Let's Talk About Lance Stroll...Again

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so at the start of the Year 2023 the Aston Martin Formula 1 team came firing out of the blocks with a motivated old timer and a car that ran faster than 6-month old cheese for a lot of people this was a dream come true and the hype train was in full swing Choo Cho [ __ ] the as Mar brand taking on the Front Runners of Formula 1 racing giving this bort another Constructor that can add to the 2 and a half Team Battle at the top and Fernando alono was in a car that could fight for wins again but since those dizzying Heights at the start of the season the damn hype train has derailed and after having looked good for second in the overall constructor's Championship they'll be lucky if they can keep fourth and while the car's development is obviously a bit of a problem a lot of talk has centered around something else or rather someone else that's right folks we're talking about so Lancelot again he has been talked about on this channel before and he's the crutch of other F1 YouTubers but while we will be talking about his year thus far what I really want to delve into is his future because in a roundabout way where he ends up going forward won't just affect his career it could potentially affect the as the mar and Formula 1 team their other racing programs and even the entire brand itself sounds too farfetched well in this weird and Wacky World Of Motor Racing if something sounds stupid it might be true officials blundering races yeah that happens drivers taking up illegal testing to get an edge over their Rivals you bet you team members getting thrown at a limousine Windows after spilling someone's line of coke on the dashboard you can put your money on it brother I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that I want to raise a discussion that one person in particular does not seem to want to have and that the grandm plan that I have cooked up for them would bring success and Elation and world domination and whatever so with that in mind let's get into it Lan's 2022 season wasn't Ultra amazing with teammate Sebastian fiddle out qualifying him and Out Racing him for the majority of the year though it has to be said relatively speaking to other teams around the paddock the golf between the two drivers wasn't nearly as bad as them and so there was some amount of anticipation as to how so llot would do for the 2023 season not simply because of how he did last year but because this would have been his seventh year in the category and fifth year in this specific team and no doubt he would have had the full backing of the mothership given his number one supporter Big Daddy Lauren stroll is the team owner too you can't really lay too many excuses on the table here if L stroll has the potential to be a worldclass world champion racing driver in Formula 1 he was going to have to show it this year because his new teammate Fernando Alonzo was himself a world class world champion racing driver in Formula 1 even before the season started however there were problems with Lance breaking both wrists and a toe in what was um voting exent I believe it was a boking accident I have to go now with these injuries coming mere days out from the season opener no one was quite sure that he'd return to the saddle for the first round in fact really 15 days out 2 weeks to Unbreak Your wrs no many believing that Reserve driver fipe drugovich would finally cash in on his asinine Gamble and actually get a shot instead Miracles were performed his injuries were healed sort of and so lelot made the grid for the barang G Prix it was evident throughout that he was hurting a lot and had to adapt his driving style to not exert too much pressure upon them recently repaired wrists but you did have to admire the dedication that he had to get back into the seat that fast even with all of that going on and you could forgive the pace deficit to his teammate given the track time he missed out on and his recovery the gap between himself and Alonso was initially not that big if Lance can keep within 3/10 of him then it works out perfectly fine and for a while that was what was happening then first few races were actually relatively strong he might not have been beating Fernando but really that's not something for everyone keeping within reaching distance though is plenty good enough and what's more he was reaching the final stage of qualifying all the time a land and region that sir Lancelot had previously never even heard of it would be like Ireland getting past the quarterfinal actually that's not fair that that was a manest move from me I'm sorry but from so lelot this was strong not quite as strong it must be said than the services of surf shark VPN so as has been said over and over on this channel our Reliance online has been rapidly increasing from streaming to keeping in touch with their loved ones to online banking I mean we would like to think that our information is safe but as our online footprint increases so does the need for proper 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came at his home track well you wouldn't expect anything like that why this was I I I don't know no by that token then the next race in Canada should have been the other way round but of course there's no way that with it happened didn't it despite climbing a few positions in the race Lance still did finish nearly a minute behind his teammate and you can't really put all of that down to track position then in the next round in Austria his playce shot up again he out qualified Nando and surely now surely this was something to build on but then he was beaten in the race and then in the next round at silverston he was outperformed there too he was bashing people off the road with just just reckless driving there was a problem with str's consistency in that there was no consistency now yes at this point the Aston was starting to gradually fall behind in Pace this was not the car we saw at the start of the year that was delivering a hammer blow to anyone who was not in a rear Ball but Lance still did have a teammate to compete against even if that teammate was a two-time world champion so while the pace of the Aston was faltering Lance's performances compared to alono should not have been this 310 deficit we said would be okay at the start of the year was starting to disappear he was slipping back into the Old Chestnut of being knocked down in q1 before coming home in the race to finish somewhere vaguely near the points but not in the points his crash in Belgium destroyed a new spec floor and effectively ruined his weekend and while yes the strategy from Aon wasn't brilliant at xanor he also just wasn't very fast meanwhile Fernando got onto the podium his monster performance could be brushed off by virtue of the fact that his car went on strike for the entirety of Friday but come Singapore his car did work right up until he threw it into the barriers the strategy compromised the C's handling somewhat and led to him being knocked out in q1 again such a crash might be described as running out of talent to some but to ask Martin team principal Mike crack he described it as a demonstration of his commitment right I mean hey I'm all for passion and commitment passion and commitment are good but this seems decidedly unhealthy Japan was a tiny bit better sure he got out qualified by his teammate again but at least he did show some good stuff in the opening lap and was marching up the field in the race before his car attempted to convert itself into a formula forward by lap 20 but then came thear Grand Prix he was out qualified again and in the Sprint race qualifying too in both cases he was a second slower than his teammate he vented his frustrations after the session by throwing his very expensive steering wheel out of the car and giving his trainer a shall we call it a nudge now that on its own caused an uproar online with many condemning his behavior saying that it has no place in Formula 1 and that any other driver would have been fired over the matter now it was definitely the wrong way to go about things for Lance and it was not on but yeah in the whole history of Formula 1 every single time something like this happened a driver has been fired yes every time but these pit Lane frackers are not what I'm concerned about well actually kind of cuz that does demonstrate that Lance is on edge and that all of this is getting to him but irrespective what I'm concerned about was that Gap in qualifying that is a long way behind a teammate and although the season is not complete we do now know how he's performed for the vast majority of the year and we also know that he will remain in that seat for 2024 now the thing is can we say he's earned that I would emphatically say no because honestly here we are in the seventh year talking about the same damn things we've been talking about every year the consistency issues the mistakes the disparity in Pace both qualifying and in the race you can see where the issues are you can see what's not working so why the hell can you not fix it and there were instances where you appear to solve all of these problems but it never lasted long long enough can L draw be a good solid Formula 1 driver sure but it doesn't happen often enough sure drivers have bad days but with Lance it's more like sure he has some good days people in this game have been fired for better results in faress time also remember that 2020 season about how czecho was let go from racing point and L wasn't don't let 2023 fo you czecho showed a lot that year and yet he was almost out of F1 and was there really a good reason apart from the team thinking he was a diva get out of here so so what's my take on this whole thing well simple Big Daddy needs to bite that bullet and take Lance stroll out of Formula 1 but for those that are thinking this is some kind of rage and jealousy induced attack on the lad I need y'all to pump the brakes here for a moment cuz there is more to this so look we know Lance has his strengths we know that he's good in the wet weather conditions we know that he's good at adapting to the conditions in general his race Pace can be fairly solid and he's pretty damn good at traffic management at least most of the time so this is my theory take him out of Formula 1 and put him into an Aston Martin Valkyrie in the World Endurance Championship now I can already hear some of you saying that this would be a step down for Lance well maybe in your world but we're on the path toward the Golden Age of endurance racing at least in the Modern Age the top car manufacturers in the world with top level drivers now gunning for Glory and especially so with the 24-hour of lemon being around ason Martin are entering the fault for 2025 Lance would be a great fit for that Squad and wck would be a great fit for him but John I hear you say Formula 1 drivers are just a different breed A Step Above the Rest no matter how mid they may be in Formula 1 and besides how could you be sure that he'd be good okay to say that anyone who's ever driven in Formula 1 is automatically better than anyone who didn't reach it is unbelievably misinformed like seriously you're going to tell me that Yugi eay is a better driver than these guys get out of here and on that lack of experience on Lan's part I raise you the 24-hour of Daytona he competed in 2016 and in 2018 and was set to have performed very Dam well sure it's only a couple of races but he took to it like a duck to water and if the grandmas plan were to work as um planned and can bring home great results for Aston and wck it would immensely help the brand not just in wck but the overall Marquee in general the point isn't about taking him down a notch or even eradicating him from Formula 1 just to get rid of him it's about putting him in an environment where he could Thrive that's all any of this is because at the end of the day the last thing we want is for an F-1 team to vanish from the grid due to the endless futile pursuit of one man trying to make make his son a world champion in Formula 1 when ideally perhaps more realistically he could still be a world champion if only he sted the ship to slightly sunnier Waters that metaphor was incredibly [Music] mid [Music]
Channel: Josh Revell
Views: 537,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lance stroll, lance stroll f1, lance stroll 2022, lance stroll 2023, lance stroll 2024, lawrence stroll, aston martin, aston martin f1, aston martin stroll, aston martin lance stroll, lance stroll formula 1
Id: 9EbvUyKswfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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