pokemon in a battle what why ash stop being disappointed you just won the tension is interrupted by brock wait what's brock been doing he's been there the whole time watching the battle from a distance too nervous to enter the battlefield himself brock suggests that the grass pokemon should fight to let the light pokemon live however whitney doesn't seem to like brock's idea either so she argues that umbreon should take its place honestly i think we can leave that one there the battle was a bit confusing pidgeotto transformed into the pokemon from its dream you know as as you do we can't really be sure what that is but it did defeat umbreon with a head smash the ai made that abundantly clear i thought um so there you go ash has well let's let's see what ash has take this ash this is the badge you get for defeating me here in pewter city whitney says it's called the red badge of courage maybe you should use it ash just shakes his head looking worried i won that was a perfect amount to generate thank you ai okay we're gonna do something a little different and see if the ai can generate a list of what happened between pewter and cerulean so on the long road from pewter city to cerulean city three major things happened to ash evie and pidgeotto one ash lost his first battle this shocked him to the core he couldn't believe it he was no longer the champion of kanto he lost to this small trainer with a cute pokemon he wasn't even able to land a single hit evie evolved into vaporeon she won't stop evolving that's what she keeps telling me pidgeotto evolved into a pidgeot he is no longer defeated by a trainer we don't need to carry on two major events there ah well i mean ash ash is no longer the champion of kanto obviously a tragedy evie evolved into vaporeon and picchio to evolved into pidgeot okay that's pretty big yeah okay we're in cerulean we've got a pidgey on the vaporeon now a really important piece of information we need before we can move on is um what color is they pour it on ash's purple evie had evolved now vaporeon the water type's coat was a shade of pink and his ears stood out to either side of his head we have a pink vaporum which i think is actually the color of a porion shiny so that completely gels with what we said earlier about evie being shiny it's time for the ai to decide who the cerulean city gym leader is so as he entered cerulean city ash met the local gym leader flint ash thought that a battle would be good for some fresh air so he had a one-on-one okay worked for me flint is the cerulean city gym leader is that brock's dad or is that the cino elite four member or is it somebody completely different we may never know before we can get into that battle we need the ai to determine what exactly flint will be using for the one-on-one cerulean gym battle flint tells us she'll be using his strongest pokemon for alligator for alligator top versus growlithe bottom don't need to know that let's just let's just he's using for alligator let's leave it at that okay we need the ai to decide ash's pokemon so ash can only choose one of a pointer pidgeot to face for alligator and ultimately decides to use the latter they reach for alligator and still bicker in the beginning then for alligator says what do that'll do thank you ash's pigeon for his flints for alligator was a battle for the ages ash knew that even though the for alligator was faster in the star his pokemon was older and had more experience and that's what happened as for alligators slowed down pidgeot was able to fly at full speed and hit the opponent dead-on for alligator had no time to react and was hit squarely he was knocked out ash was both surprised and relieved pitchiart no ash said stopping his pokemon okay ash just does not know how to react to a win you've got the win accept it be happy that's another gym badge we don't know what it's called yet but we're gonna find out but there we go ash has beaten flint good work pidgeot here you go ash flint growl handing over a badge for defeating me here in cerulean you've earned the wild badge ash took the badge with a very relieved smile he smiled in relief and handed it to let's just assume it's his badge case because who else is he handing it to so we've had the red badge of courage and the wild badge i'm liking the badge names the ai is absolutely killing it on that i'm sort of just forcing the ai to give us a new pokemon at this point because it definitely needs some coaxing with the prompt we can skip the whole journey to vermillion city the only moment worth noting was ash catching his third pokemon a poliwag which he named proud after his dead father no proud ketchum is dead god the ai didn't even mention it oh my god ash is an orphan that is horrible let's ignore the part about poliwag being kidnapped we'll just oh kind of let's see quickly the poor baby was kidnapped and barely survived a dgh what let me google dgh because i don't even know what that means okay according to google it's a directorate general of hydrocarbons it's the indian governmental regulatory body under the ministry of petroleum and natural gas so i think they kidnapped poliwag but more importantly ash's dad died it's a real tragedy the ai giveth and the a i take of the way let's just see if this works in a three-on-three battle in the vermillion gym ash's vaporeon pidgeot and poliwag defeated shroomish larvitar and hitmonchan respectively okay that actually works we probably need to know who those pokemon belong to so the shroomish larvitar and hitmonchan belong to the vermillion city gym leader elizabeth's nephew jonathan jonathan was very obsessed with pokemon and was his gym's guardian he had vermilion city's gym beat on every challenge the two pokemon were already perfect sorry ladies but i need to make an appearance mister okay jonathan elizabeth's nephew jonathan of course i feel like we needed to speed up the process a bit the last couple of gyms took a long time so this was good we got it out of the way quickly very important that we do this obviously by defeating me in an official battle you've earned this badge ash jonathan squeaked it's called the spirit badge may i see it yes ash exclaimed what jonathan rushed forward pushing ash back of course he did that's fine the spirit badge is a good name it works with the wild badge and the red badge of courage between vermilion city and saffron city ash adds a fourth pokemon to his grown team it's a togepi a baby frail version of a togepi that is placed in the care of professor oak okay ash has got togepi now a baby frail version of a togepi i should say although it sounds like he's immediately sent it back to professor oak so it doesn't really matter okay i'm like an hour into this recording session and i've only got the togepi thing so we're just gonna go for the gym i tried to get the ai to come up with something happening in saffron city but it was very confused ash mostly just left the city behind or went to the elite four on one occasion misty was his girlfriend and she died but um none of it really made any sense so with that in mind once he reaches saffron city ash heads for the local gym where he meets the gym leader silen the two decide to battle and ash wins alright this is my first time trying this prompt and we're literally already through the gym ash beats silen that absolutely works as it's the only thing the ai is having any real success with we're gonna keep on naming the badges this is your prize for defeating me silent said handing ash a badge it's called the orange guardians badge take it with pride ash received it and put it on the front of his shirt perfect okay so we've had the red badge of courage the wild badge the spirit badge and the orange guardians badge this really is the ai's specialty this prompt is pretty open the ai could go for a person or a pokemon here on his way to saladon city ash encounters a ghastly in the trees above gassy proceeds to attack ash but he's saved by misty who uses her electric current to stop it ash and misty discussed the matter in the cave then both ash and misty head to the city the police arrest lance for the murder of silen oh no at least ash got to battle him first the magistrate announces the verdict lance is guilty misty is shocked ash feels guilty too yeah i'm not i'm not sure what to make of that information honestly it's kind of bizarre that silence came up again so quickly i guess this is the introduction of misty to the story the ai brings her up quite a lot but i'm not sure she's actually made it into this story yet at least we made it to celadon that's something after attending silent's funeral ash and misty head to the celadon city gym together it's there that they meet the local gym leader lenora when ash caught a glimpse of her he was stunned at how beautiful she is lenora wore a black dress with a pink vest she is six years she is six years old do you have a dream to participate in the world cup she asked ash and misty yes i do i never won a cup but i definitely want to win one during my journey i have a few dreams myself like becoming the indigo league and champion i have many issues with this just too many issues but let's ignore parts of this and just take on board that a six-year-old named lenora possibly the same lenore that we know is the gym leader in saladon city but wow troubling troubling but yeah you are on thin ice ai the youngest gym leader in the history of kanto six-year-old lenora battles ash with her pikachu when asked why she uses pikachu lenora simply states pikachu has a heart of gold okay that's pretty nice let's see who ash is gonna use against lenora's pikachu ash can only choose one of his four pokemon pigeon pollywag and togotic are all weak against electric type pokemon though in the end ash decides to use vaporeon against lenora's pikachu he uses vault tackle and its barbs make lenora's pikachu un good okay so lenora's pikachu will face ash's vaporeon as a six-year-old lenore is not the most complete battler her pikachu takes on ash's vaporeon but is quickly defeated and thrown into the water at about the same time she and her pikachu were tempting to cross a narrow wood bridge when vaporeon dashed in front of her and stepped on her tail okay couple of questions why is she trying to cross a narrow woodbridge during a gym battle and also why does she have a tail despite her and humiliation lenora does not consider herself to be anything but an outsider okay ash beat lenora i feel like i sort of manufactured that one but you've gotta think a six-year-old isn't gonna be very good at battling i mean the ai needs to know that lenora walks towards ash and places a badge in his hand this is proof that you defeated me it's called the marionette badge i'm honored ash replies being able to use the highest amount of energy i'll just leave it there the highest amount of energy oh in hindsight i should probably i'm honored ash replies being able to use the highest amount of energy i feel like marionette badge is surprisingly appropriate here again the ai is just knocking it out of the park on these alright it's time to move on misty tells ash that the closest gym is in fuchsia city she also lets him know that the nearby safari zone presents a great opportunity to catch pokemon to cut a long story short on their visit to the safari zone ash catches a wildo duo it's a better pokemon than pikachu burn on lenora i'm sorry to say this but it's time to cut the man a little bit of slack he does seem to be cut from a different cloth from the rest of us he may be a clumsy chap but there's no denying that he can catch pokemon sure he prefers wild birds and maybe even birds are more hiss than pokemon but i still don't think he's the worst this just reads like the ai trying to defend all of the decisions it's made it's it's a very defensive few lines but ash caught a dojuo that's another pokemon weak to electrotypes i guess that's his thing now in fuchsia city ash and misty crossed paths with the town's new gym leader jasmine ash faces off against the sexy coordinator and gets a little suspicious of her the ai is clearly keen to keep up hash's weird fascination with the gym leaders anyway the fuchsia city gym battle sees ash's vaporeon pidgeot and doduo facing off against jasmine's hacksaurus dragonair and alakazam the fuchsia gym leader jasmine welcomes all challengers okay that's a pretty gym worthy team she is unquestionably better than janine alright we're going to see how the ai does with the prompt for a full match-up the battle between ash's vaporeon pidgeot and dojuo and jasmine's haxorus dragonair and alakazam lasts almost an hour it continues even after two hours and dash finally wins okay the stage then has the credits the battle between ash's vaporeon pidgeot and dojuo and jasmine's hacksaw's dragonair and alakazam lasts almost an hour it continues even after two hours and ash finally wins the stage then has the credits bit weird went for a little repeat there but it did give us a piece of relevant information and that is that ash won jasmine admits defeat and hands as a badge you've earned this every trainer that beats me in a gym battle gets this badge it's called the power badge jasmine tells ash that she will not be waiting for him at the end of his journey okay makes sense i don't know why she would be waiting for him we've got a lot of ground to cover with this prompt so i've gone for when ash and misty learned that the viridian city gym leader is still absent they stop in at pallet town on their way to cinebar island in the next gym at this point the town is full of painful memories after visiting his parents graves they leave pallet town behind on the journey to cinnabar island the couple learns that due to the constant interference of team rocket the leader of the viridian gym bruno has resigned and refused to rejoin team rocket as their leader ash and misty travel through route 23 route 24 route 25 route 26 route 27 route 28 route 29 to reach cinebar island it seems like a very long journey to get there at this point he has to work on breaking his rivals ban on him and another pokemon battling okay so bruno was a former team rocket leader or possibly just a former team rocket member but due to their interference he has resigned his spot as viridian city gym leader so i wonder he'll be there when ash returns i feel like it's about time for new pokemon we've gone pretty far without one so in cinebar island ash catches a wild sand shrew and names it sanshru after sandstorm ash saw zatrani in the pokemon gotta catch em all contest okay very creative nickname i like it that takes ash's team to five ash then meets the cinnabar gym leader gary oak ooh ash later agrees to visit the pokemon center in cinnabar to heal his pokemon and oak i don't feel like i should continue that the ai tends to go a bit off the rails when you push it past just one thing let's see what team gary oak is going to be using though the cinnabar gym battle will be a three on three battle between ash's sanchru poliwag and vaporeon and gary oaks haunter gengar and jolteon the predetermined move pool for the battle hasn't been announced yet ok there will be a predetermined move pool for this battle pretty good team for gary i like that let's see how this goes the battle between the challenger ashes poliwag sanchu and vaporeon and the gym leader gary's haunter gengar and jolteon truly lived up to the billing but in the end ash's polywrath proved victorious polywrath didn't have much trouble ash was more prepared i guess she could get a little tired said karen bloom his mother bloom said she was very proud of her son for sticking to his original plan and not changing his pokemon during the match moments after the match was over ass said he was just glad to have gotten the win he added that polywrath which he gave up on earlier in the day was a tough pokemon to defeat according to the school district ash and his mother were honored to visit school for the day okay a lot of information there it sounds like poliwag evolved into poliwhirl and then ash presumably used a water stone to evolve it again into polywrath mid-battle not sure that's entirely within the rules but poliwrath seems to have swept gary also when i guess it kind of makes sense as he's 10 and both of his parents have passed away ash has been adopted by karen bloom i guess not sure yet if he's going to change his name to ash bloom or stick as ash ketchum but i'm sure the ai will tell us if it comes up gary congratulates ash on his win and then hands him a badge this is a token of your victory it's called the indigo league badge you now qualify for the indigo league congratulations you've earned this alright so i guess because bruno resigned in viridian you now only need seven badges to qualify for the indigo league i'm just sort of trying to figure out what the ai is going for here with bruno gone there is no gym leader left in viridian city so everyone who's earned seven badges has qualified for the indigo plateau conference knowing that he'll need six pokemon to compete there ash goes out and catches a shiny rayquaza from the statue near the gym so that he'll have an upper hand against the gym leaders but even with that advantage the trainers at the elite four summit can afford to be kind to ash the elite four members look at the boy as a young hero who's made it far it's not you know it's not probably didn't need to continue that on but ash called a shiny rayquaza to go along with his shiny vaporeon this is a pretty cool looking team right now once he arrives at the indigo plateau ash enters the conference and has to compete in the preliminaries to make it to the finals ash has to win four battles ultimately he advances to the finals but not without some controversy as he lost to pichu pichu in the end succeeded in what he set out to do which is get all the pokemon to finish a battle what are the odds that he'll win i don't know i guess we'll find out in the indigo plateau conference round of 16 ash takes on rainey while green takes on her sister shade in the end ash defeats rainey and advances to the quarter finals to face green ash does not use pikachu in this battle but instead uses his blast good it's good to use your blast sometimes so ash has beaten rainy and green has beaten shade presumably two of joaquin phoenix's sisters there and they will face off in the quarterfinals speaking of for the quarterfinals of the indigo plaza conference all the battles will be full six on six battles ash's vaporeon pidgeot polywrath doduo sanchu and rayquaza will be taking on greens tropius dino rhyhorn magnazone polytode and electrode if red wins this game he will advance well if either of them win they'll advance that's sort of the nature of the tournament let's see if it can deal with a full battle the ai tends to get very confused with these the quarterfinal battle between ash's vaporeon pidgeot poliwrath doduo sanchu and rayquaza and green's tropius dino rhyhorn magna zone polytoten electrode goes down to the wire ash begins leading by a small margin while green's team is all over ashes green begins to close in on ash's team but ash steps up and battles the battle is another close one with ash regaining the lead by a few points and only needing one more win to progress only a few fights later ash's victorious once again regaining a solo lead over green's team and winning the battle ash advances to the semi-finals not only is ash victorious he is victorious over his rival for the first time i guess green is one of ash's rivals that the ai has just failed to mention well let's see who ash is going to face off against in the final four in the indigo plateau conference semi-final ash faces off against mira who is accompanied by her garchomp and blaze again ash taking advantage of the pre-match hype and we'll leave it there that's a pretty good one we didn't just get his opponent we also learned two of her pokemon let's find out the rest in the intense six on six semi-final battle ash's vaporeon pidgeot poliwrath dojuo sanchu and rayquaza go up against mira's garchomp blaze again infernape toward tara sanslash and tarakion doduo was first to be used and snorlax took full i think we can see how mira made it to the semi-final that is a pretty decent team all right i know the riding is a total mess at this point but i really have to mention all the pokemon involved just so the ai has a chance of actually figuring out what's going on ashes they pour around pitching up polar after sunshine when the dust settles at the end of the battle ash's team has advanced to the finals of the competition the other semi-final matches were team aqua and team magma battling it out for the title of best team encanto and nk fighting grovile for the title of the best pokemon in jokso both those teams and those pokemon seem very confused as to where they're actually from that's okay though the main thing is ash has made it through to the final i don't think he's going to be taking on the entirety of team aqua or team magma though i guess we'll see i want the ai to have as much room as possible on this so i'm giving it a nice simple prompt the indigo plateau conference final match between ash and giovanni was seemingly ruined when both coordinators used flash and let their pokemon hit the ground effectively finishing the match the two continued to bash each other with umbrellas bludgers hoses and other strange equipment in the end ash's umbreon overpowered giovanni's gengar when gengar tried to escape ash killed it with a pistol ash and the pikachu were both arrested oh god i mean that is some end to the indigo plateau conference i'm not sure giovanni has even been declared the winner here it seems kind of up in the air i guess giovanni wins the indigo plateau conference but more importantly what happened to ash for the brutal murder of giovanni's gengar ash ketchum was sentenced to death of course he appealed stating how the gengar that was killed had been his friend it was all a lie but the jury found him guilty and ash was to be executed ash chose to fight knowing that it was wrong for him to die for something that was a mistake he knew that his only way out of this situation was to kill giovanni ash fought and defeated the prison guards he was almost at the door of the cell to giovanni's when he was shot and killed his last words were are you satisfied with your work giovanni maya and her friends heard the shot they rushed into the cell to find ash with his mouth on giovanni's neck what is happening ash had to death and the end was no longer in sight ash's friend saw that he had died maya hugged him and whispered that she loved him well who saw that ending coming the ai certainly went for a much darker take on pokemon i don't feel like i ever set it up for this sort of story with the prompts i certainly wasn't trying to but you know sometimes you just gotta tell your story and i guess the ais was a horrible murder revenge sort of plotline that it saved really right until the end i wonder what karen bloom thinks of all this well there you have it that is what the ai thinks the story of pokemon should have been it certainly made some interesting decisions i don't really see how we could continue on from there so alright that's the end of the video this is the outro i think this concludes the video thank you for your attention and i hope you have a great day shut up don't think you're good if you think you're good i wouldn't be here because i'm famous and you're not okay yes you're famous i don't think you're good you could be you think you could be you'd be amazed at what you can do say a little prayer and open your mind that's right prayer [Music]
Channel: Enter The Unown
Views: 164,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, EnterTheUnown, Enter The Unown, ETU, FJ Pokemon, Enter the Unknown, ETU Pokemon, FJ, AI, InferKit, Ash Ketchum, Pokémon, Pokémon AU, Pokémon Anime, Anipoke, Ash Ketchum Kanto, Ash Ketchum starter
Id: WNZv_0L2Ni8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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