Letters to God (Free Full Movie) Family l Drama

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good day mr. Finley day miss Miller [Music] [Music] rooster rooster you out boy [Music] [Music] [Music] hello mr. perryfield I am sorry I'm a little late it's about time I was about to go inside there's a storm coming in my hips killing me sorry to hear that sir now you don't think I'm gonna sit around all day waiting for you when the cold comes oh yeah no sir I'm careful of that top step there it gives a little here goes [Music] yuck [Music] [Music] morning Sheila beautiful day isn't it sure how's Jimmy he's doing real good good you take care now huh [Music] [Music] lettuce about this Brady McDaniels he's already missed several days this month I can't keep covering hey hey hey mr. Mullins go look up the word fragile but unless when did I become less sorry uh Lester and mr. Stevens boss the guy's a screw-up it's like he's asking to get Kenny how many days this month hey Kathy congratulations girl former for that's not so bad it's only the twelve look call I just think there's something there worth saving I thought you were gone already I need someone good Lester this has been my route for 10 years I've been voted best postal carrier 7 years and counting I know Walter but it's slim pickings right now what about that new kid Trevor ha ha he slow as mud through a straw ok Ches got a month left on maternity leave and before you ask Pete just got his knee scoped look Walter it's your time now you've always wanted an extended leave you've earned it go enjoy I'll find the right fit promise but there are a few things you should know 2:37 the old man Cornelius perryfield checks the box every day at the same time goodbye Walter it's one trip out and if the Mail's not there he'll call and complain and the Baker's dog 2:31 he'll take a chunk out of you if you don't go now one more thing oh lord have mercy take a look at these to for for Laura lein I can't just shred them but they keep coming it's like finding a kidney on your back porch I can't just walk away I'll take care of them Walter go on home staying in town so call me if you need anything get a life Finley no get wife wanted to make a nice meal for my kids before I went back to work and I thought you've got enough on your plate here let me have these come on listen I really appreciate you dropping everything to come here but it's not fair to put it all on you I yeah my schedule is so busy tea with the Queen and all honey that's what moms are for Maddie you need this job I'll tell you when it gets to be too much thank you right back at you honey was that meatloaf I'm busy come back later busy huh have you finished your homework it's not due till Friday and what's your Excuse gonna be on Thursday I don't know I'll think of something nobody likes a smart aleck Ben and your room is a wreck clean it please oh and stay home while I'm gone so grana doesn't have to worry sure thing mom like I'm gonna ride my bicycle around town and just tear it up bed before 11:00 help gran and check in on your brother all right yes [Music] [Music] tae-bo wait wait I'm just about to scar okay sometimes I think that gorgeous smile of yours is about the only thing that keeps me going you tired a little stomach good to go that's my boy how about your mom I'm good okay okay I gotta go no listen you can call me anytime you know yeah I know granny will be helping in the mats okay okay ah you even know how much I love you I love you this much that isn't very much but it is because my love for you starts here it goes all around the world right back here so much I love you [Music] anyway Brianna's doing something for dinner I sort of messed it up really you yeah stop it I met that hungry anyways Oh sweetie please try to eat something okay I just don't to get sick when you're not home what I love you I see you in the morning I'll be here okay Computers it's the third time of Henry Buddhist bang glad to have you back here's an improvement on the funny things haven't changed around here oh he's good yeah no he's good as a little boy can be after having brain surgery and 30 treatments of radiation but he's home for now so so what is the doc to say the same medulloblastoma is a rare and aggressive brain cancer don't get your hopes up you know like I can control that mm-hmm but you know what the good news is my mom is staying for a while until things settle down yeah um can you give me a report on my patient via me okay so mrs. Riley is in 406 the boy Matthew is in for 18 and mr. Samuels is back again 914 Oh Graner mm-hmm you sure you're okay with doing this no he's the cake your mom taught me how to do it um are you sure no how do you do this granny Hulett you're making me nervous he's up here and he's busy no slow make sure you don't get an air bubble in my heart yes sir Tyler what's wrong Sally mom wants to talk to you oh it's really not funny you're a jerk man man mom is Tyler okay you don't have to come home mom everything's fine here just stay at work all right Oh fool me why okay call me back hey okay yeah he's okay are you okay no this whole thing stinks well I get that you know when I'm struggling with something it really helps me to pray them pray yeah what are we supposed to pray for exactly dear God don't take Tyler if dad Oh then prayer is just telling God what's in your heart and asking him to help you with it well maybe I don't want to tell it God what's in my heart I'm afraid to ask God help Tyler I mean what if he doesn't know I can't dear Heavenly Father dear God how many people are in heaven must be a lot I know - and I'm only eight we are struggling Lord we're scared and we need your guidance I learned a new word today Menjou Stoller something my mom this is all basic for a while but it'll be okay why am I sick odd medicine stinks but I don't have to take my spine test this week so that's good can you see the stars from heaven my dad said he made them all I'm really glad to be home from the hospital but most of all I really just wish my mom would laugh I miss that the most in Jesus name we pray amen do I have to fill out a form or something looking like a true government worker yeah so you having trouble fighting those demons tonight are you having trouble remembering you just the bartender don't McDaniels if you keep pushing people who were saved you're not my co anymore oh and Jeff God Jimmy Buffett called he wants his shirt back happy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] till it comes out [Music] [Music] [Music] Sam it's about time I've been waiting for an hour my grandpa told me you're back my mom wouldn't let me come over till later I figured this was later are you better I'm working on it let me look here you know I'm much better I think I'm going back to school be thinner thank goodness if I Tate lunch one more day with Ashley Turner I'll just die I mean it's horrible she she smells like liverwurst oh yeah I got this sweet Thanks quick my mom's coming Hey time oh you're awake yep I'm awake just sitting here being awake is that a new hat you mean this thing uh-huh mom so so I'm I'm going back to school today right you think you're up to it I think so what do you think Sam I think you'd ready how are you I'm fine Mike Everitt Oh Tyler is back I always your grandpa okay good and grumpy then well I guess if you're going to school you oughta start getting ready yes please sure miss Maddy thank you young lady yeah the best I own oh you know what I've got to check him in so he'll see you there later scoot on walking around yes you know one foot in front of the other point-a to point-b delivered mail in between if it's all the same to you I'd rather just keep working the line I can't do a walking round oh you can and you will here's the keys the truck is in 27 outside loaded and ready here's your line of travel follow the mail and you can't get lost Nancy's got your uniform out back you're already two hours behind so I'd step on it yeah you ready mom mm-hmm do you think that kids at school make fun of me then well only because they don't know what else to say what should I do if they do wait I know I don't do what Jesus would do you don't have to go you know no I have to go Sam needs me Ashley Turner smells like liverwurst I am so proud of you you're gonna have a great thing [Music] [Music] [Music] stay [Music] [Music] Alex can I kept his disease you know if he spits on me or something no you knucklehead he has cancer not cooties Samantha we don't call people names no Alex cancer is not contagious when Tom's been through a lot he's he's missed over two months of school he's it's probably gonna be a little scared at first so let's all welcome him back to class with big smiles and hugs and kind words Alex that's possible whatever okay well while we're waiting for him to get all signed in everybody put away your notebooks and let's get ready for lunch we're just getting ready to go to lunch okay class line up line meters everybody line up behind Amy thank you no oh you know what he might get tired if he does just call me I'll come right back and pick him okay I'll keep an eye on him thank you oh you know what he still has a central medicine line so just make sure he doesn't get submerged in water and sorry that's silly you can stay if you'd like no no no I'm fine thank you he'll be fine I'm going back to the can you give me medicine for me back for a few days everyone lets me feel sick they do that for a while then they get my cells back and then I'm done did they call you Baldy hmm is that why you were like funny huh I'm warning you Alex bet that radiation stuff hurts huh especially on a little wimp like you yeah they made me lay real still like for five minutes a day well this big machine points in my head my back that's it is that it is that it no there's a big laser beam like in Star Wars the shoots down it goes all the cancer cells right ty whoa yeah yes does that make you sick not a fictive liverwurst makes me well not too sick but I heard my doctor tell my mom that I probably won't grow like I'm supposed to because of it hmm so you're gonna stay looking like an alien [Applause] dear God my first day back at school is very exciting I forgot to tell Sam to do what Jesus would do we all ended up in the principal's office to sort things out my mom came for me and Sam I'm not sure who she was more worried about on the way home mom tried to be very firm but when Sam told her how mashed potatoes were stuck up Alex's nose she laughed and laughed now I know you're getting my letters because only you could figure out a way to make her laugh we got home just when the mailman was at her house I guess all the excitement got to me because I threw up on his shoes my mom couldn't believe it all she could do was laugh all in all God it was a very good day how was my day well let's see I almost got eaten by a horse some old man tried to chase me off his porch with a cane on that and then a kid barked on my shoes that's what smells boss we've already had four complaints in one day which is very good might be a post office record tour is not so bad oh and one possible lawsuit you know a guy by the name of Cornelius perryfield God letters to God these are from the kid who threw up on my shoes or am I supposed to do with these it's your journey Brady you decide you know if you'd been here on time there been a dead letter been about right here but since it's well after six o'clock they've moved that van over to the warehouse so you might want to just gather your little letters and walk them over thank you so much Hey ready Chuck ready now will you say ready you stay well I'm ready I'll just take my business elsewhere you are royal pain I'll see you taking anyone else's Kizer anybody else staggering around but you can stay or you can go but either way I might take it east all these room what are these I don't want to do I hate how you're gonna deliver these see my to shred letters to God maybe you should take him to church with you on Sunday yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can I help you Oh little warning next time sir mr. Reverend please call me Andy Andy sure and you are uh Brady and I was just dropping those off I wasn't stealing anything I swear I'm sorry that's bad choice of words I just I just came in that's because it's just that I think this the sick kid on my route is writing these letters to God and I thought we could at least read them cinema gift basket something it's a very kind of you going out of your way to make sure the Tyler's letters are protected you know oh yes yeah we love that family they've been members here for quite a while with all that's happened it's been difficult for them but we certainly keep them in our prayers and check on them often you know it seems to me that God put these letters in your hands for a reason so maybe you should hold on to them well first thing you're gonna do is go home and sleep it off and then listen to God let God tell you what to do with them after all they are written to him and you know you're always welcome here it's a great place to find answers hey can I can I pray for you no no really I'm good that's not necessary it's what I do thank you Lord for Brady thank you for making him caretaker of these letters and for his heart your plans are always good Lord I believe you have a plan and a purpose in this help Brady discover that plan because lord I know you're about to do something wonderful something more wonderful than we can possibly imagine in Jesus name I pray amen well sir has a feel to be on a mission for God shouldn't you be in school no my mom thought I should take it easy today your mom home no at work well my gran is here I'm sorry about your shoes yesterday that's all right Cujo down the street pretty much ruined before you get to Mercer he's a big teddy bear he just got no D likes and this is from down the street that would be Linda Baker she's such a dear eight months pregnant and her soldier husband's away and still she's thinking about other people honey it's time for you to come in now can I wait for Sam just be over from school any minute all right but just don't overdo it nice whoa where's buck tell me everything okay so Alex might have tried five hundred times I will not fight but Alex had try another five hundred times I will not make fun of people he people are always gonna make fun of me come on I think anything that can help okay everyday you've got to drink that stuff every day barf barf yourself mr. doherty darkness is drink it I drink it like it or not Garba we need your help dad I'm busy grandpa please it's big time okay make it quick so you say that picking on you at school well one kid really Alex don't let it bother you that jealous that's all jealous because oh my hair fell out and my eyebrows are almost gone they're jealous because you've been chosen for the role of your lifetime you've been handpicked by God you don't believe me well maybe we better asked Baron don't do Scott don't do Scott are you in there [Music] you must be the famous trainer why am I the famous one because you can just join you the frankish Tobias is the smartest to receive the honor honor like a gold start school mr. perryfield oh hey filled oyster and to do to me not that kind of honor the honor of being chosen is one of God's warriors Wow I wanna be a warrior so that's I talked to the principal he said you'll need a little less warrior and a little more peacemaker Samantha the peacemaker it doesn't sound let's get his warrior but I'll give it a try I'm a warrior ah yes you are God's water which means you can ride forth victoriously in truth humility and righteousness that Luca is honored to know you Tyler come here even though you're sick when people see how strong and brave you are it makes them take a look at their own lives and so maybe that's why they make fun of you like Alex but Tyler there is a glorious truth God is truth and it's your job Tyler to point them toward him and if they turn to him they find the truth wouldn't that be a wonderful victory Tyler do you understand I think so grandpa I don't I don't feel so brave because of uh I have an idea can't be messy Samantha be still are you all still we're almost done all right Samantha be patient how do you feel they feel great no reasonable no you're right one your left finish all right fantastic how are they if they're also they're fantastic they're awesomely fantastic he beat her to see all right how are you - good is tired oh you're home early yep made your favorite that's Ty's ferret oh well now don't tell me don't tell me let me guess yours is carrot cake mm-hmm marble nope black forest no gosh premature senility I've always been afraid of it okay it's all good come here sit down stir why don't you tell me what's on your mind nothing everything well that about covers it I just feel weird you know about Thai what he's going through all the attention he gets I mean I know that sounds totally stupid and selfish I just hate that he's sick Oh sweetheart we all hate that he's sick sometimes I think it's worse for us than it is for him so go easy on yourself I just want a normal grind I mean do you know how many times I've asked my mom just to take me to get my license no well you can't count that high BAM we can't do anything because we don't have any money and Teller is always sick or he's in the hospital well shall we accept good from God and not trouble just seems like I'm forgetting this traveler Benjy take the trash to the curb honey we're talking here no that's not gonna get the trash to the curb and talking doesn't matter to her anymore I mean all she does is bark orders then don't talk to me like that okay then fine I'll just stop talking all together because I'm practically invisible anyways you men I'm just sick of all this I just wish it's all about Tyler and you man I am warning all of our time all of our money everything I just I just hate him Tyler wait Maddie let van handle this come over here and sit down I can't do this who's I browse go whale jump no you won't how do you know well because it took me a week to get you out here in the first place I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and that I didn't mean any of those things that I said back there do you see when you look at me hey don't be like that I'm serious I know you're mad at me because I'm sick I'm not mad at you because you're sick and I don't hate you I I guess I just miss you I miss all the fun times we had and I guess I'm just afraid that every might not have any of those I'm very good so did you leave your such a town I want you to write a letter to God I want you to tell him how you feel I'm sure that he can help you and mom another so mean but tight that's really lame it's not lean it's my favorite way to talk to God it's like texting your best friend you're right okay I'm a warrior you know a warrior huh well I think you're gonna have to be with those eyebrows [Music] so uh the Sam your girlfriend yuck no way okay so I asked well she's my best like a boy can friend hmm I said you have any kids I have boy a little bit younger than you he lives with his mom so I don't bouncing too much that's too bad yeah cool hey hey we can show the me that move nice so are you on a team yeah I haven't played since it got sick I want to though hey buddy go a wash up for dinner I am Madeline Daugherty but everyone calls me Maddie it's uh it's not serious is it it's gonna be okay we hope so he's a good kid thank you Freddie oh okay I need that [Music] yeah sorry mostly bills anyway urgent nope more bells um hey listen thank you for taking some time Lee Tyler I really appreciate that I'm coming okay we'll see you hey buddy my mom what you doing mine wondered Alex Alex from school yeah you see I just wanted to know that I'm not mad and that I can understand why he makes fun of me mr. perryfield said that I'm God's a warrior and that I can make him feel things that he doesn't wanna feel but that's good because maybe he'll turn to God mr. perryfield is a very smart man so what's up well sweetheart it's time to go back and finish your medicine really yeah really okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your son was in the backseat this is different Brady I don't I don't think I can help you out of this one Brady Brady you coming into game time No I swear [Music] [Music] hey Brady wait up why don't you and I go walk and talk a little bit you mind if we sit awhile my mailman's Anita's flaring up on me oh sure wait some water so I just sit for a while you know you're in the right place if you have something to work out I'm afraid it's too late for me never too late when you put it in his hands yeah it's just that lately no what am I saying it's not lately it's been going on for a couple of years feels like it's about everything I touch turns to dust everything feels like it's slipping through my fingers I can't hold on watch your hands now put them together intertwine your thing now nothing can slip through you know I think you're right we are supposed to be I don't know where that it let's say you right in the palm of God's hands I lose it my son I can't lose a mom I know honey yes you will we all will I mean with Patrick it was so sudden you know I didn't I don't even have time to react you know I just moving forward because of the boys you know I've always been the one who tells everyone else to be strong have faith me a mess honey or the strongest person I know and you heard the great mom you're not alone dear God has never left you and he never will yeah I know stay strong Maddie trust God Maddie whatever his will Maddie we know what I don't agree with his will mom I'm a little boy in there who's dying do you think he cares about God's will well he seems to he writes letters to him every day I don't want to hear that okay I don't think God cares about any of this Oh daddy that's so far from the truth remember about the mustard seed God said everyone would stop quoting the Bible to me it's not curing my son see for Miss c 7g hey Sam your grandpa wants you home okay C is hi sorry I should go back to the hospital Tyler wait I have something for you mr. Alex Alex you are the letter to Alex yes just so he knows I'm not mad okay but if he makes fun of this gonna punch him Samantha your though I know I'm the peacemaker [Music] okay tie here we go mom you want to hold the line so it warms itself up toki sweetheart right here what are you doing on this floor just helping out he's my favorite patient you know he's all wow you're relieved is here uh are you sure okay thank you few hours take all the time you need Hey [Music] I would not be here to notice if I had to choose it's always the bigger things and I seem to chew you can see what you want [Music] we miss you don't god he can't have him very dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything was being [Music] every day was just [Music] dear God I'm writing this only because my brother asked me to I've lost everything all the big stuff like my dad and now with ty being sick I mean all the normal stuff like going to concerts and having cookouts can't I would just get better I don't think he deserves this I know mom loves me but sometimes she just doesn't have the time I think she wishes it was me sick and not Tyler who can blame her everything is pain [Music] what is it Tyler nope we're going to get your license what I don't know when he'll be back but I do know he's back in the hospital but I think it would be nice if we all did something special for Tyler to let him know that we're thinking about him any ideas John we could get him a soccer ball when I have my tonsils out I got one that's a good one Sally how about making a card and everyone can sign it okay miss Emily yes Alex I have an idea Brady just for the keep soccer stars kaboom uh-huh Thanks and I've got two more surprises for you [Music] dear mr. god it's me Alex Wheaton I'm writing you because I made fun of a kid at my school he has cancer his name is Tyler do you know him well he says you do mom Mitchell's in the play area yeah of course I'm feeling bad and I thought if you told him I was sorry then that would be really cool she told me he was going to heaven to be with you would be died and it kept me thinking what if I died well I go to heaven here's the thing I know you have to love God and sorry for your sentence praying open your heart to Jesus come on let's try it you know we can all hold him Shane I'll pray and you pray in your heart dear God help Alex find the door in his heart and let you win in Jesus name Amen amen okay kids time to go I'm not sure about the holy dance part but the rest of it was pretty cool love Alex is everything all right well young man you are out of here I have to be frank with you this tumor was very aggressive yeah I know but he's finished with chemo that means he's in remission right loosely loosely what does that mean exactly well now the MRI still show spots on his brain and and I'm not sure if these cells are dead or alive or merely scar tissue we'll just have to keep a close eye for now let's focus on the good news so styler home and well Tyler oh I think everyone out here is getting stir-crazy Tyler keeps getting stronger we should do something funny right like a welcome home party for Tyler about a costume party costume parties are fun [Music] [Music] I hope the day's come easy and the moments pass slow you know means will lead you where you wanna go you pleased with the choice and aspire to you [Music] as nurse I feel tall Russia time [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you ah this was such a great idea mr. perryfield was all him okay so I have to ask where did you get the costume no you mean my trusty steed I've actually had this for a couple years my son just turned three and my wife now my ex-wife she told me that his favorite barnyard so I go out and I buy this outfit thinking I'd be this big hero and you freaked him out oh yeah wouldn't come near me for a week screaming for hours been dealing with always been is sixteen but just wait till tomorrow he's just been through so much these past few years no his father passing and Tyler's cancer it's that's just been way too much and I I was making it worse I'm pretty good at making things worse myself that's what turned it around he took Ben's letter to God to show me what I wasn't is that what I think it is I think that's what you think okay now you you know how to deliver babies right because me I only deliver mail and I'm just getting [Music] [Music] I'll call your mother and huh well we'll be praying will be pray thanks for a great party in your treasure box no I'd rather wear them there my warrior brows mm-hmm mom do you think that mrs. Baker's baby was born to replace me sweetie why in the world would you think something like that well Alex told me that I should sue her sister told her that somebody dies somebody is born to replace them Tyler I don't really think it works that way but Asheton your sister is 13 Oh she's 13 well well with all due respect to Ashley turn her sister only God knows for sure how these things work well if Ashley's your sister is right I would want mrs. speakers baby to replace me he's very cute nobody could replace you mom hmm you know that God picked you what yeah he picked you to be my mom coach state wants to know a call to see if I can play in the game next week uh Tyler honey I don't think you're strong enough sweetie what's gonna happen if he gets tired okay well compromise tight we'll dress out and only if he's feeling really up to it then he'll play a little and and he's not feeling so hot and then he'll help coach why Maddie gotta let him play he's natural okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] coach coach put me it ty are you sure you're okay yeah I'm sure I mean I've only played four minutes in the game [Music] look we won ahead with two minutes to go and you've gotta stop everything [Applause] substitution [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so tell me Maddie get away something wasn't right I wanted him to rest why would you encourage him to play [Music] [Music] there's no message in this bottle at least now won't that [Music] do I need to see the bottom to come [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the deepest ocean [Music] story [Music] star [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear God I feel yucky today but Sam really wants to climb trees I already threw up three times this morning Sam's didn't need another friend you know and God please help me to tell Ben did I broke his guitar string I didn't want to tell him but I think he knows help and forgive me he's the best brother in the whole world Oh God do you think you can find somebody for my mom she's been so lonely since dad went to heaven could you send someone that can make her happy [Music] I know must be hard on mrs. Baker because babies cry a lot she misses her husband too but she still finds time to make us stuff don't tell mom but mrs. Baker's fried chicken is way better [Music] I think I'll be seeing you soon I'm not feeling better like I used to before I died can you help my friend mr. Brady he's so cool and he has a boy but I don't think they see each other could you tell mr. Brady's heart it's going to be okay [Music] in your deepest ocean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so take me down to or does it in your deepest ocean I can love again [Music] and tie Sam's here hey sue I want to show you something we have to meet blue for your favorite color and gold for all the kids who have cancer even say belief I love them thank you sweetheart I wrote a letter to God about you I didn't know what posters you put on so creeped us out I can come over here and ask I just put one stamp on that seems to work I'm watching cartoons play cartoons [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Brady I am so sorry no no no no no I just want you to know that Finley is gonna be taking back his route I feel really lucky to have gotten to know your family did time forever I'm gonna show you something Oh hold it you got it you see everything from up here you feel closer to God I understand now and he wasn't just writing letters he was praying grazie I was wrong to treat you that way and I'm sorry that I took it out on you don't you know I should be apologizing to you got something for you I think he'd want me to read it and carry this right now okay we just need to be a normal family again you know no more hospitals no more IVs no more sickness I just need to laugh again like old times ladies and gentlemen tonight's talent show and give kids the world hey Tyler hi Dan another hot breakfast yeah 30 in a row and I'm gonna have been in the splits for lunch sounds great I need you to mail this I'll take care of that Wow this doesn't seem like an ordinary letter I might have to find a special mailbox to put it in no any mailbox words okay are y'all coming to the talent show tonight yeah then singing what's know not everyone everyone I want you to welcome to the give kids the world stage Tyler dirty and his brother Ben that was so very proud of you god bless thank you my brother Ben has been working on the song for a while I hope you enjoy it [Music] but your smiling face is so weak and yet you have such strength you'd say the glance around this place and you make the best of everything you give me hope in spite of everything you show me love even with so much pain so I'm sick this life like I just give it another try [Music] we laugh we cry sometimes we're broken then we don't know why when I'm sad yeah I lose my way you help me find faith oh you give me hope in spite of everything you show me love even with so much bigger so I'll take this like I just give it try just give me a merry shrine you give me hope in spite of everything you show me love even with so much pain I'll take this life and live like I give in another that was awesome guys either really great buddy excuse me hi sorry to interrupt I'm Hannah I'm not very good this stuff my name is Brady McDaniels and I've been I've been Tyler's mailman for the last couple of months I just want to tell you that's what would I what a gift Tyler has been to me and to everyone he's touched with with his letters to God I read a bunch of him I'm not sure if I was supposed to but I think I was because I see now that there's more to this life than I could see he gave me hope that that someone like me could actually feel faith in something faith in God now these these are all all letters to God could that this bag here that this this is from this is from your school hundreds letters to God you did this you not only help me but you helped helped all of these people find find the truth [Applause] [Music] we have I love you so much I know for a fact God's been reading her letters and he cannot wait to see you [Music] dear Heavenly Father you sure knew what you were doing when you picked my daughter to be Tyler's mother thank you for giving us all a glimpse of eternity through his life dear God it took Tyler's faith in his letters to convince me to believe in you thank you for giving your son and for giving me back my [Music] dear God Tyler was the best friend ever I didn't get to tell him but when we prayed with Alex I asked you to tell mr. my heart to I know now that I have for everlasting life safety starts here we need safety training courses anybody copy hey hey Simmons handle with care thank you God letters to God what am I supposed to do with these I'll take care of this one Thanks I gotta go good luck hello me okay so we got the systems of protocol I dedicate this mailbox my best friend Tyler Doherty he taught us a true meaning of faith and his life is a letter to God dear God I think we did it you told me not to be afraid and I wasn't I just want everybody to believe love Tyler do you miss dad news day [Music] [Music] yes everybody likes to get better now and I'm sorry now I ride zabi [Music] [Music] all right [Music] you're dear mr. guy sometimes I wish you let me start over copy tell me what you started that's summarized yesterday [Music] that [Music] but it's hard [Music] [Applause] the bee [Music] dear mr. God tell me do you ever cry could we forget thank you for the good things in our lives I know I can always understand why thattaway [Music] you passed [Music] [Music] dear mr. guy right new today Gaza seems like me [Music] everything comes down love [Music] then just what am i afraid when I call your name something inside oh wait to my soul how quickly I forget I'm yours [Music] carried by everything you rats are [Music] [Music] rise [Music] they'll be okay you my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah sets me free and everything rides on [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] we say goodbye under stay - field angel a this sunlight feels from your grace and so much [Music] [Music] you rose up by strange [Music] you [Music] resting Jews [Music]
Channel: Popcornflix
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Keywords: letters to god movie, letters to god full movie, free christian movies on youtube, free movies popcornflix, popcornflix family movies, Popcornflix, free movie on youtube, Full movies English, popcornflix full movies, free full movies on youtube, christian movies full length, christian movies full length free, free movies online, free family movies on youtube, free family movies on youtube full length, free family drama movies on youtube, watch family drama movies online free
Id: UUHJfqt0c-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 38sec (6818 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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