Let's Talk: Nijisanji... Do Better

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[Music] you ready for Star 2.0 tomorrow uh yes and no also we will be watching the Black Swan trailer in a second all right let's talk about it nii Sanji what the [ __ ] you doing bro bro like what the actual banana hammock [ __ ] are you doing dude oh my God I I I don't know cuz it's not just dude I don't know all the details with senen Doki or whatever but like just hearing some of the stuff is crazy you know on God it was so left field I know and apparently they didn't even tell her they didn't even tell her that they were going to fire her like she put out an audio thing and she talked about how they didn't even tell her and I was like what what bro also Kio leaving pomu left dude so many nii folks are leaving and I can't blame them now I don't know the details why they left but if I had to imagine it's probably something similar to the mindset I had I've never told this story I don't think I have I don't think I have um oh well thank you VA new model C of TR I don't think I've told the story but and I think I could talk about it cuz I never signed an NDA for this I interviewed Fiji years ago uh in my like first year I man I got sniped no I'm just kidding um uh for a second I thought my internet died as soon as I said that and I was like huh cuz it said connecting to chat and I was like damn that was crazy man oh man um but yeah I I interviewed Fiji years ago now I'm not going to disclose I'm not going to disclose the contract because that's not my place to say and I'm sure you can maybe find the contract uh like out there you know I'm sure if you go looking for details on the contract I'm sure you can find it but that's not my place because I I I don't want to reveal that and I've worked with nii Sanji in the past right not just through voiceover but I hosted the um anime impulse panel but like I remember interviewing them or or them having that interview um and um man they seemed really nice I will say this was probably 2021 2022 uh I think it was actually 22 cuz I did an interview for a different company in 21 um and every every fellow like vtuber that I've had this conversation with about like it's like they're like oh if you want to sign with an or I'm sure they would take you like that you know like a corporation like a corpo they' take you like that um they you know like I mean you're you're a voice actor you sing like you're entertaining and all that stuff and I was like sure like I mean I'm not going to like you know have an ego about it and be like oh yeah that's me baby I'm in there um but like I mean based on the conversations I had with them they did both uh they did seem interested right but there was one thing during the interview that I said no um the thing was the interview went well and I understand restrictions you know like needing permission for certain things because I I it's Japan you know and you need to have you definitely need to have like um permission for certain things like I mean um like folks literally um having to like I know that toway animation doesn't like it when folks use gifts on on Twitter um it like especially if they're content creators that work with them like specifically like Bondi they're like this person used this gift and it's like right but it's a gift that the website provided not that they scoured and looked for so it's a lot of Licensing and legal stuff so that's an example I'm not saying that's the thing but I also understand because of Smash Brothers you know if you guys don't know what happened with Smash Brothers um Super Smash Brothers Brawl they showed off the entire sub space Emissary and they that team busted their asses off making that thing and because it was posted all on YouTube um you know Nintendo was like all right we're never making we're never making another Subspace story mode type of thing for smash cuz there's no point right so and I remember in the meeting I was like hey I get it like if I need to ask permission they're like oh not everybody gets that I'm glad you do and I was like yeah like I mean I'm not going to be like ah what the [ __ ] but there's a line you know and I get it from both sides but for me you know one company told me that not nii but the other company they were like you they were like hey do you uh for your voice over do you have an agent and I was like yeah yeah I have an agent hey MAA thank you for the prime 14 month part and I was like yeah I have an agent and they were like okay would you quit your agency and I was like um I don't feel the need to because I I feel like agency and management are different like Okay cool so you prioritize your voice over and I was like huh what in the genjutsu what what do you mean huh um and that didn't work out with nii they told me I could not do voice over at all and I was like No And they were like is that non-negotiable I was like hey I would love to work with you guys but yeah that's not negotiable and the reason why I even considered uh and this is where my thought process is going that some folks might take the and I don't know this might be a hot take you know everybody has different everybody has different different living situations everybody has uh different situations right like uh whether uh they want they they need to pay bills they want to do it for popularity different stuff right for me I just want to try it out that that's the kind of person that I am um I wanted to try it out and if it didn't work out I'd only sign a year contract and then I'd be gone and do my own thing you know which I feel like some I'm not saying all the nii Sanji folks but I feel like some of the nii Sanji folks might see it that way too but everybody has different situations right everybody has different living situations some people need to pay their bills some for some people nii Sanji or you know one of these corporations that's paying them is the most money they've ever had in their life you know for some people it's just a way to express themselves and not have to worry about a lot of the logistics but I feel like because they've gotten older and are understanding the industry and the space a bit more they're like oh I'm kind of getting [ __ ] a bit and by a bit I mean a lot you know so and and again I'm not going to go into detail about contracts but yeah isn't voiceover your primary passion well the thing is I love voiceover it is my it is one of my primary passions and I'm glad you know what's crazy they did call me out on that [ __ ] and for a while I was like why would they I could balance it out but they were right they were 100% right and and it wouldn't have worked out and that's okay but you know I'm not going to give it up entirely and the that first that other company they didn't tell me I couldn't do voiceover they just wanted to be the ones to handle the voiceover for me like they essentially wanted to be my manager my agent my everything and I was like um I don't know about that Chief um but with nii they just didn't want me to do it and I guess it's because my voice would be so recognizable which I hate to break it to you my my voice is pretty recognizable but that's that's the shitty thing they put you in a situation that you know me me as the vtuber they want the IP rights yeah they they did they wanted the IP rights my voice um yeah and the thing was I was willing to not stream as saou for a while you know like one two years depending on how long I was enjoying it for but the moment that I stopped having fun I would have been out the door that's the way I would have gone about it but not everybody is in that situation I'm I'm in a very privileged position where I've busted my ass off since I was like 14 where I've been making content since I was 14 and even when I moved out on my own I had income because of the YouTube content you know but some of these folks that sign with nii when they're first starting out are smaller creators and they and this is the most money and not just nii Sanji by the way this could you know uh go to any other company that uh is like a corpo you know like nii Hollow um prism or whatever uh you know like helps them out a lot yeah I've been making content since I was 14 fellas uh 15 years baby not a saou obviously but you know I've been putting in that grind since I was a kid and I'm not saying Hell I don't know I don't know the ages of half of these vtubers someone might sound like they're older than I am but they might be [ __ ] 16 I don't know you know what I mean all that to say I understand and why folks are leaving and it is sad and what happened to senen wasn't even their [ __ ] Choice MF Baka think of the 25 gifted they didn't even get a choice they just got fired and it was [ __ ] so nii [ __ ] do better man treat your [ __ ] Talent better I don't know it's a very it's a very Japanese company you know and it's a very idle culture so I get that to an extent but I always think about I always think about and they are not a they are not the golden rule by the way but I always think when it comes to these corporations I always think about Nintendo and again they are not the golden standard but I always think about Nintendo where their CEOs take a pay cut and give more money to their employees instead of firing them you know I remember the Nintendo oh God yeah again not the golden standard but yeah who better cuz that shit's not right yeah the shame the damn shame I am doing I am doing a a collab with kill before he graduates yeah yeah don't worry yeah and we and we still uh plan to keep in touch I remember hearing about you from a forbidden website we do not name so seeing creators being taken advantage of is disturbing I'm scared what website you're talking about mixer oh mixer what a website and that's why I'm a freelance artist but here's the thing you know even if you're freelance not everybody not everybody is in that situation you know some people have great opportunities freelancing you know some folks don't some people thrive in freelance and some folks struggle through freelance I mean hell look Vivy pop right hell of a boss or hasb been Hotel start off freelance took so long for companies to acknowledge how well that show is and now it's the number one streamed cartoon on Amazon Insanity they took a chance digital circus blew the [ __ ] up there was so much pirated and bootleg merch out there of digital circus it is [Music] crazy but it doesn't always work out that way there are a lot of Indie animations out there and a lot of Indie folks that aren't doing well hell um there's the show smiling friends that Creator tried for so so long to get a show on on television smiling friends was the one but they had ped from my understanding three other shows to Adult Swim or something it doesn't always work out but if you are a freelance artist I commend you I've done the freelance life it's a lot I'm still kind of freelance technically I know that I'm a voice actor uh but if you really think about it as as well as my voiceover career has gone um I'm technically freelan I don't I I haven't signed an exclusivity contract with like crunchy roll or bang Zoom or like any of these companies that I've done voice over for I I literally every audition I do is like another job application right so if you're in freelance and you're going to stick to freelance I commend you if you're going if you're a freelancer and you're going to work for a corporation a company I'm not going to fault you for it cuz at the end of the day we're just trying to [ __ ] survive you know and that's okay I wish the best for you I wish the best for senen for k for pomu for anybody who [ __ ] graduates for any artist who's gotten [ __ ] any game developer that's gotten [ __ ] dude it's a very weird time but I wish you all the best I like bro just keep your spirits up it's gonna it's a roller coaster of emotions so I wish you [Music] well so yeah that's that's what I have to say about n do [ __ ] better cuz this [ __ ] ain't right also to the video game studios by the way looking at you Microsoft I love you but you're really [ __ ] it up too man what's freelance to go Superstar I knew you couldn't do it freelance is basically your self-employed that you go out and you go looking for the job or um you know someone comes to you for a job like if you're an artist and you do commissions if you're an editor and you do and you edit for people but you're not on a payroll type of thing that kind of thing you know your contract and sometimes it's not even contract sometimes it's just a vocal verbal contract Microsoft in one way they laid off 1,00 employees what do you mean they laid off 19900 employees and immediately after got evaluated for fucking3 trillion three trillion not million not billion but trillion you know how much that is it's an insane amount of money but yeah just stay safe out there everybody has different lives I'm not going to judge you for you having to [ __ ] put bread on the table for you having to feed yourself drink water grab a cup of coffee just enjoy the simple things in life do what you got to do in a legal sense you know I'm not telling you to go and [ __ ] rob a bank or something but you know do what you got to do and I wish you luck yeah unless rob a bank got it don't do that all right chat those are all the stories I got
Channel: CY YU VODS
Views: 212,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CY YU PLAYS, Cy yu plays, PS5, PS5 games, Plays, Tiktok, Twitch, Twitter, Video Games, Voice acting, Voice actor, cy yu, cy yu vods, cy yu vtuber, cy yu vtuber vods, envtuber, funny vtuber clips, games, gaming, lets play, live, playing, playthrough, stream, stream play, twitch, twitch vod, vod, vtuber, vtuber clips, Let's talk, Nijisanji
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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