Let's Visit! Power Serging with Amy Baughman, Creative Notions Bag, Yazzii Bags, & Stuff in the Mail

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[Music] hey everybody hi it's becky from powertoolswiththread.com that's my blog i have got so much to talk to you guys about today go get a cup get a sewing project and let's visit for those of you that are new to my channel hi welcome i'm becky and i am a quilter and machine embroiderer and i just like to hang out in my sewing room all day and show you cool and new things that are out there on the market and do projects and tutorials and stuff like that so if you haven't joined my channel yet and subscribed please do hit the subscribe button click the bell so that you get a notification whenever i put out new videos i haven't had a chat with you guys in a little bit because i have been up to my ears in the kimber bells red white and bloom sew along i got 13 videos out and then spring storms came and i had about four or five days of not being able to turn on my machines i had to unplug them and we just couldn't take the chance and i do a lot of my sewing in the evenings and then uh we'll do video editing in the day so that's kind of weird because then i live in south texas and if we're going to get storms it's generally in the evenings but i have got so much going on oh my gosh do you guys like my new design wall my husband finished it it is the most expensive design wall in the history of mankind it's 12 feet long and it has half inch uh foam insulation board behind it he went to home depot and picked that up that stuff's only like 15 a sheet so that's not too bad but when we put the two uh pieces together because they're four by eight when we put the two pieces together they were kind of bubbled a little bit well i took some white duct tape just a piece and slapped it on the middle there and then he was going to frame it out with some leftover wood and it was a great idea right so i made the mistake of leaving i went to the grocery store or something or i had an appointment or whatever i came back and what i was going to put on the design wall and because i was so stupid you know i'm like looking on the internet for fleece or not fleece but flannel and you know whatever to put on the design board and i had this ginormous roll of hobbs 80 20 white quilt batting sitting right here on my long arm table and i said well why don't i just use that right so i told my husband that's what i'm gonna put on the design wall so while i was gone to my appointment mr wonderful took the batting and put it up and you know stapled it into the to the wood and everything and it was nice and smooth and beautiful and it was perfect and i walked in the door and what is the first thing i see a big strip of white duct tape right through the middle of that you could see right through the batting and i was like no that was not a good conversation and so i said well can you take the staples out and i can get up in there and remove no so it has two layers of hobbs 80 20 batting i'm like oh my goodness that's an expensive design but i absolutely love it so this quilt makeup back here that's not done yet this is lori holt's sew by row it was a row of the month i've been doing since last fall and i have the scissors pin cushions sewing machines and the checkerboard stars done i have the rest of it to do yet and i've kind of got behind on that because i've got all these other projects that we've been doing and whatnot so and then over here this is a uh the the pattern is actually called space man let me show you hold on this is a great pattern it is a villarosa designs pattern this is it right here it is called space man and if you have a panel let me show you what the picture looks like you can see it a little bit better i've shown you this before but if you're new to the channel okay that's what it looks like and it is a wonderful pattern if you have a panel that you don't cut up you know it's a big piece i'll probably use this again and again for a lot of the panels that i have but so space man is here and i need to do some fixing of it i'm gonna take a little bit off the top and anyway oh i have so much going on that i'm not going to edit this video so if there i really am going to try to do not a lot of ums not a lot of you knows as few verbal distractions as possible i want to take this to my computer put on my start music put on my end music and push it out to you guys so because there's just i've got a project i'm doing today i need to finish this sunflower quilt back here that's laying on my long arm i don't know if you have seen it but you know um see you know um i'm gonna try to stop that you guys i don't know how those people on tv don't do that they are trained professionals to be on on live doing that but i made the the how-to video for designs by juju's end-to-end quilting designs and those designs are perfect if you want to quilt your own wet uh baby quilts at the largest really and then the table runners and maybe wall hangings or something like that those are great designs for that well some people have gotten pretty ambitious and they want to quilt larger quilts with their embroidery machines and so julie from designs by juju called me and she says help and she wants me to make a video to show how to do larger quilts because you you have to quilt you'll quilt one half of it and everything looks great and then because of the bulk you've got to turn them around and quilt the other half and those designs they only go from right or from left to right and when they only go from left to right and you turn it upside down and you start to quilt it goes your brain's like and it and it can be very instead of instead of starting the pattern where you start where you ended and then end over here now you need to measure up and measure from where you're going to stop figure out that and line up that point and then move your thing and so you're essentially quilting backwards and it can be kind of a challenge to wrap your head around that so she asked me to do that so that's what i've really got to get done today instead of spending all day editing this video for you guys so i appreciate your understanding and your patience with me i recently did a luminaire zoom class with amy bachmann and she has a youtube channel i think it was uh so informed used to be when she was doing those youtubes and anyway so i've taken a luminaire class with her it was a beginning luminaire owner's class fabulous it was two days i absolutely loved it and she is going to offer it again i don't have a date yet on that but i wanted to let you guys know if you have a serger and you don't know what to do with it okay she is going to start a facebook live and a youtube live for those of you that don't do facebook it's going to be there's going to be two different lives and it is a subscription and i want to show you so she sent me the box to show you guys so i i'm going to read this so i get it right a box will be mailed by monthly starting may 5th now that's already passed today is the 9th i think you can register up to may 20th after may 12th they will have to watch the recorded class that was originally but she now is going to do another live later in the month of may just for late sign ups okay so if you don't sign up so you need to sign up by the 12th you will have missed like the first uh you need to sign up by the 20th yes you need to sign up for this session by the 20th of may this is going to go through may july september november and january so it is a five session serger class she's going to do facebook lives and youtube lives so it's not like zoom where you have you can talk to one another but you will be able if you have questions you can type in your question either facebook live or youtube live and her assistant will read your question and she can answer that way so that that way there really is some interaction okay so the box contain oh also if you sign up for this you will be able to watch a five-part serger basic series so if you have a serger and you don't even know how to thread it this is perfect for you so you're gonna you get to watch that five part basic serger class for free that's an eighty dollar value so she said it doesn't matter whether you have a hundred dollar serger or a ten thousand dollar serger it's all yeah they make ten thousand dollars home searchers i think joy has one so okay so this first box what you got this doesn't have any instructions all the instructions are going to be in the lives okay you get a little you get a little bag that you can put all your stuff in for your class you get three there are three fat quarters that come in here you get a spool of soft lock wonderful thread that came with it this that mine is red i don't know if they're all the same and it came with a zipper and the clasp is just to make a zipper pouch using your serger and that's it so she's going to show you basic skills if you can't watch the lives it will be available on the private facebook groups and it will also be available on amysos.com and you will receive a welcome email it will have your your login and all of that and you can go and you can watch the class whenever you want as many times as you want so i want to encourage you guys because she's almost filled up uh let's see the serger is for a 3 4 serger most of you have a 3 4 with four needles that means it'll use three or four needles and you don't need anything fancy it's not about the projects as much as the process and the why and how you need to apply the techniques that you can learn in the in this surging class and then you'll be able to apply those to other things and grow your sewing knowledge let's see the box is 59 so this box which you're gonna get there you will get for the next there's a box that'll come may july september november january so essentially it's 60 59 to get your kit of things you're going to use in the live and if you don't see the live you can watch it on amysos.com again that's going to be a private thing so if you don't pay y'all 60 for a class is dirt cheap so i'm i'm going to link to all this below and you i will link to it yeah i'll link to it below and then just need you guys to go sign up and uh expand your surging skills i think she's up to 150 and she's running out of space fast so i encourage you to sign up all right so what i've gotten in the mail first and foremost today is mother's day 2021. happy mother's day to all you moms out there whether you got two leggeds or four-legged fur babies um i got a nice little you know i really like so this is from my son i only have the one child he is in colorado springs and he and his wife and my three grandchildren they live up there he is a pastor and he just got his own church it's so exciting he has been at mesa hills bible church for five years now or so and just recently had an opportunity to take over an existing church and become the senior pastor there so he will be at peak bible church if you are in the area or so inclined please stop in and say hi and tell him i watch your mom on youtube but i got a card from him and i get a little nice note from my daughter-in-law and from my son and then all three kids send their little happy mother's day grammy you know just homemade i love this and you know it was free you don't have to go and do fancy hallmark stuff if anything to me look at this look at that it says us that's me and the little one we're going to see them next july we're going to take off and go up there and then we have this is sophie sophie's the new labradoodle that they got and then um this is from the seven-year-old granddaughter so isn't that just awesome but that was very nice it came on time i told him good job but yeah that was really nice okay so i have got mail call to tell you guys what came in the mail i got this grunge i it's cool change from moda this is just a fat quarter bundle like i think that this was a missouri star daily deal very pretty i like these kind of fabrics because when i am doing applique projects i forever need some kind of solid ish blender yeah that's what they call it in the quilt world a blender i also got this was from the fat quarter shop who made this this is called hello sunshine uh abby hello and it is for moda yeah it is a bundle let's see it is it's called hello sunshine and i'm just going to hold it up and show it to you guys real pretty uh juvenile fabrics definitely i'll go ahead and open it so you guys can take a look but it looks like we have whites real nice if and this was one of those the flash sale that fat quarter shop does and we have like a salmon color it's not orange it's not pink there's some little bees very very cute stuff and then there is this pretty blue very nice just happy stuff right hello sunshine there's a lime green with cute little toad stools and the bees and here is a sunny yellow real cute real real cute tons of stuff you can make with this here's the grays real real nice i'm just gonna put this bundle i like this i don't know how many were in here that's crazy it was a ton of them my gosh what do we got we got three six nine 12 15 18 what comes after that 21 20 2 3 4 5 25 fat quarters nice beautiful stuff beautiful on that same flat uh flash sale i just got everything on that one i really liked it they have a book i love my pattern books this is moda all stars all in a row 24 row by row quilt designs isn't that nice this is by martingale martingale is publishing pat sloane's new book that's coming out this month in may it's not out yet and um pat sloane she's a very famous quilter she's been around in the industry forever she's an icon in the industry and she asked me to make some samples from her new book and she's having a book tour i encourage you to go to uh pat sloan's blog i'll link to it i'll link to her channel and my demo my little samples from her new book are going to be on her book tour on june 7th so i'll put a link to that when that comes out in our facebook group and i will also put it underneath the youtube video that i do on that day as well so you're going to see it it's going to be awesome it's now she does a lot of quilts in that book it's for the holidays and she does a lot of quilts in that book but there were a couple of projects that were applique there was some holiday uh some halloween treat bags and then a bunny pillow super cute stuff and i jumped on those because i made the applique pieces with my scanning cut and i'm sewing them down with simply applique and i haven't done that in a long time and so that's why i did that so i'll be videoing that process too and i'll show you guys how to do it it's awesome too fun too fun yeah so this is really a cute little book i love it i like martingale's books the way they do their the way they do their books you know they've got patterns and they have samples there's a lot of applique in here very very nice stuff this is something that i would i'll read this like a novel and just play with it i just love stuff like that isn't that cool so to me uh money well spent on this one this is a nice book i will link to this below too i'll link to all this stuff if it's still around i'll link to it and then also on that same flash sale there was the clover what is this called this is the five in one sliding gauge i love this thing i use it all the time in my projects if i'm going to turn up a hem on something so i have one here in my sewing room here at home and i need one in my sewing area down at our other house at the coast so i'm that's why i got this one you can never have too many and then there was a pattern it's called infinite hearts quilty love and it's a strip stash fat quarter fat egg jelly roll or yardage quilt it's real cute i don't have one you know you could probably put this together for a table runner or something easy it's very very cute i like it i don't have a heart pattern i don't know how that's possible i didn't think i did that's why i picked it up so i just got everything on that one you know sometimes they have a lot of stuff on there that's like a cross stitch or something like that not my thing so but that time i was like oh jackpot i only have to pay shipping one time uh let's see have you guys heard of the embroidery company called sweet pea they are out of australia and they have the cutest stuff matter of fact that we did the santa table runner so long there's videos for that that we did last fall to get ready for last christmas and then i also did the dachshund tote bag those are from sweet pea and they specialize in all kinds of what we would call panel you know you make a panel also the easter lilian cross that was sweet pea well you make a panel and then you put the panels together to make a project right they have come out with thread let me get it and show you this is it's called incredi thread and it is a 40 weight two ply multifilament yarn okay one hundred percent high strength polyester round like softness so here it is they've got a couple of different colorways this is the brights this is what it looks like so this is the brights i just opened it today for my mother's day gift to myself i like it i am going to make pat sloan samples with this stuff so i took the wrapper off the lime green you guys know i love gr lime green so here it is it feels like uh iso cord kind of or or even so i've got a i've got a madeira poly neon here i'll just grab this off the luminaire this is a this is a little bit different consistency the idea about this thread is you're supposed to be able to use it in your sewing machine as well so let's do a strength test on it it it has some tug to it which is good it it kind of bounces i like it let me pull pull oh there we go pull test that's good i like it i think this is going to do well so i am going to use it in my embroidery machine to make the samples for pat sloane's book tour and i'm going to play with it and i'm gonna try also and put it in my pq 1500 to see about doing some sewing on that with some piecing maybe i like this the colors are gorgeous you guys that very easter you know they call them brights i really like it it looks like a basket of easter eggs doesn't it i i think it's great we'll give it a shot i'll let you guys know give you an honest opinion hey we picked up our motor home yay oh my goodness y'all it was a three hour delivery and i took video of the whole thing and that's going to be another video as well i'm just going to let you know so we bought a 2011 winnebago tour and thank you all of you some of you worked at the winnebago manufacturing plant like what's that iowa how cool is that i heard from you guys i love it and so yesterday we went through the whole what do they call that it's been in make ready for a while it only had 15 000 miles on it so we are seasoned rvers we have had a fifth wheel for 15 years one various models and so i'm i'm real glad that we did that before we jumped into a class a because uh to me it just would have been overwhelming there's so many bells and whistles and buttons and crazy but we're taking it this coming weekend to alsatian rv resort which is in castroville texas so we've got a birthday party we're going to up there so we're going to do that and oh i wanted to let you guys know i am going to see about doing a sew along with you guys that are rvers and i think that's a wonderful idea i would uh get with a particular campground somewhere and i would uh you know make sure there's room in their community center and then let you guys know of a date and just show up and we can all sew together wouldn't that be cool i think that would be awesome so there's a lot of rv quilters out there or you can bring your embroidery machine and we might turn it into something and then wouldn't that be cool to hang our quilts up around uh the community center or something that we're doing i think that's just awesome hey i gotta show you guys by the way while i'm thinking about it i'm going to do a plug here yazzy bags you guys have heard of yazzy bags well they have a yazzie bag that is called let me get this right this is the block showcase bag it's got the flyer in it so all it is is just a square these are the highest quality i'm telling y'all highest quality i'll link to this below so a couple months ago i had made pat sloane's hope this is these are the blocks for hope and i have put them this is called a block showcase bag so i have put all these 30 blocks i think we did these in march didn't we wasn't that a march so long hope so i've got all my blocks they're big they finish at 11 and a half so look they fit just fine and i am going to take this quilt with me in this yazi bag to well when we go on our trip we're doing a big three week trip starting the 19th of july i will be at the wooden spool in odessa yeah wooden school in odessa i think july 20th we're gonna pop in there i'm gonna take a video take you with me so that'll be a lot of fun i'm taking my camera gonna hit all these shops you know i got so much going on it's crazy so love this has a handle everything and i will be sewing this together while we are on the road so that'll be fun okay so what else let's see the new motorhome mail call new fabric oh amazon store a lot of you asked me all the time where can i find a link to that thing that you had so i went ahead and started an amazon shop it says becky thompson's it's um amazon.com shop slash power tools with thread but and i'll link to it below the video and uh i've got three sections in there i have embroidery my favorite embroidery things sewing room must-haves and a computer things that i use because a lot of you asked me what kind of computer and so anything that i put in there is something that either i have purchased myself or i would purchase okay so like for the embroidery the magnet monster hoops from dime i i link to those things and uh the computers there's a high-end computer there's a low-end computer that will work a lot of you just want a computer to put your embroidery designs on and you want something that will run simply applique so i put various things in there you know external hard drives and the dongles for the usbs on spanky and all that kind of stuff so things that i buy or would buy i have put there so you guys can just pop over there and just kind of take a look and see if there's anything that you don't need but you want and that's how it goes and so right i wanted to tell you about that i've told you that oh we are doing a sew along for mary and bright that is an oesd tiling scene and all that is is we are going to we're going to stitch up these tiles essentially it's a block is essentially what it is and there are two different color ways i'm doing the silver and gold it is done on black it is just gorgeous i've seen this in person and they're really really pretty and it'll be a beautiful moderately sized wall hanging that you'll have ready for this coming christmas so we are starting that i think july 7th i wanted to tell you about that i'll put a link to it below and um that way you guys have time to go and get your patterns and your stabilizers you're going to use a black do i have it here no you're going to use a black fusible woven on the back of the of the fabric for that and then you can get the thread kit or you can use your own whatever you want you know if you've got plenty of threads you can use your own as well but it's a isocord thread so that is with the company called scissor tail stitches they are a sister company to oesd so that's embroidery online is oesd and scissortail stitches is their sister company but we're going to start that the week that the monday after the fourth of july week time frame right in there because the third of july is my anniversary so we don't uh i don't do any kind of sewing anything on that day that week at all but then then we'll do the tiling scene and um i will make videos for those and show you how to do that and put it all together so just like i always do be fun oh i am still in the middle almost well i'm almost finished with red white and bloom kimber bell's red white and bloom i have all but a couple of the border blocks done and then i am going to do a video for putting the sections together and then probably a separate video for just doing the embellishments because that's kind of the last thing that you would do matter of fact and for those who are wondering i am probably going to put it all together and then even though it's got batting in it i don't know i may put another layer of batting so i've got two layers and then do the backing and then stitch in the ditch to put it all together i think not sure but i think so hey there is a company out there they're in missouri and they're called cotton cuts they reached out to me and asked me if i would be willing to do tutorials for a let me get this right the owner or somebody at the store caught and cuts jenny unger she emailed me and um she said that they have had members saying that they love power tools with thread thank you and would wondering if we would like to partner up for the fall 2021 olympia puzzle mystery quilt and it is a 10-month program including pre-cut fabrics so for those of you that have trouble with cutting or maybe you might have some visual impairment and you can't you know you've got trouble getting straight lines and that kind of thing these pieces come already cut which is really nice and there's a couple of different colorways i understand so what it is is you get it it's a subscription very reasonably priced and i believe it is free shipping in the us so each clue takes about 45 minutes to one hour to sew there are nine monthly clues and then in the tenth month the final clue with how to put everything together is sent and the mystery is revealed now the cool thing about this company is that some of their profits go to handicapped adults and i think that's a fabulous fabulous mission and a wonderful thing that they do so i had to decline because i my calendar is so full i'm not going to be able to do tutorials for this but i did want to tell you guys about it cotton cuts it's the 2021 olympia mystery quilt and it's going to uh it's it's a monthly subscription signups start on the 28th of may i will put a link to them below and i encourage you to go out and check out their site and look and see about what they're doing and all that and you you may really enjoy that it might be something the first clue ships on july 30th and the program ends in april so it's a nice easy not a high pressure kind of thing if you wanted to sew it all right i think oh you guys always want to see my t-shirts yes i do need all these sewing machines a lot of you ask me where do i get them y'all they show up in facebook ads i get emails t-e-e-m-c-x i'm not an affiliate for them but there's a lot of places out there you can get just google sewing t-shirts and it'll come up and that's where i get them i find the cute ones i like and i order them so okay creative notions let's do a bag reveal for this month this one is so pretty it's all they're always pretty vicki does the coolest things so this one very handy for your sewing room let me tell you what it is the project is a sewing machine mat and accessories here you go so we're going to get a sewing machine mat how handy i've always wanted one of these you know you need to make them and then i got lazy and i got one from yazzy i'll show you that in a minute here's a little uh basket there's a little thread catcher and a pin cushion so very very cool so that is the project and there are full color instructions in here on how to make this so it comes in the pretty pretty bag all right this is for april 2021 featuring a country weekend that's the fabric line a country weekend from lisa audit a beautiful group for quilting and decor with dusty colors of coral and gray green set against clean white and soft taupe this is by wilmington prince let me show you guys everything so it comes with an adorable this is a subscription again this is a subscription and you get a little pair of embroidery scissors little snips very cute and here is a keychain with her signature camper which i love camper myself okay let's go let's see the fabrics oh these are pretty pretty very nice okay so here is the pink it's a plaid little flowers and butterflies very pretty here is that's a nice print nice big print show you get it straight cute that's lovely i like this and here is another plaid here's the taupe very pretty everything is so soft i love fabrics from wilmington prints here it is on a light green kind of a green aqua the flowers with the butterflies again and here is little tiny flowers on white this is kind of a these are pretty birds and the birds are they upside down there that's better very nice okay pink plaid i like that there's the flowers and butterflies again i'm plaid and a stripe very nice so you get nine fat quarters value of 28 dollars foundation paper pack okay that comes with it too key ring and charm ten dollars four and a half inch square up ruler so that also came let me get this out of the plastic so you guys can see it the rulers are getting bigger every month have you noticed with the little bitty so we did a two and a half two months ago three and a half last month here's your four and a half these are great for fussy cutting they're wonderful for fussy cutting because you can see right in the middle you know you can put your picture whatever you want right there and then you can tell and you're going to get the you're going to get it right and i need to hold it in front of the camera that's what i need to do it comes with a little bag to put your extra fabric pieces in of course it comes with a little suite and it comes with all the patterns and instructions for the sewing mat and all that and then if you don't want to make the sewing mat there's an alternate idea for a quilt right here okay and it shows you how to cut everything in the fabric to be able to get that and then there are foundation paper for string blocks in here so this is really cool if you have a bunch of strings which are essentially just little narrow strips of fabric or you scraps this is a great scrap buster it's not foundation paper piecing it's found it's foundation paper essentially the base and what they do is they have full instructions on how to do this and so what it is is you take a strip of fabric and you lay it either on block a block b or block c and then you get you lay your first one down stitch it on and then next one on top of that stitch it on iron it next next and it just gives you different blocks that you can end up with stuff like this very cool i will tell you guys if you're going to do this project if you're going to do these foundation things really narrow your stitch length bring it down to like one and a half this is good way to use up your scraps very good way gosh you guys oh so yeah i mentioned so i was real surprised that this came and it had the uh it had that sewing mat because i just got in the mail a sewing mat from yazzy yazzy bags if you guys are unfamiliar with yazzy bags these are the highest quality best bags they're made in india yasmita owns the company i met her at the 2019 2019 houston quilt festival and uh i actually put a picture on a video from that one let me stop rattling the i want to show you guys i love the red so i'm gonna take this in the rv we're supposed to say motorhome or coach now whatever yeah so oh this thing is nice oh my goodness look okay this is this is new she hasn't had this for too long i don't think okay so it has a folds up and it has a nice strong velcro to fold it all and keep it all together and then the sewing mat has zipper pockets so if you're taking it and traveling stuff isn't going to flip out everywhere and it even has a little pin cushion how cool look at that i like this and it is it's in every color that they make they have beautiful purple and they've got a new blue and green very very nice stuff so i'm going to show you guys also there's like a magenta pink kind of color look at that they make a ton of stuff i highly encourage you guys go out and check yazzy.com it's y a z i i dot com so this is awesome i will take it with me and put it on my little table to set up my new sewing area so excited to do that in the rv all right i have been yapping on long enough i need a glass iced tea so thank you for joining me i hope we uh i hope you enjoyed the visit as much as i did and uh again if you uh would like to visit more often please subscribe hit the bell and we will talk to you soon go sell something bye
Channel: Power Tools with Thread
Views: 16,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mNpsK6ApJa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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