Rat Rig V-Core 3 - Why is this 3D Printer a game changer?

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quite frequently i hear a term used to describe 3d printers the term used is this is a beast and the term is usually placed on machines that really and truly do not deserve such a term so when it came to thinking about describing the rat rig v core 3 beast doesn't even come close this thing's a monster [Music] 3d printing has come a long way over the past few years and making a video about just another 3d printer couldn't be my only focus the rat rig vcor3 is a premium machine well thought out and engineered and you don't need to be a black belt with martial arts to put this thing together but it certainly helps as far as i can see with the vehicle 3 the only limitation is your ability to think bigger good morning good afternoon good evening whatever time you are watching this this is sam apprentice make things happen i'm sam princess back once again making it happen and today we are looking at the rat rig v core 3. thank you first and foremost to rat rig for sending me the gubbings to make this printer it's phenomenal by the way and you know there's a lot of videos being made right now about companies sending 3d printers out to people for influence and their buy-in and all that kind of stuff i'm not being paid to make this particular type of content they've given me no pressure at all but there is a real good behind the scenes build up to why i got involved with this particular company and why i wanted to build this type of machine and that all goes down to my background which is 3d printing and 3d printing specifically robots my content generally tends to be around reviewing 3d printers and that's almost by accident my real pure passion is actually building robots like these ones so that being the case i had three creality cr10 s5s which is the 500 500 500 style 3d printers which are the cartesian bed slider variety that i'm sure most of us are well versed in now now that particular printer was really good and i actually got some really good successful prints out of it but then things started to go wrong and i just needed to start spending more money on boards and hot ends and a variety of other things that to be honest it was throwing good money off the bad that didn't work particularly well for me so i started to look out into the marketplace for a 3d printer which worked for me and that being said it might not work for you but that very much depends on what you're trying to do and what your background is and what you're trying to print and the materials that you're trying to use this might be way way out of your room it it might be a cost thing it might be a usage thing but i 3d print every day across multiple printers so having a good sound reliable 3d printer is certainly one of my main concerns so back in december of 2020 rat rig announced the latest adaptation of their core xy v core system the v core 3 labeled of course as the ultimate core xy developed inside the ever-growing community to say that this is impressive is an understatement the team behind this have worked incredibly hard to ensure that this revision and release and everything required for this to succeed as a premium printer is just so so luckily enough for me rat rig sent me the bones of a v core 3 and i've added my own hardware in the form of an skr 1.2 pro board and tmc2226s a bondtech bmg m with slice engineering mosquito what's this really all about well you are the designer rat rig provides you with the foundations and you add the infrastructure if you've owned a 3d printer in the past or over the last couple of years you'll know that every 3d printer that's produced seems to have an element that normally falls short in my experience things like heat creep inadequate bed heaters printer speed ability to print some materials cheap component parts noise bed surface and limited or locked software features rat rig unlocks this entire industry and it exposes one big area of course it's a force economy to buy a 3d printer for a specific project or task only to then have to modify it to fit your needs the vehicle free is a high-end bespoke solution for 3d printing for projects i undertake and it's going to be extremely well used by me oh boy so what do we have so far a high-end bespoke customizable dependable 3d printing solution with good active healthy community and the community that are leading onward development for the v course system limited by your own imagination and dare i say your ability to learn but how does it print well the rat rig is a fast core xy printer and depending on the setup that you choose this will very much determine the overall speed and quality that you can achieve now i can't honestly tell you that this was the easiest build that i've ever done and that it wasn't a struggle but i will say the assembly printing parts and the selection of parts that i wanted to go into this build were very very straightforward mostly in part to how well the rat rig and the rat rig team have amalgamated all the files and documents into one place this includes the brilliant eva system which has been developed by pavel and he's done a fantastic job with this whole design he's a huge asset to the rat rig team and i'm sure he will continue to excel in this space what eva allows you to do is be in control of your preferred hot end and extruder if you're an e3d fan or like me a slice engineering champion or fancy yourself as a bit of a rogue with the dragon there are many many options that you can undertake bmg lgx orbiter whatever way that you want this to go i'm sure there's going to be a very very good solution on the ava system for you make sure you definitely check that out the links of course will be in the description so the elements i would say that i really struggled on were not fully understanding the software and of course it was very very different to what i'm used to which is usually marlin using the skr pro and a raspberry pi was very very new to me however once i installed the v core os onto the pi i was left with the dilemma of what to do next this was mainly down to not fully understanding the software function when comparing it to marlin this for me was the biggest challenge and when you've spent the price of a creality cr6 on just the hot end components it's a little bit demoralizing that being said though i was able to speak to mikel and show him what was happening with my system and it was easy to resolve that all in the end additionally re-watching michael from teaching tech's video on configuring the accelerometer working out the input shaping left me in a really really good place i'd say that clipper is a steep learning curve and it's just different to what i've used before that being said if there isn't already a really good video on how to install and set this up then i might jump on it while working on the vcore 1.3 which is the upgraded version of the vcore pro which is the old printer that i've got also from rat rig so what do you get for the money that you don't already have which is a question that was posed to me a little while ago that i've kind of based this whole video around well a headache a bad temper well maybe or king karate skills possibly my best advice would be to take your time and really enjoy the build this is a 3d printer that your dedication and time will mean more to you in the long run so you have a choice of three different printers just before i get into that look at this look at this how cool is that the print quality on that is epic first print off of literally just following michael teaching text video on uh input shaping and uh yeah pulls apart in fact i couldn't help myself i'm printing on it right now in fact i've been printing on it for days and days and days and to be honest it hasn't stopped and in fact it's probably putting delays on me actually physically making the end of this video so very sorry to the guys at rat rig but i'm using the gear guys and it's uh you know phenomenal absolutely brilliant i love this printer it's amazing so let's get into the next part you've got three different sizes you've got small medium large 300 400 and 500 the aver system as i've said before allows you to pick your poison with extruder and hotend and then of course the support that's there the community on the discord server and also the facebook group is really really good again just flick through this that i have never seen in any other 3d printing company such dedication to how much information and flexibility these guys are putting into this particular model and the great news is that you don't have to you don't have to buy from them you could if you got the infrastructure to be able to cut the extrusion yourself you could make one of these without doing any of this stuff the 3d printing parts are available but to be honest why would you go anywhere else and it was one of the things that really swung me towards the rat rig infrastructure was the fact that i could just purchase this it wasn't coming from china some of the very first conversations that i had with rat read were so positive i just couldn't go anywhere else it's probably worth mentioning as well that the v core 3 isn't the only printer that rat rig do they also do one called the vcast which is a general cartesian style printer but better and they also do one called the v minion which is just about to come out so we're back to that question again is what do you get for the money that you don't already have well you do get this awesome kinematic bed as a good example so while making this video i reached out to rat rig and lucky for me and they are insanely busy at the moment with orders and processing and stuff sonnet one of the mds managed to reply to me with this video hi everyone this is sonat from rhetoric i'm here in our print farm next with v43500 at sam's request i'm going to be explaining uh one of the most controversial and discussed features of the v43 the three-point kinematic beds so why did we choose this design that is so different for a kinematic bend there's a there are two fundamental reasons the first one has to do with thermal expansion so a bad plate as it's heated up it's going to expand and if the mounting points of the beds can't move what's going to happen is that the bed has no place to expand and it will have to work either upwards or downwards and this is not something you want because obviously you want to you want your surface to remain as flat as possible so for this reason the v-core 3 the bed doesn't have any type of constraint in terms of its mounting points instead it uses spheres that are guided by these little dowel pins that act like a pair of rails when the sphere sits on top of them what happens is as the bed expands the sphere can move outwards it moves outwards as it expands but it can't move laterally at all without the thermal expansion so this is a very rigid fixation method but at the same time it allows the mounting points to move that's very important the other reason for this design which has three motors as mounting points is that when you have three mounting points for the beds you can determine the leveling of the bed exclusively via your electronics so you can move the motors uh up or down to make sure that you also have a new bed as fast as you can it's a very very uh efficient way of lifting your bed so this is it in terms of what has been impressing us the most about the decor launch well the demand has been you know overwhelming right now we have a lead time of six weeks because we got an avalanche of borders we're working very hard to shift these orders as fast as we can uh but it has been really wild right and i hope you stick with us while we ramp up the 43 production cheers bye-bye thank you sonnet sonnet an absolute legend in the uh 3d printing space right now and he's doing some incredible things don't forget guys they are a small business and that comes with some pearls and pitfalls like not being able to get orders out as quick as you'd like really taking the time and dedication to ship these things out so if you're getting frustrated because you've not got your order yet just hold on because you won't regret it trust me the benefits of this printer i feel are really poles apart from the stock solution i've been so impressed on how fast you can run this printer without affecting the quality of the print having upgraded pretty much all of my 3d printers i picked what i felt was the best component parts in order to get the best output for my projects there is no need to buy that same component twice the development really falls on you this printer is about having the choice before you build it's about planning and the challenge of building a 3d printer yourself so what about the price surprise is a very interesting area for the rat rig vehicle 3. rat rig of course can just supply you with the bare bones and component parts that you're going to need in order to build the frame and you can add your own components however they do also have a default configuration which personally i probably wouldn't go with but it's there if you decide that that's the machine that you want to build and of course they will give you the full support uh for that as well and literally the app options are very very simple at the bottom 300 400 500 and depending on what you want to go with you can basically pop that in and hit the add to cart button the other alternative of course as i mentioned before is you can pick exactly what you want and you don't necessarily have to pick any of this stuff if you can source this yourself that's cool you can do that that's not a problem at all however if you'd rather just get it all in one place all the stuff done and dusted then that's available as well now personally i decided to get my own components that did lend to a couple of small problems especially when it came to things like the ldo motors now if anything i would suggest that you do get the motors with the package number of reasons for that but the speed efficiency on the ldos is certainly better than some of the others that i was trying so and i basically upgraded to those so that's it in a nutshell and that puts us out around about 684 euros then of course you've got shipping on top of that and probably tax as well so let me just add that to cart yeah so we're looking at around about 700 euros plus the shipping then as well uh depending on where you are they ship all over the world so that's fantastic can of course add a coupon here which will give you 25 off or 25 euros off but this is the configuration that i would probably go with and then on top of that i would then add yourself probably one of these octopuses and that being the case you can get the stepper drivers as well i went with the uh two to two sixes on mine but you can get that for around about 50 or 50 pounds and the printer ends up being around about 525 pounds but then you're gonna have to add some extra stuff now the lgx is what i'm going to be upgrading to or i may end up using on the 1.3 i'm using a bontecht bmgm on this at the moment and on the slice engineering side i am so on the slice engineering side i am using a mosquito magnum and these are not cheap either although it does say it's 129 pounds which actually isn't bad 3d jake's doing it for yeah okay so these are 172 just for that particular part then you've got another hundred pounds on top of that for an lgx then you've got to put heater cartridge thermistor and another hot end on top of that as well so the price does start racking up and you'll probably expect to pay a good 300 pounds maybe 400 on this particular setup of course the ava system does allow you to use multiple types and you know you've got to pick your poison with that i am going to probably put the copperhead into my next build rather than using the um mosquito but there is a really good high flow rate with the mosquito magnum so if you are looking to print fast i would definitely look into some of those options on why and how and what that kind of is all going to kind of mean to you versus maybe like a e3d v6 which will be a slower flow rate so my next couple of videos we'll be focusing on a couple of areas number one will be an idiot's guide to clipper and it's specifically for people like me that have never really used clipper before and i'm going to be speaking to miguel about how this goes together and what you should be looking at and what happens if things go wrong so make sure you hit that subscribe button and click a like if you have enjoyed this video and i'm hoping that you're going to be enjoying the next couple of videos that are coming out as well i do have a big tree tech octopus here as well so i will be looking to install this in either this machine or the 1.3 essentially they're going to be the same kind of ways of configuring things so if that's of interest to you again make sure you hit that subscribe button also if you're scouting around looking for information on the rat rake i did interview the guys behind the rat rig v core 3 along with michael from teaching tech i'll link the video in the description below so if you made it this far thank you very much for joining in and watching the video uh in closing what do you get for the money that you don't already have well first and foremost you do get an absolutely awesome printer which is completely unique in itself and i'd say secondly and probably more importantly you're investing in a product and people that have made something really really awesome the community is brilliant the people behind it are amazing and you will not be disappointed with this 3d printer you know you don't have to run it at a thousand millimeters per second to you know get the best results out of this i run this around about 200 millimeters per second and it works great and i get great results out of it and it's certainly quicker than the majority of my printers that i have here and i've tested and i own so that works really well now i am going to touch on the voron thing i don't own a voron i've never seen a voron other than on youtube videos and stuff so i've got no opinion on it so people often ask what would you go for would you go for the voron or the rat rig i went for the rat rig because when i approached rat rig to do videos and to talk about their product and to investigate what i was trying to find rat rig just had the best solutions at the time that's not to say that voron's bad or i'm dissing them or anything like that it is what it is and you know if i ever do come across one great you know i've got no problems i don't take sides or allegiances with anybody i just have to go on the facts that i've got right in front of me right now and and the rat rig guys are hugely investible and uh you know that's why i've got two of these things so it's amazing there is only one thing that i absolutely regret doing and that was buying the 400 instead of the 500. so leave it there i guess for now i am as i say going to be back with the clipper video i am going to be back with other videos as well time lapses and all that kind of crazy stuff i'm still learning clipper i'm not that confident on it at the moment but you know the more reading that i do the more research that i do the more videos that i watch hopefully i'll be able to bring that compact it all and push it over to you on youtube thank you very much for joining me today i hope you've enjoyed the video and hit that buy button you know what you need to do thank you very much we'll see you next time bye for now [Music] you
Channel: The Real Sam Prentice
Views: 10,955
Rating: 4.8255816 out of 5
Keywords: rat rig, corexy 3d printer, v-core 3, corexy 3d printer kit, ratrig 3d printer, ratrig, ratrig v-core, corexy build, rat rig hardware, ratrig v-core 3, 3d printer review 2021, first look, corexy 3d printer build, 3d printing, corexy 3d printer diy, 3d printer, corexy, vcore3, v core 3, kinematic bed, best 3d printer, eva hotend, core xy, 3d printer 2021, vcore 3, corexy 3d printer review, slice engineering, rat rig v-core 3, large corexy 3d printer, klipper, slicer, vcore
Id: RiWWt1LTjfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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