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well that's the stream thank you everybody for stopping by no I'm just kidding we're we're we're going to play through the story relax what do I need to life is as ephemeral yeah yeah yeah rela me this isn't about you we're leaving the sielu but March 7th called me dumbing are they wrong all right let's see Misha Misha we got to adelon 2 I believe one thing I look forward to Growing Up of course you're not growing up kid you're dying we can all tell chat uh no spoilers but any bets on who we think might die cuz uh apparently the the person that wrote this uh the the writer for this uh AR like um this Quest the pentacon story is apparently notoriously known for killing off himo in the Hong Kai third impact I don't think they would do himo again I don't think they would kill her off again that would just be that would just be ridiculous we just got her back um what do I need to level her up you want to bet you know what fair enough I recall some enchanting moments ah enchanting because she's fortune telling so all right you guys think we could get her thank you everybody for all the raids I appreciate it uh I just started playing and I failed on the boss loser loser okay is this a new actually oh it's in the aemy commission okay so we can okay we can uh build Black Swan uh so that's neat uh I'm not going to continue leveling her up right now cuz I do want to get to the story because I don't have a lot of time today and I realize that I won't be able to play persona for a week well actually um that's not true I could play uh Persona on my Asus RG Ally and just uh you know play it for funsies on my own time but I I really do want to play My Stream version so that's fine that's cool um anyway all right Fates Atlas uh what is this check the pro oh this is that thing that lets you know what happened then where oh yeah I did not finish the uh the spirit one which is fine I kind of know how it end so what is this available oh yeah I still haven't done the companion Quest yeah there's some stuff I do love that it tells you in chronological order when things are supposed to happen so that's cool anyway all right long journey into the night all right is this the new 2.0 update it sure is we got to go to The Parlor car it's time time to head to the next stop let's meet up with everyone in the Parlor car all right we haven't done this in a bit literally the taste of victory was horrible but figuratively n nom nom nom nom all right jinguan going to Vegas via Las Vegas anyway bom bom knows how to keep people on the edge of their seats I love pom pom apologies for the delay dear passengers something important came up so I the conductor had to spend some time preparing okay plop plop plop plop so what came up are we going to are we switching routs again but I only just finished packing my bags I our next destination is the planet of festivity planet of festivity I know everyone's eager to disembark and get to that famous Stellar hotel but before we set off I should remind everyone of three things okay what are they first pentacon is located in Azana a star system brimming with Memoria which has historically been one of the macro voids that leaked out from the memory Zone even after eons the Memoria concentration up ahead is above normal levels okay usually this wouldn't be a huge problem but everyone's different so if you exhibit any signs of dizziness hallucination distorted memories or any other symptoms hey what's up I take them seriously second pentacon is a colony belonging to the harmony family yeah it also marks the first time this family has extended a public invitation to other factions please remember that the express has been invited as a guest and that we must adhere to any and all regulations yeah that's right got it when in Rome as they say when in Rome let them we definitely won't embarrass the nameless oh we will don't you worry anyway welome back K third and final rather than being a request pom pom has a favor to ask of everyone a favor if you could I hope that while you're all on vacation you can spare some time to help inquire a about a few of the nameless oh like who are we getting new crew mates allow me to explain sure what do that just like most of the worlds that the express calls at penacon is one of the stops along the silver tracks uhhuh several Millennia ago it was an IPC and it was the trailblaze that connected it to thousands of stars okay during that time the astral Express once visited pentacon as with all meetings they inevitably lead to goodbyes hey what's up Izzy as the Express's logs indicate it seems some passengers decided to call perent home thank you oh no this this a rare happening who could be this important don't worry just think of it as returning to your hometown following the Express's departure the Stellar cut to Myriad worlds and penton's ownership switched hands several times then why are we going to pentacon why did these nameless is it to find the nameless specifically how did the course of their subsequent lives unfold and what legacies did they leave behind retracing our predecessor's footsteps I got you that is in itself an adventure we got black on agree so we're specifically going stars behind them their Trail we invited that's also what the conductor thinks isn't it according to the passenger list the three people who got off were tiin legor and Rosalina the expresses guard mechanic and surveyor respectively no supple M details are available just will be answered as you play well obviously I would hope they don't even sound like they're real names either this will be like looking for a needle and a Hy stack yeah we'll just leave it to the stars of Fate considering the nameless is diversity perhaps we might even stumble upon their descendants or against the slimmest of Chances The Very individuals themselves let's go we'll con clude today's navigation meeting on this point there's a bit of time left before we jump in the meantime might be a good idea to double check your bags well I don't need bags I'll broadcast an announcement before we jump why we're all here there's still some time before the jump I should talk to everyone hey what up well how you doing buddy how's it going all packed and ready probably won't be any surprises happening on family territory which is a bit of a shame mod so thank you it's rare that we can take a break and let loose let's enjoy it Mr Yang you look so relaxed well Adventures are exhilarating but rest and recuperation is equally important but rest in recuperation aside don't forget pom pom's request the conductor has done plenty for us and it's to that favor are you excited for pentacon here's the thing right now no cuz I'm not in it um and all I'm thinking about is Persona so here the picture of calm as always thank you for the 500 Bitties meanwhile March 7 buzzing around like a kid on a sugar rush just started star rail the other day can't wait to eventually you onle of course I'm the mature adult type a punchline with a straight face I suppose that's your specialty it's fun I can't wait for you to play I'm sure it's great I just have I do have some details I literally just have um just not now uh Persona on the money let's enjoy our vacation for now so yeah I'll be waiting Persona con I mean honestly that's the thing about uh that's the thing about uh starel it's it's space Persona I Mr Yang I'll be staying on the express this time I wish you all a delightful time in penacon damn you're not coming thank you I appreciate the invitation but I don't like bustling places milky Boxy Boy did you do the whole thing someone has to handle the work on the express all right well dong Hong is not pay no mind to the matters concerning the yenjo penone isn't the final really sounds different what are you talking about how long do it take you box boy once everything is packed up I will naturally catch up with all it sounds happier I will say um I'd advise double-checking your backs word is that the family's Customs procedure can be quite demanding better to sort it out now than face issues at your hotel check-in you said that last time he did say that last time Don sounds less emo well I mean he did kind of settle everything over in the sieno so H camera check extra clothes check you have to go through obviously chat a drat the travel bottles I ordered haven't arrived although I hear that penton's Resort Hotel is pretty luxurious I'm guessing their toiletry should be I like did it very slow with sniffing in every corner in all about 3 to four hours that means I can make more room in mycase it might take us two streams to do this chat I'll let you know it right now take some food take your pom pom take me you won't fit in the suitcase can't you walk March why don't you just indge me bring some novels or comic books at least then I won't be too bored while staying in the hotel room but these books are so heavy and don't take the books dummy a this is hard what else should I take it's about time and I should find a seat it's about damn time let me get over there Majin than you The Raid will I pull for Black Swan you know what just cuz you asked yeah I'll do it I'll give you one single pull here you go bud just for you boom Oh my God I can't believe it oh dude that's crazy oh my god dude I can't believe I pulled Black Swan dude look look look look black oh my God that's crazy dude oh my God bro in that single pole I also got a l cone holy [ __ ] Bro W that's what I'm talking about anyway uh I'm so extra dude I why am I like this uh where am I going [ __ ] all right I got to take a seat hi hello stream you mean my wallet oh yes hi pom pom the express is about to make the jump the express is about to make the jump please be seated and hold [Music] on the train is about to 5 let's see if he [ __ ] haven't seen this in a while whoa who huh huh what was that huh what what the [ __ ] happened where the [ __ ] are we what's going on all right I might be in I sat up not another one oh brother this guy I do love her eye it's very Codi out looking come with me I guess um oh brother this guy stinks Majin I got Misha three times anyway uh what is this place these questions have no meaning oh bet but I will answer you as best as I can thank you this is the border between real ity and the memory Zone a Dreamscape right this moment you and I have coincidentally shared the same dream it's like Psych in each other's minds dude it's psycho this is the land of dreams inaugural welcome for us worry not for very quickly you will awaken from this dream forget everything that has transpired with not but a faint lingering of loss H I know mind for this forgetfulness happens with each New Dawn It Is An Occurrence that we have become accustomed to dude it's so fascinating me like algra I have been I mean I literally played Persona [ __ ] three reload yesterday and I was heing algra for almost 10 hours right literally I was playing all day yesterday and somehow I don't know if it's the way algra is like speaking in like a spee each pattern or the Cadence but if I had didn't know it was algra my first thought would not have been algra um yeah no she sounds great so come with me I'll take you home okay we're not going to talk about the weird painting over here left the end of the corridor left I will wait there for you but there's a swimming pool there's a lava lamp a fire I want to go in the painting anyway all right not stop [ __ ] around Kingdom Hearts may your heart be your guiding key run around with Black Swan I want to see something this is what they call me uh I don't think they let me change to Black Swan here yeah I I only got uh I only got the boyo here sorry wait what was that I can call you what now open open this door take a look at the mesmerizing Escape while you can still remember are you can still remember this is I think this is what they call lucid dreaming chat this way after you am I supposed to walk up the wall a snap Jack of all trade possible dude what a good way to do this why not huh she can hear the thoughts in my head we're almost there can you still walk uh I mean yeah now I've become a trailblaze the perul of walls you're funny yeah if you can crack jokes you're probably fine I like the way she said you're funny you're funny I hate you don't stop Don't Turn back don't look down or up for that matter we're not going to address the two boyos over here has everybody announced these voices they're just Shadows of the has everybody announced who voices who I know that Aiden Rudd announced that he's voicing Sam which thank god dude holy [ __ ] I it was so funny because I remember chat I'm going to be honest uh I literally when Sam when we watch that Sam trailer months ago right uh I literally uh texted the director and I was like hey uh homie to homie cuz we're friends I was like who um who voices uh Sam just for me cuz I thought they were hot and [ __ ] and he's like yeah man anytime um and he tells me Aiden and obviously I didn't tell anybody that it was him he Aiden posted this on Twitter go follow Aiden Rd on Twitter he sounds great as Sam and I remember I confronted him like man I got to be honest uh I watched that [ __ ] Dr I thought you sounded hot as [ __ ] bro hey thank you for the 17 months 17 months lets go if you guys don't know who Sam is Sam is the uh stellon Hunter Boston hope you Hayden and your animals are yeah I can't wait for anime anime Boston oh I can listen to them do you think you can just leave oh maybe I'm sorry thank you lunar the dad Griffin yes I've already chosen Griffin platu is that confirmed he's behind you who's behind me Sam Sam's behind me where is he where is he where dude there he is there he is there he is dude look at that Gundam looking ass [ __ ] in the game look at this [ __ ] look at this giant dude I don't even think jinguan is this tall how do you intend to pull them off the stage all we have to do is present the truth and they will naturally reciprocate bro would you know the Charmy Festival stage belongs only to you little sister but if I can't sing what meaning does a stage have I'm going to tell you right now Chad anybody that says Sunday is R Damon you are incorrect ah the Charming audacity to think that you of all people might emerge Victorious up aring dear Gambler three chips are enough All or Nothing not what I expected his voice to sound like adventurin I mean it's a lot higher than I thought it'd be I didn't miss anyone right there's not someone hiding in the bushes is or whatever not [ __ ] I got everybody all right dude this is the most psychonaut is pentacon going to be my favorite because it just reminds me of Psychonauts is that what's going to happen we're here welcome to the re may you experience an unforgettable holiday if you need help checking in please head straight to the concierge if they brought in Jack Black then yeah laau even without Jack Black that's what I said rise as you would on any other day forget this fortuitous encounter and return once you came all right sassy [ __ ] but before you do I would make a request of you sure and that request might be you may think it somewhat strange perhaps even rude but I wish to know mhm have we met somewhere before Oh what do you mean why is it in red zero thank you thank you for the raid in Another Universe the text honai impact drop chat here's a crazy Theory mind you I have not played I have not played hon Kai impact third right is it and I know that hongkai impact third is primarily female characters is it possible that Trailblazer was in Impact third like at some point cuz cuz we know before he became a stellon no it's not possible okay very unlikely kind of there's one male character okay okay because we do know that he did hang around the stellon hunters before he got the stellon right so actually there's more than one male character in in Impact third cuz we had wel we had we had welt we had um laa but not laa we had yining but older so Trailblazer is not a real person we'll see I don't know but it's just interesting H what do you mean you evoke memories of an old friend in the haze of my recollections he crossed blades with me much like this surreal Dreamscape where we stood close yet forever is it in red that's so interesting this is foreshadowing something 100% may I ask you a few more questions I tend to forget things which is why rather than memories I'm accustomed to using my emotions to capture what I normally wouldn't otherwise the answer is inconsequential your spontaneous reaction is what matters in before in before um what it is is that Trailblazer has a dream with asheron in the future but it's her past just some weird time travel [ __ ] dreams are weird for instance when you awaken in your room your lips speak several names are they your companions family oh enemies you seem to have forged unbreakable bonds with many people and I I really like the music here might I ask if you Fear River Song type dilemma yeah oh why is it in red I cannot bear such a fear if it means losing them I would if it means that I will disappear I would if it means losing them I would and before these answers actually dictate what happens then if there was a vast Dreamscape so life like it's indistinguishable from reality there no one faces life's separations or deaths everyone attains their deserved happiness and lives joyfully ever after I would ask would you wish to stay what in the Persona 5 Royal are you talking about if I didn't have to pay any price I would that depends on the price I'd have to pay I would never want to live in a dream yo from my boy aaty now imagine if this Splendid dream were faded to fall apart bro we're killing people family strangers followed by The Gentle people are dying people are dying people are dying in this dream and ultimately yourself bro people are dying in this dream everyone and every face they remember the joy and the heartaches the vows sealed and those left hanging all will inevitably March towards a predetermined dude pentacon is just Muki Palace if you had grasped the Journey's finale right from its Inception I would ask would you still embark on this journey [ __ ] no I would would blaze a trail without hesitation I wouldn't abandon it Trail blazing was never my intent I would abandon it I have already tasted the beauty of dreams I would abandon it the price is too dear CH how's going hey what up deadly well you know it really would be insane this this would be next level honai like hoyo verse gaming this would be next level hoyo gaming this is something I expected out of like OG Mass Effect which is what we got right like the choices you make hell this is [ __ ] that we get out of Boulders gate right whatever answer I give here determines how the dream will be scaped I doubt Hong Kai star rail would do that to me right now but bro could you imagine if you say abandon it you don't get to go to pentacon that's it you just don't get to go to pentacon and the game's done they've done it before they've done it once at the very beginning of the game but it was also the very beginning of the game right but could you imagine if they did this [ __ ] now well I'm going to [ __ ] Blaze I would Blaze without hesitation I know this is hard you don't have to be hard pressed to make a decision as I have said the answer is inconsequential and with Kafka story that is true but I don't think they would I don't think they would alienate a whole through these expansion you know cherish them with emotions we make choices and so we return to the original question I would ask do you still remember me oh my God I don't know why that hurt I seem to remember you from somewhere no this is the first I mean here's the thing I do recognize her she does look familiar a bunch of people have said she is technically the honai impact third equivalent of I and genin because this is the same one so I'm personally going to say I do seem to remember you from somewhere and I did see in those little like flashbacks right before we got into here that I did see her right in May oh not i a not I bro whatever stop correcting me I understand how interesting for a split second it felt like countless versions of you alike yet distinct gave entirely different responses what in the doctor strange that was my final question thank you we all have our paast is based on writing me right that's what I was saying I don't know I don't know impact third I was just saying that there is a version in Impact third and then there's another one that is the Ryden in Ryden a in genin that's what I was saying we're all saying the same thing chat we're all saying the same thing I just didn't know her name in Hong Kai impact third that's what I was saying that was my final question thank you we have all our path to watch so we shall bid farewells we will we meet again you haven't told me how to leave this place the Golden Dream is getting restless in the coming nights I'm afraid he will face many tribulations and witness many tragedies honai 2 wait a minute and finally your sight will only see black and white dude we got to do a poll at some point or like a video where we just talk about who could possibly die die in uh in in this game like who's going to be it like we've already gotten Ting Yun dead please but I have a feeling one of the Trailblazers is going to die like one of the nameless like one of our crew will be a glimpse of fleeting red and when you make a choice it will reappear before you once more I mean she did say everybody was going to die IMO no what you must do now is Ponder its significance dude I she's so cool she does have very similarities to Zea design wise you can return to the waking world uh that's where we all find our answers did you just kill [Music] him what's wrong why are you crying all of a sudden what just happened dog I may have dreamed of a tragic future I may have dreamed of an old friend sounds like you had a nightmare we just arrived in Asana and already uh you should be careful it seems your tolerance to Memoria isn't the strongest don't fret dreams are often the reverse of reality while you were singed pacon can you imagine yesterday's Grim Frontier prison is today's lavish Hotel I wish I could wander pentacon streets today but I'm pretty train tied at the moment you'll have to be my eyes and ears while we're here all right all right chat I'm adding a uh a sound alert it's going to cost 100 Bitties I just added it if you want to know what it is it's um it's this bad boy yippee anyway anyway uh gear up and make sure you've got everything and before you step out swing by the back and grab March she's waiting for you there right it's not going to be March 7th still packing her luggage dude it's not me heo and wel that's crazy hey March you going to stay here you're up I am how's your prep going welt and he may go beat us to the punch oh but I stuck around for you we're all going [ __ ] all right let's go shall we firly which one is Firefly I'm ready to go con the planet of festivities the universe's biggest and fanciest amusement park awaits okay everybody's going except Don hung that's crazy Don Hong really hates us insane oh we're here at last oh the family sure doesn't play around with their entry protocols dud I got to say every time I hear the family I think of Hayden's DN campaign where the family is known as a bunch of villains I wouldn't have put it past them to try and NAB that stellon I don't believe heo will die I I agree I think heo would be too predictable but that's that's just my thought not doing Persona is shocked we're only doing pentacon because we have to get through this Stellar on the stable aside from that I have to say the family has been really accommodating well the hassle was worth it just look at this maybe every him fed to die that would be crazy Rose they're all rooms right just think of the number of guests staying here where are our rooms yipp come on there it is must be at the front desk let's hurry up and meet [Music] yipp hey you were in my dreams welcome to the Rey May you experience an unforgettable holiday if you need help checking in please head straight to the coner sure my boy uh it's the child from the the dream so I do remember I'm Misha a bell boy working here on this is not pleas to be harer this is uh the the same actress who plays a skirk here something it's not right oh should you need assistance with moving luggage to your room feel free to contact me please go ahead don't keep your friend waiting all right sorry guys I was adjusting a thing okay I'm suggesting a thing yeah cat Lally the taste of victory was horrible hey what's the big gathering at the n n n n n all right all right before I continue Simba did say I should use uh Black Swan for a second damn she looks so cool anyway so what what am I doing simma am I just walking like what am I what am I doing Sima says I I he he he wanted me to use Black Swan and walk was that the thing what am I even it noral Heads This statue would still be taller than us what what what am I looking for am I looking at how attractive she is like what am I is it just how bouncy she like what what am I looking at I'm missing it what what am I looking at the thighs that is crazy the hips oh the swaying what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my God that's like a lot huh um good Lord is that supposed to [Music] huh yippee Black Swan Believers rise up dude that's like insane is rodme the same I mean rodme is kind of similar but dude Jesus Christ anyway all right genuine where's your HP way go on hit him with the boys that's fine we got [Music] it yeah Hoovers is making big Wast in th dear Lord we are winning uh but unfortunately my Black Swan is not really that built I mean I could could build her if chat doesn't care I could just go and and get her to 90 real quick but I really want to play through the story [Music] so well she's built just not good in combat true I'm sorry but your name really isn't in the system huh but in the information I received from the astral express it states that we already reserved rooms please check again for me yes ma'am please give me a moment yeah you better the astral Express four Platinum guest rooms whose names include Mr wel Yang Miss himiko Miss March 7th and that's right check it again these are the only four names on the reservation list H is there something wrong ah yes I'm Mr dong hung reporting for Duty dong hung that's me I I understand no wonder our friend's name here is missing when we responded to the family's invitation he hadn't even arrived on the express um I'm Don hung something came up in Don hung's schedule and he couldn't make it I have an idea uh could you reassign his room it's still the same number of people I'm done hung he's a new passenger aboard our astral Express we can vouch for his status I don't know Miss I even if that is so I'm afraid show TR Blazer profile show my architect l no I'm not doubting your status it's just it's just H it's just that right now we're on the eve of the charmon festival pentagon's most important moment of every era and with the family's invite all guests from all over the cosmos must have thronged this place my guy I'm going to be honest put on your glasses in your hat cuz uh you without the glasses is not doing it for me um put on your glasses homie uh still not the voice I was expecting I just got to say also they nerfed his titties uh anyway go on hotel security is on high alert with his shirt though and with such a last minute change it really isn't something that this young lady's words can resolve on a whim my esteemed guests from voice remind me of please do not make it harder for her we are sorry for all the trouble our check-in seems to have caused might I ask for your name I am the humble adventuring of the ipc's Strategic investment Department a nonperforming asset liquidation specialist and subordinate the two gifted Morgan thank you for the how's it going Raiders chat you know what this voice reminds me of it's a very specific combination it's it's like Caleb fused with Lucian Dodge if you don't know who Lucian Dodge is Lucian Dodge voices Felix in uh Fire Emblem 3 houses uh and he's voiced a number of characters he's even in the new Persona 3 reload but uh Lucian is great but it's this weird the this actor uh is doing this thing where it just like it's almost like a nasal quality but it's it's also the Cadence that it's doing it and I'm like oh he's mahito by the way in jujuu kaisen I always forgot he's that piece of [ __ ] uh Lucian Dodge not adventurine just saying um yeah Lucian Dodge is great adventurin VA is already announced great I actually am not aware who voices um adventurine um and it kind of is like Lucian mixed with Caleb Caleb Yen specifically Camden sodowsky that's awesome um I actually am not aware of them they sound great it's just a very unique and specific voice that's why I'm like this is I I like I hear like notes of like other people you know I also happen to be a traveler that's had to stand behind you for quite a [Music] while leave it to me I've heard that the IPC has also received penton's invitation I think this his first we I don't know forgive me if I'm mistaken but you must be the representative the ipc's elite certainly does have an extraordinary air about them I suppose such an exceptional figure such as yourself wouldn't mind Paving a convenience for us damn such an exceptional figure I must be hearing things Paving a convenience shouldn't I be saying this to you instead I've been waiting here for more than 10 minutes do you know how many credits 10 minutes is worth to me oh my God it must be an inordinate number which is why now m Mr adventurine I have an investment you absolutely cannot brother the runs deep and wide and their word wields the utmost Authority we hope to borrow your status to vouch for him as such you won't just be sparing much of your invaluable time but also new friendships [Music] no well this is interesting and how will my new F I'm going to pound you until you beg for [Music] mercy I mean the sound alert works with the way his face looks he was annoying to me till he gave me 20K for no reason Jade Jades he gave you 20K Jades if he did that then great yeah I'll shut the [ __ ] up now this is a topic getting into just as we are guests of the watch maker why don't we make ourselves comfortable in p theone before getting to know each other more elaborately sounds good but miss Navigator I must point out that shut up if I do something about it now the time saved is from my own effort not a favor from you why is this Luca's like Luca from nii sanji's just baby brother but what you said in the second half I loved it friends yes nothing is more precious than friends especially a righteous Trailblazer like a nameless going forward on this Pentagon trip I'll be counting on all my Trailblazer friends here looking forward to a delightful piece of [ __ ] usually have VA Watcher first time catching stream well welcome this way so about the vouching there you go Miss please allow him to check in on this guy stinks have an appointment with the family is Mr Sunday I will ask him to handle this matter later don't worry I won't cause you any trouble I wonder what the tattoo on his neck is um but just cuz you have just a moment oh brother there he is the man of the hour it's Sunday the family cannot allow guests to enter a dream while bearing burdens huh oh speak of the devil look who's here it's Sunday the most handsome man in pandagon along with a singer renowned Across the Universe Robin he said you were the most dashing person in penam how interesting wow flattery will'll get you [Music] everywhere I've kept you waiting Mr aventurine this way please let us speak in private no chat that is not Robbie Damon astral Express guests please come this way and rest your feet wait what you're Robin not from Batman and Robin just just Robin Robin wait a minute I'm sorry oh talk to the assistant whoops the whoopsies the singer Epsilon Superstar if I can stop one heart from breaking that's your song isn't it um I never thought a cutie like yourself would be a fan of mine huh oh it really is Robin to run into her in person here it is an honor to meet everyone are you also a member of the family on pentacon like him hey thank you fox Maga for the I am a guest like everyone penone is my hometown but I left when I was older I invad do we know who is and sing a song at the chy festival also Chad I do know who vo is Sunday I'm not going to say it until day announc it my senior and one of the local leaders of pen Alice himora he also orer this era ter a lot of new actors I don't know he heard all ran into some and sent me here to provide Aid alas I arrived a little later than usual I sincerely apologize for any unpleasantness during your stay please be at ease I have instructed Miss Ally to resolve the system error as soon as possible I have also upgraded your rooms as token compensation please wait a moment for the hotel to arrange for suitable accommodation dude whenever I'm in a hotel setting I blame my childhood all I think of his swe Sweet Life of Zach and Cody Mr aventurine has an appointment with the oak family and has checked in Prior this is the I extend his apologies to everyone of the astral Express and wish for an amicable partnership moving forward a how nice thank you for stepping in to resolve this matter but are you sure about the rooms I wouldn't want your other guests to feel we were being given preferential treatment well it's too late now isn't it please rest assured that the family will personally undertake Communications to handle this it is only right that we as the actual administrators relieve you of any problems during your visit in penone I apologize for taking up everyone's precious time my name is J need anything else while in penon the family stands ready to serve shout out to my sound alerts not letting the smash work just just play play Smash oh so it works then there you go yeah the smash is being weird Chad I don't know why it doesn't work oh brother this guy stinks anyway me your dreams be beautiful and pleasant don't tell me how to live my life Robin it's just one surprise after another uh I haven't seen properly Mr which day no do you mean the vouched for us I guess we can find or I'm a little I'm already a little winded I hope we don't run into any more trouble are all the family names strange this is just a stage name I guess oh sure how much the story why I play I'm not sure likely some rule of pen see how far or the families but I don't think I'm finishing it tonight there's no queue in the lobby now let's go find Miss Ally let's go find Miss Aly well to the folks that wanted me to talk to Miss Ally I have to talk to Miss Ally anyway hey Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis greetings esteemed guest I'm Dennis the lobby manager it's a pleasure to meet you a Lobby manager it's my responsibility to attend the to the guest needs and help them resolve their issues since you are here I assume you're not familiar with the hotel please allow me to offer suggestions oh my God oh my God no I'm good no running in my Lobby esteemed guests of the astral express your check-in procedure is complete about time please forgive us for any previous inconvenience cost this is your Dreamscape pass it serves as your hotel room key as well as a directory of all the amenities and information you require at the Ry she sounds so familiar it is also penton's special one-of-a-kind souvenir that belongs only to you is this anelie you can use the Dreamscape passes provided clockin feature to every this sounds like four different people save your favorite happy bits and create a Dreamscape scrapbook that is Uniquely Yours n this isn't Felicia regarding the method of usage will guide you through the process I wish you all Pleasant dream sounds like Angie you may take the elevator over there this sounds also like Celeste Perez all right let's move [Music] out God I wonder who that is wow look at my little dream pass Google is friend yeah too bad they don't not everybody announces it application automatically installed on your phones dope invitation dear Dreamchaser welcome to oh hold on yeah Dreamchaser welcome to pentacon from the moment you set foot in the Ry a splendid and dreamlike journey had already lifted its curtains it is not easy to put down the hustle and bustle of real life and extraordinary courage is also needed to make the choice to full heartedly embrace the dream we have the confidence to promise that thanks to the family's most meticulous management only sweet nectar and melodious tunes await you ahead dream advisory oh I'm not reading all this the [ __ ] what you want me to read the turns of service too disgusting new new handbook oh brother it's Ali thank you uh more handbook pages will be unlocked record everything you encounter anothering trailblaze oh that's neat a little Journal select the record your current feelings oh hello Journal speaking of it appears no one has asked you a certain question what kind of trip do you enjoy straight toward local tourist destination slum the day away with the room within the room follow the passing currents of other pedestrians well if I'm going on a trip I'm looking at the destination rule four whoops wait what about rule four I can't look at rule four there are stickers yo I don't want to use this Loser yeah sure I'll use I'll use this boy we'll put him right there did it back guest notice hey we did that one hey we did that one number three well I can't do rule four cuz you guys are wait do I have to put all three I [Music] guess I suppose I'll use all these [ __ ] losers rule four is in one oh okay [Music] fine I'll read it I'll read all of it maintain a Calm Mind intense emotional fluctuations may cause unexpected Sensations when entering the dream such as the sensation of falling weightlessness or pain please enter the dream lying on your back please do not attempt to enter the dream while facing down kneeling or other positions you naughty boy you this will minimize the risk of drowning please do not ingest any hypnotics beforehand naughty naughty the dreaming fluid in the dream pool is already a fast acting sedative and does not need external pharmaceutical assistance if you cannot enter the dream despite having soaked in the liquid for a long time please contact the hotel staff please do not enter the dream naked your initial appearance in the Dreamscape is the same as how you entered it in order to not startle other visitors please enter the dream only after you have ensured that you are appropriately dressed so keep your dong in your pants please do not assume the identity of another individual the family respects every guest's identity and privacy please do not impersonate attack or defame other guests in the dream on behalf of the oak alal Al Nightingale blood hound and the iris families we wish you happy dreams we did it ientity theft is not a joke Jim did you guys see how they're promoting that new uh if movie The Imaginary Friends movie I don't know if you guys saw but uh John krinski is directing this movie called called if AKA imaginary friends um if you don't know John krinski is the guy from The Office uh who played gym and uh Ryan Reynolds is in the movie and he's one of the main characters and to promote the movie they literally they literally recreated the meme or or the joke the bit from the office where it's um where Jim switches with one of his acting Buddies and uh yeah can it was it was really funny I recommend checking it out transed the Dreamscape into a majestic Metropolis how do I get down there what exactly would that look like oh I can't wait I think I'm going to let this treasure just wait s you talk to Ally oh yeah yeah yeah relax it's going to be 420 isn't it if I ask chat if I ask Ally and Ally tells me my room number is 420 chat you owe me you owe me subed welcome to the Ry dear guest how may I assist you uh I'd like to learn about my room certainly since you are a valued guest of the family your room is is platinum suit that was going to be my next number but you know what that's funny 666 located in zone 12 uh our Suites feature multistory and well sealed structures each Suite contains a separate par and provides 24/7 drink and performance service all right I'm done with you so what you're saying is um welcome to hasbin hotel anyway I'll see myself out [Music] um [ __ ] face recognition failed lousy robot impersonator I Dro Bitties for the sh Shake Shak look at this Jolly little kid you think you're better than me think you're better than me you ghost anyway another chest so tired I'll never get enough sleep at this uh I don't think I could go all the way down here oh yeah this area ahead is not available all right up the elevator we go up the elevator up the up the elevator we go I didn't see that syney that's [ __ ] wild ah look at it rooms are down this way so peaceful this is a long hallway is it just me or is this hotel too big for its own good I agree welcome to Walt Disney [Music] World it's giving me the stink eye huh oh my God these kids are privileged hello there bird Dr Blues remain silent remain silent hey there it is can you see me who are you obviously I'm an origami bird you can call me Dr Blues got it make sure you never forget I'm swamp toor if you have any questions to the great tree origami Bird's Gathering Spot bet all I got is I won chat I won that [ __ ] said welcome to the tiki room at the ti ti ti ti ti room at the ti ti ti ti ti room can't wait for genuine to come so I can good [Music] luck best not to take dreams too literally damn they heard me yawn and they were talking about that the entire history of the hongkai I have not but um we did have it on the wheel of decisions and I know that chat really liked those streams so we'll probably do it again in the future but we haven't watched that no I hear a phone ringing where's the phone quit giving me the stink eye all right [ __ ] damn you're like 12 relax not even like four let's go oh oh damn we're still [Music] looking we're finally here let's all head to our rooms first and put down our bags thank [Music] god well how about a drink first huh penacon Soul glad is very famous hey the soul glad Go On we may be thinking of the same thing do you remember the invite that the express received oh the family's esteemed guests are cordially invited to benone to participate in our grand celebration that's why we're here in the first place mhm you recall correctly but there was more to this in Oh Brother witness The Impossible in the realm of Dreams find the legacy of the watch maker father of penacon and thus the answer to the question why does life Slumber what the [ __ ] I don't remember that part of the invite you mean there was a hidden SW this is the part that intrigues me the invite sent by the family was nothing more than a music box that when wound would play an accompanying tune right but the box that was sent to us was slightly unusual huh the music it played had off key notes in the background I recorded these dissonant notes and they were a perfect match with the gravity W frequency when the Express made its warp jump what also the express engine spatial curvature was its encryption key a distress call method regularly used by the nameless I can't be certain it may be a masked Fool's trap from the execution itself the Riddlers or Inquisition Spirits could have done this themselves when did you discover this about uh 3 months ago when we were handling that La fu stellon matter I told pom pom about it first thing and not me it's no wonder that IPC Ambassador also mentioned this watchmaker the invite he received must also have contained a hidden message and it seems like he decoded it there's something else on my mind when the invite was brought up that family leader mentioned being one of the actual administrators of pentacon and that it was their duty to relieve us of any problems H he did say that in hindsight there was more to that statement he also had Miss Robin with him I'm no singer but her voice sounded a little strange damn are you criticizing a singer really take to the stage if their voice wasn't in top shape oh damn are you saying you suspect that the family did not send the invite and is hiding something are you saying that you think she sounds dog [ __ ] and should quit being a singer wow well that's kind of [Music] harsh it's possible the fact that the family sent out invites to the other factions is already unusual and your Discovery confirms that there could be a third party involved I take back what I said this event is becoming more interesting with each passing second MH why didn't you tell the others cuz of kids we shouldn't interfere if this is just an internal Affair of penone or the family hey but you said so yourself this could concern the trail blaz well what are you guys talking about which is why before we set off I told March 7th and Don Hong about this WOW but not me so I was the only one kept in the dark then um I too just found out about the invite thingy that's because you were Zed out the whole ride no one had the chance to tell you why are you yelling at me I had a nightmare thank you very much who sent the invite what is gaing all of the factions into Pentagon and why does the family choose to remain silent about their knowledge of of this there are too many unanswered questions we must use the utmost caution before we go deeper right now let's just focus on the conductor's request we'll collect Intel while enjoying this wonderful vacation ah yes inone is after all a famed Resort of the cosmos yay famed Resort of the in their lifeim back to your some rest and all right don't mind if I do I'm going to knock the flippity floppity out the decor in here is a little uh prise taste about the watchmaker they say he's a historically important figure in pentacon and tales of his life have been handed down over Generations such Tales encourage Believers to come to the planet of festivities to pursue their dreams he's an interesting fellow that's for sure and his legacy still has the power to drw but but how and why he's involved with that inv why his name popped up in the encrypted message thank everybody for joining me I know I'm very tired but I appreciate everybody joining me watching me play the pentacon story uh about the family about the dream Journey uh that's pass the guest room actually hold on the decor in here the dream pentacon is divided's whatever I thought it was in reference to uh my dream not Brooke Charmers my dear friend are you in this [ __ ] I heard you say shaking not [Music] stirred your stream is cool and very enjoyable hey I appreciate it oh too rich for my taste good man all right all right let's get in there oh oh treasure hey [Music] s side buy chat a drink hey how about you give me 10 subs and then I'll consider buying you a drink how about that they turned Pikachu into a drink don't worry about it it's [Music] fine still got so much Stu giovana Chief dream nurse [Music] can I have milk but without cereal [Music] no you can talk to heo to know more where's heo there's well oh there she is what's wrong not turning in can't find your room or do you have something on your mind I had a bad dream I had a bad dream the dream pentacon is as for me before the dust settle one can't discuss the but the veracity of these stories remains untraced for now right well I want to know more about my dream not this must be exhausted where's my you to me has she returned to her room already a odd why is my room door open oh speak with the crew I literally heard March 7 talking about the bathtub hey girl hey I can't sleep from all the excitement huh I can't wait to experience get in the tub and shut the hell up ohuh who who at it uh about you know it's weird wel noticed it too about how Miss Robin's voice sounded I did notice a voice crack in the recording put my finger on it and I guess it was on purpose but it was different than usual could she be tired out from her Cosmic concert tour insisting on performing under such circumstances miss Robin is a superstar among celebrities uh the moment of dusk all right uh don't worry I'm ready for My Disney Experience return to my room I've never been in my room in the first place aha I'm glad I didn't go yet seems the older I get the harder well well well adventurine just let me close this door real quick I command oh I command it all right [Music] I see you've entered my Chambers how fortuitous we meet again well you knew this was my room so this is my room uh what are you doing here we meet again friend that's right pal calm down I'm just here to soak in the festive Vibe damn you want to take a bath now but half a system hour ago it was still mine huh a lucky block number a lucky floor a lucky room number you have no idea how much I went through to book this precious space and now I've given it to you treasure it well friend lucky number you mean 666 you were the one who transferred it to me you were the one who arranged the the check in uh no no I only let you have my room damn why do you say so pentag is a true blue land of dreams how many across the Stars would spend half their lives just to acquire an admission ticket into the Ry he sounds bro every sentence he ends it people who can even afford to stay here the re it wasn't for my brilliant plan you think the family would offend those big wigs just to sa the poultry whims of an unsought guest such as yourself bro I can hear the snap at the end of every sentence you guys hear it like is that just me stop looking at me with your dong and roma looking ass eyes put on your glasses so sit down and let's have a chat with everything everything said and done I think I deserve at least this much right I can hear your boob window in your voice what do you want to talk about pass cutting to the chase I like that see what I mean well simply put my friend I need your help you may or may not know this but penacon is far murkier than it seems going you for Mercy relax chat uh then it seems the family's eyes are everywhere but you get the drift my goal is simple pass help the IPC retrieve some things that belong to them in the first place if you agree when this is done you will stand to reap great rewards as well as the preservations protection oh he is IPC I forgot about that we found that out we found that out through um it's clear you're not just one of the crowd topaz right possess through topaz's story quity so magnetic that it could sway the outcome of any game that power you really don't wish to use it or you don't want to be rid of it why not use it to etch Your Name Across The Stars uh cuz I'm not a psychopath the power that men both fear and desire is right in the palms of your hands Mr stellon have I hit the nail on the head more like the ball with a baseball bat hey what up Victory I was told HSR would make me cry so I've avoided it cuz I easily cry also Su sup uh nah maybe I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what you're talking about your acting's good I like that bro stop flirting with me you don't have to answer me now sit on it for a while I'm going you until you for Mercy stop liking it I don't like it I'm just saying of course you your colleagues as well avoided all go as far as to use me in turn I welcome that notion because it will also show me your true value hey you want me to use you huh I don't do deals where I'm on the losing end so I hope that friends don't let me down I I hate him I hate it I'll think about it I cannot make this decision on my own you should really be going I'll think about it very well now get your boob window out of my [ __ ] room you sassy [ __ ] I bet you have the same hip sway as [ __ ] before I go let's play another game another a simple game get to know each other better you just have to guess which hand the chip is hiding in it'll help me get a better grasp on your personality and the way you do things okay ding it chip is tossed into the air and in the blink of an eye it disappears left or right get ready I'm about to reveal the answer no I didn't get your answer but that's fine because because it's a neither one friend the game has already begun there it is you an offer one you can't refuse oo okay no reason to choose otherwise and no other choice hello there H oh [ __ ] what are you doing in my room huh your room uh this is my room my friend that's my real friend also he is a thousand times better with the sunglasses I I'm not even kidding with the sunglasses off he's he's like a six look I'm just saying with a six but with the shades on he like shoots up to a nine I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm just saying anyway saou you have a type and what's the type if you say anything that isn't a redhe head you're incorrect maybe a goth girl and musular a women and you know the ones that are just cool and goth girls well played friend you haven't been in pentacon long but you already know how to rope people into your cause I don't like him oh don't misunderstand that was a mere reminder this place runs deep with plenty of unsavory characters don't forget to stay on your toes like keeping your door closed okay all right sure that was a threat all right um [ __ ] weirdo um all right chat real genuine question first of all I prefer her second of all real genuine question um this dude with the hat with the shades now that we've got gotten a bit to know him scale from 1 to 10 no bias scale from 1 to 10 go scale to 1 to 10 go 10 you're insane nine 7 six I feel like seven and six is fine eight I'll give you anything higher than eight I'm like you're you guys are insane I'm pleading the fifth L out I love him God this just I'm just learning more about my chat every day anyone who said higher than Nate I see the type of person you are anyone who said a lower than a six I understand as well literally if you're eight and lower I get if you're higher than an eight I see what you're into just know that I'll make my exit now have a pleasant stay hit him with a snap H him with a snap uh thank you why haven't you left [Music] um uh why haven't you left why do I have to because this is my room have I come to the wrong room this can't be before I said anything I even made sure that I had the right room number bro dude why is it in red don't I have the wrong Wing or even the wrong blog I'm sorry this hotel is huge and the hallways all look the same by the way Chad it's easy to get lost in here I just want to say just because I'm saying why is it red that does not mean that you tell me why it's red all right chat all right just because my dialogue was different no did the choices I make actually make different that would actually be cool anyway I have a strange feeling about this anyway as long as you're all right I should return to my room too as long as I'm all right but before I go can I ask you a question you may think it somewhat strange perhaps no am I in a dream am I in a dream am I already in the dream stop [ __ ] with me don't act don't you dare ask me the same goddamn question don't you dare don't you dare ask me the same same goddamn question you asked me in the dream have we met somewhere before you [ __ ] um I was about to ask too whoa Deja Vu perhaps in a dream oh I have to say that chat perhaps in a dream yes it was a dream it a dream on my way here and why is it in red blink of a s in my head why is it red this is your name isn't it yes pleased to meet you pleased to meet you how do you know me do you still remember me I'm that famous now do you still remember me you forget that man mentioned it before he left my memory is not very good but it's not so bad that I can't remember details from just minutes ago okay okay okay Galaxy Ranger acaron this is what they call call me waa whoa whoa you can call me whatever you want galaxy ranger what the hell is a galaxy ranger what the [ __ ] is a galaxy ranger what is that you can call me whatever you want I doubt we'll meet again followers of the hunt wow I might be a hunt I might follow the way of the hunt just for the name alone cuz that sounds sick as [ __ ] hun faction like Ceno bro I'm want of the hunt if I'm a galaxy ranger bet name alone name alone lastly a gentle reminder there are people who possess unwavering resolution and Faith even unto death and they do not wield such conviction for good and on that man's face I see such a similar expr [Music] one who wears a blade must use it to cut eventually and when a gambler has nothing to lose on the table he will surely go For Broke and bet it all on a final hand oh dude that is all I can say if this is the biggest foreshadow to the ending of pentacon that would be insane imagine like imagine adventurine is the villain he bets it all fights us loses bro I thought you should know all this before making a choice that would be a crazy foreshadow to the end of pentacon acaron left strange I can't shake off this odd feeling I have oh H forget it it's taken a while but at least I can finally enter the dream huh you're back ah you're back it didn't take that long for a for a reunion sorry can you point me in the direction of the lobby all these hallways really look the same to me dude I'm not going to lie Aron's cool I I like you show acuron the way she thinks you again and again it's so funny cuz a lot of people a lot of people I'm sure are like acon whatever the [ __ ] you instructions for me personally I'm like acaron just seems neat a good friend like that's where my brain is at I was like she's just she's just dope like I could actually like hang out with her and talk to her I I I don't know I I I kind of dig R Vibe here let me there we go perfect yeah get out of here you've been [Music] replaced that's my bestie what is this music no not what I wanted music hey it is music nice welcome to the circus of value to pacon honored guest oh okay I haven't gotten there yet damn let me at least uh get in the nude soon you approach the dream pool and hear the sweet voice of a female singer coming from all around the room fragrance per permeating the air together these two elements envelop you in their Embrace listen to Sweet profound and luxurious reminiscent of ripen fruits and a distant ocean painted by the Hues of a Setting [Music] Sun Well Done I need that sound effect dude I want to replace the way to go Superstar with the well done from Donkey Kong 64 perhaps it's time to enter the dream why does it sound like new Vette chat I talked about the story yesterday on Kong Chronicles but because there's a little bit more of you here or about the same uh I don't know if you guys were there yesterday I talked about how I have people approach me about the orrice meque Denise card now even though Ray Chase was literally in the room with me we were in the same building literally maybe 20 30 feet away from each other and and people came to me about the meme even though he's the one that actually says it and that's and at that moment I realized oh I might have an influence on people I literally had this talk with [ __ ] uh a earlier today it was really funny anyway um lie down in the dream pool you curl your body lying down in the center of the dream pool the icy liquid rises above your waist the gentle female voice continues to whisper in your ear accompanied by the tolling of evening Bells the Wild Wind rustles Through the barren Plains The Nightingales seagulls swans Black Swan and r Raven act their Symphony to the choir no I'm not nalet I voice Soo and jinguan and I never said I was pendulum swings you wonder what dream you'll dove into and slowly drift into drowsiness ooh cut scene take it off I mean keep it on huh please relax feel the EB and Flow there's a movie like this bubbles just focus on breathing and imagine you're in Paradise Welcome to NR a Dreamland imagine a Dreamland what are we looking at huh M wa pay attention Chad pay attention z z sorry huh Misha well that was clearly Misha shouting what is it ratio why the long face hey I just realized where's that handsome bust of yours the way this [ __ ] says bust anyway you're late by 4 minutes and 16 seconds you better have dude I love Dro eyes otherwise I suggest not tangling I can't believe they're both part of the IPC you mean you don't believe me when I say I truly wish to befriend them I'm going to say event looks pale as [ __ ] here in this shot I don't know what it is but his skin tone is matching his hair color clamorous people do not make friends fun fact the atini peacock boasts one of the universe's more jarring songs and your choice of attire is somewhat peacock window oh I can see it it seems this peacock is short of a Feather or two the family's been rumaging through your things haven't they damn Yeah by that gray suited fellow all the cashs and the Box containing the cornerstones huh where are you going Tik Tock hello from the English VA of Clocky hey what up hope you're doing well dude home to tell the corporation that some idiot ruined everything and by some idiot I mean you damn that's crazy damn you're really going to snitch I thought better of you Dr ratio but pop off you're hot whatever it's nothing more than a few rocks yeah he looks way better in the shot so serious who cares if they're gone um clearly they AR pretty sure Dr ratio is IPC am I misremembering that chat is Dr ratio not IPC because he's not genius Society Dr ratio isn't IPC intelligencia Guild he's an intellectual Guild he cooperates with the IPC since the intelligencia guild is funded by the IPC okay so okay then that was my mistake my bad not part of it but dependent got it adventurine though is IPC understand thank you thank you for the clarification cuz I really did think it was the same thank you I actually uh got it without that adventurine stone you're nothing more than a doomed seian thraw sentenced to die by the IPC or is that serial number on your neck a cherish momento from the Amber Lord dude his eyes look awesome I I want honestly however you feel about adventurine whether you like his earring whether you like his boa [ __ ] window whatever you like about him my dead ass favorite part is the eyes his eyes look so good it reminds me of the snake from Jungle Book also yes I did hear the Amber Lord uh and is this tattoo for all IPC or is it for those higher numbers and if that's the case does topaz have one and I don't remember that she has one of these you're funny I'll give you that it appears our aidite friend has done his homework to doesn't have it my job how would a gambler rest penone back from the IPC otherwise Frontier prison interesting don't worry doctor I have my ways the family fears interference from the IPC hence their constant intervention more to play Devil's Advocate perhaps Pentagon might have always been a ruse under the GU of the harmony if you ask me that invite is nothing but a self- planted diversion a red hering or maybe they're thinking of pulling off something big during the Charmy Festival oh or someone else made the invite and they acqu to elevating the magnitude of the plan dude there's so many things at play here well regardless be it the family or the watchmaker's Legacy as long as they're all useful to me get to the point what's your plan still think there's Mafia involved to expand on that now it's not yet time to reveal my trump card he said that was such s damned Gambler any true collaboration demands trust did that notion somehow Escape your seian upbringing sorry I just realized what threw me off about the scene the mouths aren't moving and I know that some people are like well yeah s it's why would they be because because honai has always been really good about matching the audio to the mouth movement H he's talking to himself is that what he's doing he's thinking and I feel like they should have added a filter or something I don't know maybe I'm too maybe my brain is too in anime then do you trust me hold on got to the point what your plan no need to expand on that damn Gambler I don't know cuz it sounds like this is in response anyway that's ignore me that depends on you H so you don't trust me either now that was easy wasn't it also I didn't go to school and my parents didn't teach me any of that a pity they left before they could impart any life lessons Okay I did not mean to offend that's a manipulation tactic but they did teach me that friends are weapons of the Ain even under the watchful eye of the harmony our friends performances have far exceeded my expectations let see orph Daddy The Garden of recollection Asal Express have already made contact the annihilation gang I can't really count on them the Knights of beauty haven't given their answer as for the bunch at the tavern you know what's really interesting I don't know if they took this into consider I know that I keep pausing but this is this is how my brain works I'm sorry Chad and I know that I'm never going to finish this [ __ ] game uh this story today because of how slow I'm going and constantly stopping um I realized something about adventurin actor and I don't know if the way it was directed I don't know how Phil did it uh or whatever but it matches how topaz talks it's very business but also the pacing of it it's it's just very interesting to me it's a very light little detail but I I was like oh it reminds me of topaz the way she talks of which I ran into a woman just now who introduced herself as a galaxy ranger the whole conversation felt off help me look into her huh well he's gone oh you don't really disdain me that much do you well seems like I'm on my own again I mean it's Dr ratio like the [ __ ] get ratioed buddy so this is the Dreamscape the atmosphere here creeps me out and whatd noise I I I don't know if it was the voice direction of Phil I I I I don't know if it was intentional on the actor or whatever but it's just something interesting watch Maker's advice The Impossible can also happen in dreams find it and then you shall be granted an audience this way can you see me over here um please come this way all right I thought I heard a familiar voice Misha is it coming from you're here wonderful oh I I thought you wouldn't yeah I got him welcome to the gallery of yes we did Levi you can think of this as the entrance to the golden hour I'm here to provide guidance to our guess I really like uh M's voice you meet again huh you remember me I'm so glad no I'm not finishing the quest this this is a temporary interchange so it looks a little rundown the Ry in the Dreamscape is currently underg a re like gen a difference between I apologize for any UN pleasantness in your stay but if you enter the golden hour I me every character your TR will dissipate in an instant what happened to revery uh oh you're asking about the referee in the Dreamscape right I'm not sure exactly either I'm sorry 9 hours total yeah we're not doing that what is golden hour you've perhaps read about it in your Dreamscape pass there might be a day next week where I'll be a to finish golden hour is one of the 12 Dreamscapes in pentacon and we coincides midnight here the dreams time is forever Stuck in the Moment before for midnight tomorrow will not come and this night of rry Will Never End uh but that doesn't mean that time stopped in the dream to avoid any physical or mental H Ian do the dream has been at home shut the hell up so don't worry I just picked up a note note did you find it it wasn't trash left behind by it was my mistake I failed to oh so I guess I'm the only one that got that from the watchmaker you just go right through that door to reach golden hour I wish you an unforgettable dream oh I got a spicy real Pon I'm looking forward to it and that's the end of the stream everybody thank you all for stopping by you guys have been amazing uh yeah it's it's been a blast thank you uh I'll see you in the next one one yeah I know what you're thinking man Sai you done it again what a great stream what a fantastic also can I just say something no one keep playing godddamn the H star real if there was a bit it was muted well it wasn't even that funny anyway I said all I said was no one really noticed that um the intro was animated no one pointed it out like my starting soon screen also this scene looks immaculate yo I'm Peter Pan oh I'm not Peter Pan I'm falling damn you ain't [ __ ] what's that I understood that reference bro the hkey star real team just a bunch of memers huh are you all right no I just face planet on the floor what do you think o are we in heaven or there's nothing to worry about you've arrived at the Dreamscape seems like our guest here hasn't gotten used to the transition you don't say fret not feeling a sense of weightlessness is normal for new visitors Robin please guide our friend in getting more comfortable with the new environment leave it to me Robin gives a slight nod to her brother then locks her Emerald gaze with yours she smiles and you see ripples shimmering in the depths of her late green eyes followed by a mighty Vortex emerging from the depths of the pool I like these little three dots by the way the thing that I was saying was no one at the beginning of the stream pointed out that the starting soon screen was animated I'll show it again before I cut myself [Music] [Music] off thanks a lot thanks a lot chat anyway your vision dims as your body dissolves the taste of victory was horrible but figuratively n n n n n yeah cuz you SC shut the [ __ ] up shut anyway uh become one with the fluidity of time and space you resonate with uh with and become attuned to the Serene Fusion of frequencies your heart drums leading this Symphony just relax you'll be feeling like your normal self in no time I doubt it inhale now [Music] exhale they chant instant instant compels and the stagnant fluid in your chest begins to flow again oh no a gentle worth emanates from within every inch of your being your Melody slow down fade away like a lullabi a seven colored illusion delicately caresses the top of your head and closes your eyes its movements tender and compassionate you feel contentment and drift into a deep Slumber you open your eyes and feel Vitality like no other the difficulty you were experiencing a moment earlier feels like a distant memory you should be feeling fully in control now welcome to penone what do you what does that mean what did you just do to me did you just brainwash me what was that sound just now song with a harmonic tune relax just did some tuning on you with the Resonance of the harmony to allow you to control your your limbs freely in the Dreamscape how do you leave the dreamcap the dream of penone formed by Memoria later later am only by fully understanding its nature can you move freely within it it's like learning to swim it's easy to sink at first when you aren't accustomed to the water but once you get the hang of it you can Flo on the surface effortlessly that actually would be wild you're in the middle of combat and you get hit so [ __ ] hard that get sent back to the real world that's a great analogy now I get it this is deep does that mean I can levitate in the air theoretically you can let aie but it would be very difficult to pull off after all we don't really have an indepth understanding of the Memoria yet unless you're one of the memoe keepers of the garden of recollection it can be difficult at first to manipulate the Memoria As You Wish once you've been tuned by the harmony you you can use the same laws of physics from The Real World to understand how the dream world works oh oops I've fallen into my professional habits again I just can't seem to shake off this urge to be a know-it-all hey at least you know don't mind him he's always like that please enjoy the beautiful Dreamscape the family has built for everyone that's the story we've barely touched the surface have a blast okay goodbye I got a text uh he awesome we can send messages even in dreams you there I'm there now I'm there I'm there I'm there I'm there hey what up pinky uh himo Mr Yang they will want different de uh they all went to different Dreamscapes moment of DUS I'm plan to check it out it's going to be a pain to meet up again so why don't we split up for now but I heard the Dreamscape salees store there is super famous can you please check it out for me I guess the Dreamscape sales store should I visit it bro this [ __ ] is wild there are so many people living in the Dreamscape you might be a little dead at the end you might be a little dad at the end oh sad man I can't wait to see who dies and then when we find out who it is you're going to get banned this street is populated oh spoilers chat the rolling Rascal hey holy [ __ ] damn that's awesome they're almost at their goal already all right ah what are you going to do run me over what are you going to do you [ __ ] [ __ ] run me over coward run me over run me over [Music] ah I was [ __ ] meing dog I was meing I can't believe that [ __ ] what violate traffic rules and get hit by a vehicle in pentacon that's actually [ __ ] hilarious hey what up Joel hey it's an achievement you know how I am achievement hunting and [ __ ] why do they have a kid selling merch nice dude this is sick this is sick dude what is this on new Adventure dude we're going to be oh my God why did they come out with this now chat why did they come with out with this now chat I want to play this but I want to play Persona why did they [ __ ] me what the hell are did that billboard just move [ __ ] these Birds Mr hering rides and waves your taste pods thanks for the sticker shut up shut up I thought I killed that man ooh the music chest Suffering From Success dude I really am going to have to at some point start switching between honai and cuz the thing is is that like honai Star rail like this is a brand new region type of thing and I'm so interested cuz genin right now it's just Lantern right we do that and then we're good but [ __ ] this this is going to be a bit huh do I have the script for pentacon just like Fontaine nah not this time fellas I mean other than the obvious fact someone's going to die [Music] [Music] nah luod [ __ ] pop that balloon oops spoilers okay I run I love you buddy goodbye according to the map according to the Judgment of the orrice mech is that a giant eyeball where where's the giant eyeball where where's the giant eyeball am I blind I can't see this giant eyeball you're talking about well I'll never know to use the foam Booth try installing a robotic arm getting a tattoo or raising a few what getting a tattoo in pagoni perish the thought according to dude I could lose myself in this [ __ ] game what is that huh what are all of these for I'm scared it's literally right behind you the Giant Eye according to the map that's the Dreamscape sales store is that a giant eyeball no I went the other way my bad oh that is a giant eyeball man I like I'm in tomorrow land from the astral experence welcome to dream scared s stor oh I don't like your voice how do you know who I am it's the magic of psychoanalysis sir Dr Ed is happy to assist you here's where you'll get to experience all soul of fascinating dream skins from the top-notch Productions of clar Studios to private donations we have it all I'm not mistaken this is your first visit to P isn't it it is well I guess it is please be rest assured that Dr Edward will provide the best service you can find we provide the best service your first bre day and LGE in an exclusive and marvelous Greenland Jour and that's under my analysis I'm sure you'll be a fan of this dream B it's a contribution from an anous and is said to contain the memory of the Fallen e m hey MAV this dream R is first uh how do you know what I want is this the memory of AI strawberry K thank you for the 10 months regarding the authenticity of dream level content oh dreams are just dreams so enjoy I feel like you're lying to me let's begin please close your eyes and rest your forehead against the dream now when you say the dream bubble you mean like an actual dream bubble and not the eyeball right okay I guess we're touching the eyeball blazer from the astral Express do you plead guilty no uh am I acuil now what's going on I won't make any explanatory or leading comments on the content of this dream bubble in the dream bubble you will be living through a person's past memory I will experience what the original owner of the memory once experiened if any deers are missing from the dream Buble your subconscious will make up for it by substituting the missing content something similar maybe one of the missing Trailblazers missing committed are Beyond pardon but I respect every individual's right to carry out volunteer work give this place a thorough cleaning Aki I'm listening do I have to do the voice over faky myself my apologies when I received this drein bubble some of the audio tracks were missing that's really funny perhaps even the memorial is I'm able to transmit this that's really funny however I can make some adjustments to the dream bbel to improve your experience meaning you can choose anyone's voice for aavil as long as it's a voice you're familiar with I'll be able to replicate it than your sub um no I D about that I don't really know how feeling so yeah I don't really you know hold on Chad one second Chad do we have drops enabled yes okay cuz I didn't have I haven't I didn't have drops like on uh there we go cuz I wasn't sure if we did [Music] anyway anyone's voice will do does it have to be a voice of someone I'm close to that's quite a convenient feature the subconscious has vast potential sir here so thank you for the prime well please make r s Don Hong pom pom let me see who else IMO well myself of course my myself in a different you know we play as Caleb all the time so let's do a different that's not no matter Dr Edward will make it happen hey thank you for the raid uh sua and thank you for the raid hadu the replication is complete now you can up to you as well as the other passengers take responsibility for the following malicious conduct you rode snowmobiles into the taan stadium huh and disrupted the match causing the match to be suspended because of you 20 Trailblazers were forced to repair the severely damaged exterior of the stadium for 3 months without pay you plead guilty to this charge no yes I plead guilty B you sneaked into the highi zoo and splurged half crew Budget on 250 nose Walker Cubs you kept them in the restroom where they were left to breed and multiply uncontrollably causing other carriages to be filled with sewage you plead guilty to this charge yes I plead guilty better SC of the of the sea you barged into the kitchen of the dining Carriage claiming that the whole area needed disinfection that's a lot this resulted in the loss of 42 crispy crumbly POA pies you plead guilty to the first one is clearly a result of your own doing but I do admit to consuming the last serving of the express special damn don't get carried away just yet this is only the beginning of your list of culinary offenses damn are I'm going to pound you until you for Mercy chill plants in the Parlor car being watered with soul glass disrupting the conductor's rest with noise this sounds very personal break to the conductor's exclusive snack Vault this sounds very personal what do all these have to do with aavil this trailblazing expedition of yours is indeed an elating one did so glad really exist in that AA by order of wow you're putting ads in my dreams so glad is the only you're putting ads in my dreams Rec dream and that's not even half the list there are a total sorry I am indeed the worst nameless in the universe no you are not could there be anyone worse than me of course there is damn who that guy who blew up the train into two pieces [Music] huh that's all for the content of this dream how was your experience who the [ __ ] what do all these have to do withing the string level aligns with what you desire in your subconscious if you're interested experience of the Dre that was aha Theon of alian who blew up the train he was disguised as a passenger for a little bit in the L that's really funny so that first Dream bubble for free was just sales pitch huh this dream bubble is indeed pris still please give it some consideration well are you going to buy [Applause] it uh I'll buy it nameless memory bubble an unusual dream bubble said to contain the dream of aavil a fallen Eon how much money I got can I even afford this one two three four oh wait hold on one two yeah I'm fine give me the [ __ ] dream up I'm rich thank you all as this is your first time using the dream battle here's a STi for you than you my stickers in an eyeball hoping I would find some clues about the nameless up here well can't expect it to be that vict she went that way huh get her what what's going on what's all the commotion about who the [ __ ] is that all right let me get let me Implement these stickers of mine yeah let them just stack on top of each other these are all my twitch drops by the way oh secret collection oh watch your stop now don't tell me what to do you want to fight that's what I thought you [ __ ] Mr har the flavor right that flavor Town don't even think about running away you st away huh oh she's cute sorry for bothering you please I need your help ooh Place her how can I help what happened who are you I'll do my best to protect a pretty young lady who at my zampo hey look she has an accomplice good work now we can NAB them both in one go uh all right you can try H there's more to life ooh oh chat the music ah existence is Unity there's no time to L all will be swept away by the wind Eternal St Dead return here is thunder let's settle this let me hit you with some [ __ ] knowledge SAS P kippi the measure of Truth L plus ratio dummy he's not built some value I suppose Zer follow up follow my charge conflict is pious m m dude that base that's enough boys huh s sir uh my guy what's gotten into you all open your eyes and take a good look is this lady the Stow way we're looking for not as Gruff as I thought he'd be I don't hate The Voice not as Gru as I thought it'd be huh who who's this don't you know him look at his brown hair and gray vest it's RV ley's cousin he's the officer sent here by the family to maintain order at the Charmy Festival I see sir the thing is we're trying to apprehend a stow away and that young lady there looks very suspicious we're sure she's the one uh um that's kind of racism presumptuous that's nonsense take another look will you the witness report says that the suspect is a lad with silver hair and you guys are going after a girl with silver hair does that even make sense she's Our Guest dude this really is just Risley however his damn just his body well just get out of my way and I'll take care of this you know who he sounds like chat and I might be crazy here he sounds like a young version of [ __ ] like of the the main character from Wolf Among Us Bojo literally said it as I was pondering it bro he sounds like Bigsby is that his name oh God what was his name Big B not Big B the [ __ ] I was close though dude it would be really funny if it was the same guy I don't think it is though no it wasn't Steve Bloom guys relax it was Adam Harrington it would be crazy it's not it's not Adam Harrington in this but that would have been really funny yeah Big B wolf oh oops yes sir [Music] sorry for all the trouble you went through back there I'm Gallagher from the blood hound family those idiots are some young blood hounds I've been training okay when he's talking normally and not pro Youth and inexperience they mistook an he does have that texture that I wanted criminal this is indeed a regrettable mistake ER I'd like to offer my sincerest apology to you on behalf of the blood hound family dude n he's great I love his voice what about a Stow who's the silver-haired guy who are the blood hound family Firefly is bya we're in charge of security here and our duties include arresting people who try to enter our world illegally dude there's a a lot of new actors in this uh in in pentacon I don't hate that I kind of love that I I love it when I don't recognize the voice actor because it's different and you get to hear someone new and if they're good then great we got a tip that some criminals were planning to take advantage of the festivities around the charmony festival to sneak into pentacon now that the festival is just around the corner there are likely many Shady characters lurking around huh don't worry I believe this is just a misunderstanding how could such a lovely girl like you be a stowaway all right don't make it weird thanks without your kind help I wouldn't know what to do hey Arina think of part of the job I need to get going if you need help you can reach out to me through the young blood hounds in this area the young wish you enjoyable experience in this land of dreams I show you a big one if it hadn't been for you I might have been taken away by them happy to help well my help does come for free Galactic baseballer At Your Service you're funny hey I got told that a lot by the way I've just noticed you're a nameless right is this your first time here on pentacon uh how do you know are you are the nameless really that famous hm uhuh you bet the inter asral peace broadcast recently did a whole segment about your glorious achievements I also know that you guys often travel around different places in the cosmos did the family invite you here I I'd be happy to show you around although the blood hounds mistook me for a stow away I'm actually a local my name is Firefly and I'm from the iris family I work as a stage performer although right now I'm just an extra extra extra when there are no acting gigs I work as a guide near Glocks Avenue oh how if you don't mind I can show you all the exciting things around here I can show you the if I do my job as a guide people will stop suspecting me that's awesome I happen to need a tour guide don't you have work today glad to hear that after all you just did me a huge favor sure over here it's not a bad idea to get to know about this place oh new sticker we got Gallagher New Treasure [Music] Chest oh another sticker nice it's my favorite gacha game jinguan he's pretty dang cool good that is the correct answer sweet I just need one more oh whatever bro I just needed that for the Stellar Jade back going back and back do it again put Gallagher right there go close that B I haven't caught your streams in a while because uh uh busy congrats on the new model by the way well thank you got your St now don't tell me what to do [ __ ] the first stop most people head to as soon as they arrive in the Dreamscape is the OT Mall OD Mall the Dreamscape sales stores here is super famous that is what people were uh there are also stores that sell luxury goods apparel trendy toys and even cars you guys think I can buy a car as long as you have enough alphalpha coins buy fancy you guys think I could buy car items purchased in the Dreamscape can also be brought into reality through an extra service unfortunately the transfer of automobiles to the real world is not available at the moment you can come back for them next time I guess just outside the mall is the plaza follow me I'll buy you a nice meal she is a patoo and I don't trust her can't trust her [Music] chat give him a kids meal huh we're here hey have you ever heard of this saying that goes in a dream hunger is the most precious spice no I've never heard that in my life well you can find all kinds of local Delicacies here Clocky Pizza oat cake rolls Alfalfa salad and the classic soul glad feel free to pick up anything you like today it's my treat alala thank you that's very nice of you you shouldn't have I should warn you I do have very expensive tastes that shouldn't be a problem I have some savings left hey thanks for the money I would like to buy your most expensive thing this is penacon is take your treat I would like one dreamy cone please M dreamy cone and I would also like a um a uh a potato a potato fry Sunday and that will be all I'm good are you done ordering then I'll pay up I love their oake rolls I get one from here every day uh aren't those high in calories doesn't that get expensive well that's why I only have one per day true let's walk while we eat it's time to head to the next stop ch hungry again I had two tacos I was doing pretty all right a kidal [ __ ] you um I'm probably going to get myself some cereal and pudding I still got to get in love serial and pudding some Pudding Pop cereal and pudding Cal and pudding told you if we away from you fre reach GL Avenue which is the road to Golden hour did you say the Dark Hour oh sorry golden hour right right right right right do you put the cereal in the pudding or no I put the cereal and then the pudding and then I you know I just got run over uh and then I like mix it all up over here follow me please come this way let me show you something interesting wait where you do that do ra you're not for this uh let's get either here I'll get i'll get Jing Le one here look that's the statue of hey it's our boy famous cartoon character it's the oldest and most famous animation from pentacon it follows The Adventurous life of Clocky and his friends in the who's going to clock you to date over 10,000 episodes of H character design is a little surrealistic isn't having a clock as a character a bit ominous ominous Clocky is a household name here there would never be anything ominous about him interesting right right huh by the way do you know that clock's design is said to be inspired by none other than the legendary watchmaker wow you don't say watchmaker I can't believe you haven't heard of him oh I've heard of him he was a legendary tycoon in the history of pentacon the founder of the Dreamscape the man who turned dreams into reality there were different stories out there about the watchmaker's origin some said he was a traveling Merchant from Beyond the sky some claimed that he was exiled to pentacon as a prisoner and some speculate that he wasn't even a real person just a symbol the true story is anyone's guess but everyone aspires to emulate his success and be the next watchmaker well they're not going to be as his inspiring story became known across the cosmos those with a dream flocked to pentacon and droves they held Feast after Feast eventually building the planet of festivities we have today everyone in pentacon knows this name the cartoon character Clocky is portrayed as Reckless and full of hot air yeah cuz he's full of [ __ ] believe the real watchmaker was a nameless after all creating the Dreamscape sounds like just the kind of thing a Trailblazer would do H valid point hold on if the watch maker really was a nameless wouldn't that make him your predecessor would you like to take a picture brother well since you're so darn adorable I'm allergic to C cameral lense aha I know how this goes you're going to charge me a lot just for taking a pick aren't you n I'll be my pleasure here give me your phone oh you're going to hack in my phone hey hey huh help help me you hear a pitiful cre Cry for Help blocky's eye what's that help me pull me out help me do you have an accent the eyelashes are begging to be pulled out okay weird uh that's weird you want a photo with him sure can I [Music] crouch I want to crouch bro now it's done it came out great you're very photogenic I guess help yeah yeah yeah I'm coming anyway come here you come here You Yank what the heck is that oh hey hey hey thank you beautiful person oh I'm beautiful oh gosh we pay your kindness go to the tree please go there there I'll show you something nice that goodbye it's British after letting out an adorable chirp the bird flew away before it left it seems to have offered some kind of reward the main thing is that you need to go to the tree first perhaps you can meet with it again there see just what exactly the nice thing is is there something wrong with Clocky statue why did you suddenly jump just now oh did you not see it the bird I rescued a bird a bird with sharp edges and points a bird with sharp edges in well if you're okay let's move on to the next stop which is just a stone throw away from here I really like her design follow it's cute I'm not going to lie it's the most vtuber design I've seen in Star [Music] real we can jump now you [ __ ] wish be considered the Majestic Hall of art can you see that building in the distance that's the famous Grand Theater psychonaut headquarters that's a pretty unique shape doesn't he in the real world it was originally the Central Prison of aana huh the family renovated it in the Dreamscape and transformed it into the Glorious pone Grand Theater so let me get this straight in real life that's a prison the moment it was built the Grand Theater has Grace the entire Dreamscape with its rendition of the ODS of Harmony during the once in an era charmony Festival family members will gather at the theater to welcome the harmonious choir that blesses pentacon with Everlasting former prison okay Chad I'm sorry and here we are the best viewing spot in all of golden hour look there's even a telescope here when the Charmy Festival arrives remember to be here early if you want to get a seat damn I command damn it I press the wrong button next suddenly and I suddenly an eye opens in the abyss and begins to stare at you after some time the eye closes only Darkness remains yeah that's right you freak do it [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm walking that place up ahead head is Iden Park everything here is themed around Soul glad it's a little crowded so make sure you stay close to me ah the [Applause] sponsorships this is the largest park in Golden hour it represents the soda culture of pentacon the gigantic soda bottle houses the this is Enterprise so glad is said to have originated from a sweet medicinal syrup popular during the prison era oh I already know we got hit by car long called the Iden an Interstellar traveling Merchant saw the potential in the beverage and purchased the formula idon then carbonated the beverage and renamed It soul glad he also pioneered the school of thought known as cism in which he promoted the consumption of Soul glad as a new kind of lifestyle and just like that he created a commercial Miracle did you know one of the in the original recipe for sus juice known as dream Leaf has gone extinct that means the only place you can get a taste of aacle Soul glad is in penton's Dreamscape well so it's not real and extinct the only place where one can fully experience the core values of [Music] cism uh she abruptly freezes in that fleeting moment you notice a cautious shift in the girl's gaze piercing directly into your brow or perhaps somewhere behind you [ __ ] are you looking at me thanks to you and Hayden for always being a bright spot in my day I'm glad condoriano I'm glad for the sub thank you I'm glad I help thank you for this up Firefly returns to her warm and gentle disposition time waits for no one let me show you around breaking the fourth wall head ass I may end up playing a lot of the Overworld by myself Pon many objects and Facilities have gained self-awareness due to the influence of the Memoria after being tamed by the family some of them form the sweet dreams troop to provide entertainment for guests be careful though sometimes these animated objects can be affected by dangerous emotions or memories and uh transform into the destructive dream jol troop oh if you ever run into them go ask the security guards nearby for help that child said would you like to dance together I'm dead hey there's a ride attendant over there let me get some ID in token hi there this is my friend's first visit to penone may I tokens of course please show me your Dreamscape pass name here's your Dreamscape pass and tokens be sure to keep a good hold of them have a good time so far genuine as a type two kids and threatened another I don't know if 10 you may now enjoy the attractions in pentacon to the fullest thanks let's try out some of the games nearby our goal is to use all the tokens let's live to the [Applause] fullest let's do it let me see which one should we try first CH I don't know how much more we have of the time here of the first Quest cuz I'm assuming they're going to split this Quest up but I am slowly fading I want to finish at least this first Quest and lucky wheel are pretty get to a certain [Music] point insert tokens ah yes gotcha come on humongous prize you won something on your first attempt impressive yeah but it wasn't a humongous [Music] prize I guess what else can we spend it on [Music] winner prize oh nice oh never mind it's a three [Music] star gambling within my gacha game there's even more gambling within my gambling o treasure I really do like the scenery I I I'm genuinely surprised I thought I wouldn't be as big of a [Music] fan let me get that portal real quick that's space anchor who cares if everything's full of sugar all right then we keep gambling I guess you keep playing I'll go and get some [Music] drinks we almost got a humongous prize chat almost they hate me what is this upon use your next draw for the lucky wheel and pentacon guarantees you a special special prize there you go how long am I playing tonight I don't know come on Firefly so long jingu needs a good spin she's heading towards the bar huh wait she's leaving you [ __ ] [Music] whn fine Firefly and bring the sight scene to an end she went to the bar hit the entertainment hey what up girl what do you say PR I'm a bit tired too did you have fun Pen's golden hour you made me waste money amazing isn't it I'm just kidding it's nice everywhere is just magical you sound a bit sad I'm not sad it's just that this dream is so loving and forgiving oh it's vast and deep like an ocean even the humblest people can find Solace here I really appreciate your help earlier today that's why I took the chance to introduce this beautiful place to you I do find it very funny how every every one we saw in the dream here wait what I've grown very fond of this place and that makes me want to hold on let me reread this again share it with others okay first of all I do find it interesting that out of everybody I just remembered in that dream that we saw we saw silver wolf Sam we saw uh acaron we saw Robin and Sunday we saw uh aventurine and ratio but we didn't see Firefly which is really interesting uh or did we uh I really appreciate your help earlier today that's why I took the chance to introduce this beautiful place to you it uh it was willing to accept me even though I didn't belong here I've grown very fond of this place and that it makes me want to share it with others you shouldn't attach your feelings to stuff like this are you really a St away we didn't see her in the flashback yet I I'm a lawful resident at least now I am now I am so now when you first came here closer closer please I have a question for you uhhuh did you travel here alone oh I didn't my friends went to other Dreamscapes it depends on what you want to do way yo it depends on what you want to [Music] do I'm not sure whether you've realized it or not but I took you through a very long scenic route and visited all kinds of places just now because because ahuh someone's been following you oh really don't turn around I'm certain that you his Target he's been on our tail since we parted ways with Mr Gallagher H I wondered whether he was a friend of yours but my instincts told me he wasn't interesting about 5T 9 in tall give or take judging from his strong build it's clear that he's well trained he walks in Long strides when his steps are light barly audible no no way of walking footprint no no don't you [ __ ] dare he looks like a skilled fighter no the covert kind no no Nots not S I reckon he has experience using knives like a short sword or dagger oh do you know anybody like that maroon jacket emerald eyes oh my God blue hair he's coming our way hey well if it isn't my most loyal customer the Trailblazer guy the Trail Blazer guy it's been such a long time old friend what a coincidence to run to you here oh my I'm in luck today Dam my guys only 5'9 thought you were 6 foot anyway sampo I can't be dreaming can I you're so Jo hoot buddy this is pentacon of course you're in a dream you're surprised to see me you know it's thanks to you that I can be here you help ell6 open up to the outside damn it um this gentleman is oh Miss March don't you remember me after all the favors I did for you all in bellod that no no that's some this is Firefly you should get your eyes checked are you sure March 7th looks like this my name is Firefly I'm a stage performer from the iris family oh no wonder I was just thinking there's no way this March could change your appearance so dramatically in such a short time I love sampo he's a dumbass it's my pleasure to meet you my name is s and I'm an old pal of s bro take this get the [ __ ] out of here no [ __ ] way I literally had that conversation with Monarch earlier today nice to meet you Firefly lets go come on it's been so long since we last met each other how can you just walk away like that Mr sampo what's the purpose of your visit to penacon my purpose you're funny what else can I do in pentacon I just hang around Daydream and do the things that anyone on vacation would do no it's the same VA chat speaking of which the same VA sampo old pal since fate brings us here I'm obliged to give you a tour of this area uh I already got a tour of this area I've been watching YouTube for a long time Miss Firefly does know penone well but when it comes to entertainment for grownups I think I can do much better entertainment for grownups huh looks like my analysis is spot on H follow me you two let me give you a taste of the Adult World um well pass Mr sampo anything bothering you miss Firefly don't worry this isn't going to involve anything illegal sampo creepy KUSI oh boy boy oh no we can be friends use a sticker use a sticker use a [Music] sticker put you there like you're leaning on the na it then we'll put you there pass uh but pass and then we'll put you there that's new is there another one did I miss a sticker oh note sticker [Music] ah there we go nice another little bubble little bubble well let's see what happens Also let's see how different he does sound cuz I know that a bunch of chat is saying that sample sounds very different uh here's the thing with time the V your voice might tend to change or you might have to record sick there's a bunch of different uh reasons why it might uh The Voice itself might sound different but it's still the same voice hey you know with sampo gusy by your side you got a businessman Chef around problem solving conversationalist all rolled into one pretty sweet deal huh yeah his voice doesn't sound higher don't worry Miss CA I'll watch your back I think now his voice has just kind of like settled and gone lower uh I mean that happened with IO [ __ ] happens you know I love this music what a scam shut up [ __ ] anyway his voice is sexier don't say that about sampo Kasi sampo and sexy do not go in the same sentence takes a long time to reach the other side sounded different in the beginning absolutely how about we just bounce over there he doesn't sound that different pinball machine pinball machine he is not fully acclimated to the Dreamscape yet this could get dangerous dangerous Miss Firefly we're in a beautiful Dreamland flat voice fluctuates a lot could it be dangerous this is the perfect place to have some Thrills come on pal show her What You're Made Of all right watch this I've watched mucha Lucha oh I should probably read these nah um boom that was awesome is this he reminds me of Adam West you know what that's a good way to describe it Bingo bingoo destination is right there Pepe pesi Salon happy poesi Salon this is no ordinary Salon the only guests allowed to enter are the poesi people or those with VIP cards but then again nothing is too difficult for SEO I just want to let it be known chat sampo is saying that only the pesi people or people who have the VIP we're about to go into some SpongeBob territory cuz the moment we walked in this direction everybody's a [ __ ] kid peshi Club bouncer freeze come over here to me this is a pesi only Club are you pesi I feel like I am yeah first time anyone's tried pulling that one on me feet together back straight no bending your knees the pesi who stands No taller than a door knob makes a gesture at your waist huh you're suddenly curious about how she manages to open the door what the [ __ ] that's over the height limit by the length of three peshi canes and you still dare to say you're a pesi my apologies but you're not welcome here get the [ __ ] out next time you come here try squatting down low on the ground and talking to me maybe I'll be in a good mood and let it slide I'm touching their head huh did I hear that right I dare you to say that again in front of all the pesi people and of course I will all right rude don't forget what you just said don't forget what you said just wait until you're beaten Black and Blue by pesi right hook I have a God on my side I can destroy you child anyway out of my way you look utterly clueless you look utterly ugly here we are again pal huh oh it's you you here to relax dude did they get actual kids I have two friends here who want to come with me any seats left [Music] inside how many of you uh three three that's what he just said show me your VIP card no problem here it is I'm talking about your friends I've already seen yours um well how can my friends have VIP cards when they've only just arrived dude is laughing make an exception and let them in I'll provide my VIP card as guarantee that they won't cause any trouble okay he's talking to a baby I can't break the rules please go home home if you don't have the card well seems like we can't go in wow the adult life sure does suck huh what the heck is this just stay cool let me think of something got it bro I Love sample I love when sample breaks Goofy and he's like chill me f okay so we aren't going in anymore but could you help me pick up something I left inside the moment of betrayal The Cloud of doubt and everlasting hatred just mention the clowns items to miss Thunderbolt she'll understand what I mean what in the cryptic [ __ ] clown just be patient I'll explain everything when the time comes sure thing I'll deliver your message to her please wait here here we're going to swing by aren't we all right quick while he's distracted go oh never mind here's the items you asked for Miss thunderbull said these alone wouldn't be enough she wanted you to have these Broken Dreams she said do with them as you see fit Miss Thunderbolt is such a thought now we're only short of one item which we might be able to find an arcade machine coincidentally there's one at the salon entrance let's get moving I want to show you something [Music] fun is that like bro we are we about to play zzz dumped on the side of the road I'm afraid you're mistaken Miss Firefly this is this feels like the most like machine has a sense of of when it's not there's so much [ __ ] te junk but I'm like this is the fer episode try and see what happens could hurt I guess well I might be totally off base here but I think there's something fishy with this TV but it's fine if you want to give it a shot I trust your judgment my judgment is terrible how to make a choice touch it touch it touch it it seems like I'm left with no other options you reach out and you touch it wait chat am I in the second Quest is that what chat was saying that I'm technically on the second Quest when did that happen nope there's no split you aren't this this is part part of it okay no there's no split well dear [Music] Lord all right I'm going to do this and then after this I think I'm out wait what why did you turn into this thing ah so now I get to join the the pellis or what what were they call gosh you guys are tall Goodness Me You you guys are so tall you desperately want to say this but somehow you transform to a certain cartoon character her name is hanu a candid and TCT turn figure a lover of your hat and a leader of the werewolves from the pentacon famous long form cartoon Clocky dear [ __ ] Christ I think I've been sucked into the TV but I had a grunt that sounds cool you make an extremely cool grunt man really it was so cool you look so cool you got swag now pal I've never thought I would hear the word swag in Hong Kai star Rail and I kind of [ __ ] love it so how did he turn into that and that definitely was the most like Dad way of saying it oh you sure look swag now kiddo you don't get it do you well she was sucked into the TV just now and SWA bodies with hanu hold on let me take a closer look look the title of this game is hanu Adventure according to the plot synopsis you have been shrunken down by one of Stone's devices you will embark on an epic adventure to rescue dreamville with your miniature body now if you want to return to your normal size you have to do everything that that hanu has done in the cartoon series or you can just touch this TV okay uh let out a grunt that sounds cool ooh here it says enter the door to start your Advent here you on I'm in let's go find the treasure the stolen hell yeah bro now this is the type of Min game I'm I'm in for ha I finally caught you you little hanu Brook is that you oh look how small you become you won't be able to escape this time the balloons placed okay oh all right this is kind of fire no I hate my mouth for revealing my secrets dude this is sick Bro now this is the type of mini game I feel like these games need more of cuz this is just stupid [Music] funny let me yank you out of there you can't talk it all forget it thank you trip I'm leaving now goodbye yeah yeah yeah yeah using the Fantastic rocket built by the origami [Music] bird this looks amazing dude it's pretty great this sends me to the other side [Music] who needs to sleep anyway bro after this I'm definitely going to sleep well I'm not going to sleep I'm hanging out with uh with Hayden but uh then I'm going to sleep oh I do need to teleport bet ah there you are y rra you foiled my plan again and taken the treasure I worked so hard to snatch away from other people fine all admit it you rescued dream and I love the music kid but you no you won't after going all around you find yourself at the entrance to boss Stone's [Music] maze ooh kill [Music] him you're back it was quite fun I see anyway I'm glad you're safe look at that you did great this is the proverbial moment of Freedom you have earned it now that we've got everything we need we just need to go into a dream another dream just follow me you're about to experience the real fun um I know about all [Music] that return to the Dreamscape sales store okay I think with that Chan I'm going to end the stream I am very tired we've hit the 3-hour mark uh
Channel: CY YU VODS
Views: 50,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CY YU PLAYS, Cy yu plays, PS5, PS5 games, Plays, Tiktok, Twitch, Twitter, Video Games, Voice acting, Voice actor, cy yu, cy yu vods, cy yu vtuber, cy yu vtuber vods, envtuber, funny vtuber clips, games, gaming, lets play, live, playing, playthrough, stream, stream play, twitch, twitch vod, vod, vtuber, vtuber clips, Honkai Star rail, Penacony story quest
Id: N1Peyk2H5Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 55sec (10195 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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