The Max Verstappen Dilemma

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eat sleep win repeat Max F stappen has taken the checkered flag to win the Japanese Grand Prix Max m dappen is champion of the world it's Max M dappen who breaks ason Martin hars and takes po position for Sten who crosses the line to win the Dutch Grand Prix turn up to the max I'm not sure why we do this to be honest constantly watching Formula 1 week in and week out expecting someone else to actually win wasn't it Albert Einstein who said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results yeah I don't know how managed to R in Einstein into a Formula 1 video but I mean that's what you get on this channel dominant streaks in Formula 1 are not a new thing matter of fact since the turn of the New Millennium it was an oddity if a single team or driver did not dominate a season it wasn't something we really accepted we certainly didn't like it but rather agreed to cope with at least for a little while but with Max mappen it's just not quite the same for a few reasons so why is it such a bon of contention and is it really that bad what makes this different from Days Gone By well let's have a look see in 2015 when Max pepen debuted in Formula 1 it was clear right away the potential of the 17-year-old kid they were heeding troubles with some problematic driving some defensive Maneuvers performed with the grace of a baboon on itching powder but having said that his speed and ability were undeniable even in a toroso everyone excited for what he could potentially do in a Red Bull and that wish would be granted sooner than we imagined when Danel kivat yeated Sebastian V into Oblivion that gave helmet Marco enough of an excuse to perform the switcheroo and bring the STA up to the Red Bull seat for the 2016 Spanish Grand Prix and with a little bit of thanks to the ever festering silver war that was consuming MK at the time the staffen would take his M gromy win that weekend shattering any and all records when it came to age- related winning of things now for the next few years Red Bull were never in a position to be able to challenge Mercedes on a consistent basis but display after display from Max at least after he cleaned up his act from 2018 onwards was always exciting to watch for those bored of watching the Mercedes run away from the pack over and over again some even daring to say thank God for Max for happen he might not be everyone's cup of tea but it was always exciting to watch Max race but why did it need to be exciting why if Red Bull wasn't quite on Merk's level and Max was such a commodity didn't he just up and join either them or Ferrari when it was led by the Italians well aside from some rumored behind the scenes inuendos that may or may not invoke some scary Lial lawsuits loyalty has always been a big thing for Max Dr helmet Marco and the Red Bull program had been the ones who believed in him from the very start and got him that birth on the Formula 1 grid after only one year of racing cars and I get that and I think we all would we naturally gravitate to those who extend us a helping hand like longtime viewers on this channel know my connections with surf shark and their continued support and how I wax lyrical about their amazing products okay yeah now it's when I'm going to start talking about them so as I think pretty much all of you are watching are aware our alliance online has been increasing tfold whether you're streaming keeping in touch with your loved ones or Banking online we would like to think that that information of ours is safe but as our online footprint increases so does the need for proper security so how does sur shark figure in well it's a VPN service that protects your information by encrypting all the data that you send through the internet protecting said data and keeping any of those hopeless Romantics out of the equation and there is something else too have you no stupid question you know how that content can be restricted based on your geographical location well with Sur shark you can solve that problem by simply changing your location not only is this good for people who want to keep up with their favorite shows or or movies or whatever they watch but it can also be a critical tool for those who live in countries that for whatever reason feel the need to heavily censor their people it ain't quite teleportation but it is about as close as we're going to get right now I swear one day I've actually got to put that thing on a t-shirt well until then secure your privacy with surf shark enter coupon code joshh reel for an extra 3 months free by using the link in the description which means for something like a couple of bucks a month you've got the protection of the upper 1% in a courtroom and remember you're going to have those three free months plus a 30-day money back guarantee as well so what the bloody hell are you waiting for well we know what Max was waiting for back in the late 2010s a strong car that he could use to compete for a world championship in for a while he never got it sure the occasional win but nothing concrete that can make him a pest to the Mercedes outfit and the sh Brilliance of Sir Louis Hamilton and then we started to get stuck into the [Music] 2020s 2021 was one of the greatest seasons in Formula 1 history ruined unfortunately for a lot of people it will be remembered for that one night in Abu Dhabi and I'll cover that eventually in another video so save your pitchforks and torches for that time you could slander me then irrespective of what happened that night however and his somewhat liberal attitude toward the break pedal in the last few races his insanely incredible driving throughout the season was ultimately what led him to become the champion in a season where the pendulum swung from Team to team he was a worthy Champion make no mistake but the nature of which those dying laps happened Drew great ey throughout the motor racing world and now there were people hoping that Mercedes would set out on a Revenge mission for 2022 kick the snot out of Red Bull and bestow to lewiis Hamilton with his eighth World title but this this didn't happen despite some decent resistance put up by charlot Clair in the opening portion of the Year Ferrari fell victim to their frizzy head train wreck of a team principal and Red Bull's new car the RBA was becoming faster and faster and very quickly it became apparent that Red Bull was going to win the championship and when Max took 15 wins out of 22 races that year he became a two-time Will Champion It Was An Almighty season the most wins ever achieved by a driver in a calendar year but the combined brain power of Max and Adrian yui's pencil saw these stats and thought nah not good enough thus come 2023 the rb19 was born and holy crap holy that was something Max won 19 out of 22 races only finishing off the podium once and when he did finish on the podium it was never on the bottom step this was the most dominant season from a car and from a driver no other driver in Formula 1 history has ever obliterated the field like this with the exception Maybe of Alberto escari who back in the 1950s was quite good at driving kosene prams through a cacophony of hay bales Max bapen became a three-time world champion and now as of the recording of this video two rounds in to the 2024 season it looks like he's set to write the wrongs of 2023 and win every godamn [Music] thing you suck yeah I know we are living in an age of extraordinary domination in Formula 1 and not a lot of people like it it seems that every journalist every pundit every former driver every fan enters a new weekend with the same attitude who could possibly stop Max pen it's a foregone conclusion and it must be said it's not far from the truth because from 2022 to 2023 there were 44 races held 34 of those races were won by vapen his teammate Sergio Perez had only won four now maths isn't the goodest but there does seem to be some disparity in them stats and that's been the same story with his last few teammates Alex albon P gazley even Daniel Ricardo once Max started to iron out his racecraft in 2018 why is there such a golfing performance between him and his teammates after all gazley albon and czecho whether before or after were all highly respected drivers who were all said to deserve a top tier seat then they got it only to look at the teammate battle between themsel and Max to then say n they don't deserve it they've never deserved it I I always said they didn't deserve a seat F1 fans are so fickle now the problem is when those drivers came to Red Bull Max was the Undisputed Top Dog in Red Bull the team was built around him he knew how the team worked and the team knew how he worked does this mean that Red Bull builds the car around Max well according to those who have actually raced the cars the answer is no however experts operating out of a couch and Stoke on Trent who did not drive the cars would beg to differ there so so what is actually going on here well in a very basic sense drivers tend to have their own preferences when it comes to how a car drives some like to have the car to be pointy others meanwhile like it to handle like a whale there's always a fine balance between what can make the car go physically faster and what the driver would be comfortable with so that they could push as hard as they can without compromise now it's been said that Max likes a car with a highly pointy front end which while certainly fast can't really be coped with by a lot of other drivers on the grid and if you have no confidence in the handling of the car you can't push it as hard as you want and if you try and you don't know how to cope you're going to end up in the wall but Max maintains that he doesn't really care about how the car handles but rather he has one simple request design me the fastest car and I'll drive around that a simple mandate I don't really think he's being much out a line and that is a car designer's wet dream to be able to design the fastest car that you can and leave it up to the professional racing drivers to be able to cope even if the car does behave like a rainbow trout in a car wash so a dude who we already know is very fast on pure Pace can now effectively Drive anything handed to him all the while making everyone especially any teammate that he gets look like a complete fool so we should be celebrating this guy as one of the best we've ever seen right well instead the resulting domination of the last couple of years hasn't sat well with a large portion of the fan base casual fans and even the die hards are growing wary of one car running away to Victory even though that happened a lot previously and questions are being posed of whether this domination is good for the sport or not instances like Formula E chief executive Jeff dods confidently pledging a quar of a million bucks to charity if for steppen has beaten to the title is a little embarrassing and Pat McAfee claiming that this domination is making F1 so boring to watch is a little bit damning especially when it's been done on the same network that paid 95 million bucks for the broadcasting rights and calling one of its Marquee drivers vendor stoen and when the dissing comes from a dude who probably thinks that salber is a brand of orange juice that hurts but the defeatist mindset doesn't just end there it is prevalent all throughout the motor racing World sure domination has happened before in Formula 1 but not really to this extent not that that makes this any better we all want to see close competition after all but we also want to see the best of the best in what is supposedly the Pinnacle of Motorsport and here in Comes The Dilemma Formula 1 has always been about having the right combination of current driver and right now the Red Bull Max with stpp and combo is so potent that it's almost impossible for them to be beaten at the best of times after saying thank God for Max for stappen back in 2018 2019 in 2024 we're saying oh God it's Max mappen there is a significant irony in all of that we should be lording this guy whether you like him or not and irr respective of what we think of as pops Max is a special special driver one we only ever really see once in a generation but for better or worse in a time where the sport is more popular than it's ever been we can't afford to have the Casual fans zoning out if it becomes clear that no one can possibly challenge him for the win it is not good for people to say that the championship is over on the first day of testing I mean come on at least have the common courtesy to wait until spa or or Mexico you know by which time it's almost already over anyway and sure we can have regulation changes put in place to bring the field closer together but would that not go against the DNA of the sport and there's no guarantee either that the winning would stop then again Ral changes put in place to curb domination is about as old as dominating itself there is also the Old Chestnut of were you saying this when Lewis and MK were dominating which I'm sure is going to pop up in the comments and that this video is somehow antix or anti Lewis or to those people I say you can appreciate Talent whilst also wanting close racing at the same time revolutionary thinking I know and look when it comes to Max anybody with a brain knows just how good he is irrespective of the car but running around for 60 odd laps unopposed is going to have TV viewers reaching for the nearest glue stick around them and that ain't really a good thing but like with Lewis and MK Seb and Red Bull and shimy and Ferrari before them dominant streaks will always meet their end this will end at some point too for now however we're all just along for the ride admiring the talent whenever we're not too bored to watch tuning in week in and week out asking ourselves the question can anyone possibly stop Max [Music] bapen [Music]
Channel: Josh Revell
Views: 361,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, verstappen, max verstappen, max verstappen domination, verstappen domination
Id: QL_B5FrlZfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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