what if the F1 CHAMPION was BANNED like F2? A New History

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I recalculated the entire history of the Formula 1 World Championship with one small difference what if you could only win it once we had a week off from Formula 1 before Japan so I got bored and when I get bored just like any normal person I make Excel spreadsheets I was thinking about a concept in Formula 2 the highest feeder series before you reach Formula 1 you're only allowed to win the championship once this makes sense this is a series for upand cominging young drivers if you stayed in the championship and won it five times in a row doesn't really give a good opportunity for new Young Drivers to have a go the theory in Formula 2 is the winner is then good enough for Formula 1 and they move up in practice uh this doesn't always happen but what if we apply the same principle to Formula 1 the ultimate anti-d dominance rule you're allowed to stay in the championship as long as you want but if and when you win the championship you have to leave and I suppose move on to a Real Racing League like Formula E now before you leave your comments down below saying um actually a Formula 2 Champion can return to the series after they've taken 2 years away I know however for this Formula 1 experiment we're not doing that you win it you are barred for life so what does this do to the history Formula 1 there's been 74 full championships but only 34 Champions obviously in our experiment we're going to have 74 different people win it who are they who wins each year do we get any rookie champ Champions it also raises more unusual questions about the sport who has the most wins all time if drivers like schumacker and Hamilton leave the sport early who from the 2024 grid has already been banned and by kicking loads of other drivers out can Nico hulkenberg finally get a Podium I can also confirm this has some strange effects on the history of the sport at least one actual champion does not win their title in the system we're also going to take a look at some of the new most famous story lines throughout history the way you do this is very simple you take the actual results for each race remove all the existing Champions and then redistribute the points to everyone who's left do that for an entire season and you can work out the new champion of course using the point system from the time bear in mind though to work out the 2023 Champion we have to work out the 2022 champion and to work out the 2022 Champion we have to work out the 2021 Champion to work out the 2021 Champion you have to this has some major effects for the constructor's champion ship throughout for one history but we are going to ignore that in this scenario once someone is banned their seat is just going to be empty otherwise I would need to Res simulate 74 years of driver transfers I may be crazy but that's a little too crazy even for me both Ferrari drivers already bound from the sport oh well no Ferraris on the grid then sorry my name is Mr V join me as we dive into a journey through a new history of the Formula 1 World Championship starting in the 19 50s it's 1950 and Europe is ready to get back to racing we are not doing that voice the federacion international D automobile has announced it will run a driver's championship for its new class of cars Formula 1 a few races have been run with these cars in previous years but for this year seven events have been chosen to comprise the first ever drivers championship season I mean if it's popular maybe they'll make it an annual thing who knows the formula has just a few regulations the car has to have four wheels an engine of no more than 4.5 l or 1.5 L if it's supercharged a firewall between the engine and the driver and two rear view mirrors so they can see what's going on behind them oh and also in the interest of competition the FIA and the Drivers Association come to an agreement that the champion of each year will bow out to give other drivers a jolly could go with the thing the very first season of Formula 1 unfolds well exactly as you'd expect with no former Champions to exclude jeppe Nino forina wins the first ever driver Championship he and fangio win three races each set three fastest laps each but a fourth place in the Belgian run Prix pushes finina to the top of the table I should add during the 1950s the IND 500 was part of the Formula 1 World Championship it is there in these results I'm using but it has no impact on any of the title battles or does it no it doesn't don't be silly 1951 finina is excluded but this doesn't really change much ascari is closer and second in the championship but Juan Manuel fangio still wins it so far so normal 1952 and again not much changes Alberto escari wins six races in a row which means there's not really much stopping him three seasons three familiar winners this is where the fun begins though 1953 in real life this is won by escari back to back but he's out our alternate reality sees Mike Hawthorne and Luigi vasi win three races each but Hawthorne has a second to villas's third meaning he clinches the title in real life Mike haor would become the champion in 1958 but in this reality he's gone and done it 5 years early good job Mike I should also add that through the 1950s you did score one point for a fastest lap same as today however we do not have statistics for every driver's fastest lap in every race only the fastest lap of each race which was basically always a scari or fangio from 2019 onwards we're fine we've got the data back in the ' 50s we just don't have the info to be able to award this point to someone who didn't actually set it and so if a champion sets the fastest lap in one these races that Point's just going to have to be lost to history if Villa RI had set three fastest laps this season season which he may well have done he would have been the champion but sadly we will never know for 1954 the number of results that count to Wars a championship is increased to five Jose frolan Gonzalez says challenge accepted and drives to four outright wins one shared win and two and a quarter fastest laps if you're wondering how that's possible the British Grand Prix apparently had very inaccurate stopwatches Gonzalez is our first champion who did not win it in real life but he definitely will not be our last in 195 5 we again need to fill a void left by fio and this time Sterling Moss steps up to the plate with 27 and 13 points just as an aside the points in the 1950s and 60s are an actual nightmare that haunt my dreams every time I make one of these videos those of you who have seen my ELO video will know that I have so much fun when drivers share cars back in the day Lads just drive one car I beg of you please Sterling Moss was one of three drivers who drove in the p three car at the 1955 Argentine Grand Prix not as bad however as Morris trenant who drove in the P2 car and also drove the P1 car Solo in this reality how is that possible I don't know but apparently if you cook out Gonzalez and Fen that's what the results say anyway Sterling Moss is the 1955 Champion considered one of the greatest of all time to not win the championship this one feels deserved 1956 and things are already starting to get a little bit silly with six band drivers the German Grand Prix this year only has three finishes one by Jean Bara who almost wins the title he loses it however by two points to Peter Collins who wins every single race that he finishes the championship goes down to the last race in 1957 where Luigi muso is leading Harry Shell by one point as we go into the Italian Grand Prix 34 laps into the race Harry shell has an oil leak in his number four Maserati forcing him to retire teammate Georgio scarlati is told to pull over in his number eight Maserati to let shell Drive shell then continues knowing he will only score half points he almost clinches second but finishes just behind Mast Gregory to take third and half of Four Points two laps behind Tony Brooks overtakes Luigi moo just before the line but crucially moo still finishes fifth earning him two points and staying one point ahead of shell to win the championship for 1958 the number of results counted towards the championship goes up to six and also you can no longer score points by sharing a car Hallelujah Tony Brooks wins three races but poor reliability in the rest of the season hurts him he retires in the Netherlands France Portugal and Morocco he even retires in Monaco after qualifying on pole if he had finished just one more of these races he probably would have been crowned Champion but in instead he loses out to the much more reliable Harry shell who recovers from missing out in the championship the year before in 1959 we end the decade with a familiar face Jack braam does win the title with 32 points and the first decade of Formula 1 comes to an end 10 Champions some you recognize and some who may be a little bit newer to you it's been an exciting decade let's see what the 60s have inall the glamour of the 1960s is here in Formula 1 is spreading out to new locations and all new audiences in the first season of the new decade 22-year-old Bruce McLaren says close Championship no thank you but in like a New Zealand accent he demolishes the championship scoring almost double the points of second place in his Island before heading off to start his own team so he can continue to dominate the sport even though he's banned found the loopall I see Bruce fair play the 1961 season brings a TI decider that shakes the Formula 1 World heading into the Italian Grand Prix Wolf Gang font trips is leading Ferrari teammate Phil hill by nine points font trips qualifies on Paul but then loses the lead on the first lap on lap two while battling to try and get back to the front he collides with Jim Clark's car under breaking loses control and his car then flips into the crowd font trips is killed in the accident along with 15 Spectators Phil Hill unaware of the accident Contin continues driving to the win and therefore draws equal on points with his teammate in response to the tragedy Ferrari announces their withdrawal from the last round of the championship therefore locking font trips and Hill equal on points on 37 however with three wins to Hills 2 font trips is announced as the Formula 1 World Champion the first postumus champion in the sports history sadly he will not be the last in 1962 a different Hill grew Ram Hill no relation does something crazy he finishes every race in a season I know wild only the second driver to ever do so up until this point this helps him sail to an easy Championship just like in real life 1963 and Jim Clark is fed up of letting other people win he almost wins nine in a row but settles to seven wins and 2 p2s only six results counted towards your season points this is exactly the same as real life 54 points for Clark pretty hard to beat 1964 and John certies wins the championship like real life with Jim Clark and grah Hill out of the picture this is a one-sided Affair gther Bandini and gurny are the next best drivers but they are a long way behind I would imagine one of them was probably expecting to win the title in 1965 with 30's gone to and so they definitely weren't expecting formula 1's first ever rookie Champion Jackie Stewart here his entire F1 career therefore comprises just one season where he finished second second first first second first dnf first dnf dnf absolute madlad he doesn't get nine seasons and three championships like real life but Stewart does still go down as an F1 Legend Stewart would remain a permanent fixture in the Formula 1 Paddock a prominent member of the Grand Prix Drivers Association and a vocal advocate for safety in the sport 1966 is once again suffering from low numbers of cars in the sport The Monaco Grand Prix this year only has two classified finishers Bandini wins it with Bob bundrant classified in second five laps down obviously this should have been Jack bram's third title but with him out the way this leaves the door open for upand cominging Austrian driver yoken Rin to win his title 4 years earlier than real life in real life RN would sadly go on to become formula 1's only postumus champion but in this timeline I suppose he wouldn't have been in the 1970 Italian Grand Prix and so wouldn't have had his accident it's not something I want to speculate on too much but I am going to say he's not the only driver who avoids a tragic accident in this system more on that at the end 1967 goes similarly to real life except this time Denny Hume wins eight races on his way to an absolutely monstrous 76 points 1968 sees the widespread introduction of aerodynamic Wings to the sport nine winners in 12 races and Belgium's Jackie X on the podium six times on his way to the driver's title 1969 is again played by low numbers of cars the Spanish Grand Prix only has one classified finisher congrats to Jean Pierre belis I suppose the German Grand Prix this year has actually won by a Formula 2 car zero Formula 1 cars actually crossed the line in this race two are classified but both of them retired two laps before the end with one of them being Jean Pierre bto's again in second place picking up these points on a technicality helped belto pick up the title from Joe cord ending the 1960s on a bit of a Down Season but all is not lost several promising rookies coming up through the junior formulas promised to make the start of the 1970s a lot more exciting a new decade sees new rookies Ronnie peton Emerson faliy and Kay reg Zone among others joining the sport in 1970 Klay rson doesn't even take part until the fifth round in the Netherlands but in his eight races in the sport he wins six to become the second ever rookie Formula 1 Champion I should note that regon also won the Formula 2 Championship this year making this one of the most Monumental Seasons by a driver in Motorsport history 1971 now seconde driver Ronnie peton wins his title from Francois SE and Emerson F A poundy the super sued is again considered one of the greatest of all time not to win a title this one feels correct 1972 with other rookie Hot Shots Out The Way Emerson faldi absolutely dominates this season a six- win streak to equal Oscar's record with two other wins to boot and this one is in the bag much the same as real life in 1973 franel SE clearly liked the example set by F poy the year before and he decides he's going to win eight races too however the season finale which should have been one of Triumph for S about to retire with the highest win tally ever in Formula 1 history was marred by tragedy SE had already wrapped up the championship two rounds earlier but was still pushing hard in qualifying at the United States Grand Prix at Watkins Glenn he came off the track just after turn three hit the barrier and was killed instantly mathematically impossible to catch s becomes the second postumus Formula 1 champion in this timeline 1974 sees a title battle for the first time in a while in the sport between Jody Sher and Nikki louder however an exciting start of the season with these two trading wins kind of Fizzles out as Sha dnfs the last two races and louder dnfs the last five it turns out that does not help your championship chances and so Shea is the 1974 Champion 1975 is Less close with Nikki louder proving why he is the favorite for this year winning comfortably just like real life 1976 six is a title battle not between hunt and louder but hunt and deayer Patrick deayer actually starts the season stronger with four wins in the first half but can't win anymore after the Swedish Grand Prix this allows hunt catch up and crucially overtake him for the title the film Rush is still made about these two but in this timeline it's a bit blackluster the 1977 finale in Japan sees Mario andreti trailing Championship leader Carlos rean by Five Points going into the race andreti qualified on Paul and reyman can only achieve P5 if they finish the race like this Mario andreti will overtake him to become the world champion however on the first lap andreti gets a bad start and is dropped down the field on lap two while trying to fight his way back to the front he collides with binda and takahara takes himself out of the race and crucially out of any hope for the title congratulations to Carlos reuan 1978 is Revenge time and this time Mario andreti wins it comfortably eight wins over the season he clinches the title in Italy with two rounds to go and so treats the North American Lego the season at the end as a sort of Home crowd Victory lap one of the most popular drivers of the 1970s in 1979 with okay form at the start of the season and riding on the high of his legendary battle at the French Grand Prix Jil vov would have a strong end to the season to catch up and overtake Jack lefit for the title another highly popular non-ch champion from real life Jill vov ends the 1970s F1 champion and leaves a lasting impression with his son jack maybe he'll get into racing too who knows it's 1980 and it's all change Fashion's going crazy music is going crazy Formula 1 isn't sleeping either this season sees a debut of some names you might recognize Nigel Mansel Alan Prost also Williams has decided to be fast now and take Australia's Alan JS to the title much like real life third-year driver Nelson PK puts up a fight with three wins and seven total podiums but ultimately fall short when he dnfs the last two races 1981 and you may have thought that Nelson PK wins this title after falling short the year before but with v rean now out of the picture Jack lefit wins five to clinch the title by one point in the finale in Las Vegas Will Nelson PK become another real life champion who misses out in this system he won three in real life so he's got a few more chances let's wait and see 1982 plays out similarly to real life with K rosberg becoming the champion after only two career wins a feat achieved by shell Bram and I before him becoming a lot harder to do now in the 1980s with more races 1983 all right Nelson PK round two can he do it the title mat is close between Prost and PK and they go into the final round in South Africa with prostead by Five Points halfway through the race Prost retires with a turbo failure and so Nelson PK only needs to finish P2 to win enough points to win the title he finishes P3 and crucially one point behind Alan Prost for the driver's title in 1984 despite only winning the opening round a long string of podiums take Elio to Angeles to the driver's title over mckel aletto Nelson PK wins three but dnfs nine races which severely hurt his chances 1985 and last year's runnerup mckel Alberto wins the title with five p1s second place in the championship some Brazilian kid called eron Senna who the hell is that 1986 and once again Nelson PK is involved in a hotly contested title battle this time with Williams teammate Nigel Manel a battle of two Titans this one goes down to the final round before the last race in Australia PK has five wins 76 points Mansel has five wins 77 points will PK lose out again Manel qualifies P1 with PK P2 however on the opening lap PK overtakes Mansel to take the lead with Manel dropping down to third the pair would continue to battle for the lead for 64 laps a nail-biting race until disaster strikes for the Brit Nigel manel's rear left tire blows out spectacularly taking him out of the race and allowing PK to cruise home for the championship the only car on the lead lap of this race after nine seasons in the sport and three runner up performances Nelson PK has finally crowned the F1 driver's Champion 1987 sees mounts will return and try and win the title he lost to a tire blowout the year before this time against another res Ian Aon Senna Senna is ahead by two points going into Japan where Mansel crashes in qualifying sustaining injuries that will see him sit out the last two races of the season this obviously hands a title to Senna who wins in likely the third fastest car on the grid the 1988 season is famous in our timeline for the dominance of the McLaren mp44 at the hands of proston Center but in this timeline they're both already banned despite being quick in the hands of Nigel Manel the 1988 Williams was hurtt by new engine regulations and would only finish two races Mansel wins them both this was obviously not enough to recontest the title which was instead fought between Ferrari's goad burger and Benetton tiar botson berer would go on to win the championship and what will come to be regarded as one of the least exciting F1 Seasons all decade marred of course by a slump on the technical side for 1989 Nigel Manel jumps the Ferrari and is involved in the title fight again this way a four-way battle between him Petra nanini and booten Manel would win every race he finishes this season but N9 dnfs hurts him and in the final race of the Season he is jumped in points by Ricardo Petra and his old team Williams it's got to sting doesn't it was some of the most exciting races in the sports history and a few drivers considered the fastest to ever do it for one's popularity SES through the 1980s helped on by the story lines of PK's title hopes blending seamlessly into the continued heartbreak of Nigel Manel can he win it in the '90s and who else will be added to our growing list of Champions find out in part [Music] two
Channel: Mr V's Garage
Views: 171,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, f1 champion, f1 history, max verstappen, lewis hamilton, fernando alonso, michael schumacher, ayrton senna, alain prost, nigel mansell, what if the f1 champion was banned, f2, formula 2, f1 with f2 rules, f1 alternate history, mr v
Id: 57bx4_kJeQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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