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[Music] it's time fellas hey sci4 being busy always watching your vods stay safe Su youed love a well thank you I appreciate it it's time to gamble I I mean obviously just get Sparkle asking for a friend he wants to get into Voice work but he's never satisfied with his takes and it takes us like an hour to get through a single line okay do you have advice in how you're satisfied with your takes how how long does it usually take you until you are actually satisfied with a take few games of I mean it depends uh it depends for me because it's like uh depends on the character and if I get it uh I've done I've been doing this for so long that um you know I kind of just go for it and my instinct is strong enough that I'm happy with what I've done so it just comes with practice just keep going so yeah all right chat so today's stream going to be relatively quick uh I have not played in a bit and I'll show you how long it's been uh mind you my builds are still pretty good but I haven't played in a bit uh Persona has distracted me work has distracted me travel has distracted me and stress has distracted me but to give you an indication of how long it's been I didn't think I didn't think um star rail had this but I got the welcome home I got the welcome home chat also didn't realize I have, 1400 Reserve Trailblazer power but you know what I say to that I got 1400 Trailblazer power that's what I got hey there kid I'm I'm back with a milk welcome home cheater you know it baby anyway you guys think I can get this without having to also can I just see something can I what does the adalon for Sparkle what are the adoons for Sparkle So E1 is the cipher effect granted by the ultimate last for one extra turn all allies with Cipher have their every stack of the talents effect allows allies to additionally ignore a% of the target's defense skill level two up to a maximum level 15 basic attack level okay the ultimate recovers one more skill point whoa so five that's actually you kind of bustard the crit damage boost effect provided by the skill additionally increases by an amount equal to 30% when this when sparkle uses skill her skills crit damage bonus effect will apply to all chat Sparkle's just hoo's favorite um hey maybe if we maybe if we're lucky enough we'll get an E6 in this single pull who knows no there's no way but uh I might might might go for the E2 I don't know if I'll go for the E2 in a single stream but it maybe if we get enough gifted Subs maybe maybe I'll go for an E2 ooh cuz my plan is to get her at least once right don't look chat I'm making a a donation Subs to feat the gacha addiction hey I'm just saying I'm not telling you to do a thing but if you would like to contribute to my my addiction oh by the way if you're if anybody watching this on YouTube or right now on stream is wondering it's like why is insai pulling for jinguan my general why would he do this to us why would he not P well he still has a like well it's not as F Well he should still worry about his TR anyway carry on um yeah here we go oh come on I'm amazed the list of additional oh of additional voices like bro can you guys believe that Danny chamers still does not have Arlon and she voices him all right all right Chad I know how to Sparkle hold on lady Sparkle you are the father if this works I'm going to be mad it didn't work oh mistress my bad mistress mistress Sparkle you are the father sorry no it wasn't see it wasn't Sparkle it was sampa manifesting a loss because we love you bro I'm going to be honest uh I think I'm going I have to go to hard pity oh my gosh dude Sparkle hates me all right I get it I I was like yo I need Sparkle to make genuine better and she's like you'll never catch me I think I'm out bro she hates me she dead ass hates me oh yeah I don't care imagine get going to hard pity and it's bronia look chat it's not going to be bronia and if it's bronia she's just wearing a mask guys it's fine Sparkle takes on many forms Sparkle can you know cosplay Sparkle she she um she uh she she's an actor you know she she she literally puts on the mask and pretends to be other people she's come on please Sparkle don't do this to me please please you you know Sparkle literally it's who said bronia who said bronia I'm going to ban you I am going to ban you I am going to ban you whoever said Bron I am going to I want their head I want their head chat I want their head on a [ __ ] platter I want their head on a spike hey that just means the next five star is going to be [Music] Sparkle Bam Bam within 20 suck my dick take that Bron you hav you [ __ ] [ __ ] take that take that you [ __ ] you [ __ ] [Music] you you all were like he got BR I knew it would happen look at you look at you look at you there she is there she is well well water in a well the taste of victory was horrible but fig n n n n n delicious taste that chat that's defeat I win also if I didn't have any of these characters um uh this would be a great poll I entered our hallway with no contact s I'm scared well you get none of them you get no context literally the taste of victory was horrible but figuratively for a second I thought n n n for for a genuine second I thought I got another five star back to back anyway uh okay chat so if you want me to pull for Sparkle again um Simba you come up with a number and then chat gives that many Subs all right uh so for the remainder of the Stream going to build Sparkle because Sparkle is apparently busted let's push the envelope further shall we so like oh [ __ ] I forgot about the L con God [ __ ] damn it I forgot about the lyone you son of a [ __ ] you win this round chat you win this round chat let me just that o is too strong I told the story about the o to uh my buddy Chris George and 25 gifted subs and I'll pull more for Sparkle adalon um there's no way Violet strike just did that Violet strike mother all right all right thank you Violet strike for the 25 gifted Subs all right I just dropped some money like a lot of money all right first we got to go for the L con though all right maybe the L will be early the taste of victory was horrible maybe the L will be early num n n n n chat my mom is going to call me up on the phone and get mad at me brono lome for your brono shut the [ __ ] up dude shut the [ __ ] up I want I want that person I want chat remember their name read what the lyong does oh God sure just tantalize me more uh increases the wear's CR what by 32% at the start of battle when the wearer gains The Mask lasting for three you're hurting me please you're hurting me please I I I need to pull for her again I'm running out of funds please oh my god dude oh what are you doing here Trey what the hell I'm going to pound you until you beg for mercy I just imagine Sparkle saying that to me and I'm on the [ __ ] floor just like I'm sorry dude I haven't even gotten to the I haven't even gotten to her okay please if it's a bronia like P Trix you're getting banned if it's a brona l cone P Trix you're getting banned and you can get unbanned in like a week h no [ __ ] you chat [ __ ] you chat [ __ ] you look [ __ ] you suck my God [ __ ] you chat was against me they were naysayers but I win I I've got the like cone suck it chat you bastards you naysayers you thought it wasn't going to happen but here we are num anyway I got to use the remainder of these Jades on uh on this back to back that would have been crazy damn yo I'm not going to lie though my four my four star pull has been crazy all right another bronia look I'll take it like I mean oh oh my God please oh my God that'd be awesome huh please mistress Sparkle I'm on my knees I beg the please call me a masked fool please it's going to be Bonia isn't it don't let it be that deceptive [ __ ] please oh ooh I did say don't let it be Bron I did say don't let it be bronia that's on me that's on me Chad that's my bad my bad Queen my bad dog my bad my bad you you do you now what are the chances that back to back yeah I I I figured that wasn't happen that that that that one was early ah man do I have anything else and that's all I got um all right I got 14 uh all right we haven't even gotten a E1 at least we got our light cone what are these PS man wa whoa what are these PS oh my God wait she's the first one ch that two and one literally two and one the victory was horrible two in one but figur two and one n n n n n two Sparkles and one literally the taste of victory was horrible but figuratively num n num n n wait wait sampo no I don't think we got it dude that's still crazy that's still crazy easy we got any one who do we got raided by lomy thank you for the raid also chat uh I don't have a lot of time left [Music] uh all right we got four more pul might as well do it size hoo favorite did we not see Sparkle chat okay I'm going to pound you until you beg for mercy I really thought that last one was going to be it now hold on hold on chat got three more PS maybe who knows who knows I doubt it but who knows you never know you never know you never never know who never knows wow not a bad single copium is it copium I don't know I also I might as well do this just to get the the remainder dude what are these poles um just so then I can get more uh hold on damn I don't have any tickets here yeah damn that's okay oh yeah I did I saw W Sparkle sent me don't you worri chat streamer luck Buffs confirmed no no no now I will say if if if this one right here it's not apparently the the the pinned comment in that last [ __ ] video we saw of Sparkle it says wait did I forget to fix the title ah yes my favorite Hong Kai star real video Sparkle ability intro video remember to fix the title that's my favorite that's pretty great oh man I wish I had this look on jinguan yeah all right this is what I'm going to do wait I think I could just do a two singles with my yeah my stellar Jades dude what the hell if I had an E6 ha already well I I would have E6 her by now cuz golly I think that might be one more and with this ticket Sparkle comes home could you have imagine wait maybe oh we've got bro by the skin of my teeth and with this one Sparkle comes home damn one of these days is going to work one of these days chat one of these days is going to work all right I can't full more for Sparkle uh I mean I could but I'm not going to I already spend way too much money um so if you want me to pull for more Sparkle then got to give some subbies oh well technically hold on we got one more Temple here do we have I don't think we have enough for uh yeah no we don't 50 gift Subs that's what s says so if you guys want me to do another uh another 100 bucks 50 gift gift Subs oh I don't have materials for this oh I'm glad I started grinding these and what are you Violet what are you doing to me thank you for the 50 dear Lord Onyx thank you for the gifted turn it off you what all right going right back in Violet really wants me to get another bronia I'm going to get a call for my bank sir have you been spending money on a on a gacha game again yeah I know it's been a while here we go and before this first pull is the damn like I could dream and we still have to win this the 50/50 going to win E6 no I'm not going to E6 I just want to E2 come on we can pray watch to be another Bron yet if if I lose this 50/50 I'm ending Stream So chat last Temple do you want me to lose oh you're lucky we don't even get it golly all right hold on oh no we still got six PS relax chat relax okay just got genuine thanks for sharing the luck I'm glad thank you for the 100 Bitties ooh oh my gosh so n here it is if I lose the 5050 chat if I lose the 50/50 I'm ending the stream this is on you for same bronia well good stream everybody good well now hold on now hold on I still have another pull all all right now you're done chat now you're done you're done good night no I call it heo is awesome look chat your only saving grace is that I pull it in these four poles if I don't it's over it's over a silver chat oh no chat you better start using those 07s h no I just got here blame chat for bullying me into losing this 50/50 you're done oh no that's it chat well thanks for joining the stream uh I guess I'll be leveling up Sparkle on my own cuz you guys are a bunch of meis anyway I actually have to to go anyway so uh you know this works out for both of us uh you guys taunted me and um I have to leave anyway so yeah you snooze you lose were you shocked just now yes because my chat hates me anyway uh and all seriousness thanks for stopping by guys I know today's stream was uh super short uh oh thanks for 1,000 Bitties I took your luck saw you you son of a [ __ ] no I'm just kidding thank for all the thank you for all the gifted subbies I appreciate it Violet strike um but yeah I will try to be back um at some point um I might not stream tomorrow I do have a late stream I'll be streaming on Saturday for sure so I'll see you guys then cool we'll react to the uh genin uh special program we'll probably play some honai star rail maybe chill with some genin that sound good uh today's stream was short I'm also running on like 3 hours of sleep so there is that too anyway you guys are awesome thanks for always bullying me you guys suck no I'm just kidding um and yeah let before we actually go let me see if I can raate someone real quick so then we can spread the love um cuz I know today's stream was relatively short um I'm trying to see if anyone is playing hongkai Star ra cuz I know that right now uh folks are playing Final Fantasy 7 I don't see anyone playing I don't see anyone playing H story see a bunch of people playing Final Fantasy 7 rebirth uh Christian he still has me banned he still has me banned chat like I checked the other day I I don't know what to tell you why am I going to why am I going to R Christian if he still has me B I Can't Rap the guy I can't even get on his chat oh [ __ ] oh man um oh [ __ ] dude uh you know what [ __ ] it we're going to end the stream I don't care uh anyway thank you for stopping by I'll be back on um I'll be back on Saturday uh hopefully I'll have um I'll have uh Sparkle built by then and uh yeah thank oh wait Mina streaming okay cool we're going to raid Mina I didn't see Mina all right cool uh Mina's a cool YouTuber they're playing H Kai star rail uh uh hit him with the uh 07 salute emote when you get there the saou 07 uh and yeah thank you guys for watching hope you have enjoyed bother them about jinguan ask them if they pulled for jingu or if they hate me
Channel: CY YU VODS
Views: 18,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CY YU PLAYS, Cy yu plays, PS5, PS5 games, Plays, Tiktok, Twitch, Twitter, Video Games, Voice acting, Voice actor, cy yu, cy yu vods, cy yu vtuber, cy yu vtuber vods, envtuber, funny vtuber clips, games, gaming, lets play, live, playing, playthrough, stream, stream play, twitch, twitch vod, vod, vtuber, vtuber clips, Honkai Star rail, Sparkle, Honkai, Star, Rail, Sparkle Bullied me off Honkai star rail
Id: 8xgwi6Yphcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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