7 F1 Drivers That Were SO Bad They'll Never Be Forgotten

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seven f1 drivers that were so bad they'll never be forgotten every driver who raises an f1 will hope to have success or at least make a mark on the sport in some way unfortunately some drivers end up being memorable for all the wrong reasons fans these days love to hate on the likes of Lance stroll or Pastor Maldonado for being bad but compared to some of the drivers in this list stroll might as well be Ayrton Senna these seven drivers were not only bad but they had moments that genuinely made you wonder whether it was possible to do a worse job uge day at 31 eid a was quite old for a debut on when he joined the new super Oguri team for 2006 but he had a decent racing background runner up in the Japanese f3 and the highly competitive formula Nippon Championship a race winner in Super GT and French f3 and with a 5th place finish at the Macau GP II day obviously had plenty of talent unfortunately none of this seemed to come with him to Formula One at the season opener in Bahrain he day looked like he was struggling to even keep the car on the track at one point he corrected a slide so violently that his hand slipped off the steering wheel he was almost three seconds slower than his teammate Takuma Sato in qualifying and seven seconds off Michael Schumacher's pace amazingly he made it 33 laps into the race before his engine failed which maybe was a blessing in disguise Malaysia was a slight improvement just the 1.7 seconds behind starts him in qualifying as he again retired with mechanical issues but he seemed to take a step backwards in Australia he spun a number of times in practice and became something of an obstacle to other drivers in qualifying way was almost four seconds slower than Sato if 107 percent rule was around in 2006 he'd have failed to qualify twice he finally managed to finish a race however 13th and last three laps down and a lap behind his teammate his days were numbered and the next race at Imola was the last of those numbers after qualifying 1.6 seconds behind Sato on the first lap of the race he plowed into the side of the midland of christian Alba's flipping him into the travel in a spectacular incident under the advice of the FIA super agar e drop D Day in a few days later the FIA took away heed a super license effectively banning him from Formula One harsh but probably fair Takia New Age by results alone tacky Inouye was poor the qualifying gaps to his teammates were regularly measured in seconds rather than tenths he only finished five of his 18 races with retirements being a solid mix of spins and mechanical issues but it's not the lack of speed that makes the newest career so legendarily awful it was the unusual and comical incidents he seemed to find himself involved in let me give you a taster during practice at Monaco in new a went off at Mirabeau stored the car and had to watch from the sidelines after the session he jumped back in and got of tow back to the pits alysus was happening French Rally legend Jean ran yachty was out spanking one of the course cars around the circuit as he came through the swimming pool he spotted a new a being towed back to the paddock but it was too late and ran Yorty slammed into the back of the footwork in new a turned the wheel to avoid hitting the truck that was pulling him Gordon the rope to effectively flip him upside down although in no he had the presence of mind to keep wearing his helmet his seatbelts weren't done up incredibly he was okay a fact he said he realized when his balls moved after the crash if balls don't move then there's a problem with brain damage I think amazingly that wouldn't be his last incident with a course vehicle after breaking down from 18th place early in the Hungarian GP in Norway's footwork started to smoke in an attempt to help out he grabbed a fire extinguisher from the side of the track but as he ran back across the grass to his car he was blown down by a course vehicle that had just arrived on the scene after rolling across the bonnet Inouye hopped a couple of times before collapsing on the floor apart from a slightly sore leg he was fine making the whole thing one of the most comical bloopers in f1 history to be fair to annoy his driving was beginning to improve slightly as the season progressed but a planned drive with Minardi in 1996 fell through when a sponsor pulled out he since embraced his status as a terrible driver freely admitting that he wasn't good enough for f1 and joking about the unusual incidents that made his career jean-denis della trois what is della tres doing a classic line of Murray Walker commentary from the Nurburgring in 1995 that summed up the Swiss drivers brief f1 career della Trez drove three races in f1 the 1994 Australian GP for Larousse and the Portuguese and European GPS in 1995 for Pacific and by all accounts were the terrible in qualifying for Australia he was 3.2 seconds slower than his teammates and was a staggering 10 laps down when his gearbox gave out after 56 laps with the Pacific team also in dire need of cash towards the end of 1995 delachaise had another chance but if anything he was even worse he was 12 seconds off of the pole time in Portugal and over 5 seconds slower than the next fastest driver in the race he was several seconds slower than anyone else lapped after just seven laps and retired after 14 laps with cramp yes you heard that right cramp his final outing at the Nurburgring was barely any better once again he was seconds off the pace and a moment where he weaved across the circuit for no reason prompted Murray to wonder what he was up to Derner tries at least finished this race albeit in 15 and last seven laps down and that was it for dello trousers f1 career a failed sponsor payments saw him replaced for the rest of the year while his lack of pace prompted f1 to introduce the 107 percent qualifying rule although his time in f1 was laughable de letras went on to be much more successful in sports cars twice winning his class at lamont lp's being disqualified from a race is a reasonably uncommon occurrence and usually only happens because the car has breached technical regulations not this time however P's entered his home race three times in the late 1960s without success the last of those occasions in 1969 ended with one of the most unusual and embarrassing disqualifications in f1 history he was too slow at the time of the disqualification he's had only completed 22 laps of the Canadian Grand Prix less than half the amount of leader Jackie Stewart it also means something of an obstruction on the track pushing other cars off the circuit and getting in the way of the leaders after almost wiping Stewart out of the lead Ken Tara went to the stewards and demanded Pease be black flags the protest worked and the 48 year old Canadian became the only person in f1 to be disqualified from a race for driving too slowly Ricardo Rosset Ross's career shouldn't have been as bad as it was in 1995 he was a runner-up in his debut year in formula 3000 a forerunner of today's formula to earning him an f1 drive with footwork the following year looking at Ross its efforts in 1998 however you can see why he's made this list he failed to qualify for five races while teammate torrid segaki was more than capable of mixing it with the menardes Frost's arrows and Stewart's well he did qualify he was a lot less incident prone than he had been in 1996 with one notable exception anyone remembered the colossal 14 car collision at a wet spa well it should have only really been a 13 car pileup but Roset a good few seconds after the bulk of the accident had already happened plowed into the carnage at full speed yeah he was that driver that somehow wasn't the worst moment either that would be Monaco in attempting to qualify which he obviously failed to do he hadn't offered mirror bone he got going from that only to have a spin in the second part of the swimming pool somehow he not only didn't hit anything but kept the engine running and attempted to do a spin turn to get back pointing the right way he messed that up too and ended up stranded on the curb on the inside of the corner at a Marshalls post embarrassing even his own team were fed up with him after the incident his mechanics reportedly rearranged the letters of the name on his scooter so that it spelt the word tosser it must have been an incredibly tough season for Ross it struggling enough with your own performance is bad enough but having a team that clearly didn't want him can't have made it an easy environment to be in David Walker the first job any f1 driver has is to beat their teammate David Walker perhaps knows that better than most but he was Emerson fittipaldi's teammate in 1972 when mo became f one's youngest world champion Walker he didn't even score a single point a unique achievement for a full-time teammate of a world champion in his 10 races that season Walker qualified 20th or lower five times and had a best grid slot of 12th Fittipaldi had taken three polls and never been lower on the grid than ninth things were barely any better in the races either with a best finish of ninth in Spain he readily ended up finishing laps behind his teammate of course it wasn't all as straightforward as Walker simply being bad Lotus boss Colin Chapman was notorious for putting his focus on a single driver to the detriment of the others and Walker was no different with a vicious cycle the worst Walker performed the less attention was placed on him which made him do worse and so on cláudio lounges there are a ton of drivers from the late 1980s and early 90s who have strings of failures to qualify for races on the record many of whom also had experience with the dreaded pre-qualifying back then everyone had so many different teams and drivers that it wouldn't be possible for them all to be accommodated for an entire race weekend so any new teams or teams that performed poorly previously had to run the gauntlet of pre-qualifying held on the friday morning before the main practice sessions the four fastest cars would be allowed to take part in the main qualifying session while everyone else's weekend would be over before it even started klaudia lounges entire f1 career consisted of only pre qualifying sessions he was hopelessly slower all 14 events he was always faster than the drivers from the life team but that car was so bad that it would have struggled to compete in f3000 let alone f1 if you ignore life and occasionally the similarly terrible Subaru powered Kelowna largest was always the slowest driver in pre-qualifying by a significant margin his average deficit of teammate Roberto Moreno was 5.7 seconds yeah you heard me right the team collapsed with two races left to run in the season taking lunges career if you can call it that with it largest holds the unenviable record of the most race entries without ever managing to start one and we missed out any drivers that you would put in this list let us know in the comment section below you [Music]
Channel: WTF1
Views: 3,756,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wtf1, f1, f1 2019, grand prix, hamilton, vettel, ferrari, mercedes, highlights, formula 1, verstappen, red bull, f1 2020, ide, inoue, safety car, crash, super aguri, rubbish f1 drivers, worst f1 driver, maldonado, worst f1 drivers, slow f1 drivers, f1 crashes
Id: Mygi1yY2c04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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