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anyway how's it going YouTube I'm suou I'm the last guy reacting to this thing but we're here watching the version 4.5 special program genin impact W I actually don't know what the hell uh was announced during the special program so uh this going to be new for me so uh if you guys want to watch these live with us make sure to go to vtuber and without further Ado let's watch my baby boy Zach hello Travelers welcome to the 4.5 special program hi my name is Zach agular and I'm traveler today I'm hosting with an old friend right meowy everyone my name is Julia goo I'm the voice of c and I'm Britney La the voice actor for chori I'm really excited to be in the special program with you guys for the first time chat I knew it I knew it I knew it by the way I knew it I knew it I knew it they didn't break NDA I just like heard their voice and I was like I know who this is so yeah congrats Britney have you done one of these yes I I actually have so they're super fun yeah hi everyone my name is Valeria Rodriguez and I'm the voice of sucr very excited to be here everyone achiev Applause Bo so cute I don't have this is an incredible crew you guys now I'm even more curious to know about the contents of version 4.5 is it just me or is Zach's voice getting lower with each one am I crazy am I am I am I insane why don't we find out by taking a look my boy he's growing up5 trailer let's go starting off strong I can't believe hold on there we go anyway let me rewind that for you chat trailer yeah let's go let's go wow I can't believe I'm holding the key just shaking up monat's entire wine industry in my own two heads I can just see it now the more alcohol those drunkers the more silver they'll become I wonder if it could also be used to turn water into wine alternatively a strength in his potion could make it so that Pon could take down an abyss Mage all on her own how are we supposed to make a potion like that what the hell is happening from walking train it's like it was never there with this in my Arsenal I bet I could deliver 200 orders in a single day what is happening excuse me coming through coming through you your your shipments here need a bit of letting out around the middle no just ran into a bit of trouble where the hell are we okay Fontaine it's up to me to decide who I want to be to cut my own no one can tell to do this is it I'm about to get bamboozled chat she's not dual wielding she's not dual wielding don't fall don't fall for her tricks chat it's not she's do wielding wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it might be her e it might be her e we this is let's go tomato oh my God finally customer the and we're stuck with a [Music] Geo hey thank you for the thank you for the sub Onyx I'm stuck and thank you L on the Bro dual wielding swords how does that work is Fury here I'd like to return my outfit uh no returns drags are you trying to sell us huh you didn't get bought out by my competitors did you damn I need to see gameplay of her oh look guys a code it uh doesn't work anymore so uh let's not be the r in the bush it doesn't work anymore all right let's see what else we got welcome back Travelers I'm sure that everyone's this is 25 minutes this relatively shorter there's a relatively shorter special program am I crazy to hear more about the new version let's get on with it then unsurprisingly our first bit of information relates to our newest character chori woo huh it's just a piece of fabric huh why was it in the Box wa it's actually really beautiful a professional designer like jori is very strict about her materials she probably uses unique Fabrics pretty frequently okay oh that makes a lot of sense mhm I thought that shiori left a really strong impression at the fontania film festival I do agree sh was really cool she was also very s read on her based on how she dresses and the way that she talks o I agree she seemed firm and decisive like the kind of person who always says exactly what she means I also get the impression that she's not afraid of going after what she wants yeah it must have taken a lot of effort for an Ena Zoomin to become so successful in the Fontaine fashion industry that's fair it's completely different success was based on a lot of skill and talent M I guess you know it you all seem pretty familiar with Chi already I mean we did the event did you do the event chat did you do the film festival event in Fontaine or did you sleep through it you dummy dumb because if you missed it you [ __ ] missed it it was actually super fun uh I actually really enjoyed that event uh and if you missed it you you can watch my playthrough of it on uh SAU vs you know uh or you know if you I'm sure there's someone that played it on YouTube that uh just did like you know a straight up play through might not be aware about her combat abilities so let's take a moment to appreciate her fighting style let's fighting you did it but you skipped the story what the hell is wrong with you it's up to me to decide who I want to be oh that's a cute Idol my own path no one can tell me what to do the swords are scissors huh dude finally now you have no excuse I better see more dual wields how does this work let's go [Music] tomato so it's one weapon but it gets duplicated is that what it is going to be Am The Cutting Edge of fashion she's really cool oh my God she's so cool have you seen her doll it's so cute you could say that she's A Cut Above the Rest if you will I'm not there I'm going to text Julia and be like what the [ __ ] bro that was my joke yeah and I love her animations they're so Sleek yes yeah super stylish major style points mhm I love her swords they're super super cool I want to add them to my own collection did you see that during her burst she actually crosses them over to look like scissors yes oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I did I did catch yeah observers often consider giori to be an unconventional designer she has a unique way of Designing her clothes so it is what I think it is okay so what I think it is it's one sword but when you start attacking it's double so I wonder how that would look with um with other blades like let's say if you equip a different sword that's not her five star uh if she will um if she will have one that looks like the sword you equipped and then her usual double blade or if both swords will be the sword you have equipped you know what I mean also uh doesn't say she's a five star actually aside from using her own blades to cut fabric she also uses an automaton named tamoto her longtime personal assistant is always ready to help produce and model she has a five star oh tamoto isible to how giori expresses her unique Creative Vision to the world it's like she has an Ora mind I was going to say when was the last time we got a five star a Geo festar and then I remembered Navia so never mind this is fashion yeah totally J's founded in way to incorporate her design making assistance into combat 2 during her Elemental skill choro to attack her opponents she also performs an upward strike and Deals damage to her enemies based on her attack and defense stats wait wait Che made that aomt on herself wow it's so intricate maybe she could expand into a new industry if she wanted for sure when her Elemental skill is held chori can adjust the direction of her Dash to attack enemies from multiple angles and as an experienced businesswoman chori knows how to capitalize on favorable conditions chiori will summon an additional automaton when tooto is active and there are other geoc constructs on the field okay by unlocking one of her specific talents shy can trigger special effects when using her skill or also two months let's go hey than you for the two months so it's almost like jang's pillars but they're little dolls ATT during the upward strike on her Elemental skill oo interesting thing so it seems like you can by using her skill that her little assistant seems to save her a lot of trouble oh absolutely oh she's cooing she's kaching JY doesn't like on um trivial matters if someone tests her patients then she'll end the battle with a strike as sharp and fierce as her personality she already may be a professional designer but she's also really fun to watching combat for sure she doesn't think that fashion stops at appearances it also needs to serve a functional purpose when chori is in your active party and any of your characters are wearing a unique outfit or a non-default wing glider uhhuh the whole team will have their movement speed increased what that's the most that sounds like the most pay to win feature I've ever heard in my life now mind you they did say not the default win wings so you can use wings that you haven't paid for AKA just do your reputation Quest and just make sure your team has a different Wings equipped also if you [ __ ] have a glider that is the default on what is wrong with you there the other gliders are so much better that's what makes her a true designer our travels will definitely be smoother when she's in the party and more fashionable well maybe not ji tends to run into a lot of trouble it I am interested in story personality but unexpected problems often arise no matter how much she tries to avoid them I'm sure that a straightforward person like chori has her own methods of getting herself out of those situations quickly it's possible none of the gliders look good on a haam I don't know I feel like the feel like the sumeru ones look good on him if not the uh the anniversary ones which I don't have if I had them um oh yeah the S ones the S ones look good I mean if you wanted complimentary colors you could have the KFC wings but if you don't have them couldn't be me Doug just wait until natland when they're red and then you'll have a nice complimentary color with a green and the red and then you're all haam will be ready for Christmas Chey is an unconventional designer with a Clear Vision she isn't afraid to go after what she wants and that approach has made her very successful chori will do anything to make sure the choria brand becomes renowned throughout all of toat so she's always looking for ways to increase its exposure I feel like for chori you would want the KFC Wings Inon Fashion Week cuz I don't know if the inauma ones would or the uh the enuma or the Leo ones would look good on chori story Quest the sesor chapter will become available in version 4.5 Travelers will be able to accompany chori as she confronts unexpected challenges during Von Fashion Week I totally dropped my phone on my keyboard I'm so sorry I'm curious what kind of challenges are they sh we'll have to wait and see but I'm sure that Kirara will be there to help chori being her good friend and all oh I can't wait to see what kind of interactions they'll have I should mention that chiori als's outfit oh so Kirara is one of ch's clients if you want to learn more about yri then be sure to check out her story Quest when it becomes available I do I am actually very interested spending time with will also be available in version 4.5 why am I getting excited I don't do the hangout Quest why am I getting excited I don't do the hangout Quest but I know that you guys like to do the hangout Quest so a special maybe I should do the hangout Quest the phmeter ooh awesome oh this is a pretty interesting tool you can draw a random number from a hat when you interact with the photometer so if Travelers are ever stuck on a decision they can use theer as an interesting solution o yeah if you're maybe I'll just dedicate a whole day to doing different hangs mode you might run into a situation where M people want to use the same character but you can decide a winner by drawing a random number with the fat tometer it seems pretty convenient right we've done the CFE one we've done a few on stream if you're as easily overwhelmed and indecisive as I am don't you need keys though if you have a lot of content to explore then the phmeter to decide where you should start it could save you from going back and forth yeah how about we try the fomer and see which number it gives us o me first wait have we decided what the numbers mean oh uh how about this then whoever draws the largest number gets to introduce the next piece of information ooh okay all right I think I'll be sitting this one out I already got to introduce chori chori's like I'm good I'm fine all right I'll go oh my turn Zach start introducing stuff so close well it seems like Zach is the winner take it away big man let's go let's go we'll have event wishes from chori Ando in the first half of version 4.5 damn EO Chad if you don't have an ETO and you want a mono Geo team Now's the Time a new festar sword Ur no my was not on the weapon event Banner here a small spoiler for you the new five-star sword comes with a defense bonus huh so it's not just a good weapon for chiori might also work for Alo yeah about that that's something that Travelers will have to try out for themselves nervet and cwell will also rerun in the second half of version 4.5 bro I don't mean to be that guy but as a rerun Banner this [ __ ] might be the best rerun Banner I've ever seen kazua and nalette bro that's actually crazy chat you don't understand kazua is one of the best characters to this day like not just traversal but like fighting wise bro if you don't have a new vetto razu I highly Rec if you don't have an animal unit that you have to Traverse around the world highly recommend getting Kaza be sure to check them out if either of them interests you oh and that's not all it looks like we also have information about a new type of wish wait what chronicled wish what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this yeah thank you for the thank you for the three months what what is this happy months shut up excited to gamber soon he he that's great oh thank you Galaxy what the [ __ ] is this a new type of banner will be available starting from version 4.5 the chronicled wish the chronicled wish Banner will allow travelers to obtain a variety of characters such as CLE and D they'll also do I look like I need another [ __ ] CLE and another duuk [ __ ] you Zach anyway go on be able to obtain weapons such as Hunter's path and Wolf's gravestone no way all of these can be chosen as your designated five star like in standard Banner like can I just pick wow that's like obviously I I have to win a 50/50 but I can just pick cool super cool wait if so many characters and weapons are going to be on the same Banner won't it be kind of hard to pull for exactly who you want or what you want no you can chart a specific course for the character or weapon that you want plus it only takes a maximum of one fate point to guarantee your Target also guaranteed an item that matches your target type for example if you're targeting a wait now I'm assuming this is limited Banner fate not specific five-star character whatever you end up pulling is guaranteed to be a character the same is true for weapon pulls that's neat seems like a great opportunity for travelers to make up for missing out on certain characters and weapons that they wanted yeah mhhm yeah there's one thing that I have to clarify these new banners will only feature festar characters that have had at least three character event wishes ah I see and have not appeared on any recent banners okay okay this to justify got it all right more details about the chronicled wish banners will be revealed in an official announcement be sure to keep an eye out if you're interested in them also version 4.5 will introduce a training guide system to make it easier for new travelers to explore toet we'll provide more details later on in the program wait a what a training guide system what the [ __ ] is that okay we've just finished the event wish section of the program let's take a short break while we display the second redemption code okay so this so I'm still [ __ ] on tinari but I can get his bow like what it anyway awesome sounds like a plan what a monkey's paw of a banner then by that logic EO will get added to that Banner because this will be his third rerun Jang Lee should technically be on that Banner so should tartaglia there's so many characters that should be on that Banner is Sino no Sino has had two reruns kazua should also be in that Banner then welcome back to the version they're going to rotate the character 4.5 special program let's move on I need I need to read more on that one let me see here a bottle message judging from the shape of the glass and the color of the liquid I'm guessing that the bottle has something to to do with Alchemy Alchemy judging from our suround Event Event Event next we're introducing an event that takes place in monstad it's anomy event as the city of monad continues to develop its leaders are surely has something here The Knights of favonius have always been conducting Alchemy research and they've been looking for a way to Showcase their results Lisa came up with the idea to open a potion shop the people of monat can learn more about alchemy and are we not doing wi their needs everybody wins are we not doing wi yeah definitely especially since Travelers will get to run the S card oh is that what this is bro I have seen so many people do fan art of [ __ ] Soo with this goddamn staff I have seen so many people do fan art of Soo and I'm like oh is it because Lisa made this [ __ ] thing yeah defin itely especially since Travelers will get to run the potion shop during this event Soo the magical girl I've seen so much fan art of that and I just not wind Bloom season yet isn't it wasn't wind bloom last April or am I crazy or is it in am I brew potions and sell their products to increase the Shop's revenue and expand their business so it's a when Bloom was March that's worse yeah exactly Travelers who build up the revenue and run the shop smoothly will be able to earn various rewards these include Primo Gams and a fourar man I don't know if we're getting wimbl this year fellas desert sages nice Travelers can also look forward to meeting familiar Companions of the shop Travelers can scale their business even faster if they fulfill these special customers requirements oh that seems cute sounds pretty neat seems like a cute event I'm hyped yeah me too that's all I have to announce ah the genin filler the next bit of news uh TCG I feel like we don't even need to introduce this one everyone can understand that our upcoming content is about cats oh right it's like I've return home Julia's already gotten into character hey usually two after Lantern right also has animal ears right well she doesn't have a tail though oh so siros isn't Park cat no comment wait really he's not we've completely gone off topic let's get back to introducing the most important event the feline Fortress fery what the [ __ ] is this andon have encountered all sorts of strange creatures during can the cat but this time they've decided to can I pet the catar cat's tail ah that makes sense since they've been on the road for so long there's no better way to relieve your fatigue than spending time with some cuddly cats that's great and all if I can't pet the [ __ ] cat this event sucks and I don't want to hear the it's like well um it says there's text that says you can pet the cat no no I mean I need to see the animation of us being able to actually pet the cat I I that's what I mean I'm not talking about text and then they go or whatever the [ __ ] I need to see the physical act of petting the [ __ ] cat and if that doesn't happen this event is garbage cat lovers of tat unite to be precise this event doesn't actually take place at the cat's tail a kind-hearted person recently prepared a new space for the cats to their hearts content Travelers simply need to set up fluffy feline homes for the cats satisfy specific Target requirements and provide the cats with their favorite food okay only then will Travelers be able to play with their Furry Friends the cat playing with cats can be a all right I'll I'll I'll allow it you're forgiven you're forgiven I will allow the nintend dogs nintend cats [ __ ] because this is just nintend cats all right I I welcome the update it's nintend dogs but nintend cats we're good we're good the the event is saved chat the event is saved little tricky they'll get angry if you do something makes them uncomfortable the event is saved chat the event is saved we're good we're good we can we can put our pitch fors down chat it's F to meet AAL friend 4.5 is saved and it seems like you're already star could never you know what you are right they did have that dog thing and I couldn't pet the [ __ ] dog you are actually right they could not they could never hey you know what all this cat talk reminds me of card games ah there it is B juah with the 25 gifted thank you so much ju I hope you doing well yo I think we're finally catching up to having every Char every character as a TCG card cuz we're getting random [ __ ] NPC as a TCG card pretty closely associated right I can definitely see Travelers returning to the cats Town invocation TCG after playing with all those cats play with the cats play some cards play with cats play some cards suddenly I feel like there's not enough hours in the day me playing gench and impact you might be in trouble then version 4.5 is adding even doesn't aard yet events and challenges to genius invocation TCG aside from playing with cats and engaging in card games the developers also prepared some challenges that will give Travelers opportunity to show up their skills oo in version 4.5 Travelers will meet two guard members in Fontaine one of them is a genius inventor who rejected an invitation from the Fontaine Research Institute three times okay wow sure seems like there are a lot of geniuses in Fontaine I wonder that place has so many cool inventions this genius inventor will lend The Traveler a remote cannon that he invented to take down a fearsome hilly churl Rogue uh I me that the cannon will be used to take down slimes oh that's cool too this is cute kind of reminds me of the marbles that we would play with when we were younger cute I like this event this look's adorable so in this event Travelers will remotely operate a turret elal shells and an endless hord of slimes I don't know why this reminds me of Bri break try to feed as many slimes as you can by triggering the more points you earn the more reward Bobble bobble chat it's Bobble bobble special some of you are too young to know what the [ __ ] Bobble bobble is using them will net you even more points sweet okay our next event involves a mysterious con ction what is Bobble bobble exactly oh that's something that jamy developed right if I remember correctly he's a researcher from the amort Daran didn't the traveler participate in a bunch of experiments to help him with his thesis yep he's made some improvements since then and he's waiting for someone to test him out in previous challenges you had to wait for the potion to take effect this time travelers will automatically enter time dilation mode when you enter the challenge Arena it's another one of these mode is active that's F mhm time will resume when you move or use any type of skill you'll enter time dilation once you stop or using your skills mhm yep time will stop as long as you don't move after unleashing a skill it's pretty sweet right I'm sure that Travelers tons of cool pictures of their characters yeah absolutely it's fun Travelers will whatever whatever event this is literally Freo the event the event once you have enough of it you'll be given an advantage that will help you you complete the challenge awesome also the layline Overflow vent will be returning in version 4.5 so don't miss out you guys well we finished introducing all the events in version 4.5 uhuh uh next up we have wait a second we've just announced a lot of information don't you think that's true let's take a short break and look at the last redemption code we don't need it it literally is is done all right what what's the last bit of information you have for me in version 4.5 the developers also planned a few system op system optimizations all right let's see it after version 4.5 Travelers will be able to view a character's Talent upgrade materials on the character Talent interface menu hopefully this helps everyone understand what materials they need in order to improve a character skills what what do you [ __ ] mean oh like down there as opposed to clicking on the thing thing hold on it's such a okay materials they need in order to improve a character skills I remember the new training guide that we mentioned earlier oh yeah that's also a new feature that's coming to version 4.5 what is this Travelers who are Adventure ranked 12 or higher and have completed the quest welcome to the adventurers Guild will be able to refer to this guide by accessing the pon menu or pause menu this guide will provide enhancement goals and suggestions based on the levels weapons artifacts and talents of I have Google I have Google okay your characters it also takes this is good for new players I mean yeah obviously hopefully this guy will be helpful to Travelers who've just started their journey into that yeah I mean yeah it's clear meant for newers Trav who are Rel it's like me [ __ ] on Peppa Pig as an adult when I know damn well it's made for kids new toat there's so much to discover in genin Impact I'm sure that Travelers will eventually figure out the best system for them for sure exploring all those possibilities is part of the fun totally no so far we've just been covering the ingame the cave fans are eating what is this discovery nature benefit collab content but we also have some external news to share during version 4.5 genin okay I love cave I I I do I do love cave and I will say he looks damn good in that outfit I I love cave but we literally have a character who's a [ __ ] forest ranger named tinari whose whole [ __ ] is this impact will be teaming up with the Discovery Channel to launch benefit events that raise awareness Discovery Channel genin characters will serve as ambassadors for specific natural landscapes and they'll be embarking on a journey with all the Travelers out there hoyo just said you guys are [ __ ] stupid go learn about animals real life animals they said go learn about real life [ __ ] animals wow that is such a cool collaboration incredible during version 4.5 travel release Veil OST album Jade rolence theb will comprised of two discs which feature over 50 tracks by the it will contain music from version 4.4 it even includes the music featured in the Lantern and Shen yun's story Quest sponsored by touching grass all right it's not even that they don't want you to touch grass they want you to see grass on a television screen so it's like hey don't go too far have the illusion of grass but then come back to us right seems like we've delivered all of the information wow wait does that mean that we've come to the end of the special program oh already so fast exactly really did okay but is anyone else super excited for the Cat Cafe yes yes yes obvious abely immediately 100% 110% I'm also really excited for everyone to meet chori I mean like they met her but I want them to like meet her like get to know her see her cool sword scissor attack so cool yes right I mean I'm a little biased but that's the program I mean I think that's fair fair yes very fair thank you thank you I will probably end up spending a lot of time on the rolling Crossfire event too uh yes I will destroy those slimes destroy the slimes will going I just roll with it then huh all right so that was the that was the special program now let's talk about my thoughts uh it's cute it is filler it is is 100% filler um I mean when you're coming off like such a big thing like uh Lantern right like there's only so much you can do right um I am excited for chori and her story Quest because I thought chori was really cool during the the the film event so I really am actually excited for her the nintend cats event the the Cat event seems cute um uh I mean it it seems ridiculous but it's adorable the Alchemy stuff should be fun if it's anything like the cooking event we just had where uh we just get to encounter weird combos of people like Dory faru on Lea that kind of thing and those interactions that'll be a lot of fun um but yeah I mean not a lot in this update and that's okay you know we got a little bit of a breather a little bit of a breather after Lantern right maybe we'll still get wind Bloom next update but I don't know I I think we we might be skipping wind blo this year chat um I mean we'll see who knows uh but yeah if we still get wind blo in 4.6 I'll be pleasantly surprised um but we'll see we'll see what happens uh I mean Natan is right around the corner now that we think about it we're already in 4.5 uh and then uh yeah uh we shall see what 4.6 has in store but uh so for so far 4.5 we may not be streaming a lot of genin and if we do stream genin it might just be random stuff we do like we'll stream chiori story we'll pull for chiori maybe if you guys really want we'll do some Hangouts like dedicate a whole stream to just doing hangout events uh but I don't know I don't know um we'll see anyway that's been the 4.5 special program H I'm lukewarm about it he the way I would put it what do you guys think are you guys excited are you guys like about it let me know what you guys think and make sure to check the uh check us out live on vtuber uh so yeah thanks and I will see you and the next one
Channel: CY YU VODS
Views: 18,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CY YU PLAYS, Cy yu plays, PS5, PS5 games, Plays, Tiktok, Twitch, Twitter, Video Games, Voice acting, Voice actor, cy yu, cy yu vods, cy yu vtuber, cy yu vtuber vods, envtuber, funny vtuber clips, games, gaming, lets play, live, playing, playthrough, stream, stream play, twitch, twitch vod, vod, vtuber, vtuber clips, Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact 4.5 special program reaction, reaction, reacts, reactions, react, 4.5 special program
Id: rw96P1FuCpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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